《God Must Be Lazy He Allowed a Cultivation Anomaly》19. The Poor Alchemist


The Poor Alchemist

When Kle In woke up morning on the second day, he was elated to hear noises coming from downstairs. He got up and went straight to the kitchen. Yesterday, he wanted to cook for himself but upon opening some wooden boxes and pots of spices, he could not even determine their uses so he could only give up.

It was still a productive day. He concocted six Mid-Tier Qi Sensing Pills and six Mid Tier Qi Enhancement Pills. Kle In had some minor difficulties refining another pill but the process and idea was the same so he was able to adapt with ease.

He wanted to concoct Body Reinforcement Pill but was too exhausted and planned to refine them later once he traded the first batch.

Two days ago, before concocting tradable pills, Kle In contemplated if selling High Tier Pills of his caliber was a good idea. Having witnessed far too many deaths that cultivators and normal people alike would enslave the weak and helpless like it was nothing, he had this feeling he will be treated the same should he outperform the current standards.

He recalled the pills being sold in the market once and he did not need to touch them to ascertain that his pills are far superior to the current High Quality Pills. Originally, he planned on displaying and showing off his result and buy his freedom but recalling how the Elvens that bought him and later wanted him isolated, he changed his mind. That alone is a clue that he wanted him casted out and he should ride along for now and move in secret until the day they will break their connection.

So to avoid unnecessary troubles, he made some adjustments and refined Mid-Tier Qi Sensing Pills and made them look similar to what he once saw.

Kle In took his seat and grabbed a spoon upon seeing his breakfast. He just endured two days of being famished when he should instead be celebrating.

The past few days, he could not appreciate the food but having eaten only hard and tasteless bread, everything on the table started to look delicious.


While he was eating, he finally got the courage to start a conversation with his maid.

"I wonder if Aunt Mabna'y could instruct me where to sell a few Qi Sensing Pills later.” Kle In inquired.

Mabna'y was busy wiping plates but upon hearing Kle In spoke, he paused and smiled. Never did he thought that the boy actually speak to him so she stopped what she was doing.

Initially, when she was offered the job and was advised that she will be serving an Alchemy apprentice, she thanked the heavens for an opportunity however when she finally met her master, she almost wanted to quit in disappointment.

Even as a lowly Branch Family member of a Bloodline, she has some innate ability to discern talents and her master could not even exude an ounce of ability of the least talented person within their clan.

Nevertheless, she still decided to stay as the pay is twice better than selling on the street.

From her estimate, her master should be capable of producing low quality pills after ten years but hearing that the boy wants to make a trade now, she suspects that her master must have concocted some garbage and thought and since no one is around to supervise her master, the boy believes he concocted a treasure.

As an adult, she wanted to remind the boy but as a maid, she still knew her place. Her task is to be a maid and accompany her master in trading off anything her master decides to sell.

"You can sell Qi-Sensing Pills almost anywhere, however people who will be actively trading and anticipates future important transactions would deal with registered guilds like San Ruk Eagle Guild. They may purchase goods a few silvers or coppers lower but slowly earning their trust would gain bigger merits in the future. I can tour you around after your meal if you like.”

Mabna'y composed herself and respectfully responded while recommending a friendly guild called San Ruk Eagle Guild to avoid troubles.

"I shall thank Aunt Mabna'y for showing me around". Unaware of what his maid was thinking, Kle In could not be happier. Stepping outside brings him closer to his goal.


After finishing his breakfast, Kle In was advised to wear a short cape bearing the San Ruk Elven Crest before setting foot outside to warn people he has ties with the greater race. The city is circular with at least fifteen kilometer radius and people normally would have some sort of transportation means like a horse or a carriage but given his living conditions, they had to walk.

From time to time, Kle In would pause and look to his side. Since he came to this world, this is the first time he could walk freely and be amazed of the culture and having walked around twenty minutes, he came to his senses upon confirming they have arrived within the vicinity of San Ruk Eagle Guild.

He is embarrassed that as a "young master", he could not provide his maid the convenience of commuting. He wanted to tour the city for prospect generous buyers but he did not want to further humiliate himself of being penniless so he asked to visit the guild directly.

There were three queues of people wanting to talk to the Guild Receptionist, however Aunt Mabna'y cut into the line and people did not seem to mind.

Kle In guessed it was because of the crest he was wearing. After five minutes, they were brought into a guest room.

"It is a pleasure that friends from our neighboring Elvens would take notice of our guild. My name is Sar Aran, one of the deacons within the guild and I will be taking care of your needs today", said a man with clean mustache.

Kle In could tell the man is at Foundation Establishment but he could not discern what his true level was and while the man did not have eye colors, he exuded the same bloodline aura similar to Aunt Mabna'y.

"I am just a maid and my young master here thinks he could sell some pills he concocted. I hope you would not give him a hard time. He is young after all.” Aunt Mabna’y greeted.

Deacon Sar Aran maintained his warm smiled in response.

Kle In was inwardly shocked when he heard what Aunt Mabna'y said and how she said it. The inflection of her voice seems to imply a hidden message. Kle In is a grown man inside and reading between the lines, it seems she was trying to convey that he will be wasting their time and to give us some face because he was a child.

If it were a normal circumstance, Kle In would feel offended however he admires Aunt Mabna’y for going through the trouble of ensuring that they will not be in trouble. He can’t blame his maid for thinking that he was probably unable to concoct pills given his Elemental Affinity.

However, it is another matter if he could concoct real treasures.

Kle In took out four bottles of pills. Two containing three Mid-Tier Qi Sensing Pills and the other two containing three Mid-Tier Qi Enhancement Pills and placed them on the table.

He then said, “Deacon really did not have to come out personally. It is only a small transaction and you could treat us like regular customers. I was planning on trading it to a simple Meditation or Cultivation technique suitable for Mid or Late Qi Condensation and applicable to a talentless cultivator like me.”


Kle In cleared his throat then continued, “I am thankful for personally taking care of us today and I only ask our transactions will not be known outside."

Sar Aran was expecting a bottle of charred pills but upon the sight of what was taken out, he almost got to his feet. In curiosity, he took one of the bottles and opened the lid.


When the lid was slightly opened, a strong medicine essence waft out.

Surprised, Sar Aran covered the bottle immediately and his countenance became serious. He did not need to inspect the pills further to verify their quality.

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