《Heroic Chronicles Volume 2: Dawn of the New Beginning》[V1] Chapter 02: To the Rescue (EDIT: 27/2/2018)
Chapter 02: To the Rescue
Think fast. Act faster.
- Unknown.
I ran through a stretch of small dirt track while Sehanie led me from the top of the trees, leaping gracefully from one to another.
“Hurry up, Claude. We can’t be that far anymore.” She urged me on as we managed to cover a few good hundred yards further. The skill; Tracking and Hunting, that I’d learned in the Brotherhood have helped me manoeuvre throughout the branches and fallen trees without a drop in speed. This skill was a saving grace to me due to my other frailties.
However, the speed was not good enough, yet. I needed to be faster.
“Come on…” I mumbled under my breath as I focused on the task at hand. I needed more speed. I must hurry up or else…
“Claude!!!” Suddenly, Sehanie called upon my name. I looked up towards a big tree and saw her perched like an eagle; waiting to strike its preys atop one of the branch.
“There’s a clearing over there. That’s where the voice came from.” Sehanie jumped down to my side and beckoned me to follow her.
Uprooted trees. Loads of them. Trees as big as two adults hugs were felled. That was the first thing I’d noticed when I reached the so-called clearing Sehanie mentioned earlier.
“Claude, this is no clearing. This… this…” Her face was pale and her body trembled.
The trees in the Great Forest Shanintara were sacred to the Wood Elves. So, anything or anyone that mutilated these trees beyond recognition must be stopped at all cost.
“Something must had happened here. Something… really bad. Look at all those uprooted trees. What kind of monster could have done this?”
I hunched down in front of one felled tree. “Look at the slash across this tree trunk.” It had three massive claw marks, etched deep into its skin and flesh. And now it bled with reddish resin. It looked like it received a massive blow from something big.
Something really big.
And the tree smelt of ashen too. It was odd since there were no traces of fire here. The burnt smell reeked throughout the whole area. Sehanie was holding a handful of soil. Her sickened face told me about what kind of news I was to expect.
“The soil is dead…” She said as tears flowed down her cheeks. The scene before us was like a nightmare, what more to a Wood Elf like her. As the child of the forest, she must investigate this further. This place had been laid to waste.
As I was scouring around, suddenly I heard her screaming for my name. I rushed to her side immediately. What we both saw then was a woman; about late in her 20s, with funny clothing, lying on the ground.
“Is she… dead?” I asked her.
“No, she fainted. But she seems alright for now if we get help immediately.” Sehanie was checking her vitals.
“Is she the one that screams for help?”
“I don’t think so, Claude. There’s another different foot track here though, and one more over there. This one belonged to a small, human-like figure and that one is...” Sehanie suddenly stopped talking but then pointed towards a large foot track. I began to inspect it immediately.
“The foot track is really massive. If I’m not mistaken, this foot track belongs to an animal, if you can call it an animal, at least 12 feet or taller. It’s… it’s really, really unnerving.”
Sehanie agreed with me. “And in this part of the forest, there is no animal that is bigger than that…” She looked grim. As she bit her lips, she looked further up the tracks.
Suddenly, a voice penetrated the forest yet again. “Yearghhhhh… Help me!!!!”
“Claude!” Sehanie looked up at me. “Over there.” With a gloomy expression, I nodded. It was the same voice that shouted for help earlier. Only this time, it was nearer.
“Prepare yourself. Looks like our target is near. Whether we are the hunter, or the hunted is yet to be known.” I gulped down a mouthful of water and placed it back at my belt. With the firm grasp of the hilt of my unsheathed sword on my left hand and my axe on my right, I took the first step forward.
“Come, Sehanie. Let’s go!” She nodded and followed me from behind, with her bow readied to take the first strike.
An hour earlier…
“Wooweee… Look at this flower, Lilia. Come, come have a look.”
A woman, dressed in what presumably a maid outfit came out of a carriage pulled by two black horses. A heavily armoured guard which happened to be the only driver of this elegant carriage, was sitting atop on the driver’s seat. He seemed unfazed by what the two women were doing as if he had everything under his control.
“Princess, please don’t stray too far away from the carriage. It’s getting late. We better get back to the Palace.” The lady in the maid outfit, Lilia, voiced her concern towards the girl who was now kneeling in a mound of flowers. Sporting a charming dress that accentuates her beauty, the blue-haired girl looked at her royal aide with a wide smile.
