

There's a surge of adrenaline and a sensation like having a great weight dropped into my stomach. My head reels with vertigo and confusion—expecting an immediate drop but finding something solid and unseen where thin air should be. For a few wild heartbeats I panic. Then my brain makes sense of my surroundings.

The "basement" is a crescent-shaped room made entirely of glass or some other strong, clear material. Reinforced by steel panes and supports, it cups the waterfall where it issues from the mountain. Its two points meet the mountain's face at either side of it, one of which is where I now stand.

For a minute or two I'm frozen, trying to get my bearings and fighting back nausea. Ahead of me at the center of the crescent, the metal latticework comes together in tight, complex patterns. There's lanterns, tables, seats...and what looks like a full bar. A dozen or so people are gathered already, most of them looking my way. One of them breaks from the group and comes toward me down the curving hall.

"Ashwyn? Are you alright?" E.J.'s face is knotted up in concern. "Oh spirits, I'm so sorry," her speed increases to almost a jog. A second later her arms are around me. "I've never surprised anyone with it before. I didn't think—"

"It's ok, I'm ok," I insist. But I feel cold, and I look terrible, if E.J.'s expression is any indication.

"I'm so sorry. I'll help you back upstairs." Her arm curls around my shoulder and she turns with me, but I put a hand up.

"No, please. I want to join everyone. I just needed a minute."

"Alright," she says, looking doubtful. She moves her arm to my back, keeping it there as we make our slow way down the hall. I'm grateful for the support because I genuinely need it...but I'd pretend to even if I didn't.

"Here, sit down," she says, guiding me through the throng to one of the plush leather armchairs. "Can I bring you something to drink? Some food? We always just do a bunch of appetizers for these parties, but—"

"Yes," I say. "Pick for me, please? I just need to...to adjust for minute."

"Of course."

She glides off. Breathing deep, I spread my arms across the supple leather of the chair and attempt to ground myself. Then I look out over the night-veiled mountains and trees. A river snakes away from the shattered pool at the waterfall's base, shining silver as it catches intermittent flashes of moonlight. Heavy clouds build on the horizon, crowding closer.

My hostess returns with a drink—which turns out to be dark rum mixed with ginger beer—and a loaded plate in her hands. Setting them on the little glass table before me, she takes the seat beside my own. The other guests begin to coalesce around her, around us, drawn in as if by gravitational pull. I nibble my way through sweet meats while she introduces me to each one.


Hornsby is one of the first, but he cuts her off with a merry "We've already made one another's acquaintance." After that I meet the Keeper of House and Grounds and Head of Security, Ms. Creed—a fit middle-aged woman with red hair and scars cutting across her right temple. She smiles warmly at me. The crow sitting on her shoulder caws.

"You can call me Kat," she says, before popping some fried calamari into her mouth. "And this is Abraxas," she adds, feeding a bit of crispy tentacle to her feathered companion. He caws again. "Shush, 'Braxy. Be polite."

The chef's name turns out to be Thesas Gray—fittingly dire. He acknowledges me with a grunt. Almost everyone after him is introduced by name alone, with no mention of their role in the household. All-in-all there's around thirty-five of us in attendance, and I can't help but wonder—not for the first time—why E.J.'s part-time home needs such an extensive staff. If all of them even are staff, which I'm not sure they are.

Eventually Hornsby takes a seat at my other side. As E.J. gets caught up in conversation with other householders, he strikes one up with me.

"How are you enjoying your stay at Stormhaven so far?"

"Oh, wow. I...didn't know it was called that." I pause as I try to decide how best to answer his question. "It's amazing here."

He grins. "It is, isn't it? I'm pinching myself every day over this job, and I've been here for three years now."

I take a drink while I consider that. "I've actually been curious. It just seems like kind of a large staff for a part-time home. Or are some of them family?" I choose my words carefully. I don't want to seem like I'm prying too much, though somehow it feels like I am.

His eyes widen, surprised by the question. "Oh, you don't know? Almost everyone here is assisting Ms. Butler with research and development, or working on independent projects. And they're all personal friends of hers too at this point, family as far as any of us are concerned. She provides them with room, board and all the equipment and funding they need."

"What kind of research?"

Hornsby's eyes light up. "All kinds," he says. "There are specialists in technology and engineering, umbrology, biology, ecology, and chemistry. Not just research for Umbratech, but anything Ms. Butler finds worthwhile."

"Oh," I breathe, looking over at E.J. where she talks animatedly with a cluster of her people. Her colleagues and friends. Her family. I can feel myself falling further in love with her by the second.


"She's somethin" Hornsby agrees, raising his glass in tribute before downing the rest of it.

