《Sunchild - A Starfall Chronicle》Dragon Trouble - Author Update


Unfortunately, my night job has gotten particularly tricky lately due to some dragon health problems that have come up. It has cut into my writing and editing time significantly (because I need time to sleep), so this week there will probably be only a couple chapters on the weekend, hopefully, Friday and Saturday (if I can get them edited - one I've decided to rewrite).

I appreciate everyone reading up to this point, and I hope you'll stick with me to the rapidly approaching end, which should be around July 11nth. I've decided I will be publishing the book through Amazon KDP at that point. I considered the select option, but since that would have me remove most of my writing from this website, and take away some creative freedom, I'd rather not.

However, the book on Amazon will have a couple of bonus chapters from my next book, "Sacrifice," which will also be part of the Starfall Chronicles (and tell more of the story of another character we've met so far, Konrad). The book will have had yet another set of eyes looking over it and spotting mistakes with more editing, so many of the errors you have read here (and some of the dry prose or repetitive phrasing) will have changed a little bit.

Thanks again for reading up to here. I know this book hasn't been everyone's cup of tea on this website. Still, I was surprised to find anyone enjoyed it at all, and that I've had a reasonably large number of readers stick through it (suffering through my many mistakes is something even I don't think I could do).

I hope you have a wonderful week!

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