《Heroic Chronicles Volume 2: Dawn of the New Beginning》Chapter 11: The Surprise Visit (Part 3)


Chapter 11: The Surprise Visit (Part 3)

Two days had passed since I first enrolled into the Royal Elite Knights. During these past two days, I have no other visitors other than the maid, Leah who I have befriended and got to know her name. She was the one who brought the breakfast, lunch and dinner without fail for me. And every time she came and visit, I insisted that I wanted to talk to her since I was very bored. Other than the first night visit by Sierra, no one else had come. So, I took the time I had to strike up a chat with Leah every time she came and visit.

Other than that, I filled my time to practice my sword skills. When I woke up, I would complete the First Movement of the Sun Sword at least dozens of times, while after dinner I’ll focus and put myself in the trance state so that I can practice in my mind up to the Fifth Movement of Sun Sword. This has been routine for the past two days for me. I was really bored being in the room all by myself with no one to talk to other than Leah, who came just three times a day for her duties.

As I was wondering how would I kill my time, I heard a knock on my door.

“Sire, I’m here to bring you your breakfast!”

It’s Leah again. And she was always on time. I always look forward meeting and have a chit-chat with her. Mind you that she was already married with two kids, so I know myself that I won’t make any unnecessary move on her.

“Come in, Leah.”

Leah opened the door and proceed to serve me my breakfast as usual. She sure worked very hard for her family, especially for her two young children. I admired hard-working women like her. As I looked and smiled at her, she finished serving me the breakfast. She turned around and then looked at me.

“Sire, I have a message from Captain Rizzou to you. He told me to give you this letter.”

Leah handed me a letter sealed with crested red wax. Yet another crest that I cannot identify. People in Elsivier really do love crest, don’t they? Every time I got a letter, it was surely sealed with some sort of crest. Some might use magic seals and some might use red wax like the one I received from Captain Rizzou.

Thanks, Leah. I’ll read it after I’m done with breakfast. And I’ll put the plate in the usual place.

Leah nodded as she then exited the room.

I looked at the breakfast that was served to me and today’s menu was a triple slice of ham with freshly baked bread and mushroom stew. And for the drinks, it was Elsiberry milk with honey. Not bad to start a day with a hearty breakfast like this. And as usual, I gobbled up all my food without leaving any whatsoever stain on it. I was licking the plate clean.

Burp! Man, that was one great breakfast like usual.

I looked at the letter that Captain Rizzou gave to me through Leah. Wonder what’s in it? I break the wax seal and opened the letter.

Date: 4009AD, Day 22nd of the Month May

Dear Claude,

How’s your stay so far in your room? I trust everything were to meet your expectation.

However, I do apologise for not visiting you for the past two days. I have been busy with the upcoming Parade of the Champions. And talking about the Parade, I need to see you as soon as possible, perhaps before noon today. Perhaps after your breakfast if possible.


I’ll explain more when you drop by and see me later. Till then.


Captain Rizzou, Office of the Elemental Circle

Captain Rizzou just summoned me to his office it seemed. Regarding the matter of Parade of Champions huh?

I heard a little about it from Jann and Mili the other day, but I can’t remember much. Perhaps Captain Rizzou would explain to me in more detail. And it seems it’s an urgent matter as I was required immediately to attend after I read this letter. Well, since I have nothing else to do, this might be a good excuse for myself to finally move my ass out of the room and get rid of my boredom. Staying in one place for two days without doing anything or going out made me kind of anxious. This was not the idea of how my adventure should be. I need to do something. Anything.

I arrived at Captain Rizzou’s office not long after I received his letter. He was busy handling and addressing some workers about their jobs.

“Hello, Captain Rizzou!”

I shouted at him from afar, as he was surrounded by people waiting to get their orders.

“Ah, Claude. Please wait a moment. I need to direct these folks on what to prepare for the parade.”

“Ah, alright. Take your time.”

I looked around and the Elemental Circle seemed much merrier than it was two days ago. There were more people now too compared when I first arrived here with Captain Forgante.

In fact, I could see more activities around the Elemental Circle with people all walking around. Some were wearing the same uniforms as Captain Rizzou, albeit with some difference in colours and adornments. And some seemed to be the public people, perhaps workers who were here working on some things. I wonder what were they working on anyway? It sure seemed fun.

“Hey, Claude. Glad you could make it today and see me. Now come in.”

Captain Rizzou led me and we entered the same room I was with him two days ago. He was sitting in a chair, perhaps taking his short break from all the works.

“Things sure look hectic around here Captain Rizzou.”

I started the conversation.

“You sure can say it again. I’m dead tired and it still hasn’t even noon yet.”

Captain Rizzou let out a long sigh.

“Well, it’s all in a day’s job, right?”

Captain Rizzou smiled at me.

“Hey Claude, do you know anything about the upcoming Parade of the Champions?”

“Not really, Captain Rizzou. I haven’t had the chance to learn anything about it yet.”

“Is that so? Then good. I can bring you along then.”

“Huh? Bring me along? Where to?”

“Somewhere. I need some capable hands and I thought you might be free. Now, let’s move our ass and get on working!”

I haven’t even sat down properly yet and now I have to stand up again and followed Captain Rizzou. He sure seemed like a busy bee. An enthusiastic and hardworking bee.

“I’ll explain as we move along. Do try to catch up, Claude.”


