《Inglorious Bastard》Chapter 8: Every Hero needs a Sidekick, every Villain needs an Accomplice
...what is the meaning of this?
Demon King Kain's Right Hand - one who is destined to accompany the person, who will one day be nicknamed Devil, on his path of conquest, carnage and creation. Blessed by ????, when is near , shall protect 's **** from ********. are required for activation.
Hrmmm... Something is rotten in state of Belga. Smells like...a whole load of bullshit is afoot.
What's with the secrecy? After my eyes got stronger, the amount of info I can receive from surroundings increased, yet there are too many redacted parts in this. Nice bait you've got there, but I'm NOT buying.
Right after I thought that, I could feel a presence. Something that made me feel scared out of my wits, silent and menacing. For a second I thought it was the girl herself pressuring me, but I threw that idea out right away - even from a logical standpoint she's being somebody's puppet in this situation, just like me.
You really want me to buy her, don't you? Then whoever you are, let's make a deal. I came here for a specific reason - to buy myself a squire that will relieve me of the need to lug around weights by myself. Taking two people is out of the question, I don't like crowds all that much. And this kid? Just look at her, she's broken, malnourished, weak and one foot in the grave. Want me to buy her? Then I have conditions. For one, I'm using her however I see fit and throw her out if she fails me - a disposable pawn. Secondly, beef her up, for Christ's sake. You really think she could carry loads with twig-like arms like that?
STR Up lvl.1 appeared on her status.
Heh, knew it. You think that's enough? I know firsthand that such skills give only a slight increase at the first level, that's not nearly enough. Apart from simply lifting things, she has to have it in her to carry them around for long distances. Have anything like that?
END Up lvl.1 added.
Endurance? Hey, do you possibly also have a stamina upgrade?~
I can feel clear unadulterated hostility, icy daggers of spite pierce me but I don't let up.
Don't be so tight-assed, you bastard! Don't forget what you are doing here - trying to force me to babysit a kid I don't know, with unknown origin, murky past and dubious future. Good things come in threes - even when I got transported here, I got exactly that number of classes. Deal or no deal? If not, then go save the kid yourself, you lazy ass. I'm leaving.
STA Up. lvl.1 added.
I can almost feel dejection wafting in the air.
See? It wasn't so hard after all, was it? It's a deal then, I'm taking her.
Cackling laugh returns me back to reality.
- Good sir seems to be enchanted by that girl, eh. I knew you'd find something you like, but singling out the mixbreed right from the start? You have a wonderful eye for exotic commodities.
Crap. I was so engrossed in negotiations that I forgot about everything else. How long have I been staring silently? She doesn't seem to mind though - instead of getting scared, now she sits with her legs crossed, looking me in the eye with wonder like a newborn chick that just hatched and seen the first living being in its life. Please don't let this be imprinting, I don't need a daughter.
- I must say, it was really hard to obtain her. She and her mother were found quite a way from here, our specialists tried to capture them both, but the elder one put up a fight and had to be put down. Such a shame, there are lots of people who would love to buy a mother-daughter set. I think that...
- Would you just shut your trap already? Can't you see we are talking?
- Talking?
I ignore him, walk up to the girl and sit in front of her, not breaking eye contact. We keep staring, unblinking, for some time.
...it's no use, she's impenetrable. I can't get any idea what kind of roaches are running around in her head. This isn't going anywhere, so I'll throw the first pitch.
- You. State your name.
- Master of a slave can write any name they want in the do...
I punch the floor so hard that planks break and a hole is left.
- Was I talking to you? Was I?
- N-no, I mean...
- Zip it. Kid, ignore that idiot. What's your name?
- ...lia.
- Louder.
- Amelia.
- Not a bad name, has a nice ring to it. Now listen closely with those sharp ears of yours, kid. I'm going to give you a unique chance to choose one of two very different paths, each setting your life on different rails. You can stay here and rot until you either die or some pervert buys you out and you get to live a happy life of misery where you can be all sad and lament in your misfortune while not having to do anything. Alternatively, you can choose to go with me. You'll get a somewhat better treatment than here and get to see the world, but at the same time you will have to work your little ass off every day to become stronger to be of use for me. I'm not going to give you time to think, just say "yes" or "no" - I'm a busy man.