A loud tink-tink-tink draws our attention to Kat, who holds her fluted glass high while Abraxas taps it with his beak. "Your attention, please," she calls. She has it almost immediately. Everyone falls quiet as she steps aside so that E.J. can take her place. Someone whose name I don't remember moves through the crowd, handing out glasses of sparkling wine from a tray.


"Thank you all for gathering here tonight to celebrate my glorious return." She pauses, making way for some groans, jeering, and a few cheers. "Oh, and for the anniversary of our good Hornsby's entrance into the world too, of course," she adds after a moment, smirking and winking at the individual in question.

"I'm so pleased with his general existence, in fact, that I've decided to promote him."

There's a sudden intake of breath beside me and cheers from all around us. "To the man of the evening and my brand-new, one-and-only personal assistant, James Timmison Hornsby!" She raises her glass high, and we all follow suit, clinking our drinks together with whoever's close enough before tossing them back.

Uproarious cheering and applause ensues, in which I enthusiastically join. By the end of it, my ears are ringing and Hornsby's cheeks are bright red and shining with happy tears. He couldn't look more pleased if he tried.

It takes me a few moments to notice my own complete lack of jealousy. I'm proud of myself—and more than a little shocked. I don't care about the job anymore. I've wanted a place in her life from the moment I met her...but I already have that now.

And I might—might—be just a little gratified that even though I didn't get the job, none of the other interviewees there that day did either.

Hornsby gets up to accept his congratulations and a pile of gifts. At some point, Chef disappears and then returns with a massive cake on a silver platter. It's salted chocolate and lavender with silver and gold candles. Hornsby blows out the little flames in one go, then takes it upon himself to cut and pass out slices.

When I get mine I move to the outer edge of the gathering space, taking a new seat. I let the sounds of happy conversation and laughter wash over me as I savor the cake. My eyes wander back and forth between the nightcloaked mountains all around us to E.J, entranced by both.

Eventually our host catches my eye and makes her way over to me. "Are you alright over here by yourself?"

"Oh yes," I assure her. "Just...enjoying the ambience." I wave a hand to indicate our general surroundings.

"Is there anything I can do for you, get for you?"

I shake my head. "I'm great. Don't let me keep you from everyone."

"I'm exactly where I want to be," she says, and my heart melts into a puddle. Heat rushes to my face, and I don't know what to do other than to smile up at her. She takes the seat beside mine.

"I know you didn't come here under the best of circumstances, or even by choice...but I hope you're enjoying your stay. I'm sorry I've had to leave you alone so much."

"I understand why you have to, it's alright. And Hornsby told me about all the research you're funding. I think it's incredible."

She shrugs. "I just have a lot of money. I try to put it to good use. It's not all philanthropy, though. A lot of it's for Umbratech."

"As if your products don't improve people's lives,' I say sardonically, pulling my companion from my pocket and waving it at her. E.J. gives me a weak little smile. It's gone the next instant as a violet light flashes across the sky to the north. Her gaze jerks towards it, her lips drawing together in a hard line.

"Speaking of my business, I have some which I'm obligated to attend to," she says, standing up. "I hope you enjoy the rest of the party." Then she bends at the waist and—taking me completely by surprise—gives me a quick kiss atop my curls. She lingers for half a heartbeat before pulling away. "And don't be afraid to talk to people, alright? Well, except maybe Chef," she adds with a laugh.

Then she's off, and I'm left with a large group of near-strangers and a view that any artist would kill for.


I'm not sure what it is, exactly, that keeps me to myself for the rest of the night. Intimidation, most likely—and a sense like I don't belong. I'm just an undeserving intruder in this family of brilliance. Kat edges over to me at one point, doing her best to make conversation. She even lets me pet Abraxas. He and I become quick friends.

Aside from that and a few more little chats with Hornsby, though, I'm on the outer edges looking in. Learning what I can about this vital part of E.J.'s world. And of course, taking in that view.

Spirits, that view.

Periodically the thunder rolls, and another bolt of violet lightning illuminates the landscape from a new angle.

I can't tear myself away from it. Which is why, by around two a.m., I'm still here. The last to leave. I've spread out on a love seat, slowly finishing off one of the bottles of sparkling wine as I lose myself in the present. There's still a good deal of food left over, and a bathroom just one floor above which I've already made use of more than once. The rhythmic rushing of the waterfall has become a soothing backdrop to my thoughts.

I'm considering just staying the night down here when I hear it. Something scrabbling at the door down the hall. My breath catching in my throat as my eyes fix on the door. The latch twitches, turns, then bangs open as whatever's on the other side throws its weight against it.

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