《I was Bored So I Became The Antagonist In a VR Game》Chapter 1 Perfect satisfaction


The planet was of a purple shade, giving everyone a dark forbidden feeling. You could see dark clouds swirling across the planet atmosphere with the occasional streak of purple lightning.

The ship engines roared as we approached the planet. In Expanding Stars Online players could claim land on planets not occupied by the games AI and build bases, but there is a risk in doing so.

If you were to build a base on an AI-controlled planet or territory you are protected, and your base cannot be easily raided.

The AI will send in security forces to stop all intruders. But if you were

to build a base outside AI-controlled space, then you are on your own. There are ways of protecting your base, ways even better than the automatic security in controlled space. But all player bases are in controlled space currently in the game. No player or guild has ever found an uninhabited planet in uncontrolled space, well that is...until today.

"My lord we are now breaking through the atmoosphere, visuals are coming through."

I looked on the display screen and could see a black rock like land scape with sharp glossy dark morble like spikes coming from out the ground and the side of mountians. Here or there I could also see

small feilds of grass and forest. It was truley a beautiful sight that only with the creation of virtural tech could all this be possible.

"Deploy drones."

Three small spheres went out from underneth the ship, they could scan the area and send data back to the ship. After about a hour we started to recive imformation back from the drones.

"Sir we have recived reports from drone Delta, of a hollowed mountain just north east from our curent location."

After hearing this information I thought this was the most perfect place to start building. I could build my base inside the mountian. hiding it from plan view, maybe even putting a couple of hangers

on the mountian side.

"Set course for destination, I want that mountian dugged out and refitted in 3 months time." I said.

"Yes sir!"

"Also prepair a personal transport for me, I will be going down as well"

I made my way to the hanger-bay, At my transport ship I was greeted by 6 NPC's in black special ops gear. They gave me a salute which was puttung your right hand over the heart. I walked over to the captian of the squad.

"Captian Zed I trust everything is in order?"

"Yes my lord we are ready to leave at your ready."

"Good. I would like to be on sight when the crews land, so I will be in your care captain Zed."

"Yes sir!"

I got into the transport ship and we slowly departed fron the destroyer hanger-bay doors slowly picking up spead towards the mountian. It did not take us long to get there at all really, we landed at a samll camp a liitle away from the site.

Our ship landed and I steped onto the grassy field. The camp was busy with soldiers carrying out diffrent tasks, a fence was already set up around the camp. I walked to the center of the camp where a big black tent was located. I walked in

and could see a middle aged man standing at a table in the center of the tent. He was bold, with a scar running down from his scalp and across his left eye. This was commander River Song, a NPC i brought from the games website. After buying this guy I was eatting cheese and crakers for about a month. Upon my arrival commander Song stood up.


"Greetings to the lord." While giving me the standered salute.

"No need to be so tense Song." I said with a chucke. " You have been by my side for a long time now, just call me Xiler."

" I could never show such disrespect to our lord."

I could only sigh at the man, when you buy NPC's you can change thier personality. For all the NPC's I have so far I gave them the dicription of a loyal follower who will die for thier master goal, and belives him to even be a god.

I was just messing around with the settings at first, since having the power to control a person thoughts and actions was a new concept to me. After that it was just a standered setting I put in all my NPC'S that I buy off the games site, and for the NPC"S I get from inside the game, like slaves or criminals. Seems to get brainwashed by the other NPC'S, so now everything has turned into a religous military like cult. So I just went with it and gave it the name New Order.

" (sigh)...What is the situation of the surrounding area?"

" We have come in to contact with a strange group of creatures, Four-legged type in nature. They caught some of our scouting teams by surprise but the situation has now become stable. A few have been captured and are being sent to the labs for further study. I think we can get some use out of these creatures."

I was really shocked to hear that this planet was habbitated at all really.

" Are there any signs of intelligent life?'

"No sir, just thoes creatures we have found today."

"Good." I said letting out a breath of relief. If there had indeed been such a case then I would have to wipe them out. I dont like leaving potential threats that could grow and bite me in the ass later.

" Have you set a Transfer Point yet?"

" Not yet my lord but soon we will get working on that."

Transfer Points are set loctions where telaport systems on the ship can lock on to. Its one of the most important functions on any ship. I walked around the camp for awhile and talked to a few captians, by the tiime I was done seeing the whole camp, the transfer point had been seet up.

" Song you are in charge of the construction operations, I want you to remember that eveything most be done in 3 months. I will be returning to Home World soon. I will put my trust in you once again."

" Do not worry, your plans will be meet on time my lord."

I stepped on to the transfer point pad, after a brief shimmer I was back on my Destroyer. I was walking again back to the ships hanger when I hit the button on my communication device. " Tell the admrials to call in."

"Yes my lord."