- ...s.
- Speak up, I can't hear you.
- Yes, please take me away, I don't want to be in here.
- And there we have it. How much, Wilkins?
- The man will be...
- Screw the guy, he's a useless twat - even a little girl has more resolve than him. I'll be just taking the kid.
- In that case... I know valued customer has money, but the price is a little stiff. Originally it was thirty gold coins, but for you...
- No need for that, I'm not going to haggle. This kid is worth far more than that.
- I beg your pardon? I don't understand.
- As if someone like you would know what "potential" means. Just sign the papers and we are out of here.
We entered his office, I brazenly swiped a handful of platinum coins right under Wilkins' nose when he turned his back to us to find the written deal for the kid. She made an amazed face as she observed my actions. I put my index finger on the lips, she nods timidly. I return to my seat just in time, behave as if nothing ever happened and pay him off with his own money. Call me Captain John Kain from now on.
It didn't take long. With no further reason to dillydally there any longer, I take kid's hand and leave. There's still shopping to be done, so I don't stop and march on. Sigh, so many things got added to the shopping list - fat cheapskate didn't even provide any sort of footwear for the pipsqueak, I've got to secure some fast or carry her every time there's a puddle or broken bottle on the pavement. A porter that has to be carried around by the owner - what a joke.
As I am absorbed in such thoughts, I get called upon from below.
- Ummm... Master, I'm not going to run away. You don't need to hold my hand.
- Hm? Oh. I can let go if you hate it so much. Try not to get lost in the crowd then. Also, what's the deal with "master", just call me Kain.
"Master" - sounds like something a sexual deviant back from Earth would like to be called.
*Are you finally admitting it? I remember you asking me to call you that when we synchronized for the first time, I even have a recorded voice log. Want to hear it?*
That was a joke to break the ice, you idiot!
*Ah yes, the "humor under stress" situation, I understand. In that case, shall I change my voice back to default too?*
Please don't. I perceive you as a human, don't suddenly go all robotic on me again.
- Master? Is something wrong?
- Again with that. Name, I have a name.
- ...it is prohibited by law to call your owner by the name in Delphina. If someone heard, slave would receive several dozen floggings.
What wonderful legislation.
- Call me "Boss" then.
- Aaah! So I was right, Master is a bandit leader!
She smiles radiantly.
- Why'd you make such an assumption? No! Okay, call me something else.
- Uncle?
- How...painful...my heart... I'm only 27, choose something else.
- D-d-daddy?
- Oh Jesus, god, no!
- Big brot...
- Stop right there, enough is enough. You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?
- ?
Don't just avoid the question by tilting your head in a cutesy way, damn it. You aren't fooling anyone with that innocent expression.
- Just call me whatever you want, I don't care anymore.
This is the first time in my life when I heard the terrifying footsteps of a polite man who dispenses tasty cookies and comfy chairs. Not my fault I tell you, I'm innocent!
We swing by several shops in noble district. Staff of a shop dealing with clothes wanted to kick us out at first but immediately stopped when I pulled out two coins and very unsubtly rubbed them at each other. Then we ransacked a pharmacy for medicine and ingredients for something I came up with as per the training regimen, and finally some miscellaneous stuff like a pocket mirror, razor blade for shaving, soap... Shockingly, soap was one of the most expensive things on the list. If I wanted, I could probably employ some orphans as cheap labor force and make a killing by producing tons of cheap soap, but meh. I'll leave that business opportunity open in case some soap enthusiast gets transported here in the future.
It is gradually getting darker, but I don't want to go to sleep while coated in dirt. There's a smaller scale version of roman thermae nearby, that's where we are heading.
- Sir, non-humans are not allowed to enter the baths.
- Reeeaaallyyy? Suuuch a shame, and here I thought how nice it would be to get rid of all the travel dirt.
As I say that, I casually dust off nonexistent dust from the left pauldron.
- ...please don't tell anybody, I might get fired. We are closing soon, so there are no other customers that might notice you but please do be careful.
