《The Legendary Thief》Chapter M - 17


The leech flew into a nearby wall screeching from Dune's punch. The dozens of other leeches had regained their composure and crawled and a speed that shouldn't have been possible towards the Golem. One somehow jumped and used its huge gaping mouth with many rows of teeth to bite his arm off.

Malcolm was taken aback by this, and he tried to makee Dune shake it off but it didn't let go. It bit harder, and harder until the [Mage] heard the beast scream. It had taken an arrow to the back, and died instantly. He saw Pauline wink at him, but they didn't have time for jokes. Many more were coming now, but the [Knight] rushed towards them.

"[Emperor's Shield]! Stay behind me! I said behind me!"

Malcolm felt his skin grow tougher and thicker. This was a skill to protect them. He noticed no effect on Dune, which made him think that only living things were affected by this skill. The Arcane Leeches noticed who the real threat was instantly, and they tried to rush him. Fortunately for the [Heroes], the [Knight] was simply too strong.

"[Holy Slash]!"

Five monsters were instantly cut in two. Malcolm felt useless here. What was the point of coming here if he did nothing? This wouldn't make him level, this was a waste of time.

Determined to at least get better at controlling Dune, he ordered his trusted golem forward. Dune lifted one of his fists and stroke down on a leech, but he missed. It was too fast. He tried to grab the monster but it slipped out of his clumsy grab. Malcolm would have made a mental note to add fingers to the next golem he made, but the leech screamed once again, and it 'looked' at Malcolm. It had no eyes but the [Mage] knew. It could think. The leech rushed towards him. It had figured out that he was the one controlling Dune! Malcolm cursed and ordered Dune to run to protect him, but it was too fast. He had been careless! He took unnecessary risks by sending his golem too far away from him. He had gotten cocky. But he had one last trick up his sleeve.

The [Knight], who was busy taking care of the grouped leeches didn't notice him. It was the [Healer] who did. The man started to run towards Malcolm, trying to protect him but he was blinded by a bright light.

[Light]. Most would consider it a useless spell in battle, but Malcolm had figured out it had many uses. Like blinding your enemies. It was like a flashbang grenade that made no sound. The monster howled and trashed all over its surroundings, but Malcolm was already gone. He couldn't see the monster but he heard it.

It shrieked one last time, as Dune's fists pummeled it multiple times. He cheered internally but then instantly regretted not bringing his sword. He was a [Mage] but he was also a [Warrior]. He had been careless, and he wouldn't be in the future. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and heard someone whistle.

"Wow, you really got it good. Nice job dude."


Malcolm flinched as his sight still hadn't fully recovered. He scratched his leg awkwardly.

"Yeah, and it almost got me. That scared the hell out of me."

"Better be more careful then."

Malcolm nodded. They joined the others in their group and gathered around the [Knight].

"Good work everyone! You all did well. There were far more of these than expected, but you handled it well. I thought we ordered a beginner kill zone. This was at least a high bronze tier level threat. Strange. Well, let's go to the next one."

The [Healer] fixed a few injuries someone had taken and then they left deeper into the well-lit cave.


"[Power Strike!]"

A blade glistening in blood landed on an arcane leech. That was the last of them. Blake cheered.

"Woo! We got the fuckers! Good job everyone."

He high fived Steven and Hugged Sarah. This was their fourth kill zone they had cleared. Just one more and they would head back to the inn at the surface.

Blake was happy. He was sure he would level at least twice tonight. Maybe even three times? This was so exciting. This new world of magic and monsters, and levels! And the best part about it was that he was the [Hero] to save Humanity from the Demons!

The other [Knight] in his group didn't have to do anything, as Blake just rushed into a fight every monster he met. The leeches had surprised him at first. They were red, like blood, and they were two feet tall and between six and eight feet in length. If he was completely honest, he had wanted to run, but Sarah was there. He had to look cool in front of her. After his first kill, he realised something

Killing things was fun.

He was addicted. Addicted to leveling and becoming stronger. Every time he did it was like he had a rush of endorphins to the brain. It was intoxicating, and he loved it. They reached their final assigned group of leeches now. This one was a larger group, as it had at least thirty in it. Blake didn't care. He rushed in the fray and used his newly acquired skill. The [Knight] called out to him.

"Blake, stop! This is abnormal, there's too many! We need to-"

"[Multi Strike]!"

His blade became a blur to the others. He hacked at the beasts at insane speed and they all died one by one. Not even one could reach him. He was too strong, he was chosen. A [Hero] of this world. Nothing could stop him!

His skill eventually stopped and nothing was left. It was all a big pile of dead bodies in front of him. His friends looked in awe. Claus just turned his head. Blake smirked. This was the life.

And then he heard a scream throughout the dungeon.


His name was Jules, and he was the [Knight] accompanying the young [Heroes]. His batch was a weird one. It had an [Archer], which was the only archer in the batch, and one had a golem. They were still good at fighting at least, so it didn't bother Jules.


