《Sunchild - A Starfall Chronicle》Chapter 29 - The Halter


Kasper was only trusting Azara's plan because it was the only one they had and because he was fond of her. She intended to use the locket she had stolen as a sort of bargaining chip. What he didn't understand about that was why she thought it would be a good enough bargaining chip. Surely, something like the knight's sword would have been better?

He understood that anything enchanted was exceptionally valuable. Such artifacts were rare except among the best of mages, legendary knights, very wealthy nobles, and kings. Not only were they often jewelry, gemstones, weapons, and armor which were valuable in their own right, the value of the enchantment added many times this value to them. In the case of this locket, Kasper could see it being worth enough money to buy hundreds of horses or even a manor house. However, as much as a prince’s ransom? He didn't think that was possible.

As for its enchantment, Kasper couldn't help but notice it while holding the thing. It was like it had an aura to it, an aura of hope and peace. He was no mage, but he could feel it. He tried it on and took it off an instant later. It wasn't painful to wear it, but wearing it had caused him to feel confident that the plan they were about to try would work.

He had felt almost like it was a person with its own soul, standing close to him and holding his hand in a motherly way, encouraging him onward against any cruelty, pain, or worry. Then, it had felt like that person was watching him, and that the feeling had quickly changed from encouraging to disturbing.

He couldn't imagine why a knight would need such a necklace. Why would anyone need such a trinket for that matter? Enough good whiskey and you'd feel the same, wouldn't you? But no. This was different. The feeling the locket had given was wholesome and true.


He wondered if there was another way to use its powers - but he dared not ask Azara. Already she had asked him kindly to not fiddle with it or open it, multiple times.

Like a cat though, curiosity gnawed at him, and he still held it and looked at it in the sunlight for a little while. He got held it and focused on it, and found that it gave him a little of the same effect as wearing it, without the feeling of being watched. Oddly, he found that the feeling would come and go as long as he thought of the locket. It was a convenient tool, clearly meant to work for anyone, even those without a firm grasp of magic.

Soon his curiosity and playing was put to an end though, as they began descending through the main entrance to the atrium and he had to stay alert. The plan was to confront the knights more or less head-on, with their bargaining chip in hand.

It wasn't long before they did, and they found a scene, not too different from the day prior. Their friends were tied up in one corner, mildly protected by a blanket from any of the elements (though the atrium itself was fairly good shelter, and there was very little snow on the ground compared to outside). The knights, on the other hand, were nowhere to be found, and the right side door to the crypt had been opened.

At this point, Azara turned to Kasper and gave simple instructions. "Alright, now you go and free them, and I will go confront Konrad and his two men."

Kasper obliged, but when he went to untie his friends, and they woke up from apparent sleep, their faces filled with worry.

"Thank goodness you are back!" Irinia said, standing. Just like last night, she was not bound. "Is Azara here too?"


"Yes, she is." Kasper explained, “She just went down into the crypts to confront the knights.”

This seemed to worry Valerius, who shook his head. "She can't, the Starchild is too powerful, and she will die if she does this. He's going to kill her if she tries to confront him. That is what he told us to tell you. We should just leave!"

"I think she intends to bargain with them."

"What? Why? We’re already free, and what does she have to bargain with?" Valerius asked.

Kasper shook his head. "Something that I'm not positive is going to work, but she was quite confident about."

Valerius sighed, and Kasper couldn’t help but understand the feelings the prince was having. Irinia did not seem to share the same feelings and was contemplative instead.

“What was she bargaining?” she asked.

Kasper shrugged. “Some enchanted necklace he wore, that I slipped off of him last night. I don’t know why she thinks it is so important. It is just some magical jewelry.”

Inirin nodded and then smiled. "Things will be fine. This is the will of light."

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