《Project Frost : Gate of All》26 - Blizzard's Aftermath


Ever since that day of the magic explosion incident, no one saw Aediva around anymore. Not at the main school building, not in the cafeteria nor the main streets leading to the Central Square. The constant murmurs have yet to stop however, especially so when they realize that the Noi they have been harassing is now not exactly a powerless Noi.

No one would have forgotten that day after the blizzard ceased. All students and staff were summoned to the Hall of the Black Mirror by the headmaster’s order. How he scolded everyone and warned about the dangers of bullying and harassing fellow students and staff members. It didn’t take long for one of the teachers to start questioning the headmaster about Aediva herself - unsatisfied that it was only because of one girl that they had to review the students’ behaviour and rules.

Surely enough, no one forgot how after the assembly, all the school high committee members including the dorm leaders stayed behind with the very Council of Mages themselves.

A week has passed and everyday, the two boys could only wait until it’s Sunday to finally have the chance to go to the Black Mirror. Finally, that day comes. Both boys, in their uniform, went straight to the Black Mirror as soon as the Efren Dorm assembly was disbanded by the Dorm Leader, Daniel.

“Wait” surprisingly before they could even step into the portal that leads to the Central Square, they were stopped by the very Dorm Leader. A youthful boy with petite stature with red hair and violet eyes. Arthur and Eden straightened up.

“Dorm Leader!” the two boys almost cracked their voice in the process of saluting their dorm lead. Daniel raised his eyebrow.

“There’s no need to be so alarmed” Daniel said. Arthur and Eden lax with a sigh of relief.

“You’re going to visit that girl, are you not?” the dorm leader asked.


“Yes, we are,” Arthur answered.

“I see…” Daniel replied. Then it was quite a long silence.

“... Is there… Anything you would like us to tell her, Dorm Leader?” Eden asked, a little weird out by Daniel’s sudden interest. Daniel snapped back to his senses, crossing his arms.

“Ah, it’s nothing important. Be sure you’re both back before the outing time ends. If not…” Daniel hung his threat. Arthur and Eden flinched.

“Y-Yes, sir!” they answered in unison before walking into the portal - leaving the red-haired boy who was simply reminded about the symposium the week before.

“... Thinking a bit far are we?” a familiar voice of a boy snapped him back to his senses, once more. Daniel turned around and looked at the boy and a girl beside him.

“Just a little curious, that’s all” Daniel said.

“Because that girl has an affinity to ice?” the girl asked with a cheerful grin. Daniel crossed his arms.

“Hmph. Of course not. And it’s not ‘ice’. get your damn facts straight!” Daniel said before walking away towards his dorm.

“If I have to say interest, those from Kazbelius Dorm are the one reigning at that. To think they’d berate the headmaster right in public and then kicked the Council of Mages out to the front gate in order to keep the girl in the academy… I wonder what made them go that far for the simple girl?” Daniel murmured to himself.

Honestly, to sneak Cath around into the hospital is just a tiring work. Tiring but the moment, the two saw him being happy when seeing Aediva, it kinda blew away the tiredness. Until Cath looked like he’s about to cry when seeing the girl stuck in a coma for a week.

“Huh… When will she wake up? Aediva, you gotta wake up soon. These guys can never get the right canned fish for me” Cath sighed.


“Tch. Look at him complaining to her all day long. Shut up a bit about the canned fish will you?” Eden said, munching on the apple he brought with him while Arthur only chuckled as he placed a bouquet of flowers on the table - noticing the vase already filled with fresh flowers.

“Hm? Did someone visit her before us?” Arthur wondered.

“What’s up?” Eden asked, noticing the fresh flowers in the vase on the table.

“Whoa, that’s one hell of a lavish flower bouquet. Aediva, you gotta see these. Bet you’ll love it. Whoever sent this one-up the bouquet we got for you” the raven boy said to Aediva - probably thinking she might just open her eyes if he called out for her.

“I tried” he gave up pretty quickly. Arthur let out a sigh with a crooked smile as he simply tucked the bouquet into the plastic vase beside the decorated bouquet when he noticed a written note in between the petals.

“A note?” Arthur muttered.

“Oi, don’t go reading people’s notes. That’s un-prince-ly of you” Eden quickly warned Arthur who flinched at Eden’s accusation.

“I am not!” Arthur retorted, placing back the note written by some “Blackhorns” before walking back to the side of the bed.

After a while of bickering with Eden, they both suddenly turned silent - both looking at Cath sleeping on Aediva. Both scratching at their head. At that point, it was clear that no matter how noisy there are, Aediva will still not open her eyes.

“Munyaa…” Cath mumbled, sighing in his sleep.

“... Darn it” Eden murmured under his breath.

“We should get back to the academy. We’ve stayed here long enough” Arthur sighed. Eden only frowned, a little discontent at the progress that day. The blond male youth went to take Cath - only stopping halfway through when he saw something unexpected.


“What’s wrong?”

Arthur’s emerald green eyes stared at Aediva’s fingers and flinched the moment he saw them moving. Again.

“OI! EDEN! SHE JUST MOVED HER FINGERS!” Arthur exclaimed with a wide smile on his face. His loud voice stirring Cath from his sleep as Eden looked around, startled by the unexpected event.

“I-I’ll go and find the doctor!” Eden said, running out of the room. Cath loked up and turned equally startled when seeing Aediva’s eyelids fluttering open.

“Aediva?!!” he shrieked as Aediva stirred from her week-long slumber - the first sight that greets her is Cath’s wide grin, his teary silver eyes and his tail wagging so vigorously.

“... Cath…?” she murmured.

“Thank goodness…” hearing the familiar voice, Aediva’s eyes trailed to the side and finding Arthur trembling with teary eyes.

“... Ah… Am I… still dreaming? I thought...” Aediva mumbled, only to be stopped by Cath’s hugging her face - burying her in his fluffy fur.

“No need to say anything! You’re alright now! Aediva! You’re finally back!!!” Cath shouted excitedly. That is when the door opened, revealing a doctor and a nurse alongside Eden.

“AH?! WHY IS THERE A PET IN HERE?!” the doctor turned livid, shouted.

Arthur and Cath flinched.

“Curses! Time to flee Cath!”

“Wait! You kids!”

Seeing the rowdy scene in front of her, Aediva simply let out a sigh as the nurse helped her sit up on the bed.

“... Ah… The usual morons I’m stuck with. So noisy” she complained with a subtle smile on her face.

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