“Look at this flower Lilia!” Despite the frantic attempt of her royal aide, the princess was still unmoved from her earlier location. “We never have ones such as beautiful as this in our royal garden, Lilia. I better ask the royal botanist to take some samples and seedlings from this place.”
Lilia came closer to the princess and knelt beside her. “You are right, your Highness. We have none as beautiful as this back in the Palace.”
“See, I know right. All these flowers are beautiful indeed.” The princess pointed at the flowers that struck her attention. Wanting to feel more of the natural surroundings, she then lay down and rubbed her face amongst the petals.
“Princess, it’s dirty!”
“It’s alright, Lilia. And please call me by my name. We are out of the Royal Palace, and it’s just me and you here, now. So, please skip the formality.”
“I’m so sorry, your Highness. I mean… Sierra.”
The girl was none other than Her Royal Highness, Princess Sierra Elmsdor. She let out a giggle but soon covered her mouth with her hands. As the Crown Princess of Elsigardia, she must keep her modesty even though there was no one around beside her royal aide. Though lying around on a wet and dirty mound was considered alright to her.
“Look at these beautiful butterflies, Lilia. Aren’t they wonderful? Having all the freedom in the world and the beauty that goes with it. How I envy them.” Sierra sighed. A deep but satisfying one. She then stood up, wiped her dress off the dirt and then beckoned to Lilia.
“I think it’s time to get back to the capital now. The Captain would not be too happy if we waste too much time going astray.” The capital of Elsigardia, Elsivier was situated roughly just about 50 miles away from this Great Forest, Shanintara. Away for official duties, the entourage decided to take a short detour here.
“But, before that, let me gather a few more flowers, as a present for him and also for Father.”
“As you wish, your Highness.” Lilia acknowledged. It was of no use to stop the Princess. Once she decided that she wanted to do something for others, she would not hesitate and won’t be talked down. That was her admirable trait as the Crown Princess, something that most people would take advantage of surely in the future. Though often worried, Lilia would always stood by the Princess’s side.
“These ones that I gather here will be for the Captain. This garland that I make earlier is Father’s. And oohhh… hold this.” The Princess found a bunch of beautiful flower blooming nearby a rock. She went and immediately pick a couple of it carefully.
“And this is for you.” Sierra placed a small beautiful white flower into the gleaming whitish hair of her maid.
“It suits you. That flower is called the White Jewel Daisy, which suits your hair perfectly, and your beautiful skin too, Lilia.” Sierra kissed her maid’s cheeks.
Tears started to form in her eyes. “Why, thank you, princess.” A personal gift from the Crown Princess. Though small, it was her thoughts that made her eyes watery. For a royalty to treat a commoner like her with such love.
“Now let’s get back.” The Princess urged as the two of them held each other’s hand.
Unfortunately, misfortune would often strike when one least expected.
Barely taken a few steps towards the carriage, suddenly a loud crash was heard from behind them. A gust of wind flew all over and created a mini dust-storm, with enough force to knock Sierra and Lilia forward. And to top it off amidst the confusion, came a loud and extremely frightening roar.
‘Terror shout’.
A shout that was so terrifyingly powerful that it would render those of lacking in willpower with death and those with normal willpower, a long term paralysis and trauma. Those who was lucky enough would just faint immediately. Animals, such as horses, would have massive panic attacks and behaved extremely wildly before killing themselves. Though the area of effect was small, the result was extremely devastating.
Lilia fainted. The Captain was paralyzed; lost control of the horses, was thrown over and flew straight onto the road, head first. He died on the spot. Princess Sierra dropped down to her knee though somehow she kept her consciousness. There was a wet stain on her dress, signifying that the shout had just rendered her bladder weak.
When the dust-storm subsided, the source of the terror was soon to be made known to her.
A giant winged humanoid with a red and scaly body, that looked like a gargoyle, 12 feet tall with huge wings appeared. Giant wings that once opened up fully, managed to uproot trees bigger than itself that were blocking the spanning wing. The force was so strong that some trees were crushed, broken and mangled beyond recognition.
What appeared in front of Sierra was a creature beyond the scope of human understanding. An ancient terror. What was the creature, where it came from or what it wanted was no longer a matter of importance. What was more important was…
Princess Sierra looked at her surroundings. She gasped at what just happened in a few seconds when the creature made its sudden appereance. With Lilia lying fainted beside her, the mound of flowers was no more. The horse pulled carriage, in a panic, took off into the forest, killing the Captain on the spot.
