《The Crucible - (Terror Infinity Fanfic)》Trial 1 – 5 – Deus Ex Animus


Of course, I'm coughing and spluttering as the others show up to see what is going on. JC just inspects the two bodies while the other just look at me coughing away.

JC: I didn't think you had this level of hand to hand skills based on your technique so far. Good instincts, I'll make sure to note your skills in the report and suggest additional training in this area.

David: Great *cough* thanks. Can you just get the camera for me so I can use the terminal and open the door?

JC: HA sure. Follow me, tough guy.

Kovit: Looks like the first stage.

David: What … how?

Kovit: Later … if you survive the mission.

I give Kovit a look to let him know he isn't off the hook before I pulled myself together and followed JC to the end of the hall. I watch him use a multi-tool to disable the camera. I still have no idea how they work, might have to play with mine sometime later.

With that sorted I moved to the computer terminal on the wall and dumped the gun and crowbar I was still holding on the table in front of it. Logging in proved easy with the data pad's information and I immediately set the ceiling turret to friendly an opened the door for Gunther.

Bonus Objective Completed – Rescue Agent Gunther Hermann alive within 45 minutes – Team receives 1000 points and D rank reward each.

Hidden Bonus Objective Completed Rescue Agent Gunther Hermann alive in under 20 minutes – Team receives additional 500 points and D rank reward each.

Objective altered – Agent Gunther Hermann must survive – Team receives -1500 points and D rank reward each if failed.

OK, one problem down and a bonus. Doesn't even matter if he dies we still come out ahead. Looks like the terminal has more then I remember too, I can see the lobby and holding cell cameras like normal but the camera setup outside and even more interesting one for the top floor with the commander are there too.

No turret upstairs, guess that would be too easy but it does give me some ideas. The first step will be getting Gunther to help us, I grab the pistol off the table for him as he joins us in the room.


Gunther looks as he did in the game but it comes across weirder in real life. He is kind of like Arnie in the terminator but with the eyes and top of the head skinned as well as the torso and upper arms being steel plated. Ironically the lower half looks normal in black combat pants and boots but who knows if his legs are even real. His appearance causes Jill and Adam to back up but as usual, Kovit seems unimpressed.

JC: Glad you're not hurt, Agent.

Gunther: Command should not have left us to be surrounded.

JC: Risk is part of the job. I think you lucked out this time.

Gunther: Agent Navarre and I were ready to go in, but for no reason they said pull back. I do not retreat. Please give me a weapon and move out of the way.

JC: First thing …

OK time to cut in and get Gunther's help and maybe make things easier and safer for myself. I quickly hold out the gun and cut off JC.

David: As you wish sir but may I request assistance and a moment of your time. I also have some more equipment for you.

Gunther: Who are you?

David: Trainee Stone sir, the Trainees and I were sent to learn from Agent Denton in the field. It's an honour to meet a veteran like yourself sir.

Gunther acts like someone who feels overlooked for the nano-augs in the game. A few sirs and some ass-kissery will hopefully make him stay long enough to convince him of my idea.

Gunther: Oh so JC Denton has some little Agents to train.

Damn, time for plan B, just lay it out quick.

David: Sir, after viewing the NSF system to open your door, I've noticed I have access to all the security, including cameras and turrets. One particular camera is for the top floor and it appears that the commander is having a meeting with four people plus guards. I was hoping to request your assistance with our assault.

JC: I'm confident I can handle the guards but I can't guarantee the safety of all the trainees, especially if they want the commander alive for questioning. Agent Gunther could be of assistance.


Gunther: HA, it is worth it just hearing the great Agent Denton requesting assistance. I will help you with your little problem.

David: Actually I have an idea that might make things go a bit easier.

Gunther: So the trainee wants to train the trainers?

JC: Go ahead trainee, your ideas have been useful so far.

David: Thank you sir. My plan is pretty simple though. Basically, I stay here and maintain control of the security system while your group proceeds covertly back up the staircase in the main lobby.

After I see you all reach the top of the stairs I'll give a, 15 count sounds about right, to give you time to move down the hall and start to the next floor. At that point, I will disable the cameras and switch the turrets to target the NSF. The ensuing chaos will distract the NSF and help protect your flank on one side at least.

If we move the desk here to semi block the hallway I should be safe with the turret guarding me and my pistol until the mission is complete and UNATCO moves in. I also thought that if you had a gas grenade it would be perfect for the top floor group, to smoke them out. Failing that I have these spare clips and a LAM for Agent Gunther, should be of much better use to him.

I take my spare clips from my pocket and the LAM from my jacket and hand them to Gunther. His red eyes seem to light up even more on seeing the LAM.

JC: What about other terminals, the NSF could log in and leave you high and dry.

David: First thing I was going to fix, I'll lock them out first.

I turned to the terminal and started looking through the settings. I found the logins and changed the password, Deusexmachina1. Seems like NSF001 was the admin login to begin with and they didn't bother making more accounts just for the simple security they set up.

David: Done, if you need it NSF001 password Deus Ex Machina 1, No spaces and capital D.

JC: God from the machine, a little dramatic don't you think?

Gunther: Indeed, I have no time for fanboys.

I can't tell if he is joking but since JC's face looks like mine feels … I'm just going to ignore it.

Adam: Perhaps someone should stay here with him to be backup. I'm willing to do it.

Jill looks angry she didn't think of it first. Probably would be safer.

Gunther: You would just slow us down anyway.

JC: No you stick with the main group. You haven't performed at all in this mission. I would rather keep you under my observation and see if you can assist a full agent before leaving you to cover another trainee. Trainee Stone will be fine with the turret and the hallway being blocked. Alright, form up, Trainee Kovit will support Agent Gunther since we are leaving Trainee Stone here.

Gunther: Which one is Kovit?

Kovit: Here sir.

Gunther: Hmm, you might be passable. You at least look like you can handle yourself. Make sure you keep up, I won't wait if you are slow.

JC: Easy Agent.

Gunther takes the crowbar from the desk and places it on the chair and picks the desk up from the middle like it's nothing. Guess those augs aren't just for show.

Gunther: There is no time to waste, I will set the desk move into the hallway.

JC: Understood, follow me trainees.

JC moved into the hallway followed by the others. Gunther turned at the entrance to the hallway and lay the desk on its side as a barricade.

Gunther: Maintain your vigilance little one. There will be no one here to save you but yourself.

Awww thanks Gunther. I didn't know you cared, you strange German terminator.

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