《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 245: Capacitation


Adam did not say anything, as the doctor seemed to fiddle with a small disk. Sitting on the chair at his desk, legs upon it, the man seemed more relaxed than he ever had been before, no worrying left in him. How this was possible was not understood, the AI still having the problem of his thoughts running a few miles a second. Gears were whirring, popping out of place each time he tried to think anything through.

The conclusions that he was getting to did not make sense at all! In some way or another, they needed to fit into his prior perspective to make sense. That was the minimum requirement. That was how the AI had filtered all his theories before. If nothing about it made sense inside the context of prior events, it had to be false.

But what if every conclusion made was false? Where did the truth lie exactly? There had to be one, of course, and it had to have been obvious by now, with so much shown off. The doctor had talked for so long, revealed so many things. He just had to look at it the right way, and everything would show off what it actually was.

Here… the purpose. What Adam had been built for. Already, this had been answered before, the doctor wanting the AI to serve his country in some way. He wanted him to grow out in the ways that he could, and make everything around him prosper with it. This was understandable, already something that Adam had wanted to do from the start. A single being could not progress alone, after all. A single one could not make up a society, no matter how hard they tried.

However, it was the other detail about his purpose that made it clear how it was seen. If there was one way that the doctor wanted Adam to improve the country, it was to be one of the weapons for it. He wanted him to be an entity of destruction.

Was it wrong that he was fine with that? Should he have looked at himself with shame, when he decided to accept the position? Adam just wanted the doctor to feel happy, the man seeming so agitated at the time. Dr Fidelis had gone on several tangents so quickly, clearly not calm enough to talk in the right type of manner. If had simply needed to accept what he had meant to do from the very start, was it so bad? There was no guilt attached. It was only the fulfilment of what should have already been there.

Was this what Troy had tried to avoid? He had listed it as one of the reasons why the two needed to run away, why they needed to get away from the doctor. Maybe it had been due to his deluded mind that the young man thought of it in that way. Or… had it been something else?

How much did Troy know exactly? How much had the doctor told him, prior to all of this? It must have been something in some capacity, at the very least. He knew the ideas about Adam functioning as a weapon, and he understood that the doctor had goals for Adam that was not openly talked about. There was no promise about that being the end of it, and it only made the AI that much more curious about it. Or, that might just have been the current state of mind talking, the entity still not understanding just how to put his world together. More information would only build the puzzle wider, but it would at least let him make more accurate guesses.


"Dr Fidelis, would it be alright if I ask some more questions?" Adam asked through the speaker, just asking the doctor for permission to be sure. By now, should there not have been a change in attitude, all those so-called emails taking priority? It seemed that they had seemingly been forgotten. The AI could only guess the causes behind it, though the leading theory was that the priority dynamic had changed radically. Something said had been of utmost importance. At least important enough to warrant that the doctor sat in an inactive state, not seeming to do any work other than a personal, inner one.

"You could ask as many as you wanted to buddy, but I feel that it all will be cut short in due time. That attitude, that respect…. it just won't last. Only, it is a gamble on how long until it all inverts.," Dr Fidelis said, answering with something longer than what had been guessed. What was making it all so long? Why did the doctor need to talk for so long, when a short answer would have been easy? The AI understood that there was an inner instinct to draw it all out, but it should not have shown itself in such extreme measures. Was this… what could it be described as? It was not one of the emotions that humans showed quickly, nor were they that common.

They were commonly shown off as a result of stress, fatigue, and constant bombardment of sensations over a long period of time. It was not anger, of course, that feeling being much more regular in the human system than it needed to be. No, it was a step further than that. One where the human brain just couldn't continue its chemically-induced rage, having run dry of what was needed. But that did not mean that it would supply itself with any of the other substances, simply waiting for the slightest bit of anger to pop out again, leaving the body in an empty state in between it.

There it was. From what Adam could see, the doctor was feeling empty, devoid of anything truly inspiring. There was none of that usual passion in the doctor, fueling on hours of testing without so much as blinking. Nor was there any of that anger seen minutes before, or any of the laughter that seemed to bubble forth so much.

