《The Crucible - (Terror Infinity Fanfic)》Trial 2 – 1 – Dredd X


Vertigo overtakes and I momentary lose my balance, looking up I find myself in a crappy slum of a plaza. I channel psionics to start my psy scan and it’s immediately stopped by what I assume is the edge of the starting area.

Still, far enough to find Kana and check the surroundings, she appears to be fine, just sleeping. Let’s not mention I used psychic powers to find the people directly next to me to Kana, besides it was a tactically sound thing to do … let's wake Kana up and scout the new blood.

I shake Kana’s shoulder rousing her as I scan the newbies. Looks like 7 new contenders, one of them looks like they got a little extra. Newbie doesn’t stand out visually, he looks like your average businessman, wearing a business suit, shirt, shoes, tie, the whole kit.

What sets him apart from the rest is less obvious and without my pys scan I wouldn’t spot it. Suity’s waking up already though he has enough control to pretend not to be. Next, he’s got concealed weapons, an assortment of knives and probably other stuff I’m missing with the psy scan. Lastly and more importantly he has an energy that my psy scan could pick up, it is more than normal people and slightly different. I suppose even more troublesome is that Suity is hiding it now that he is fully awake. Would be great if he ends up being helpful for Kana and I, for now let’s be cautious.

David: “Chip scan and watch the newbies, warn us of anything dangerous and give a report to Core.”

Chip: “Acknowledged and performing tasks.”

Core: “Let’s get this started, updating your HUD and Kana’s, I’ve already told her what you found out and I’ve opened a channel to her internal comms. OK guys, here what I got so far for this trial.


Team Oceanic 8/8

Trial: The team is trapped in Peach Trees Mega Block after the crime boss Mama has initiated a lockdown. The trial will be completed when one side in the conflict is victorious. The objectives will be based on challengers’ choices.


Complete trial – Team receives 1000 points each Leaving the Peach Trees Mega Block before the trial is complete – Challenger Erasure

So good news is I grabbed all the data I could on Judge Dredd during the countdown and this looks like the Karl Urban one, the bad news is we need to pick a side before we can plan what to do.”

David: “Feels like a trap. I say we side with Dredd, attacking Dredd for a quick win will change the plot right from the start and we will be fucked by something crazy. Besides at least we know the plot and if I remember Dredd could kick their asses without help, the only problem was he was short on ammo. If I gave him my infinite ammo gun he could probably do this by himself. It’s just a few gang bangers with guns, I can take a shot without much harm now and Kana’s suit and healing with keep her safe.”

Kana: “I agree, it is probably a longer path to follow Dredd and the plot but the risks are relatively known. Plus, I doubt the gang would be willing to let us join or not backstab us even if we helped them. The real questions are, do we team up with Dredd or just work towards the same goal and how do we convince Dredd to team up with us and/or not shoot us?”

Core: “The building is probably too small to remain unknown to Dredd the whole trial and getting trapped between both sides is even worse. The best probability I can identify is immediately present yourself to Dredd and identify yourself as Citi-def, a civilian militia that the blocks have to assist the judges and protect the mega-city.


David should be the officer for the squad and Kana the second in command/medic. Convince Anderson you would be a useful backup, she will be making the decisions because of her test.

Some options would be:

Mama has lots of gang members, they will need support A medic will be useful if they get hurt It’s Citi-def’s job to support the Judges in the protection of the mega-city That you are a psychic mutant that can scan/scout ahead for them

David: “What about the rest of the team?”

Core: “Those that will follow your plan can be trainees that you are taking on a scouting mission of the local mega-blocks so they can be familiar with the area. Atlanta Tower is near to Peach Trees, you can say you are from there if asked. The rest can hide out on the first floor away from anything and they might survive but that is their choice.

Kana, I’m going to put Citi-def on your front and back, pull back your energy as best you can so it doesn’t interfere and Dave, copy it onto yourself.”

Kana nodded and Citi-def appeared on her chest is white block letter. I closed my eyes and focused on the front and back of my clothes and shapeshift the same letters and a similar vest. Looks like making my clothes with my shapeshifting was a good idea and not just being too lazy to get new clothes from the waystation as Kana said.

Chip: “Warning, objectives are waking up”

Kana: “Your up. I’ll support, you take point. Remember to stay alert, trust only me. We don’t owe these people anything more than a chance. The recruits need to prove their worth before they join the squad.”

David: “OK, OK I remember your training … I’ll make it plain and simple like planned, no charity. I’m on point let’s go.”

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