“I need to save Lilia. I… I…I… need to take its attention right away and lead that creature from her.” Gathering what was left of her strength and her calmness, Sierra stood up. Taking up a small rock, she threw the stone at the creature.
The stone did hit the creature squarely on the face. However, it seemed unperturbed. It was just an insignificant attack after all. Instead, the creature scanned the whole area, perhaps trying to adjust to its new surroundings. Everything was destroyed or killed except for one; a female mortal being, who was still standing after the initial terror shout. An eerie smile was carved onto its face baring its fangs. With green liquid dropping from its ominous fang that corroded even the soil, it began to take a step forward.
“Looks like I got its attention for now.”
As Princess Sierra began to move, backing up at first and then ran away, the creature understood something. Something that was ingrained in its wicked nature. That the creature was now a hunter, and Sierra was its prey. A game of run and chase.
However, the ancient terror knew that the game was already over as soon as it began. It would take its time, enjoying the hunt and playing the game to its heart’s content while being as torturous as it could be. And at the end, it would be a glorious feast of a terrified prey. Time was subjective to a hunter that knew the impending doom of its kill.
“God, please help me” Sierra shouted at the top of her lung as she made her run deeper into the forest.
“Please help me!!!!”
“I have a bad feeling about this, Claude. Be careful.”
Sehanie kept reminding me and perhaps herself as we proceeded further into the woods, following the tracks we found earlier; two distinctly different tracks. One was massive and the other was small, belonging to a human girl.
I bit my lips and nodded. “We don’t know what the manner of this creature yet and who we need to help. So, precaution will always be the best action, Sehanie.”
Well, we did find it out soon though.
The sight of the creature struck fear into both of us. We looked at each other and immediately understood that this creature was not only non-native to this forest, it was extremely deadly too. With a wing so huge, red scaly skins that would burnt anything it touched and the overall size made it a fearsome foe. Nay, this was not just any fearsome foe. This was the Grim Reaper, for we would surely be killed if we engaged it in any way.
But in front of the creature, laid the test of our resolve. A girl, no older than I was, was cowering in fear. She was in bad shape, unable to move.
“She bruised her ankle, Claude. And with that injury on her body, I don’t think she can make it much longer.”
“Did the creature attack her, Sehanie?” I wanted some reassurance that she was not beyond saving.
“No, not yet. Looks like it’s playing with her, like a hunter and its prey and soon to be food. But it won’t be for long before it gives the girl an attack that will surely end her life.” Readying her bow, she focused all her attention towards what presumably the creature’s weak spot.
“Then, we need to act fast. We cannot fight this creature head-on. So, we will distract it and take the girl and run away.”
I pushed Sehanie’s bow down and then furrowed my brows. “I would distract the creature. And when you see the opportunity, grab the girl and run away as fast and as far as possible.”
“But, Claude, this is suicide. We can’t…”
“Hush. If we can’t, then who will save her? I don’t know about you, but I won’t let a girl die on my watch. Besides, the creature hasn’t noticed us yet. So, we have the upper hand, however slim the chance of success might be, right now.”
“But…” Sehanie whimpered in fear. Though I understood her emotion, I could not just stand here and watch. I had to act, despite my fear. Grabbing her shoulder, I looked deep into her eyes.
“You know this forest better than anyone does. So, once you grab the girl, do your thing and disappear.”
“But, what about you, Claude?” She still tried to reason with me, but the only reasoning I needed was saving that girl we both saw.
“This is not the day where I will die. When I die, I’ll be surrounded by big breasted women, like you, having sucked all their milk dry. Today is not the day, and that creature ain’t got any breast.”
I felt a slight hit on my arm. Sehanie was letting out a bittersweet smile.
“Now, are you ready?” She nodded, albeit with a little hesitation.
“When I move in to attack, give me some cover fire. Once I give you the signal, run and grab the girl. And never ever look back, alright.”
If one was to face Death, how would he or she act?
Ran away? Or fight it? Or just surrender to one own’s fate?
When someone encountered a being so powerful and extremely intelligent, no amount of planning nor strategy would work without might and power.
Might and power, however, was not in our arsenal this very day. And as a giant crushing two insignificant ants beneath its feet, our battle was over in an instant. Before I knew it, the creature had grabbed hold of my head and then delightfully squashing it within its palm.
