《The Immortal Mortal》To the City!
Opening his eyes, Ray felt really good. He felt better than ever before, like his vitality was endless. Standing up, Ray took a moment to run, jump, and generally move his muscles. Since he had been around five foot nine in the past he’s familiar with his new average, in this world, height of five foot eight and it only took him twenty minutes to move as fluidly as possible.
Finally comfortable he sighed, “Whew, this feels much better than being five. I can finally move comfortably and not worry about my age!”
“Okay, I don’t know what you're rambling about but, for the love of god, put some clothes on! You’re not the size of a five year old anymore!” From the otherside of the cave came an embarrassed cry.
Looking to the side, Ray saw Lea with a face entirely flushed red and her hands covering her face. She seemed a bit panicked and gave an embarrassed yelp, “Ryan! Ryan get down here! They might be small for Ray but it can’t be worse than what he has now!!” After yelling she scurried up the rope to Ray’s original cave.
Ryan quickly got down the rope and began laughing when he saw Ray, “So, you no longer look five. You didn’t act five before so you’ll be fine. But, I see why Lea was embarrassed, look at yourself…” He tossed some clothes to Ray and climbed back up the rope.
Looking down, Ray saw pants full of blood and holes hugging him so tight they were ripping. His shirt was simply threads. Seeing the blood, Ray froze before quickly tearing them off and putting on the new pair of clothes. Ryan is somewhat tall and muscular for his age so the clothes, while a bit short, weren’t tight on Ray’s scholarly frame. So, he put on the black shirt, brown pants, and dark green cloak. The cloak’s top right side has an inch and a half large golden cauldron with silver wings sewed on it.
“Unfortunately my shoes aren’t going to fit you so just be careful not to step on poisonous plants or get injured. You’ll be harder to carry at this size.”
Ray wasn’t too worried about that now that he’s basically immortal. However, he doesn’t know if it’s that his body can’t be injured or that it will always, no matter what, heal. Either way he should be fine. So, the two climbed up the rope to meet with Lea and Jess. The first thing they saw after exiting the cave is a red-faced, embarrassed Lea and an amused Jess.
“I-I, I didn’t see anything! Don’t bring it up again!” Yelled Lea.
Seeing this, Ray began to laugh so hard tears came out while saying, “Hahaha! No worries. How about this? You don’t want it brought up and I don’t want people to know that I used to be five because having such a small, young body was always an annoyance to me anyways. So, I won’t bring up what you don’t want and you guys just tell people I’m twenty.”
Jess, with an amused smile, said, “I won’t tell anyone but you need some good clothes to match your handsome, princely appearance. Let’s go shopping when we get you moved in, actually why don’t you move in as my servant? I’d love someone to talk to!”
“Nope.” Said Ray flatly. “I don’t need friends, just a spot to cultivate with my terrible talent. I can get my own resources but I don’t plan on being too close to people…” Continuing, Ray quietly mumbled, “Or you’ll just abandon me when it’s convenient. Damn family.”
“Alright, let’s get going then. Everyone, grab your stuff and tie it up securely. On our way back, I’ll grab any of the fruits left over.” Said Lea.
As the group was trudging through the thick woods, Ray looked at Jess next to him and said “Hey Jess. Can you tell me about the cultivation city and beast continent?”
“Oh? Do you want to speak to me? I thought you didn’t want friends…” Teased Jess with a hint of annoyance.
“Sigh, Jess, my situation is complicated. Can you please just tell me about the important places?” Sighed Ray. He really doesn’t want to get close to these people for a few reasons. Obviously he’s likely to live much longer than them. Also, he doesn’t really know much about them. However, the biggest reason is that he’s going to be a servant on the surface which wouldn’t be appropriate for a servant to be friends with their boss or their boss’s family. Maybe this world thinks differently but he was big into professionalism in business back on earth so Ray just doesn’t feel right being close with his boss outside of work.
“Fiiine. Right now we are in the middle region, near the outer region, of the Beast Continent. Basically a super massive continent similar in shape to a hand-fan, split into the outer, middle, and inner regions followed by the forbidden zone.”
“So,” queried Ray, “Why are they split like that?”
“It’s simple, strength. The widest section of the fan is the outer region where beasts are typically at the Body Foundation realm. Further in words is the middle region where beasts are typically at the Meridian Opening Realm in the first half and Core Formation in the second half. The inner region has beasts at the Elemental Transition realm and the forbidden zone, that place is horrifying. Rumor has it that it’s full of old monsters of all races who are at Space Formation and trying to break through to escape this world and enter the Mid-Realms.”