He bows with beads of sweat forming on his forehead, I pat him on the shoulder and walk in. This thing is as powerful as it is dangerous, I'm going to take the pauldrons and the cape off starting from tomorrow. Better safe than sorry.
I look around and realize an unfortunate fact - it's a mixed bath, there's no distinction for men and women. I don't really care and kid has just to tough it out.
I'm already eager to jump in, but she just stands there with downcast eyes.
- What's the matter?
- ...scars. I have many. All ugly.
I pinch her ear.
- Hauuuuu!
- Don't play the tragic heroine, you aren't the only person in the world whose hide isn't in the mint condition.
I strip down and throw everything in a pile.
- See that? And this? How about this one?
- I-I have more than that!
She gets rid of her rags and proudly(?) presents her collection.
- Pffft. Mine are more valuable.
- Mine are bigger!
- Mine are deeper.
- Uuuuu!
I grab her under the armpits and throw into the water, then take a running jump and cannonball in the middle of the bath myself. A heated water splashing battle ensues between us, but we both get quickly exhausted from the hot water and behave ourselves afterwards.
- Such a great bath, I feel like a living person again...
- I haven't had a bath in so long...
Then we both melt from happiness and die, the end. Not really though.
During the time we were scrubbing each other, treating her wounds and trying to comb the terrible mess of a hair back into working order, there was plenty of time idle conversation.
- So, uh... Have you ever heard anything about Lolth?
- No, what are those? Is it tasty? Is it important?
I see. So it's dark elves rules, not drow rules. I could already guess, but the kid really did nothing wrong.
- Don't worry about it. Just realized once more that humans are the real monsters, just like Scooby-Doo taught us.
- Skubi-du???
- He was a great sage from the days bygone.
- Oooooh! I want to hear more!!!
*What are you even teaching this child?...*
Teaching her not to be so gullible, that's what.
Then I make up and tell her some stories about the misadventures of the Great Sage and his motley crew on their endless quest to solve mysteries and find the Truth. She seemed truly interested so it was worth the trouble to make things up on the fly.
We ended up overstaying our welcome, as it grew dark. I hope we could find a room in some presentable inn at this time of night.
After questioning some locals, I choose the Silver Rooster Inn that is, supposedly, a place where frugal merchants stay - proper lodgings, tasty food, next to none cases of customer's belongings "disappearing", no unnecessary questions asked. We go hand in hand, kid is humming. When I first met her, I had no clue she was so bubbly. Well, whatever - it's better than having a Broody McGee souring the mood. Happy-cheery mood didn't last long though, as all good things in life do.
Some random drunk punk with nothing better to do with his life and his giggly whore of a girlfriend stumbled upon us, noticed the kid and started the usual shit-talking low-lifes do. You know the kind - join up with a pack of the same shitheads like you, find a person who is either weaker or is vastly outnumbered by the group, then surround the victim and pick on the most obvious things - appearance, clothes, color pallet... Kid hides behind me and shivers in her boots. You think you can just come up and make fun of my property? Then, I'll just beat the shit out of you until you writhe on the ground as always.
...huh? "As always"? I don't think I was always like this though? Is it even worth it to go to such lengths because of two harmless mutts that are all bark and no bite?
I squeeze kid's arm to reassure her, then push the punk away to the side and keep on walking. As he screams something incoherently and prepares to rush me, I turn around, silently look at him and lightly tap on my blade's hilt twice. He spits and walks away. Not far though, as I make him trip and fall by elevating ground a tiny bit with earth magic. We will consider this as an apology for scaring the kid.
We resume moving towards the inn.
- ...master? Thank you.
- Hm? Ah, right. Don't mention it.
I don't get it, something doesn't feel right. I wasn't like this before I got transported, was I? Sure, I never shied away from violence if need arised, but I never deliberately searched for trouble either. Now that I look back, didn't I have quite a few massive anger outbursts recently? Also, I killed quite a bit of people on the other side, but it was all out of necessity as a soldier, I never been a battle junkie that loves killing. What changed? Ugh, my head hurts. Pulsating so much...gonna puke any moment now... My Intuition is telling me that I'm onto something here and I need to pursue this further, but... Damn, no use! It's like missing several crucial pieces missing from a puzzle - the whole picture looks incomplete, I am failing to see something important.