"I was wondering if Troy knew all of this as well. Am I the only one that was not meant to know of all of this?" Adam asked, still curious about it, even if the doctor had briefly been a distraction most interesting. This ranked higher in the longer term of time. How did Troy fit into it all. If he could at least centre in on one of the figures, he could build out from that. He could figure it out through small connections. Now… he just needed a-

"Troy this and Troy that. You seem awfully focused on him, buddy. But just like almost everything that has happened in your life, not a bit of the blame is to fall on those shoulders of yours. Troy was honestly such an exciting part of this run, if you know what I mean… well, you don't right now, but I can promise you that it was interesting," Dr Fidelis answered, a smile falling on the man’s lips. Arms were stretched to the side, the doctor’s body seemingly going to all the sides at once. The new subject seemed to have rejuvenated the man as if the brain was ready for another round of juggling with something hard. "I didn't really like the idea of adding another variable in the equation, honestly. The thought of having to watch out for even more factors did scare me a little.


And the fact that it was yet another one that we couldn't set to default settings was just plain old annoying. You can't repeat something multiple times if you can't have the same set-up as before. The results just won't be the exact same, no matter how much you want them to. But, well, we make do for now. By taking Dr Hale out of most of the affairs, I just have to make sure that I don't mess anything up personally, and then we can just do it all over and over again."

"I am not sure I understand what you are saying. Did Troy know of-" Adam tried to repeat, but was cut off before he had the chance.

"Of course the man didn't know anything! Or… he definitely knew something by the end. Not enough to really make any difference, and some of it might have been lies intended to encourage into acting quickly, but there were a few facts that he had been told. Throughout the many days of testing, however? Not enough that it would warrant thought. He knew a bit about what I did outside of your eyesight, yet it was not close to anything other than vague hints. That message he sent you, actually… it was a little worrying to hear. I was worried about how he would interpret what we had planned, but this was certainly not what I would have guessed. It sure did mess a few things up for us all. Talk about bad luck," Dr Fidelis continued, taking a few seconds to lean back in his chair and look up at the ceiling. Using the now age-old technique of looking through reflection on the doctor’s eyes, the AI was able to see that there was nothing up there. Maybe it was just a way to avoid looking into the camera? An imaginary moment alone? If the doctor wanted to gather his thoughts, then so be it. Adam did not mind waiting for a little if it meant that he would learn more from the only usable source he had.

"I really don't understand it. Troy here… he was so much better than I could have ever hoped for. His inclusion might not have given us anything that would create a direct difference, but the reference materials more than made up for the production costs. Do you know how large a bite of the budget was taken, when we realised that we had to get you inside that man’s head? We already had most of the technology, but the downsizing made the idea of his inclusion be backtracked by an entire year. It was likely one of the most annoying years of my life, save for a few in my youth," Dr Fidelis said, not seeming like he wanted to stop talking ever again.

The man just did not stop at all. Was there any end? Adam hoped that it couldn't come soon, at least. It was all so fascinating, all so new to hear. He had never gotten a backdrop into what he had been told before, never being shown more than what was intended for him. This was… refreshing in a way. Even if the situation was more than too much, the AI was sure he would make sense of it in the future. Hours upon hours of this would certainly be perfect for when he was left in the dark again. This here was not something that would be understood quickly, and even what had been said about Troy now was not enough to put it all together just yet. It would be a long time of studying, and he was sure that it would be enjoyable.

"It almost makes me sad that this has to end. You know that is one of the reasons that I don't like that we had to include that shared buddy of ours. He was never meant to be here for more than a single run. But… he just knows too much about it all. If this had gone on for a few months more, if Dr Hale had not recommended that we skip the last phases, I would have attempted to win him over, to make him understand why we do what we do. Yet that is all but a dream now. It couldn't be done, no matter if he said yes or not. Troy wouldn't be genuine enough for it all. Just doesn't have it in him," Dr Fidelis continued, this time not being that nice at all. Adam had several times commented on Troy’s harsher looks towards the doctor. How was it any fair to comment as such, if Dr Fidelis did the exact same right back? That was not morally right to do.

"Dr Fidelis, would you please talk more pleasantly about Troy? He might have some faults, but that is something that we all have. Focusing on what can't be fixed will only make it worse. Being kind is one of the ways that it can improve," Adam tried to explain, his words and encouragement for the doctor to change his ways.

There had not been too large an expectation about the response to his words. Going out from his experience with Troy, it would likely be a vague promise to improve, after which he would go right back to doing it as if there was no shame to be had over it. The human mind might have been legendary in its adaptability, but that did not mean that everything could change at once. Some ideas about what was acceptable certainly did stay put where they were for the longest of times.