Ray muttered, “Mid-Realms…”
“Ray,” Jess sounded serious, “No matter what, don’t ever go to the forbidden zone. I heard a rumor that it’s a bloodbath between the old monsters from every continent in the low realms for valuable resources.”
“Alright, alright. Look, my talent is terrible but my life isn’t so easily lost. I’ll reach that level eventually. So, don’t worry about that. What’s the cultivation city like?” This is what Ray really wanted to know so he can figure out a pipeline for Meridian Opening realm resources.
“Oh, I love that place!” Cut in Ryan. “We are in the chaotic sea right now which is a place in the center of the Low-Realms with the strongest cultivators and beasts from around the Low-Realms. The cultivation city consists of a massive hundred and fifty mile wide island full of houses, stores, and buildings for the major sects and families.”
“Interesting. So if only the major sects and families have buildings, estates I assume, on the massive island then where are the rest?” Asked Ray.
Smiling with pride, Ryan continued, “Basically there are thousands of small islands dotting the chaotic sea around the massive island, they are all considered the outer regions of the cultivation city. Those islands are dotted with sects and families. The major sects and families, like our Flying Cauldron Sect, keep their outer and inner sect members on their island. However, super talented inner sect members like us three and direct disciples of the sect's elders live in the sect’s massive island estates. So we have easy access to shops to buy from, ships to the beast continent, and places to sell things like beast cores for buying more resources. Of course we can trade them to the sect for sect points instead to get rare things shops don’t sell.”
Glancing back, Lea said, “As my servant in name, you can stay in the sect’s estate on the massive island to access those things too. Like I said before, I don’t expect you to act as a servant and you can basically do your own thing as long as you don’t get in the way of other disciples but servants don’t get resources so you’re on your own for that.”
“Alright, maybe coming across you all was really a good thing.” Continuing, Ray said, “I don’t intend on owing anyone so, Lea, if you need something you can ask me. Nothing in life is free so if I’m living in your home and using your garden to plant my fruit trees then naturally I owe a form of payment. Don’t worry about my cultivation, even if you took me to the forbidden zone I’d be fine.”
Lea was a bit shocked at Ray’s confidence and didn’t particularly believe him since he’s only in the Body Foundation realm but she nodded in agreement anyways. She was appreciative that Ray wasn’t a lazy guy who took things for free. However, she was interested in him as he had a high cultivation and intelligence for a five year old plus, although he used a pill to age you can’t tell from how he speaks and acts.
The four of them continued trekking through the forest as they headed towards one of the many ports at the edge of the continent. Lea was the trip's muscle, Ryan the scout, and Jess was with them for experience and sect points. Ryan estimated another few days before they left the middle regions and then a week to leave the outer region. However, with only one member of the team in the 3rd stage Meridian Opening the group has to be extremely cautious before they reach the lower region where the beasts aren’t really a threat to Lea. Typically beasts require multiple cultivators at the same realm as the beast to win without a desperate fight. Adding Jess, Ryan, and Ray who are all in Body Foundation, although they could escape from one Meridian Opening realm beast, it’s likely horrible injuries or death would happen if they had to fight multiple beasts. Due to this they are being extremely careful during their trek as the scout, Ryan, checks for signs of beasts.
The group continued until the sky began to darken when Ray asked, “So, guys, this is my first outdoors trip so I don’t know how exactly it’s done but when do we find a spot to camp for the night?”
Smiling, Jess said, “Yeah we probably should set camp for the night. It’s just that none of us want to keep watch… Staying up is exhausting.”
Looking at them like idiots Ray said, “So you all just keep going until you are exhausted and have to sleep?”
Wryly smiling, Lea said, “Haha, yeah… It’s a bit embarrassing to hear it outloud but yea..”
Ray was starting to get a headache. How is Lea supposed to keep them safe if she’s exhausted? No wonder the three of them were heavily injured when he met them. After rubbing his forehead in frustration, he said, “Fine. I’ll keep watch, Ryan just find somewhere to camp. I need to practice my knife throwing since my body’s a bit larger now anyways.”