Looked like my life was at the end here. How did it end up like this, anyway?
I remembered when I charged in front, I took the creature by surprise. Good job, I would say. With the help of some cover fire from Sehanie, I managed to turn its attention towards me. I threw my axe, hoping to catch the creature off guard. It hit the creature all nice and clean, but I was surprised with the outcome.
Though the axe struck the creature cleanly on its chest as it turned around, it bounced off like nothing happened. In fact, the blade of the axe broke into pieces. If you ever see a fly being squashed because it flew head-on into onrushing carriage, my axe was that fly, unfortunately.
Looking at what happened, I taunted and goaded the creature to no end. Pebbles and rocks were my weapon choice next. I couldn’t engage this creature in hand to hand combat, for it would be a certain doom for me. And if I die, we would most likely fail to save the girl.
The creature looked at me, annoyed.
A little bit more and I could signal to Sehanie to save the girl. All I needed was to up my ante, taunting and goading. I showed up my middle finger and screamed at the top of my lung. ”You whoreson of a creature. Too ugly until even your own mother disowns you. Pick someone your own size, arsehole!!!”
I then threw a rock. And as luck turned out, for better or for worse, I didn’t know, it hit the creature in the left eye. The creature screamed in annoyance. Not that it was painful, but because I was at my irritating best. It looked at me like I was some sort of disgusting bug that needed to be disposed of immediately. The ant had finally bit the giant’s soft spot.
“Good, come to me you bloody sod.” I beckoned him with my middle finger and then stripped my pants, showing my baked arse, farting at it. “Feast your eyes, bitch!” It was the ultimate insult signal I could give. True enough, it moved towards me. Slowly, but with its giant steps, it won’t take more than 15 steps away.
“Sehanie, now!!!” I gave my immediate command to her who had been hiding after the initial cover fire.
True to her Wood Elf traits, she knew what she needed to do. Fast, agile and dexterous, she moved among the shadows provided by the trees and head directly towards the girl. With one swift movement, she managed to carry the girl on her shoulder and was ready to leave.
Great, this seemed easy.
“Now get out of here, Sehanie.” She looked back at me and nodded.
However, our luck ran out. With a sneer and a wicked smile cracked on its face, the creature lashed out it tails and grabbed Sehanie by her ankle. She dropped the girl, whom by now, had fainted due to severe exhaustion.
“Ahhh, Claude…. Help me!!!” She was captured before I even realized what was happening. This creature was way too fast and agile for its size. And extremely smart too.
Did it know that we were here earlier and overheard our plans? And did the creature purposely turned its attention to me to lure her out? Nay. Now was not the time for questions and answers. Sehanie was in trouble and it was all my fault.
It lifted her by the ankle with its tail. Once her face was directly opposite of it, the creature let out a terrifying roar and with one swift movement, grabbed hold of her head. And then it looked at my direction, sneering and all. It seemed that it was taunting and goading me now. Seeing that, I lost all my senses.
I went berserk. My legs were feeble and my body was heavy. However, my heart was not. Enraged, I took out my sword and charged towards the creature, not knowing what would become of me. I care not but only the safety of my childhood friend.
The creature lashed out it tails at me, but I managed to avoid it to the side, albeit barely. However, my pace did not drop as for my next move, I managed to slash the wretched arm of the creature that was squashing Sehanie’s head.
“Claude... What are you doing, you fool? Run away… save yourself. This creature is too strong for both of us.”
I could see tears trickled down her cheeks. “No. I’ll save you. I won’t leave without you.”
“Fool, you will die. Leave me here and run. Forget about saving me now. It’s too late.”
“I will run, but not without you. And… it’s never too late.” I continued to focus my sword, slashing the same arm while avoiding the creature’s attack that came swiftly and decisive towards my weak points; neck, groin, my back, heart and head. Though I managed to avoid being hit directly from all the deadly blows, those that grazed me still hurt like hell.
In the end, my relentless effort bore some fruit. One strike, in particular, managed to loosen the hold that it had on Sehanie.
That was the cue I needed. Though undeterred, I was at the point of exhaustion. However, seeing I had some result at least, my vigour and morale returned, despite a little. I ran and grabbed Sehanie in my arms. Luckily for me, her injury was not too bad and she was still breathing and conscious.
She was trying to open up her eyes and the first thing I did was to smile at her.