Everyone heard the scream inside the dungeon. The halls carried sound a long way. The shout felt like it could only mean one thing for the [Knight]. He felt like the others knew too.

Primal fear.

They all looked at each other uneasily. What could have caused this? The [Knight] shook his head and decided what they would do.

"Ok. I'll go check what that was, you all head on back to the entrance."

There were no objections. If something dangerous was down here then the only reasonable choice left was to leave. The students nodded and left. Jules watched them as they turned at a corner and then he headed in the opposite direction. If one of the [Heroes] died, the [Emperor] would never forgive him. He would have his head.

He walked towards where he thought the scream came from. He heard nothing. He saw no monster. There was just an eerie silence. Only two groups had ventured this far, and they both had the most experienced [Knights] leading them. What could have...?

He didn't have time to finish his thought, as he heard people running his way. He squinted and saw it was a few [Heroes]. Only three. Out of twelve. Jules looked horrifyingly at the children. One of them was missing an arm, and all of them were crying. One of grasped at his arms.

"H-help u-us, please. T-there's a huge thing down there! We nee-"

"The others! Where are the others?!"

"They're all dead! They died in seconds! I-it used magic, we couldn't do anything. we couldn't... couldn't..."

"It's okay. It's okay. Here. Healing potions. Pour them on your wounds. It won't regrow the arm but it will stop the bleeding. Run!"

The [Knight] handed them a few potions and they ran. He wanted to do so as well. He really did. But what if there was a survivor? A [Hero]'s life was worth much more than his. His honor as a knight wouldn't allow him to run. He had to go.

He took one step, but then he heard something. And then he saw.

Hundreds– no, thousands of leeches flooded the hallways. It was like a wave. An unstoppable force. Jules instantly ran, but it was too fast, too...

He was absorbed into the swarm.


"More over there!"

"Damn it! Kill them!"

The entrance to the dungeon had been sealed.

In the event of an emergency like this one, to save the city, a dungeon could be closed with massive reinforced enchanted steel gates. Malcolm had stumbled upon the closed exit, and saw many more students waiting, trying to break the door open, but at the same time the leeches were closing in. They were everywhere, digging through the walls and the ceiling. Dozens, constantly attacking the [Heroes] and the remaining [Knights]. The doors wouldn't budge, even when Blake tried getting them open.

Malcolm cursed under his breath, as he sent dunes to crush another monster. Why didn't they just open the doors? They were [Heroes]! Saviors of this world! The god damn [Emperor]'s son was here, for god's sake! This wasn't fair!

One of the better [Mage] students got an idea.

"I-I'll send a [Message] spell. S-someone has to know we're in here."

The last group of students arrived. Malcolm watched, horrified, as he saw one had a stump in place of his arm. This was bad. Really bad. A few minutes later they heard it.

The swarm was here.


Vitelius was having a good day, all things considered. He had less work than usual. His eldest son had gone back to Irasal a week ago, to take care of things there. He didn't have to handle the [Heroes] either. Aside from routine work and administrating the Empire, this day was less busy than usual.

"Albert. How many rebellions this month?"

"Five, your highness. Four of these were from the Dwarves in the north."

"Good. Keep squashing them. Make sure no one finds out."

"Actually I have received a message from Jonas. This morning. There seems to be a problem in... Winsor yes that was the one."

"Winsor you say? Hm. Of what scale? For what reason?"

"It's a full-on rebellion sir. The reason is not specified but they call themselves the Mob. A petty gang."

"How could the city guard let a gang get so big? No matter. Tell Jonas to let the city guard captain of the city take care of it."

"Yes, your highness."

Once Albert left the room, he sighed. Routine. How boring. He wondered how the [Heroes] were doing. They would level a lot from the dungeon for sure. He didn't want to waste too much time. They needed to be ready sooner rather than later. In one year they'd launch the war on the Demons. The [Emperor] hoped that harsh experiences in the war would make them level even faster, and by the time they were fighting the [Demon Queen], they'd be over level 70. One showed particular potential... Blake. He had already become a [Knight]. And he had leveled in the [Hero] class, a feet not seen in millennia!

But his train of thought was instantly interrupted when Albert burst through the room.


Vitelius worried. Albert only used his name when the situation was terrible.

"What is the situation?"

"We just received a [Message] spell. The Heroes! They're..."

As Albert explained the situation, the [Emperor]'s face contorted into horror. Why had they not opened the gate? Why were they keeping the [Heroes] and his son down there? He had specifically addressed the [Merchant] owning of the dungeon that they were [Heroes]. He thought he was a man he could trust!

"Tell that fucker Serle to open the doors! Orders from the [Emperor]!"

"[Merchant] Serle won't answer our [Messages] sir. He's completely silent."

"Could he be... no... no...!"


On Kistror, a [Demon Queen] was grinning. One of her advisors approached her.

"The [Merchant] has received his payment. Ten thousand gold coins."

She answered him.

"Good. Let him know of the consequences if he does not keep that door closed."

The demon nodded and left.

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