As they headed towards a small clearing in the woods, Ray’s frustration began to fester. ‘Did I make a mistake traveling with them? I can’t believe I didn’t question exactly why they were so injured… Like, I don’t know much about traveling outdoors but even I know that you have to sleep.’ However, he was excited a bit after as another thought crossed his mind, ‘Wait… Neither my body nor soul can be injured right? Not sleeping causes harm but I found during this trip that although my feet would be pierced or cut it would basically immediately heal and any of my blood on my skin was sucked back up and this should apply to my soul in a similar way. So, do I need to sleep? Let’s take the night shift every day to see if I need sleep as not sleeping would double my cultivation time and help makeup for this damned Parasitic Core.’
As the day ended, the group sat down in a small clearing. Lara took three sleeping bags from her spatial ring before giving Ray an apologetic glance saying, “I didn’t expect to add another person to our party when I packed.”
Ray looked around for some small logs and vines to re-setup his homemade training course as he said, “Don’t worry about it. I don’t need a sleeping bag if I’m on guard duty. Especially since I’ll be jumping around throwing knives all night. My throwing knife skills are terrible but I’ve only had four months of self-training, no idea if I’m doing it right.”
Lea, Jess, and Ryan fell asleep pretty quickly. The most surprising thing is that Jess snores so loud, like a bear growling behind you. Ignoring the snoring, Ray spent half the night practicing throwing knives at still targets and the rest of the time throwing them at logs swinging from trees with vines. By the time the sun rose Ray was back to his peak throwing knife skills, hitting a medium speed moving target within fifteen feet. Ray was excited as he wasn’t feeling tired and had noticed that just as he began to feel repercussions for not sleeping after a long day of physical activity it would immediately disappear just as his foot wounds healed.
Lea handed out pre-cooked food from her interspatial ring that the group ate for breakfast. After eating, the four of them packed up before continuing through the forest. Once again Ryan was on scouting and lookout duty while Lea was staying alert and ready for combat at a moments notice. Jess, on the other hand, seemed to notice the small bruises and cuts on Ray’s feet healing as they ran on the rocky dirt ground. Interested, she spent the day asking about it and no matter how often Ray tried to brush it off, her interest only grew.
“Heeey Ray.” Talking with her teasing personality she continued, “So… What’s up with your feet? It’s healing and reabsorbing your blood, super cool, can I touch it?”
Although he was intending on ignoring her, his face became beet red and he started coughing when he heard her ask to touch his feet. As someone from earth Ray is completely aware of the sickness called a ‘foot fedish’, something that caused many creepy old men from earth to pay for their college and rent. As an elder to Jess, Ray had no choice but to correct her from this interest before she leads the old men of this world into a darkness so deep that not even all of their finances can fill the hole.
Putting on a serious face, Ray spoke, “Jess. Foot fetishes aren’t healthy, don’t spread that disease.”
Once she heard that, Lea lost her composure and said, “Ray, she likes to tease people but can’t take being teased back. Look at her, she looks like she’s about to cry.” Next to her, Jess was red-eyed and red-faced with hands trying to cover her face.
Ray was feeling slight embarrassment for making her tear up but, even on earth, he was always against foot, loli, and bdsm fetishes and won’t tolerate them spreading here. So, with an extremely serious expression he said, “Clearly you’re shyer than your personality shows but, please listen. There are three fetishes I won’t tolerate spreading. First, old people ‘loving’ those of a very young age where they aren’t physically matured. Second, extreme pain as a form of pleasure. Lastly, believing feet to be one of the most attractive parts of the body.” At this point even Ray was feeling embarrassed but he felt that he had to lead this girl down the right path and away from these three evils.
“Hahaha,” laughing, Ryan said, “I agree on the first two but feet are important. Either way, we should probably get moving. We can use these sect points for two ‘Crucial Point Pills’ so Jess and I can breakthrough to the peak Body Foundation and two ‘Opening Pills’ so you can reach the fifth stage Meridian Opening.”
Lea sighed and said, “Sigh, you’re right. Our small family hasn’t had anyone enter the inner sect before so we need to do our best.”
The four of them set up camp as it became dark and, as before, Ray started to set up his knife training set. As Ray did that, the rest of them put down their sleeping bags and started eating dinner. Shortly after they started eating the three of them noticed Ray making his knife training set and were a bit confused.
“Hey Ray?” Asked Lea.
“Yea?” Turning around Ray saw dinner out, “Oh, dinner’s ready. Great, I was getting hungry.”
“Yeah dinner’s ready, but, why are you preparing to practice throwing knives? It’s almost time to sleep.” Lea looked confused as she spoke.
“Someone needs to handle nightwatch duty. Might as well be me.”
“Yes, but the whole point we agreed to stop each night is so we don’t slow down from exhaustion. Doesn’t exhausting yourself slow us down?”