“I told you I’ll save you.” Without waiting for a reply, I then threw her outside the range of the fight.
“Sehanie, run away now…”
“Look out Claude!!!” Suddenly, I was struck from my blindside. Sehanie’s scream came too late as I vomited blood and looking at the point where I was attacked, I could see that I have been pierced through. The creature jagged tail was protruding through my body and slowly, I was lifted up like a stabbed fish. But I was too tired to squirm and wiggle away. Though it was painless, I could now feel my life has started to desert me.
Ahh… shit. Looks like I was going to die.
“Forget about me, Sehanie. Run away, Sehanie. Save yourself.” That was what I could muster with all my strength to say.
But alas, it was of no use. No more voice would come out now, as the creature immediately grabbed hold of my head and pierced my windpipe from the side with its sharp claw.
Crack…. crack…
My skull made a disgusting and eerie broken sound. Let the death be painless, please. With teary eyes, I begged as the last ounce of my energy dissipated away. As my foggy eyes began to close, the last thing I would ever see was Sehanie frozen in fear, tears trickling down her cheeks and her hands trying to grab hold of me.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
“Hey, kid. What are you doing here?” The room was pitch black. Surely I have died. But what was this voice that came out from nowhere?
“Hey, kid. Are you even listening?” The annoying voice came yet again.
“I can hear you. Who are you? And what the hell are you doing here? Ain’t I supposed to be dead and alone?”
“Ohhh shut up! You really can’t see me, can you?”
“Nope, I don’t see you anywhere. Stop playing games with me. I’m dead and I just lost my best friend….” With those words, I started to break down.
“I-I-I… Sehanie… I’m so sorry. I could not even save you nor the girl.” I knelt down and cried. Incoherent words came out from my mouth.
“Hey, kid. Grab hold of yourself. I can’t stand crybabies. Now can you see me?” I opened my eyes and I could see a blueish-black flame floating in front of me.
It then spoke to me yet again. “How do I appear in front of you. There ain’t any mirror here.”
“You look like a flame, bluish-black in colour. A will-o-wisp?”
“What the fuck is wrong with your imagination, describing me with a will-o-wisp description?! I’m not some low life existence.”
It flew right onto my forehead and knocked me down. I had no strength nor will to defend myself. A fly could hit me next and I would just lie down here.
“Anyway, looks like you still have a long way to go if you could only see me in the soul form.”
“Am I dead? Is this the place where they judge people either to heaven or hell? Are you the grim reaper, or the heaven’s gatekeeper? It’s so dark in here, I can barely see 2 feet in front of me.”
“Hold on. One question at a time please.” The will-o-wisp flew around me a few times before it finally stopped.
“Your first question. No, you are not dead. Not yet, by the way. Look here. You will see what I mean by that.”
Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of me. A nifty magic during my last moment. Was this what people called, all your lives flashed in front of you when you die? Fancy having some sort of screen to let you recalled your life like this. And what I saw on it, amazed me to say the very least.
In the screen, I saw Sehanie, crying and holding out her hands to me. The very last vision I had before I closed my eyes, embracing death. I never knew that she could cry like that.
“But… you will die soon, if you continue to stay on like this. So listen well and listen carefully, now.”
However, the words uttered by the weird floating ball of blue flame suddenly made me realized my real predicament. Calling it a will-o-wisp, whether in my thoughts or spoken out would often made it flew onto my forehead and knock me over.
“I have stopped the time flow. What you are seeing right on the screen is the very last moment before your death. I can’t stop the time flow forever because as you can see me, I’m in a soul form.”
“What’s a soul form? And are you Death? Seems underwhelming though.”
“Shut up! It’s not important! However, the next bit will very, very important. So important that you need to think wisely and decide. So, I’ll ask you…”
The tension between us rose. If I was dead and this soul form; or flame or whatever it was, spouting some nonsense about time stop, then I wouldn’t care less. But, if what it said was true, even a little, and I was not yet dead…
“Do you crave power?!”
“Huh?” What sort of a joke question was this? Surely I misheard it. But I was wrong.
“Do you crave POWER??!!!” The soul form began to shout.
“What do you mean…”
My curiosity was cut short immediately. “Shut up, and just answer me! Yes, or no? Do you crave the power to save your childhood friend and that other girl, or you would rather see both of them die with your very own eyes?!”
