《God Must Be Lazy He Allowed a Cultivation Anomaly》12. Alchemy III


Kle In woke up the next day and found his breakfast already served on the table. He wanted to go outside but seeing they built him an isolated residence shows just how much how they wanted him to stay inside the house and not a foot outside. At least the food they served him were delectable.

He had nothing to do but scrutinize and study the books given to him. Seeing how thick the first one was, he estimated it will not be easy memorizing all its contents.

The title of the thick book is Encyclopedia of Useful Flora. The other books are Label "Qi-Sensing and Qi Enhancement Pill Formula, Body Reinforcement Pill Formula, and Advanced Reinforcement Pill Formula."

Morning after two days, her young master Kesh'a came to pick him up. Upon seeing her again, he was reminded that she was only a child despite her adult appearance. It is just shocking that their bodies develop and start maturing at a very early age and still live twice up to five times longer than that of a human lifespan.

Humans in comparison are basically genetic rejects when compared to superior races. While envy was rooting from his heart, he suddenly realized her master was physically looking down at him.

"Remember that you are my slave and you must strive to improve your alchemy skills. If you do anything that defames me or bring shame to our family, I will not hesitate to kick you out.” Kesh'a said with an intimidating voice before stepping out of his residence.

Kle In nodded maintaining his weak and innocent look. Later they rode a carriage and after around fifteen minutes, they arrived in front of a magnificent building. The entrance alone showed how powerful and rich this organization is. On the entrance is a gateway structure and written is "Bang'et Alchemy Alliance".


Upon walking on the store entrance, he noticed many pills being displayed. One thing that caught his attention was the price for Low Tier Body and Advanced Reinforcement Pill, the pill he read two days ago and it was twenty-five gold coins while Mid-Tier was fifty and High-Tier for one hundred gold coins.

"Greetings my Elven friends. My name is Alchemist Agda, a Tier-Two Alchemist. I was informed of your arrival.” an alchemist who looks like in his thirties greeted them. The alchemist was wearing his badge and it was not necessary to mention his level, but he still mentioned it to show courtesy.

"Great. Then I do not have to explain myself. I will pick him up by the end of the day.” Kesh'a responded and was getting ready to leave with her guards.

"I do not mean to be rude, but don't you think you should settle the account first before leaving?"

Kesh'a turned around surprised. "I do not recall being informed about making payments, but may I inquire how much it is to teach the boy?" There was a changed in her tone as she inquired.

"It is fifty gold coins per session and a hundred for starting materials."

"That much for a talentless human? I could exchange him for pills.” Kesh'a exclaimed.

Kle In remembered that there was around two thousand gold coins in the spatial ring and recalled that it probably was his tuition. He did not want to butt in but in but situation compelled he must talk now.

"Master, Elder has left some gold coins. I did not dare touch it without your permission." Kle In kneeled as he presented the spatial ring to her.

Kesh'a took the ring and inspected it. There were indeed some gold coins around two thousand.


"I will ask elder how much he has given you. If I found out you lied, I will cut-off your feet."

"I dare not lie to young master."

If this was earth, Kle In would probably laugh and would think the girl is just making a senseless threat but after witnessing countless gruesome deaths, he treated it seriously.

Kesh'a was silent for a moment. Prior to her picking up Kle In, she was advised by her parents that the elders had bought her a talentless human as a diversion and that she should be focusing on improving herself. Kesh'a trusts her parents and she is calculating if she could just spend the money to buy pills instead. She then remembered that she will be using her allowance afterwards to nurture the kid which she is not willing to do upon confirming the human is trash.

"I wonder how much would it cost to teach the child everything in one day and some materials he can play on with for an entire year.” Kesh'a inquired.

Alchemist Agda squinted his eyes. He is a respected Alchemist and the reason he came greeting this young Elven is to show courtesy, but now he is being treated like a nobody by this unruly young Elven. Nevertheless, as a promising Alchemist who will be taking Tier-Three examination soon, he chose to be the bigger man.

"If you mean show, not teach him what he needed to learn within a day, I can agree to a hundred gold coins. Including Earth Class materials, I can round it off to 500 gold coins total, for Heaven Class materials, a thousand gold coins. I only need your guards to bear witness of this trade. Remember that by showing, he will not have chance to ask questions." Alchemist Agda exclaimed.

Kesh'a did not even hesitate a bit as she handed the money.

"I will agree with Earth Class materials. These are two thousand gold coins. Please have the rest of the coins exchanged for High-Tier Body and Advanced Reinforcement Pills. I will have someone pick him up when you are done."

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