《Survive - Terror Infinity Fanfic》Chapter 1 - Alien Franchise Arc


Takuya opened his eyes to a dark room filled with tubes and some kind of bio-metal in between each tube. The metal was black and looked slimy, the reason he thought it was some kind of bio-metal was that it was highly reminiscent of the stuff the Xenomorphs from the Alien Franchise make their hives out of. The sliminess only added to that insight.

Straining his arms slightly Takuya felt chains tightly wound around his arms and wrists.

His neck was secured to a table with some thin fabric which seemed similar to a sash. Despite not being able to lift his head to look at his feet he could look side to side at the rest of the room.

Looking straight up from his prone position (He's lying down unless you didn't realize that.) got Takuya the sight of multiple disgusting looking eggs. They were all a dark green in color and the shells looked scaly but at the same time plated, like an insects exoskeleton.

There were 5 eggs that Takuya could see.

As he was wondering why there were 5 eggs he looked around and saw 4 other people in similar bonds to himself. As his eyesight adapted to the dark in record time, Takuya could see that the chains which held them all down were thin and incredibly rusted. They were also just draped over the people and under the table, so Takuya could infer that whoever tied them down wasn't the brightest.

The 4 other people consisted of 1 boy and three other girls. All of them looked as if they were of Japanese descent apart from one of the girls wearing a Highschool uniform who had fiery red hair.

Other than Takuya, the boy also seemed to be awake, so Takuya attempted to talk to him.

"Yo, dude, you okay? I'm Takuya Tepes by the way." Takuya's deep voice echoed around the room a bit gaining the attention of the boy who shook violently before tilting his head in Takuya's direction.


"Whe-where are we...Did you do this...?!" The boy started glaring at Takuya who ignored it, knowing the guy must have been in a bad state. The boy was going to continue to 'interrogate' Takuya when he looked to his right and saw one of the Japanese girls. "Fumi...what are you doing here?" the boy's eyes widened to their limits, full of fear and anxiety.

The girl had brown hair and looked like quite a beauty. She seemed like the childhood friend-type of heroine and had some busty assets on her along with a slender stomach and waist and long lithe legs.

Takuya couldn't help but think that the boy who seemed acquainted with her was a lucky guy.

Then the boy looked back at Takuya with more backbone this time and less fear. "What did you do to Fumi?" His voice was quite cold and Takuya was surprised this average looking guy could pull off such a 'scary' voice.

"Look at me, idiot, I'm tied to an altar just like you." Takuya let what he said sink in before continuing "So how would I have done anything to you?"

"I..." The boy tried to refute Takuya but found he couldn't; Takuya was right.

"I apologize, I'm just worried about my friend's safety and my own for that matter..." The boy seemed apologetic but a bit too prideful to just say he was scared.

Takuya shook his head to say the boy didn't have to apologize. "Don't worry about it, man." Takuya accepted the guy's apology regardless, however, before carrying on "Well, I can try to get us out of this, but I think introductions are in order before that. Like I said before, I'm Takuya Tepes."

With a nod to the boy, albeit an upside down one, Takuya politely introduced himself.


The boy's eyes had hope flash through them for a moment before he himself nodded and introduce himself as well. "My name's Yuu Kazama, it's a pleasure to meet you, Tepes-san."

"Likewise, Kazama-san," Takuya replied while shuffling his body slightly. Kazama looked oddly at his newly acquired comrade as he watched him wiggle around like he was having some kind of seizure.

While Takuya was doing this, the other girls started to wake up starting with Fumi who Kazama seemed familiar with, then the black haired girl next to her who seemed like a Young Miss/Hime-sama kind of character.

She started panicking but was soon calmed down by the collective work from Kazama and Fumi, whose full name was Fumiko Sasaki, and as Takuya wiggled around obviously trying to get something his hand he heard what the Young Miss was called.

"My name is Hana Uehara." Takuya knew who her family was. They owned a company which was a pretty big one in Japan and had even started creeping into International markets. The company did nearly next to everything. It sold cars, TVs, it had its hand dipped in the pharmaceutical business and even make weapons for the military. So all in all, it was a pretty big company.

When she was about to carry on, everyone stopped what they were doing, even Takuya, as something incredibly weird happened.

A screen popped up in front of them.

Welcome to God's Dimension.

Mission World: Alien Franchise

Mission: Survive 6 hours in the Colony

Side Quest Rewards:

Xenomorph Drone - 1000 points and a D-rank reward

Facehugger - 100 points

??? - 1500 points and a D-rank reward

??? - 2500 points and 2 D-rank rewards

The mission will begin in 15 minutes. Good Luck.

The other 4 people started to panic and thrash around after seeing this. They, quite rightfully so, thought they'd gone insane and their thrashing was an attempt to wake up from this 'dream'.

Takuya, however, seemed terrifyingly calm as he finally shifted what he needed to his hand. His knife.

Flexing his athletic muscles, Takuya snapped the rusted, and therefore weakened, chains around his arms, wrists, and body before standing up and walking to the eggs cautiously.

Seeing no movement from the eggs he came to a conclusion and smirked before plunging his knife into the egg, being careful to not let any of the green goo that sprayed out get on his body or hands.

A slight squeal could be heard in the egg before dying out quickly.

Takuya went onto the other 4 eggs after discarding his melted blade into the corner of the room. He pulled out knife after knife as he stabbed the eggs following which were the squeals similar to the first egg.

After going through 5 knives and destroying 5 eggs, Takuya saw an exclamation mark in front of him. Focusing in on it seemed to cue it to open.

You have killed 6 Facehuggers, congratulations you have been awarded 600 points.

(Author Note: Before you say it, I'm not shit at Math. Some Egg can have more than one Facehugger in them and Takuya got lucky and skewered two Facehuggers~)

You are the first of the new players to kill anything in this world, congratulations you have been awarded 200 points.

Looking at the messages in front of him and the use of the word 'player' along with the name 'God's Dimension' made Takuya think of one thing.

"Am I in a Terror Infinity novel?"

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