“Yes!” I answered. However, I could not help but to let out a whimper in the end. Thinking back what happened a few moments ago made me weak at the knees.
“I need the power to save them. But I don’t have any. If I have, I won’t be here.”
“And do you have whatever it takes to gain this power?!”
“Again, what do you mean…”
Suddenly, I vomited blood. I saw my shirt too was stained red. Ahhh, I remember that I was pierced by the creature’s tail. But still…
“Looks like the time flow is starting to move. Heh. You don’t have much time anymore, kid…”
The will-o-wisp swirled around me non-stop. “So, answer me, do you want power and will do whatever it takes to gain this power?!”
“To save my friends, YES!” Time was not on my side, so whatever that I had been offered by this weird thing, I better take it right now. Whatever happened later, well... just whatever. There would be time for that.
“Good!! But stop calling me a fucking will-o-wisp. Now begone, stupid kid!” With that, the black room vanished. The moment I was booted out of the room, I was swarmed with such intensities of unknown origins that overwhelmed all my senses.
I slowly opened my eyes.
What I saw was the moment before I die. Sehanie was still crying, shouting for my name while trying to reach out to me. It seemed that the time did not even move at all even though I was pretty sure that it was quite some time I’d spend in that dark room.
“Hey kid, I’ll take over your body for a moment!” It was that voice again, the bluish-black soul form of something.
“What do you mean…”
“You talk too much….” With that, I lost control of my body. Though I was still aware of what was happening initially, little by little, all my senses and consciousness was starting to fade into a void of nothingness…
An eerie laugh suddenly penetrated the air. Sehanie looked at the boy figure in front of her who was pierced through. Blood dripped from his body, making a puddle on the ground.
“Claude…??” Trying her best, she called upon his name while holding her tears in. But it proved too tough for her as she failed miserably and cried.
“Hehehehehe…. Hahahahahahaha…”
“One, two, three and look around me~~~”
“Claude? W-what are you talking?” Yet again she called his name. But her words fell on deaf ears as he continued his weird rhyme-like singing.
“Four, five, six and I want to have some fun~~~”
“Claude, you are scaring me. Please...” Despite trying to understand what was happening, Sehanie was too weak to do anything, even standing. All she could do was to see and listen her childhood friend’s change of behavior amidst her foggy eyes.
“Seven, eight, nine, you shall exist no more~~~”
“And ten, for the world, is now mine~~~~”
“W-what on earth is happening to you?”
A bluish-black flame suddenly exploded from his solar plexus and continued to spread throughout the whole body. The same flame then corroded the arm of the creature that was squashing his head.
It screamed in agony as its arm was severed by the flame. It dropped Claude down to the ground and unleashed his terror shout. However, it did not affect him in the slightest. Nor Sehanie and the girl, who laid unconscious beside her.
As he removed the remains of the arm away from his head, Sehanie finally noticed the changes that were happening to Claude.
When the flame engulfed his whole body, it also gave a form of a wing. In fact, six flame wings, three on each side were formed. And to her surprise, he was no longer standing on the ground. He was freely floating as the flame now surrounded both her and the unconscious girl they were desperately tried to save earlier.
And on his body, there seemed to be some sort of tattoo that was forming. First, it started on his forehead which then spreaded to his whole body. Like a beautiful but eerie artistic full body paint.
“Hmmphh… bugs. Your scream is like a whisper of the wind to me.” Claude turned and looked to both of the girls. He then muttered something under his breath. Inaudible to everyone except for himself.
“So, these were the people he chose to protect this time, ehh? Typical kid. Never change since that time, don’t you?”
Swinging his arms a couple of times, Claude began his next move. He floated around the giant creature nonchalantly. Sizing up the creature, he then snorted
“A pathetic pit fiend.” Claude face was contorted with disgust.
“But what is a pit fiend doing here? I thought they aren’t allowed to enter this realm ever since the gate was closed down. Someone in this world must have summoned this particular shit here.” Still under the inaudible voice, he continued to observe his adversary. It seemed that he was talking to himself all the time.
“Humans… still vile as ever it seemed.”
The pit fiend suddenly launched an attack on Claude. Nay, it was not just an attack. It was, in fact, five attacks simultaneously.
“Never mind. It has been ages since I’m out. So, why not I enjoy this time around? Be a good sport and don’t die easily like last time, alright.”