I answered him rather enthusiastically too.

“That’s the spirit, young man.”

Captain Rizzou led me towards a group of people gathering in the courtyard. This courtyard was known here as the Main Courtyard of the Elemental Circle.

“I’ll introduce you to them. Come now, follow me.” I just followed him from behind.

“Hello everyone!” Captain Rizzou greeted the crowd. The people seemed happy to see Captain Rizzou. He sure was friendly to everyone, even to me when I first arrived here.


Captain Rizzou introduced me to the crowd. “Hey people, let me introduce you to our latest Elites. He’s Claude.”

They stopped their work immediately and surrounded me. I was getting kind of nervous being surrounded by so many people at one time.

“Hey boy, congrats! You Elites are sure getting younger every year. So, you must be looking forward to the big day, ehh?”

The crowd cheer me on. I felt a little better now. Being in a crowd sometimes make me feel awkward, especially if I’m the centre of the attention. I’m still not used to having eyes on me. Cheering me on would make me a little brave, I think. And that was my feeling now. A little better and a little braver for the days to come.

“He would, I’ll be sure of that. Alright, I think we better get going. Still got lots of works to do and places to go.”

Captain Rizzou said before he handed some documents to the workers.

“Be sure to follow the plan and adjust accordingly, alright people.”

All of the workers nodded as they went back to resume their earlier works.

“Come, Claude. Let’s get moving.”

“See you on the parade day, Captain. And you too, young boy.” The workers waved me goodbye as we proceed to our next destination. I waved at them in return.

“Those people are responsible to set the stage in front of the Main Courtyard here for the parade. Their job requires many people to set up the stage and decorate it. It’s pretty much very detailed works. And that’s why you see there are so many of them gathered here, today.”

I see. No wonder there were many people, men and women were walking about near Elemental Circle. They were the workers who going to set the main stage for the parade after all. I can’t help but to feel excited.

“So, Claude. Let me tell you about the parade as we move along. Our next destination is the palace’s courtyard towards the Royal Stage. It will take a while to reach there, so we will talk along the journey.”

I nodded.

“Every year, we inducted new knights into our ranks, whether it’s for us the Elites or for the army. Being a knight is a major achievement for anyone, not just because of its benefits and perks but also the title that it brings to the knight after reaching the rank of First Lieutenant. As you noticed, the public called us knights as ‘Ser’. And you will be known as Ser Claude after this to them.”

“There are many ways to be knighted. Some by valour and recommendation like you and me. Some are because of family’s lineage. Most, however, are rank progression, from a squire to a knight.”

“As you know, squires are knights-in-training. They trained under their master, mostly senior knights or even served under them from time to time as a freelance squire. All the noble houses have squires to act as caretaker of the estate and also errand boys. After a period of a number of years and passing the knighthood test, they too will be conferred as a knight, and be called Ser after reaching the rank of First Lieutenant.”

“Ah, I see now.”

“So, the Parade of Champions was held to commemorate this event. As to honour these knights’ ascension to their ranks after all the training and hardship, not to mention to award the knights who have proven their valour in battle or make the kingdom proud. So, this event serves as threefold.”

“First, to honour brave men and women, like you. Second, to celebrate the ascension of knighthood. And third, to tell everyone in this kingdom and of other kingdoms, that being a knight and serving Elsigardia has lots of perks and benefits and one of them is public recognition.”

“Thus, many people would come here and would serve and swear their allegiance to Elsigardia. And because of that, we seldom have the shortage of people coming into our ranks and that will bolster our military strength.”

“The Parade of the Champions is an annual event. We held it on the final day of the Festival of the Spring. As you know, Festival of the Spring was held to commemorate the Goddess Athenea, who is the goddess of fertility and growth. And Goddess Athenea also happened to be the Goddess of Battle and Valour. She is also Elsigardia’s patron Goddess and our people deified her in many ways. Which is why we held the Parade of Champions every final day of the Festival of the Spring.”

“I see. Now I understand. The Parade of Champions and Festival of Springs seems to be a very big deal here, in Elsivier and the whole Elsigardia. Am I right, Captain?”

“You catch on quick, don’t you? Yes, you are right. But more importantly Claude, you must remember that every one of us knights has to put our lives on the line every single day. And what better way than these two events as to rewards these self-sacrifices and at the same time it increases the morale of our people and also to show to others that Elsigardia is both blessed and loved by its people and the Goddess Athenea herself.”

I nodded.

“Well, Claude. Looks like we have arrived. The parade will take place three days from now, using Elsivier’s main road throughout all the districts. We will start from the Knights Districts and end up at the palace’s courtyard, the Royal Stage where all the people will come and gathered here. Everyone from the public will be here. So does all the nobles and we will also perhaps might be graced by His Majesty, The King. There will be thousands of people Claude, so, are you feeling excited just yet?”

“Instead of being excited, I’m actually very nervous now, Captain. I’m not very good at handling public events like this. The last time I was involved in one, I fell down face first. It was so embarrassing. If I were to fell down again and embarrassed myself in front of thousands of people, I don’t know where to put my face this time around.”

“Hahaha. Don’t we all, Claude. You will be fine, I know. But are you looking forward to it? Towards the event?”

“Yeah. I am!”

I answered Captain Rizzou enthusiastically and he replied me with a smile.

Suddenly, our conversation was cut by a shout from afar, calling after Captain Rizzou’s name.

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