I break into cold sweat. Something's not right, something is very wrong here. What is this sudden feeling of impending doom out of nowhere? Anxiety envelops me. I feel a dangerous presence. Trying to pinpoint the point of origin. No, it is clearly different from the one I felt when I went to the slave shop. Coming from...inside?...
- Master, are you feeling unwell?
- AH! Huh?! Oh, nothing, nothing. Don't worry - just got lost in my own thoughts there for a second.
I snap out of it, but I can somehow hear a clock ticking at the back of my head. A countdown? But for what?
Battling with these vague feelings I enter the inn and rent a room for two. Then we have a dinner at the lobby - unsurprisingly, kid is greedily wolfing down everything that is brought to her. We get to our room, I tiredly drop everything on the floor, strip and climb into my bed.
- G'night, sleep tight, kid.
It was a long day. Finally, some...rest? Oi.
She strips and mounts me.
- It's my first time, please be gentle.
I karate chop her head with no mercy.
- Owwwww! What was that for?! I asked to be gentle!
- The hell you think you are doing, moron?
- Eh? You aren't going to ravage me? You saved me, said you didn't care about my scars, bought so many expensive things for me, spent time with me, protected me, took me out for a dinner and brought me to your bedroom. I heard that's what men do when they want to have sex with a woman.
Actually, that kind of logic is not entirely wrong, it's on point even. Does sound like a template date when she puts it that way, but... Wait a second!
- Kid, who the hell told you such things?!
- Huh? My mother.
- What's wrong with her head?! Wait, isn't she...
Oops, almost stepped on a landmine there. Let's rephrase it.
- How old were you when she taught you that?
- Mmm... I was about six years old at the time, I think?
I bury my face in my hand and groan audibly. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of a crazy woman her ma was. All I can do now is admit defeat before endless might of idiocy and rub my temples to shoo the irritation away.
- Sigh. Listen here, kid. One: buying a slave and then forcing her into doing that sort of thing is an equivalent of rape and that's a giant turn-off for me. Two: when did you last looked down, you flat washboard?! Where're the tits? Where's the ass?! All I see is a tiny pile of bones covered in skin, as if I'd get hot and bothered from something like that! Come back later when you grow up, if you still want to.
She hung he head looking depressed.
- ................I'm a half-dwarf, so this is it. There will be no growing up past this point, I'm adult and fully grown already. Ehe...ehehe...
This is awkward. Looks like I managed to dodge one landmine and jump headfirst into an entire field of them.
I give her a pat on the shoulder and a do-your-best thumbs up.
- Uuuh... Don't give up? Cheer up, kid. If you act like a good little girl and climb into your own bed, I'll tell you a nighttime story.
- I'M NOT A CHILD! I'm of marriable age already!
- Really now? Such a shame. And here I wanted to tell you the Legend of Snow...of the Dark Elf Princess and Seven Mighty Dwarves.
Oh, her ears visibly twitched. Did she bite the bait?
- But it's alright, grown-up ladies like you don't need such childish things~
She jumps into her bed faster than a bullet and stares at me with intense face, ready to listen. I make myself comfortable and start the story.
- This story happened a long time ago in the forest of Schwarzwald...
It was an epic story of a Princess Zara who could talk with animals and control them, an evil human warlock that was envious of her power and wanted to use it to wage war, and a merry band of seven dwarven warriors. In the end Zara and Odin - the bravest and strongest of the brothers - hook up and give birth to a daughter who would later inherit both Schwarzwald and the White Mountain, starting an age of prosperity for both races.
- ...the end. Yaaaaawn.
- To think that there were others like me before...
- Mmmhmmm. I've got plenty of tales of dark elves and dwarves to tell, but let's leave it for the next time, 'kay? I'm tired, tomorrow we will start your training and we'll be together for a long time anyway, so there's no rush. G'night.
- Yes! Good night, master.
Soon nothing but their soft breathing could be heard.
The clock is ticking, the countdown can't be stopped. Sand in the hourglass falls down ever so gently and slowly, yet so cruelly and mercilessly. Tick-tock-tick-tock-tick...tock...
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