There are 4 admirals in my fleet, They are the clones of commander Song. The only way to tell who was who, was by looking into thier eyes. Commander song the orginal one has hazle eyes, making him look cold and stern.

The clones eyes went from Blue, Green, Purple, and Yellow each one with a Destroyer class ship at thier command. each admiral has 1,000 battleships, 1,000 carriers, and 2,000 crusers in thier fleet. Not long after I could see thoes four colors stairing at me on my device.


" I will be going to Home World soon, Take Your fleets and set up a planetary defense system and then set a patrol. Establish ship routs with the logistics team planet side."

"Yes Father."

Yet again I find myself sighing. They call me father because I made them way back when I dicovered a cloning technology bluepint during a raid. But I think they call me father in a religious sort of way sometimes too. " Zed you will be coming with me with you team to home World, there are things we need to do." We get to the hanger and board a cruser.

"My lord may I ask you something?"

I turn my head to the side to look at Zed. " sure go ahead."

" Why not just go and destroy all those weak groups you called guilds? We are clearly more poweful then them, so why most we hide."

I chuckled. " Zed I will tell you a story, there was once a boy who was looked down on by everyone. They would steal his gear and make him a decoy in raids. But there was nothing the boy could do because he was weak, But the boy never complained.

Then one day in front of the whole world for each and everyone to see, he told a big secret. A secret of a powerful man who was the strongiest in the world. The powerful man and his people caught the boy and dragged him on camera in front of a crowd of people. hundreds of people was watching, That powerful man smirked at the boy and insulted him, had his people beat the boy up. Then the girl who the boy was dating at the time came out of the crowd.

The boy was worried for her and tried to break free of the people holding him. But unlike what the boy thought, the girl went behind the powerful man, the way she put her arms around the man and how the man naturally lifted his arms up to let her arms slide under, gave the feeling that this was a daily habit of a couple. The boy was confused by her actions. The powerful man turned around and hugged her and then planted a kiss on her lips. The girl smiled and looked back towards the boy. The boy looked back at the girl...no you can say the boy looked back to the memories of his childhood.

When he would play and follow the girl around, and then to high school where he finally confessed his feelings. He thought of the festivals they went to and the date to the water park. The powerful man was telling the crowd of people how the boy would never leave his girlfriend alone and was jealous of him that she was with him and not the boy.

Then again to the boy shock, the girl nodded her head. she said she has been dating the man for a while, proving to the crowd with photos of her on dates with the powerful man in different places and cities like Paris. Then the boy remembered that lately the girl would take long trips and tell him she was going to visit a sick relative.

Things finally clicked for the boy, the crowd was looking at the boy in disgust now thinking everything the boy did until now was out of jealousy. The boy thought how could they be so stupid, he would never go so low. soon the crowd was cursing they boy, the boy looked at all the faces in the crowd and then at the man and finally the girl, he looked at all this and screamed. The scream was so loud and so shocking that it was like a pained dragons roar. The crowd, the man and the girl was shocked in to silence, not a sound could be heard.

The boy screamed until his voice cracked, out of shock the men holding the boy let him go and he fell down to his kness with his head hung down. Then the boy looked up with a calm expression, but his eyes showed his true emotions. The boy started to speak and said. " I promise all of you...all you, that this day I vow to do eveything in my power.

To make eveything and everyone suffer in this world. I will not stop until the Yang guild is destroyed and every player regrets for not seeing the truth, because you are just as guilty for sitting there and watching. Today is the day That this boy Becomes everybodys daddy." After that the man smirked and laugh. " Look at this guy, he just wont shut up and say stupid things when his caught." the man said. " Was not going to kill you out of kidness but I think a shit like you needs to restart your charcter." Smilling the man turns to the crowd and asked them what everyone thought.

People yelled and threw curses at the boy. Soon the boy was killed, satring at the girl the whole time he was being stabbed and burned. Later the event was spread showing the video of the whole thing and even made it into news channels around the world. Some even called out for the release of the boys name, but could not get it because of legall issues. The world labled the boy a scum, never really caring to find out the truth behind things. That was 3 years ago, the world has moved on and forgot. but the boy never did."

" I still dont understand why sir."

I looked calmly into to Zed eye's. " Everything most be perfect...I dont want nobody getting away....I want everything and everyone to suffer along with me Zed, I want to be the one laughing at the crowd, I want to judge the world and look down on it as tissue stuck to my shoe. I want thoes to suffer and the others to feel helpless as I once did, do you understand now Zed....I want perfect satisfaction."

" Yes sir i understand...." I couldnt help but feel a cold shiver run up my body after the lord words, his dark cloak was hiding half his face. but I could still feel his cold eyes staring at me. " Prepair for space warp to Home World."

I can only feel but pity for thoes fools who unleashed this monster on to themselves.

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