《God Must Be Lazy He Allowed a Cultivation Anomaly》3. A Backward World III


A Backward World III

Within the luxurious guest hall of Buaki Gang Residence, two men are playing a board game while seeping tea. One is an elderly with a long white beard while the other looks like in his twenties.

It is relaxing afternoon and a perfect time for leisurely game but peace was soon interrupted with the arrival of a visitor.

It is none other than Tao Fad and Kle In.

"Elder, I have brought the boy. He broke through Qi-Sensing Realm last night.” Tao Fad greeted respectfully.

"It seems like you're ready to replace the old man", said Elder Tao Ad "I assume he already knows how to read?"

"He was thought properly in the orphanage", Tao Fad responded.

Elder Tao Ad turned his head and looked at the boy from head to toe. The boy looked so normal. Had it not been for the fact that he has an entry level Spiritual Mental Strength, no one would even take him. The boy has the lowest Elemental Affinity and he expects that they would probably waste a few resources but the boy should be a good help no matter what.

"My name is Tao Ad Jun. Kneel and acknowledge me as your master. From now on you will be my 7th disciple.” Elder Tao Ad introduced himself and while speaking, he release a portion of his aura outwards enveloping the entire body of the boy who was looking at him like a nobody.

Kle In kneeled and bowed without question. What he thought was weak and senile old man just released a domineering aura making hard for him to breathe.

"It is an honor to receive the guidance of a great master"

Elder Tao Ad retrieved a necklace with a ring attached to it. "Within this ring are 3 books and some materials you will need to learn Inscriptions and Formations. This here is your older brother Tao Rani."

The old man did not need to point who Rani is as the only other person in within the hall is a teenage-looking boy on the opposite side of the board game.

"Rani, bring him to your quarters and teach him the basics. Let him see me a month from now."

"I will not disappoint master", Rani got to his feet and slightly bowed then saluted with his fists. He then signaled Kle in to follow him back to their dedicated courtyard.


Klein In was silent and obediently followed.

After a few minutes of walking, he was brought to another residential house and while he was expecting five other disciples, he was disappointed as only empty rooms greeted him. Still, he was excited as he was finally handed a spatial item. These types of magic tools had been mentioned many times in the books he read and they are described to be rings with mysterious space in them where cultivators can store their items.

Unable to hold his curiosity, Klein In asked, "I hope this senior brother will show me how to take out the books master said is hidden in the ring". He wants to know how exactly are items are stored in the spatial ring.

Tao Rani did not need the ring to be handed to him as he extended his aura and shaped into a sticky looking white thread and took it away from Kle In’s hand.

Kle In did not mind and continued to observe how the same aura was injected into the ring and two seconds later, three books and a bottle containing six Qi Sensing Pills magically materialized out of the spatial ring.


Kle In silently exclaimed and was bewildered by what he saw. It looks similar to how magicians back on earth would conjure a rabbit out of a hat but this time, it was no illusion. With his two eyes and is ability to sense Spiritual Qi, he witnessed how the three books and a bottle came out of thin air.

Rani, seeing the dumbfounded look from Kle In said, "You will not be able to do this until you officially become a Qi Condensation Practitioner."

“What?” Kle In silently asked in confusion. He certainly remembered last night after he ate the 4th Qi Sensing Pill. He felt a warm and comfortable wave of energy spreading outwards from his navel. It was faint but somehow, he felt stronger every time this wave would pass through his limbs. It was his understanding that he already became a Qi Condensation Expert but much to his ignorance, he was not even considered a Practitioner.

"Let me explain how meditation and Qi circulation work", Rani opened up the first book titled Basic Cultivation. The book only has 4 pages and contains illustration of the human body marked with red and blue dots called Qi Nodes and Sub-Qi Nodes.


"You should have already felt that wave of warm energy on you lower stomach. Close your eyes and concentrate on an image of a ball accumulating Spiritual Qi from outside towards the center. Do it slowly and do not rush. When you think that ball of Qi is no longer expanding, it means you have reached your limit.

Keep the ball steady, moments later you will feel as if you have full control of that mass of Qi. This is an indication you have refined the outside Qi to suitable for yourself. When that happens, you will then be ready for circulation. Now you see those dots blue dots in picture? You will have to slowly release that ball of Qi towards each of those blue dots back to where it started.

Since you are still too weak to feel the presence of these blue Qi Nodes, you need to eat one of these Qi Sensing Pills. The pill should take effect for at least around four hours this time."

Rani continued, "This is called Lotus Position. You need to sit this way to maximize the effect of Circulation. Now take one pill and you try it".

If this was earth, Kle In knew this Rani would be labeled mental, but he has to believe whatever his senior has to say. After all, he himself felt the effects of this mystical energy.

There are many things he would like to clarify but from his initial assessment of his brother Rani, it is too early to really call him a brother and asked for pieces of advice. For now, he will follow Rani’s instructions and figure things out later.

After eating one pill, he sat in a lotus position and followed Rani's explanation. When he closed his eyes, he was astonished by the fact there is really a ball forming below his navel. He assumed this is what cultivators call a dantian.

“Concentrate and don’t waste the pill.” Rani interrupted Kle In’s thoughts.

Like a cave man that just discovered fire, Kle In’s curiosity grew larger upon sensing the ball of energy inside of him that he wanted to stop and asked questions but Rani reminded him not to get distracted.

Kle In did not know how much time has passed but he felt that the Qi Nodes that were lit up earlier has started to vanish. According to the Book, one must be able to circulate Spiritual Qi around nine Qi Nodes to qualify as an Early Qi Condensation Expert. He could barely circulate his Qi around 4 Qi Nodes. He was not ready to give up. He took another pill.

The next morning, he was still engrossed on his cultivation. He is now able to circulate up to seven Qi Nodes. While he was pondering how talented he must have been to have had achieved that, he heard Rani's Voice inviting him for breakfast.

When he entered the kitchen, there were six other kids who are around 8 to 10 years old seated around the table giving him disdainful looks. Clueless as to how he offended these folks, he ignored them and grabbed a bite.

The following breakfast he was greeted by the same angry faces. Kle In, as an adult inside did not really care to bother about the affairs of others, so he continued to eat. While eating his meal, he remembered he no longer have any Qi Sensing Pills.

"Senior Rani, I wonder if I could get a few more pills I have now circulated up to 8 Qi Nodes and is about to break through", Kle In asked.

All the kids stopped eating and as if their disdainful gazes are not enough, a few looked like mad and ferocious bulls ready to trample and break his bones. Even Rani gave him a stare.

"Finish your meal and go back to your room. I will bring you the pills later"

Rani instructed and sighed. He remembered he only ate a total of 2 pills to enter Qi Sensing Phase and straight to Qi Condensation. He can't help but sympathize to the other children since some pills should have been given to them and now is being wasted to someone with no Spiritual Elemental Affinity.

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