“Ohhh,” Seemingly coming to a realization he continued, “Don’t worry. Just as I’m fine without shoes, I don’t need sleep.”
At that moment Jess cut into the conversation, “Yeah, I saw your feet healing immediately… Why do they do that? Is it some kind of energy technique? I don’t sense the wood, water, life or any other healing related elements on you.”
With an awkward smile Ray responded, “No, it’s not an element technique. Besides, I plan on learning the space element. Look, I can appreciate the fact that you are giving me a place to stay but that’s because you kind of ruined my cave home. I don’t think you have any harmful plans towards me but that doesn’t mean I want to share my secrets, just as I don’t expect you all to share yours.”
Seeing that the atmosphere was turning sour, Ray said, “Alright, alright. Listen, just know that I don’t need sleep and I’m confident in my ability to survive injuries. Eat and go to sleep, I might be confident to survive injuries but blood makes me sick so Lea needs to be in top shape to keep me from seeing any of our blood.”
After he spoke, the atmosphere softened and the three laughed at Ray’s sickness from blood. That continued through dinner before they fell asleep while Ray trained his knife throwing technique. Honestly, being sick upon seeing blood is a bad joke in a cultivation world like this one. Yea there are some countries but they are run by cultivation heavy families. Most places are run by a few large families or sects that are always competing and blood is shed daily as the strong pillage, kill, and sometimes rape the weak as strength is law. Although many cities seem peaceful on the surface, all it takes is gaining the attraction of some young master to be raped or offending someone from a major sect or family to be cruelly murdered. This is especially so in the Cultivation City which is completely made of cultivators in some sense, although most of them are barely in the Body Foundation realm and aren’t truly cultivators.
The sun rose as the four ate breakfast and packed up before continuing their trek without much trouble. Jess seemed to tease Ray less as she wasn’t sure if he would fire back and embarrass her again, naturally she wanted to avoid that. Ryan and Lea seemed to relax as the group approached the outer regions. The good news came by lunchtime.
With an ecstatic expression Ryan said, “We should be in the outer regions now so we should only see Body foundation beasts as it’s very rare for a Meridian Opening or higher beast to enter the outer regions. We should be able to pick up the speed now that we don’t need to keep a close eye on our surroundings with the goal of fleeing, Lea can handle a couple of outer realm beasts at once.”
Agreeing, Lea rubbed her spatial ring as a four foot long and three feet wide, at the end, dark green, shimmering oak leaf appeared on the ground in front of her. She looked around and said, “Alright, let’s take the flying treasure for Meridian Opening disciples in the sect’s massive island estate. I have enough beast cores to get us back and it should only take two days since I can go a few days without sleep and can steer it.”
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The Year is XXXX, and a deep, heavy fog sets in all over not just the planet, but the whole of the universe, sending all within into a deep, deep sleep. When they awake, all has changed, and both for the better and the worse. Everything has changed, from the new, impossibly massive planet that all now occupy to the terrain to the very rules of reality themselves. But what has changed the most are the people. It seemed as though Humanity was alone in the cosmos, but no longer, as new, monstrous races have been born from the flesh of those whom the Fog singled out. With the survivors rewarded for each altered former human they kill, along with each heroic (and villainous) act that they engage in, those who have changed are forced to run, hide, and try to fight back. But in a distant place, a single altered person stirs from her sleep as the Fog fades. With no Humans for hundreds of miles and a [Quest] that all other Altered share guiding her newly inhuman mind, the newly born serpentine but humanoid monster will have to fight for survival and dominance in a world hellbent on her death, with that violent, pathological hate coming not just from the remaining Humans. [WARNING! THIS NOVEL WILL CONTAIN GORE, VIOLENCE, AND OTHER SUCH THINGS UNSUITABLE FOR SENSITIVE AUDIENCES!] [PLEASE NOTE THAT THE VIEWS CONTAINED WITHIN ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE AUTHOR!] [CLICKING ON THE FIRST CHAPTER WILL BE YOUR WAY OF ADMITTING THAT YOU READ THIS WARNING AND ACCEPTED THE RAMIFICATIONS OF IT!] [ALL ISSUES REGARDING THIS NOVEL'S MATURE THEMES AND DEPICTIONS OF CRUELTY THAT NORMALLY WOULD HAVE BEEN VALID REASONS TO COMPLAIN TO ADMINS WILL BE LESS VALID DUE TO THIS WARNING!]
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