《Project Frost : Gate of All》27 - An Unexpected Offer (I)


Her speedy recovery was simply startling. After a week-long coma after her body underwent magic trauma, she was already up and running the next day to be discharged. It was strange to ride back to the academy in the academy’s private vehicle - not just some bus but a sedan car.

Aediva sit silently at the back seat, watching the view outside with interested look clear in her eyes.

“... What a weird feeling…” she muttered to herself, her eyes looking at the passing youths at the side of the road.

“I feel like I know a lot of things about the outside world but it’s also as though I’ve never even interacted with any of it. It feels as though I’m out of touch with reality at times. That doctor also said that losing my memories might also be because of some head injuries. Although I never felt anything like that that day when I woke up” she monologues.

“Eh, whatever. In the end, I still don’t really feel like not knowing about myself is that much of a deal. I wonder if this is what people say as blatant ignorance? Well, it’s not really wrong anyway…” Aediva grinned to herself noticing the car is slowing down before coming to a stop.

“Hm? Are we here already?” Aediva asked, noticing the door being opened for her. Heh, talk about some VIP treatment.

‘That headmaster must know he did something terribly bad to have his staff doing all these for me’ she thought at the back of her head as she stepped out from the vehicle and looked at the Central Square where she was dropped off.

Waiting right in front of her is someone she doesn’t actually recognize. A woman with black hair and amber eyes in a full office lady suit. She fixes her glasses as her amber eyes are trained on Aediva.


“Miss Aediva. We are so eager to have you back from the hospital. How are you feeling?” the woman asked, stoic - hardly showing at least an act of compassion or empathy to the young lady who had only been awake from a week-long coma. But for the sake of politeness, Aediva replied.

“Hardly good but better than being controlled by some hag” the silver-eyed maiden said with a subtle smirk on her face. The amber-eyed lady only looked at her in silence - probably thinking she’s being sneaky with the discontented look in her eyes.

“... I see. I supposed you would like to rest first? I could inform the principal that you wanted to postpone the meeting with him tomorrow” the woman, who at that point, Aediva thought as a secretary said. Aediva sighed.

“No need. I’ll go meet him right now” she said, following the secretary towards the school’s main building. As they walked through the main courtyard, Aediva immediately stopped in her tracks at the edge of the white line. Her silver eyes looking around as she unknowingly pouted.


“Miss Aediva?” the secretary called out for the girl who only looked from the front of the building to the courtyard that was fully painted in blinding white. Even the grasses swaying in the wind were completely white as the ground.

“... How absurd!” she remembered the doctor’s words after she woke up, feeling sore all over her body.

“Your body is already almost recovered. There’s no abnormal shadows in the X-ray at all! Considering how critical you were when you first arrived…” the doctor said, his shock has yet to recede. He placed the X-ray film aside and looked at the report of her examination the very night after she woke up.


“... Just what on earth happened to me?” the curiosity gnawed at her and in the end, she couldn’t help but asked. The doctor looked at her silently, head bowed as he probably thought of how to answer her question. The male doctor sighed.

“To be honest, you were at the death’s door” he said, startling Aediva as her eyes went wide at the news.

“... Your muscles, some of your bones were frozen solid due to the magic outburst. Your vital organs are mostly unaffected but your heart was starting to freeze. As you know, we do not have any doctors with the affinity to fire”


“There’s no need to look so shocked. There’s only so few who can use fire naturally. That said, your operation took about 38 hours and exhausted a lot of doctors who could use fire spirits. You…” the doctor paused and sighed.

“You truly are lucky. To survive, I mean. To undo the effects of your own mana, magic specialists were called from all around the place” the doctor explained.

“... That’s just how big your operation was. But it’s a relief. You’re a strong girl. If nothing goes wrong, you are free to discharge tomorrow. Get some rest, little miss. I’ll see you tomorrow morning” the doctor said as he walked out of the door, bringing his report tab and X-ray films along. Aediva only sat on the bed, looking at the bouquets of flowers in the room.

Looking at the carnage that she had done, she only felt guilt for not being able to fully comprehend her level of destruction. She wonders if she hurt anyone else? That time as her consciousness faded in and out, she only saw Marie hollering at her. The next moment she opened her eyes, Marie was already on the ground.

If anything, she only remembered the intense chill that wrapped around her. She can’t hear anything but the sound of the raging winds, her vision blurred, her voice gone. Then, it was completely silent. The coldness disappeared at that very second as she felt invading heat all over her body. And a lullaby…

Aediva heaved a sigh as she stepped into the white path and walked down to the building - feeling the wind on her skin.

The secretary knocked at the door of the principal office and they came in as soon as they heard Krow’s voice allowing them to go inside.

“Ah… Miss Aediva. I’m happy to have you back at the academy in a much better condition. Please, have a seat” Krow gestured at the chair in front of his desk. Aediva took a seat, placing her bag at the side. She let out a sigh.

This meeting is surely not going to be something she wanted to hear.

“I’ll get straight to the point. Your magical outburst… was an unfortunate accident. First and foremost, I would like to apologize” Krow said, truly jabbing straight to the point. Aediva almost didn’t believe her ears the moment he said what he said - probably because Krow was really not beating around the bushes anymore.

“And… I wish to inform you that the Board of Ba’athoris Night Academy has decided to offer you a seat as an official student” Krow said, effectively surprising the young lady who looked at him wide-eyed.


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