《Sunchild - A Starfall Chronicle》Chapter 37 - May the Circle


"Remember, if anything happens, I won't let you be used as a bargaining chip." Valerius cautioned. The way he said it was meant to sound kind. It was as if he would be sparing her of a terrible fate, but the truth was much more saddening. What he was saying was that if she were taken as a hostage, he wouldn't bow to any of his father's demands in return for her. Then, on the end, he added quietly ", I would try to rescue you though."

They had met up with the army outside the city, and after a bit of convincing, Azara's plan to go int the city and deliver Valerius ultimatum to the king, as well as try to negotiate, had been agreed upon. She would go into the city for four days at a maximum, and if nothing could be done within that time, she would return. The company of engineers, mages, and others form Aruslan had not arrived yet, but Azara had assured Valerius that they were close.

Thus, Azara and all of her companions had gathered near the hastily prepared fortifications around the city, as she prepared to walk for the entrance and present herself as a messenger and ambassador on Valerius' behalf.

Azara smirked and rolled her eyes. "Wouldn't that be just lovely. Prince charming coming to save me, locked in the tower."

He shook his head dismissively. "Is still think you are being too nonchalant about this. You may be a powerful mage, but holding off an army is what you would have to do to escape. Furthermore, with that dragon in the mountains like you said, this situation is extremely dangerous. You shouldn't go at all."

"Yes it is dangerous, but it could also bear fruit," Azara said. "That is why I think it is worth going. As that old South Sukarran proverb about war goes, you should make your enemy like a house collapsing on a perfect day - you win by making them give up, not by winning the fight."


"I doubt it. My father is stubborn to do that." Valerius said. "If he falls, it will take a storm."

"Well, your father is, but perhaps not all those close to him are," Azara said, with a mischievous smile and a wink thrown in. "Perhaps I'll be able to get something out of one of them."

It was Valerius roll his eyes, then became serious. "You know though Azara, you are different. The Starchild even mentioned you, in passing, and in praise at that. I don't know what it is, and I doubt you'll tell me now, maybe Irinia's theory is right, but regardless of that or whatever happens from here on out - it has been good to have you with us, and you have my eternal thanks for it. We would have been dead or worse, multiple times if it weren't for you. Once this is over, I can promise you, whatever you want in my power to give, and you'll have it."

She smiled and held back the little bit of sadness his words brought. Someone else already had what she wanted, and that was the way it should be, she told herself.

"Its true, Azara," Irinia said, "I know I've said it already, but we couldn't be more grateful."

"Yeah, thanks," Kasper said with an innocent smile. It was said in a normal fashion, and the smile wasn't unusual, but his demeanor felt strange. While he had been true to what he had said about treating her the same, there was something different about him. She could see it when she looked into his eyes. He regarded her differently, even if his actions were the same.

Joakim, last, walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Despite being a fairly tall man, she and Joakim stood about the same height. He put a firm hand on her shoulder.


"You're a good little fire spitter, you know that?" he said, total nonchalance in his tone.

Azara cast a glance at Kasper, and he gave the slightest shake of his head. Irinia gave a subtle shrug at the same moment. Valerius noticed neither of these actions or Azara's sudden unease.

"What do you mean?" Azara asked, unsure.

Joakim smiled. "Well you know, you're strong, you've got a mind of your own, that sort of thing."

"Oh, right," Azara said, and then laughed. She looked up at Joakim's eyes, to see if she could tell whether he was telling the truth, and saw nothing but simple, one layered meaning in the man's amber irises. "Thank you, I appreciate it."

The soldier looked contemplating a moment, then patted her on the shoulder and stepped back. "Good luck."

"Well, I'll see you in a few days, maybe before that," she said.

"Yes, we will," Irinia said as if to affirm that truth.

Azara nodded and then turned towards the city. As she walked the distance between the two fortifications, she thought about how she had come back to where she had started, and yet how different it was.

When she had first entered the city, she had done so as an emissary, welcomed by a small party of servants and riding with a small entourage of her own. She had gone to the king wearing a beautiful luxurious dress and wonderful jewelry - which she hoped to recover - and she had also been there for peaceful diplomatic purposes. She had been trying to stay away from her heritage, to find something which would keep her from worrying about her destiny or fate.

Now, as she approached the city, she was going to be entering it as a war emissary. She would still be delivering a message and asking for concessions, but they would be under the threat of blades and war, not peaceful gain. She was no longer dressed wonderfully - but in dirty mage robes that had been with her on an almost three-month journey across an entire country and to the northernmost reaches of the world. Now, she was approaching something, or rather someone, deeply connected to her heritage as well as her fate, out of curiosity, worry, and the possibility that this other dragon would cause horrible harm to humankind.

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