Claude did not even bother to avoid. Blocking all the attacks with his bare hands, he struck the pit fiend squarely on its chest with his sword; found lying on the ground, thus opening up a deep gash on its chest. It flew 20 yards away, in a knockback effect.
“Is this all you can do? You can’t even pass my flame aura. What a laughable piece of shitty existence!”
Claude then mumbled some incoherent words as if he was chanting something under his breath.
“Since I don’t have much time to play around with you, I’ll give something that you and your summoners will never forget in aeons. And then return you where you belong; to that piece of shithole you call home. Never come here again in this realm, vermin.”
At first, a single magic circle was formed below Claude’s feet. Then two, three and four. At the end, there was nine magic circle, all of different colours and sizes. As his magic circle completed, the pit fiend launched another attack.
“Fool. Hahaha… HAHAHAHAHA!!!!”
Claude let out a loud laugh as he launched his final attack.
“Ultimate Magic: Doomsday – Spears of Retribution!”
Nine huge magic spear-like pillars of light rose from the magic circle that caged and then engulfed the pit fiend in a blinding light. In that instant, it was disintegrated. The attack was so powerful that the flash even blinded the whole eastern part of the Great Forest with bright light and as soon as it reached the sky, it created a massive hole in the clouds.
The scene brought the whole forest in an uproar.
“Looks like I overdid it a little. Ahh well… I manage to have some fun this time around. Times up. Time to go back and return this body to the host.”
With that, the blue flame that surrounded Claude began to disperse.
Sehanie, who was watching the whole scene that had just taken place, was shaken to her core. However, when Claude start to fall down after the six flame wings disappeared, she immediately tried her best to stand up and catch him, but unfortunately, her strength left her whole body.
Soon, she too lost her consciousness as the first raindrop fell down on earth.
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VRMMO: The Unrivaled
Lu Chen used to be a ranker of the most popular VRMMO game, Spirit of Grief. After a car accident turned his dreams into dust, his disability left him incapable of escaping the pit of mediocrity he was thrown into. Helpless and defeated, his story ended.Two years later, the Eternal Moon Corporation launched a new VRMMO called "Heavenblessed", and Lu Chen stumbled into another terrible accident that left him in a complicated situation far beyond his ability to handle. That won't stop him from rising to the top, however. Not again.Come witness the rise of the sword-wielding zombie and the relationships he makes during his journey to the apex! For riches and bi- ahem, for career and love!He wields a demonic sword from Hell, he dons armor shining with Heaven's light. His boots stride across the sky as his helmet devours the souls of his enemies. On his left side sits the Goddess of Death. On the other, the Angel of Beauty.From the land of ice and death, a generation of Asura Kings rises, their roars reverberating throughout the world.Tremble in fear, noobs!
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Refining the Mountains and Rivers
A young man's life changes when he stumbles upon a mysterious item. Qin Yu had never been a lucky person. Weak of body, bullied by his peers, and with only his friend as his family, he struggles day-by-day to live. But everything changes when he stumbles upon a little blue lamp. An immortal and demonic cultivating adventure.
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Mortal Cultivation Biography
A poor and ordinary boy from a village joins a minor sect in Jiang Hu and becomes an Unofficial Disciple by chance. How will Han Li, a commoner by birth, establish a foothold for himself in in his sect? With his mediocre aptitude, he must successfully traverse the treacherous path of cultivation and avoid the notice of those who may do him harm. This is a story of an ordinary mortal who, against all odds, clashes with devilish demons and ancient celestials in order to find his own path towards immortality.
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Dragon Prince Yuan
Destiny stolen at birth, the prince of the once mighty Great Zhou Empire, Zhou Yuan, has been plagued all his life by a fatal poison, forced to suffer powerlessly until one day when fate draws him into a mysterious domain where he meets a beautiful girl in green, a bizarre dog-like creature and an unfathomable old man in black.Join Zhou Yuan as he is thrust into the whirlpool of destiny while he seeks the pinnacle of cultivation.
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Ranker's Return
In the early days of the virtual reality game, Arena, meleegod was the strongest ranked player! He deleted his character and suddenly left. In order to restore his bankrupt family, he returned to Arena!"Do you want to create a character?"
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Monarch of Evernight
Qianye rose from hardship but was felled by betrayal. From then, one man, one gun; he tread the path between Evernight and Daybreak and became a legend. Even if Evernight was destined to be his fate, he still intends to become the ruler who dictates.
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