《Project Frost : Gate of All》18 - A Blizzard Brewing (I)


“Fuaa… Damn those two. They really went nuts last night with the noise. How petty can they get” Aediva yawned.

“We can hear you just fine. Why don’t you turn that head to the side and complain to us right away” Eden said. Aediva clicked her tongue, turning her head to the direction of where Arthur and Eden.

“Seriously, the both of you are so not cute at all. Why am I still stuck with the both of you? I even prepared breakfast for you and even tolerated the two of you sleeping in my dorm. It’s just a week since that day in the mine. I feel so unappreciated at all. Ah… being a janitor to some privileged students is a tough job…” Aediva sighed, glancing at the two boys who looked taken aback.

“Right, Cath?”

The monster sitting on Aediva’s shoulder nodded.

“Yeah. If not for her, the both of you would’ve died down there. With your flimsy little magic, you surely would’ve perished down there if Aediva didn’t distract the monster for you guys…” Cath said. Eden felt like heat creeping up to his head while Arthur let out a long sigh.

“Agh! You’re not that cute either! Keep using that damn line to extort from us! Cath ate the whole stock of snacks, you know! It was worth a month’s allowance!” Eden said, fuming as they walked down the Main Street. Aediva and Cath looked away - only serving to pour oil on Eden’s ire.

“Stingy” the human-monster pair said in unison.

“And he burned one of my novels too…” Arthur sighed.

“Ah… So he did. Cath, didn’t I tell you to not destroy things beyond repair?” Aediva asked. Cath whistled and looked away.

“Huh… What did I expect from a lawless monster? But still, can’t you use magic to fix the book? If it’s books, then I would be troubled too. Every book is worth something after all” Aediva said, rubbing her chin. Hearing the first bell of the morning, the group perked up. Arthur dragged Eden whom he had been holding back since earlier and went ahead of the female friend and her monster ward.


“That’s the cue for students to hurry up and get to the class. We’re going first. See you at the cafeteria, Aediva!” Arthur said, easily dragging the angry raven who was growling something about wanting to use magic on Aediva and Cath. Aediva and Cath waved at the two, face impassive. Cath was the one to let out a long sigh as soon as the two gone from their sight.

“... I want to join them as students too…” he said. Aediva didn’t reply, only fixing her black gloves in complete silence as she walked to the staff office for her work details for the day.

Marie, always the gentle sight was the first to greet them. Aediva wonders, maybe it was at that point when she somewhat felt some sort of unpleasant feeling when seeing the seemingly friendly woman.

“Oh, good morning, you two. Ready for another day of work?” the old lady with quite a youthful look said with a bright smile that also made Aediva smile unconsciously.

“Yes, Marie…” she answered.

“You’re working at the main campus grounds today. Collect trash from the garbage bins around the classrooms and the courtyard. You’re to clean the girls’ restrooms on the ground floor up to the third floor as well” Marie instructed. Aediva and Cath let out a silent sigh.

“Yes, Marie…” they replied in unison.

In the end, work is work. But Aediva wondered if asking for her workload to be lightened a bit would be too much? Unfortunately, before Aediva could part her lips to ask, Marie is already leaving. So, she stood there - her body still a little sore from yesterday’s work.

“Uuu… This is so embarrassing… These students are just staring at us like we’re some sort of display!” Cath complained in his whisper tone to Aediva as she took the garbage bag from the bin and tied it up before Cath kicked the insides of the bag in frustration.


“Cath… Just behave. I’m tired enough as is. You’re not doing any jobs anyway…” she said, despite being equally annoyed by the condescending whispers she’s hearing around her. Cath growled.

“Aediva, you’re being too nice. Let me burn their textbooks or something!” Cath suggested with a mischievous grin.

“How about no? I’m not going to add more to the debts that’s been piling on my damn back. So you better behave or I’ll roast you for dinner tonight” Aediva warned with a low menacing voice that immediately silenced the little monster on her shoulders. Cath whined silently, ears flat as his head bowed down like a dog that had just got scolded by its owner.

“Hii… Why are you so mean…?” he whined. Aediva sighed, her hands keep on working as Cath keeps complaining once every two minutes, quite literally in her ears as he rides on her shoulders and head - poking at her and picking at everything she’s doing.

Half the day in and she felt like there’s a broiling feeling at the pit of her stomach. She has been sighing all day, tired and annoyed. Ah… How she wished she could just go apeshit but she felt like the debts she had to pay is enough to hold her back.

‘Ah… This is going to kill me in the long run… no, this is just going to kill me in just a few weeks…’ she said at the back of her mind.

Again, the unpleasant feeling ruptured and pooled at the pit of her stomach.

And again, she felt that tiring feeling each time seeing both Eden and Arthur running off to their class as soon as the bell rings.

“Today, you’ll also be working at the classrooms areas”

Again, with that crap. Although you know how we feel about working in the presence of other students…

“Aediva!!! Those students are talking crap about us again!!!”

I know… Just shut up already.

“You’re supposed to go and clean the Central Square today but the other janitor had a sick leave. So you’re cleaning the classrooms in the evenings after all the students leave...”

Why can’t you find some other janitor, old hag? I don’t want to clean that place even with the extra money.

“Grrr… I’ll burn you!”

Cath, why can’t you just ignore them already…

“Yo, Aediva. Having fun cleaning?”

I’ll definitely have much more fun if I could strangle you, Eden.

“Are you alright, Aediva?”

Let me sleep peacefully, Arthur…

“Oi, look at that girl. Wasn’t she the one who got summoned by the Black Mirror but couldn’t use magic.”

“Heheheh. Lame. She worked as a janitor now. Maybe she thought she could get into the school that way~”

That’s not it. The damn headmaster won’t let me go outside the academy because I lost my memories and can’t even remember anything about where I used to live. I--

Stop talking.

Stop whispering.

It’s annoying.

Ignore her.


Aediva’s eyes opened wide, shocked when she felt something painfully struck her hand as if someone slapped her hands. It was enough to make her drop the broom in her hands.

Cath hissed.

“Oi, Aediva! They used magic on you!” he shouted as the students scurries away while laughing among themselves after their little prank. Aediva bend down, taking the broom silently - an action Cath seemed to be unsatisfied with due to her indifference when she was actively being harassed by the students. Not to mention it has been a week in a row!

“Hm? You…?” the moment she heard the familiar voice, she looked up. A pair of icy blue eyes looked at her.

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