《I was Bored So I Became The Antagonist In a VR Game》Chapter 7 The first Hill


Pretty soon a new video popped up on the forum. It instantly blew up and caused the world to once again go into an uproar. Many guilds held meetings in response to the video and mostly laughed it of as some player looking for attention, so did most people laying the game. For the top ranked guilds and clans it was a serious matter that could not be overlooked even slightly. They knew that this mysterious organization was powerful enough to infiltrate inside the games main governments, but to not know about this group until now is what really troubled the various guild masters. Now with this video being released they couldn’t help but ask more questions, who is the man in the mask?, what is this group goal?, and what will they do next?

Xiler was now back at his planet over seeing the rest of the construction. The entire mountain was reinforced with trillium alloy, and a giant hanger bay was carved in its side. Ships was going in and out of it, carrying out their assigned missions. At the bottom of the mountain was a huge door that was open allowing vehicles to go in and out. Outside of the doors was a couple of buildings and barracks, troops were marching orderly in formation. Around this compound was a high wall mounted with turrets and kinds of defenses, also small teams would patrol the walls. The purple sky gave off the feeling that something evil was going on. This is what Xiler thought to himself as he headed inside. Through the giant doors and a few blockades, they stepped out of the vehicle and entered a elevator. The elevator went down to the deepest part of the mountain and opened up to a white coated lab. Xiler and his party continued out of the elevator and further into the facility. Around them was glass windows into various rooms. In one room you could see the creatures Xilers men had encountered when they first got here. Only this time the creatures were standing with a group of Soldiers.


The soldiers and the creatures looked to be training together. They did drills in a makeshift environment and had the creatures attack dummies in the set up building in the room. Xiler continued to the next room.

In the next room was a man tied to a chair looking at a bunch of screens of xiler face, The screen would quickly switch to other images. People in lab coats was watching the man and taking down notes.

At the end of the hall a door opened in front of Xiler, and out stepped a chubby man. His belly would jiggle with every movement and his white lab coat was stained with dried blood. The man hair was all frizzle, and the glasses on his face was cracked. Xiler smiled. “Dr. Locknile we meet again.” Taking his hand to shake them. Locknile gave a big toothy smile. “Ah my lord, what can this lowly creature do to serve you.” The Doctor said in a whizzed like voice. Xiler continued. “Ah dear doctor I have heard about your wonderful progress with those creatures. I have seen how far you have came and I am most pleased indeed! So dear doctor I was wondering if you had any more surprises.”

Dr. Locknile gave a little jump in the air and grabbed xiler hands. “Oh yes, yes, yes! I have much more! Many more! Please come and I’ll show you my lord.” Xiler smiled. “Then please doctor lead the way, but um...do you mind letting my and go first?” Gun barrels were pointed at Locknile Head, red lasers dotted the man's forehead. Doctor locknile started to sweat. “Oh may! Forgive me my lord! I..I was to excited.” Xiler noodled his head. “I understand, so please lead on.” Doctor locknile went on and led Xiler around the labs and showing off different projects. At the end Xiler greatly complimented doctor locknile and his achievements to New Order. After this Xiler left and went back to the elevator. The elevator opened and Xiler walked into the control room. People were sitting at monitor stations, and a blue hologram of the planet was floating in the middle of the room. You could see the real time positions and movements of everybody on the hologram, you could even see the positions of the fleets in orbit. There was a giant screen displaying information in the front of the room, it’s a shame to say but I didn’t know what it all meant really.


“His lordship!” Someone shouted as I entered the room, gaining everyone in the rooms attention. “Greetings to our lord!” Everyone shouted while doing our standard salute. I raised my hand in acknowledgment and told everyone to continue what they was doing. Around the hologram of the planet was a circular table with black chairs around it. I sat down in the only chair that was colored red. “Zed start project ant hill.” Zed gave me a look with pause. “My lord please forgive these words but are you sure the time is right?” I smiled at zed words. “The time couldn’t be better.” I said. Zed hooded and talked in his communication device. The blue hologram switched to show HomeWorld, on it you could see small red circles start to grow all over the map. I sat there and watched the hologram of HomeWorld. “Let's start the event.”

Back on HomeWorld a great change was occurring.

POV ShiningSun

ShiningSun was the guildmaster of SunBlazers, which was ranked 15th on the guild rankings. ShiningSun was in his office looking through some papers when someone barged into his room. “The fuck! You scared the hell out of me! Do you want to die!” ShiningSun screamed. The player was scared but he still continued. “Boss we are under attack!” ShiningSun got even more angry after hearing this. “Who the fuck dares to mess with SunBlazers! They must want die! They must truly not care indeed!” SunBlazers headed out his office and outside. He could see people running and crowding up the. Over ShiningSun Head fighters zoomed over in a neat V formation. Displaying a red sun symbol on the sides of the aircrafts. SunBlazres is not ranked 15th on the guild rankings for nothing, they had the power to back it up.

ShiningSun sun made it onto the wall and looked out. In the horizon you could see fighters heading this way while escorting troop transport ships. ShiningSun asked in chat if they identified the guild attacking but in response he got a no. “What are you fools standing around for! Do your damn Jobs! Move it people!” Everyone scrambled after hearing ShiningSun words. More fighters started to lift of the ground and join the friends in the air. ShiningSun went around yelling. “Most of those transport ships will land so gear your asses up! We are SunBlazers so show these fucks who they are dealing with!” It was this time with both sides fighters started to engage in the skies. The enemy’s slick jet black fighters had a otherworldly design to them. Purple lights glowing from their engines and other compartments as they danced with the fighters of SunBlazers. The evening sky was lit with purple and red streaks zipping across the sky. Explosions sounded as the transport ships shot out pods onto the SunBlazers base. The pods doors slammed down, cause the dirt and dust on the ground to create a thick smoke. Teams got in formation to confront the troops that were about to emerge from the smoke. “Let’s show these fuckers what it means to mess with SunBlazers!” Said ShiningSun. “YEAH!!!” Cheered the crowd. ShiningSun was just about to give the command to engage.


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