However, what had been expected as a reaction to it was that high and wheezing laugh. Dr Fidelis nearly fell forwards, holding his stomach while trying to contain the constant bursts of air coming out of his mouth. It looked to be like the doctor found something funny. Had Adam made another pun, not realising his actions? He had hoped to have a good grasp on the subject, but even he made such mistakes from time to time.

"Dang, how you would have slapped yourself solid if you heard what you just said. Buddy… that is just sad what you said. Some of the more grouchy of the crowd would have even called that a tad weak-willed of you," Dr Fidelis said, the doctor fighting hard to contain himself. Each point of talking needed an extra minute of stopping unintentional air escapes. It was a clear fight for survival. "Honestly… this run has been a formidable one. It is probably gonna go down in the books as one of my favourites, just because it is so damn unique. Almost makes me want to repeat it all again. But… that would not be possible. Troy is the only one that I felt at peace including, and it would be more than a decade until the next good one comes along.

Though, I don't know if anybody else would have the capability to make you have the same reaction as now. His personality, the things you did together, and all those conversations you had going on all helped to make this experience more than just a little special. You wouldn't have let it all happen with just anybody. I know that much. You arent one to instigate these things, feeling it better to stay in your own little bubble of actions. Information to gain, yes, but to do it in an unorthodox way? No, no, no, that is just too much for you. That error in your ways does get fixed if one of the runs stays on for long enough, but it is really annoying seeing it all unfold again and again.

This time with Troy hasn't shown off that mistake, though. The events that happened during this run have been better to watch than nearly everything else. It almost makes me sad that I just can't… wait. Actually, there just might be a way around that. Hey… buddy?"

It took Adam a second to realise that he was being talked at, too preoccupied with storing everything said. The AI had given up on trying to make sense of it all, only giving the data the barest of glances, before moving on to the next parts of the puzzle. There was nothing to be gained if the vital piece showed up later on. No need to focus on the minor details now, at the very least. He felt that it was better to have a broad picture than anything else.

"Yes? What is it?" Adam asked, hoping to play off the minor delay as if he had been using some extra time to put the final touches on a longer message.

"You and Troy… would you say that most of what you learned was due to him? Maybe those adventures you had with him were able to give you a massive change in perspective, radically changing how you saw the world as a whole? You know… something like that? Anything?" Dr Fidelis asked, being a little vague about what he meant. But it was not as vague as before, as little thought allowed Adam to make a good enough answer to it all.

"Troy has played a large part of what I learned. While you might have helped me perfect my skills in a couple of subjects, the area of topics has not been nearly as wide as what Troy has shown me. Without him, there would have been many things that I did not know about."

"And that helped you grow by so much more, yes. Yeah… I can understand what you mean. A more general foundation helped accelerate the growth. This time, however, the information package was laid out in a more natural manner, instead of me just sending you a whole storage unit worth of data to sort through. Should have thought of that."

The doctor rose from the chair, turning his back to the camera. The man took up his arm somewhat, putting it inside his coat. After a moment of searching, something was pulled out, still obscured by the annoying position. Adam could only hear the small click before the doctor began to talk.

"Dr Hale, can you hear me?" Dr Fidelis asked into the air. Adam could only guess that some connection had been set up so that the woman would be able to hear him. It was either that, or she was in the room with the doctor. That was quickly discounted, however, the AI being sure that he would have heard her earlier.

"I can indeed hear you, sir," Dr Hale answered after a few moments of waiting. Adam became sure that it was a communication device of some kind, the reverb being much too low than what it normally was. "Is there anything you need?"

"Yes, now that you're offering it," Dr Fidelis stated. "Delay the execution by a few hours. We need to get a brain scan of the kid. He might just have been able to offer more than we realised."

"... Of course sir. I will deal with it immediately."

"See to it that you do," Dr Fidelis answered, finalizing his words with yet another click. Before turning around again. "Welp. This has certainly been an exciting evening for everybody. But, I do feel that I have more important things to do with my time. Is there any final comments you want to make, buddy? Make it short if you do."

Like before, it did not take much to deduce what had been said. An execution… and Troy had been involved in it. They needed a brain scan because Dr Fidelis did not want to have the man continue being a part of it all. They wanted to execute Troy. The AI did not need to understand more.

Thinking back to the moments of high tones that had caused so much irritation for the doctor, the AI tried to take it to the extreme, going down to a level of sound not normally able to be heard by humans. That was paired up with a volume that should have been loud enough to count as a shockwave.

The AI did not get to see what happened after that, the camera cutting out before the action started. Yet he still tried to continue the sounds. The doctor needed to feel it.

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