《Project Frost : Gate of All》28 - An Unexpected Offer (II)


“The Board of Ba’athoris Night Academy has agreed to offer you a place as one of the academy’s students” Krow said.


“Now, I know I said before that students without magic cannot enroll in the school. I might’ve also said it in such an ungrateful tone as well despite your display of bravery and skills at helping both boys from their untimely deaths” Krow cleared his throat as soon as he’s done murmuring to himself - probably trying to avoid Aediva’s intense gaze on him.

“A-Anyway! Isn’t this great news!?” Krow said cheerfully to Aediva who smiled at him before flat out saying, “Hah. I reject the offer” with the most flamboyant and completely nonchalant tone.

“EEEHHH?!!!” Krow shrieked like a startled bird. Aediva was still smiling but the hostility and ire burned holes into Krow.

“Who the hell,in their right mind, wants to be in the place where they’ve been neglected and exploited?”

“Do you know the sort of stress I’ve been suffering the week before I exploded?”

“Ah, let’s not forget how you left me in a ramshackle dorm and even forgot to tell me about the damn ghosts. No wait, I think for someone who claimed to be partly responsible for my summoning in this academy, I think you were doing an excellent work” Aediva paused for a breather.

“At being negligent as hell!”

Aediva growled as Krow sat there, jabbed mercilessly by the girl’s words while sweating profusely.

“... And that concludes it! I’m going to leave the academy! RIGHT NOW! Thank you for all the little things you’ve done, Headmaster Faraday!” Aediva said, storming out of the office at a surprisingly quick pace as Krow chased after her.

“Wait! Little bird, wait I said!” Krow basically pleaded for Aediva to slow down.

“Who the hell would wait!? I’m done with this place! How the heck are you expecting me to stay in a place where people forgot how to treat others like actual humans?!” Aediva shouted as she walked her way across the courtyard before turning to her heels.


“You can keep the offer for someone else, thank you very much!” she said, turning back around only to collide with someone. The much bigger young man who tumbled back so hard by the impact of their collision.

Aediva scowled at the young blond who had fallen onto their back - confused as all hell as he looked at her with nervous sweat.

“Huh? Who are you?” Aediva growled - realizing the male youth on the floor was actually much taller and with a sturdy build than her, only to throw that thought away.

“Uh…” the young man in a white uniform - something that Aediva never noticed before. Is that a uniform of a different school?

“Ah, Aediva-kun! Please listen to me first” finally Krow managed to keep up to the girl while panting tiredly. Aediva growled, tired to entertain any of these people around him when another came barging in.

“Ah~ There she is! Young Ms. Aediva!” a man Aediva doesn’t even know greet her with a wide smile, striding like an overgrown flamingo. Aediva scowled more.

“The hell?”

“AH!” suddenly Krow shouted and jumped right in front of Aediva, alarmed.

“HENRY CLAINES! What are you doing in my school?!” Krow questioned the older-looking man in white suit - a clear contrast than Krow in his dark garments. Aediva looked at the two men, sensing a trouble that she honestly would like to avoid.

“Right, I’m busy so I’m just gonna leave” she said. The moment she stepped away, she was immediately stopped by two canes in her way.

“Now wait just a minute, little miss” the older male who was called Henry said.

“Oh, just kill me already…” Aediva said under her breath.

“What are you doing in my school, Claines?” Krow asked, completely hostile but Henry only smiled at the masked bird man - then proceeded to ignore the livid headmaster of the academy to focus on Aediva whom he gained her attention with a polite bow.

“Forgive me for the intrusion, little lady. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Henry Claines, the principal of Hazdinel Pristea. I assume you know the school next door? This boy here is one of my school’s students” Henry gestured at the immaculate boy right beside him. The young man’s piercing blue eyes looked straight into Aediva’s silver one before he reached out for her hand and kissed it - sending tingles down the girl’s spine.


“A pleasure meeting you, lady. Finnian Gauwis. Please, call me Finnian or Finne” he said, all etiquette and blinding princeliness that made Aediva squints her eyes.

“Aediva” she replied, pinching the bridge of her nose after pulling her hand from that boy named Finne. Someone stab her right now. Another noisy bunch has come to disturb her peace.

“Hahaha! What a beautiful name. Your parents are good at naming their lovely daughter!” Henry said. Aediva looked at the old man unamused.

“A noisy cat gave me that name” she deadpanned.


“I lost my memories and a cat gave me that name” Aediva repeated. Both Henry and Finne looked at her with an odd look. Henry cleared his throat.

“Your jokes are pretty odd. Well never mind. So I overheard your shouting earlier, you see” Henry quickly changed the subject.

“Uh huh” Aediva responded short.

“You look like you’re someone who prefers to hear it straight to the point. The considerate me will say it right here and now. Ms. Aediva! How about you come to my school instead?” Henry said with a cheerful smile.

“NO! Absolutely not! Claines, I can’t let you stroll in here and immediately try to steal one of my students!” Krow quickly retorted while Henry looked at Krow with a slight frown.

“Faraday… That’s such a distasteful word. I’m not stealing anyone’s students. And she’s not even your student…yet” Henry chuckled as Krow growled in dissatisfaction.

“But with what you’ve been doing for her the last hmm… is it a month, my dear? I hardly say that you have the right to try and decide for her. Ah… It’s really troubling if she’s stressed once again. Such a powerful explosion, I even felt it back in my office” Henry said. Aediva grimaced when hearing what Henry was saying.

“Well anyway, I’m here to speak with the little lady. Kindly refrain from clouding her judgement and save yourself from further humiliation, Mr. Krow Faraday” Henry said with a subtle condescending tone in his voice. The moment he turned to the girl, he noticed the thoroughly unamused look on her face.

“Oh, I apologize for keeping you waiting. Anyway, I’m here with an offer of full scholarship as a student of Haznidel Pristea. You see, each mage in this world has their own personal attribute and as I couldn’t just watch you working your youth away to pay for a debt you took from some selfish boy of this academy - considering you have one of the extremely rare attributes. And I feel a huge potential in you. If you accept my offer, I’ll make sure you have nothing else to worry about. Especially about the debt. I’m sure Mr. Faraday here has been extorting you by telling you the chandelier broken was worth more than it should” Henry paused, glancing at Krow who was fuming behind Aediva.

“Extorting--” before Krow could even butt in, Henry started talking again.

“A luxury dorm apartment, a comfortable, fully sponsored school equipment. Everything you need at all, my dear!” the older male said. Aediva crossed her arms and tilted her head, her eyes trained on the principal and outsider student who was simply smiling at her - both confident; the principal especially, almost to the point of smugness.

“Sure” Aediva suddenly said, making both Henry and Finne smiled brightly. Aediva smirked, seeing Krow starting to lose his composure.

“... But only after you answer this question” the silver-eyed maiden said - gaining the attention of every male present.

“Do you take monsters as students as well?” she asked, the smirk turning subtle as she tilted her head.

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