《I was Bored So I Became The Antagonist In a VR Game》chapter 2 A flashy entrance


“ Sir we are coming out of warp now.” In front of us was a beautiful green and blue planet, with three continents. “Homeworld” was the starting planet for players, here they would join a clan/guild and pick a faction. Each continent was ruled by a game faction, the largest continent located in the center giving it the name “central continent” is ruled by the “Gracious Empire”. known for its powerful and large army and also religious faith to the god of prosperity and love Talium. The top ranked clan, The “Yang Clan” is located here.

The second largest continent to the west is ruled by the “United kingdom's of Zorin”. Governed by a council of 5 kings, they came together to form a alliance against the ever growing gracious empire. The “Dancing in the Moonlight” clan is located here, who is one of the other clans in the game that can rival the yang clan but still fall short, landing them as the second top rank clan in the game.

Lastly is the east smallest continent out of the three. Ruled by the “Florium Empire” who is equal to the Gracious Empire in military power despite its small size. Located here is the third top ranked clan “ Blades Retribution”.

Each faction had their own fleets and controlled the air space over their respected lands. The reason the factions do not expand into outer space is because the lack of planets in the solar system, and because the resources needed to send a fleet just to search for a valuable planet. That they may or may not find in the great expanse of space, they could waste years and give a perfect time for their enemies to strike.

“ Take us over the eastern ocean, then head towards the Florium Empire . we will go to Dirium port.”

Dirium port was Floriums largest ship port, Bringing in traders and all walks of life from all over. Pretty soon we come near the port and get radioed from the ports control tower.

### This is officer Grant of the Florium Empire royal navy, please identify your ship or we will be forced to use military action. You have fifteen seconds to comply, I repeat this …..###


I responded to the transmission. “ This is ID: ALPHA_ORIAN_NEW_ALPHA_OSIRIS_ORDER_PROJECT_CLEAN UP.” there was a small pause over the radio.

### For the lord who will shadow over all and bring light over all that is shadowed. New order will rise....please land on pad eight my lord.###

I smirked to myself and closed the transmission channel. Soon we landed and was preparing to disembark when I called over Zed and his men. I gave them black cloaks with hoods, and silver masks. The masks were smooth without openings, only having a red painted eye covering the center.

“ Have your men put on these clothes, we will walk through the city and meet up with the ground team at our base of operations here.” Switching out the cloak i was wearing, I now had on a red smooth mask with a black painted eye covering up the middle center. My cloak was white with a giant red painted eye on the back.

Zed and his men took positions around me, putting me in the center of the group. When we left the cruiser people gazes were already on us. Not many people owned a cruiser, it was only a privilege for the military, nobles, powerful clans, or wealthy merchants. As we made our way into the inner city i started to take in the environment. The air was festive and people was rushing along the street. Food and merchant stands lined the sides of the street and people was going in and out of shops. A mixture of sounds and smells took over the city. People would move from out of our way, looking at us curiously whispering to the people beside them.

“ Who are they? They look stupid..”

“ Is this a performance group for the festival?”

“ I heard that there has been a new cult popping up lately…”

“ Who is the guy in the middle?”

“ I do not know, but I was down at the port and they had a cruiser!”

“ what!”

“ Look! If you look closer, the guy in the middle is a Player!”

“Are those NPC’S then?”

I listened to the comments and smiled, I wonder what would happen if they found out I was that guy on the news years ago. We continued down the street when a group of players blocked our path. A guy with a navy blue military uniform stepped out in front of the group. I started to hear people around me.


“ Uh-oh its Clinging Frog from Blades Retribution, think he is going to use his clans name to bully another player again?”

“ He is such a fucking scumbag.”

“ That guy better watch out if he knows what's good for him.”

The man known as Clinging Frog started to speak. “ Hey you, you must be new around here. Am I right?

“ yeah. So what?” I said. Him and his buddies started to laugh and snicker.

“ Well since your new I'll tell you the rules around here, new players must pay five hundred creds for tax purposes. But being a generous guy I am, I will take only one hundred creds. This is very generous of me.

“Tch.” I scoffed at this man. Everything he said was obviously bull shit, even the people in the crowd knew it was bull shit.

“ Hmmm, did you hear me? Or do you take my nice gesture as a joke?”

I smirked. “Only a fool will waste time talking to shit, Zed clear out the trash in front of me.”

“ Yes my Lord.” Zed and his men started to move.

“ You Fucker do you really want to go against the Blades!”

From the cloak sleeves of my men red energy blades slided out, giving them a ruthless cold look. Zed and his men has been highly trained to fight one versus three against Gracious imperial guard. What could these players do to my men but give them a small stretch exercise. It didn't take long for zed and his men to finish off Clinging Frog and his group.

“ Sorry for the delay my lord, the road is clear of all trash.”

“ Thank you Zed, let us continue.” The people around us was shocked at what they had seen, some even forgot to close their mouths.

“ who is that player to have such strong NPC’s?”

“ Is he with the Yang Clan?”

“ So strong!”

“ Did you record that man!”

I loved the attention right now, but I needed to stay focus on why im here. After awhile we came to a church, engraved on the door was a eye. Outside fifty people stood and upon seeing me they all bowed. Soon we was in the church. It was beautifully decorated and furnished. We walked to the back of the builds to a large elevator. Guarding the elevator was two armed guards who saluted me. Getting onto the elevator we took it down to the basement floor and got out, we walked out into a large room or should I say bedroom. On a silk covered bed laid a women bounded in chains. Her smooth brown hair laid down on her shoulders, dancing with her slender figure as she moved to turn around. Her skin was a beautiful clean chestnut color and her piercing green eyes only added more charm to her. Hearing people come in she sat up.

“ Who are you? And the fuck do you people want?”

I chuckled slightly and someone brought in a chair for me to sit in. “hello, I can not tell you who I am so I am sorry I can not answer your first question. But as for your second question these people are my people, I do hope they have been treating you nicely here.”

“ What do you want from me? I am just a low noble coming here for the festival. Why did you kill my guards and kidnap me?”

“ Well Ms. Luciela Evergreen 2nd princess and second daughter to his royal majesty emperor Valan Evergreen.” as soon as I said them words she clenched her teeth and tightened her hand on the bed sheets. “ I have a lot of things I want for you.” I said smiling. “ And for your wonderful help I will think about sparing you life. How does that sound?” My laughter sounded throughout the room, echoing of the walls. Giving a slight chill to the princess and my guards in the room.


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