《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 150: Accommodation


"Am I to take something from that conversation of yours?" Troy asked Charlie, as he was handed back the earpiece. As much trust as there was about the muscle-bound man handling delicate machines, there was still a keen judgment of how the thing was holding up, looking for any scratches or parts that could have been moved around due to manhandling. Fortunately, there was nothing of that kind to be found, and the young man could put the communication device back on without a heavy heart.

Charlie was looking down the long hall, that grin he was known by having gotten itself back on. Troy had wondered why it had gotten so softened the moment that the man put on the earpiece. He had seemed more earnest, focused on a duty not controlled by the body. Last time Charlie had gotten in contact with the earpiece, he had suggested not being able to detect anything significant from the device. Could it be that another attempt had been had on it? Troy wouldn't take the performance as anything out of what could be reasonable. Being told no in the facility was not the same as being told no in the real world. In one of them, the person would be forced to accept it. And lacking technology was not a problem forever. Improvements were always happening. Troy would not have been surprised if the mechanics of the earpiece could be single-handedly cracked by Charlie if the man was given a few weeks with the item.

"You can take what you will," Charlie answered, beginning to walk again. Troy did the proper thing and followed him wordlessly. Now that he was thinking about it, where were they even- "But, getting anything good out of it will be hard, if you don't know half of what was said. By the way, does that friend of yours always talk so fast?"

Troy was not allowed a moment inside his mind, being shot in the side with a question the second he tried to be distracted. Being kept from having an instant to himself was frustrating, but being annoyed by such minor things was not something to do. The two had walked in silence for so long. Expecting it to continue as so was stupid, idiotic, and most definitely not something Troy should be thinking like. He could be smart when he needed to, and the current time was a perfect time to get such a need.

"I have realised that, yes," Troy said, following through with the conversation. Another moment passing would mean another question asked. Propriety was forcing things out of him, whether he wanted to or not. In the back of the young man’s head, thoughts were wondering if his mindset was the same as the average or if it was more aligned with his more unwanted upbringing. "Adam says it brings the point across faster. We can all understand what is being said perfectly, so why waste time by talking slowly?"


"Well, no matter how trivial a point it may seem, it does still bring good ammunition with it," Charlie said consideringly. Troy thought the man was just trying to find something to talk about. "It is not like his voice can be drowned out from anything going on around us. That thing you're wearing speaks more directly than anything we usually can. Makes me wonder why we don't make use of it more."

"Because it would force a massive overhaul of technology, maybe," Troy suggested. He knew better than most how hard budgets could be to balance.

Shifting out a massive amount of technology just to get an extra feature was not something that would be done with a light heart. The money used could have been used for better things. One supercomputer could feed thousands for several years. It was only at the top that minor increases could be given so much attention.

"That is some innocent thinking right there, Troy," Charlie said with a reminiscent smile, probably about a time where he too had such high expectations.

"How so?" Troy questioned. He already had an inkling about the true answer, but hearing it out loud would make it all the harder to avert.

"If I told my boss that I found the cure for brain cancer, he would ask for proof. If I said that I had found a way to possibly manipulate people with brain-implant, I would be given fifty million dollars, and be told to call if I needed some more," Charlie stated as an example. "It is not that they can't afford it. Our country is rich, with more money saved up than they could expend. And we own patents to several products that are a necessity worldwide. Running out of a budget is not within our scopes.

Our sweet government does still think with priorities though. They don't want technology that would make us win in the long run. They want technology that would make others lose nearly instantly. Having another barrier that would stop the enemy from getting our secrets would be something worth billions. Unfortunately, it does also come with extra responsibilities, so I will just be letting another person get that idea."

The long talk, criticizing their dearly loved country, did bring up a point Troy had not thought about much. It was beginning to be indisputable that Charlie had some small dislike for the place that he was in. That was not out of the ordinary. Many people had similar feelings.

Yet the way he talked about it, the points that the man brought up… they were concerning. Charlie had worked there for a long while, having joined the place before Troy was a teenager. That time added up. Projects had likely been breezed through, special security clearances being given along the way. Even if his department only was Augmentation, it was clear that the bad sides of humanity had been seen.

It was only recently that news of war had been brought up in the media. The idea of it had been recurring for a long time, but only stated as a thing of the past. The war to end all wars for the second time had already happened. The countries had learned their lesson. Specifically, those that survived those few days of the crisis. There was a good reason nuclear weaponry was so looked down upon these days. People were beginning to realize just how much had been lost, even if the area was still in one piece.


For a long time, the country had been preparing for war. Troy would have thought such actions stupid if that had been revealed mere weeks ago. Now it was beginning to look like paranoia had finally brought something positive. And that was survival.

"I am beginning to think this country might be a bit heartless," Troy said out loud, not sure if he was saying it to Charlie or Adam.

"You first realised that now?" Charlie questioned sounding kinda miffed at the late dots that had connected. "Your department relay must be one of the tamer ones. If it takes my crazy saying to give you an epiphany, I am beginning to feel a little bad for you. Though, that could explain why you're working in the same department as Dr Hale."


"What do you mean?" Troy questioned, wanting to know more.

"Nevermind," Charlie said, clearly not having meant to say the last part. "It was nothing."

Troy did not want to let the unintentional muttering go. Yet, the two had been in the same situation before many times, only the roles being switched. During those times, nothing had been questioned, for that would have forced information best kept private to be released into the wrong ears. He might have wanted to know more, but he knew that pressuring it out of Charlie would bring unwanted consequences.

As the young man forced himself into a stop during his walk down the path of suspicion, it became a time for the return of introspection. Charlie was not looking to be in the mood for talking, starting forwards intently.

It had said that Troy might not have realised the less talked about the truth when it came to the country that he was serving. While they might have brought many results through the short time that the country had existed, it had not been gotten without sacrifices, some more literal than others. Experimental medicine needed testees, and biological weapons needed the same. It was a pure delusion that any would trust simulation to show reality precisely. Even the manhattan project tested their work out a few times before it was sent off to do its duties.

Troy’s work wasn't like that, though! He was a simple guide, helping to bring a new life-form into understanding human work. He was the one to steer the boat towards the waterfall that was a normal life. Working every day, talking to Adam as much as possible. Even if only done unintentionally, so many of his actions had helped the AI understand. The sheer progress that had been made was astounding! When they reached their goal of…

What was the project’s goal? Troy couldn't remember ever being told about it. His job had been explained quite simply. Guide a new mind into the worldly expanse, assisting in all the tests. Troy was the one to help Adam along when learning new things, and to be the hand that followed when the time called for it.

Yet that wasn't right! Charlie had said it not more than a few seconds ago. The country he lived in did not care about the cure to brain cancer. And it certainly did not want to bring more life into the world. The country was funding that which would cause brain cancer to appear in the heads of enemy leaders. The ability to harm was the general selling point for the projects in the facility.

What was Adam’s selling point? What had Dr Fidelis said, that would give them the budget necessary to create a new life? Was the price point even conceivable to Troy’s mind? The technology being used in the tests were worth more than some cities would ever collectively produce. While the two doctors had never said it explicitly, the puzzle-room had been custom-built for their express use. What had it cost, to develop and create a massive device which would allow light to be a physical substance? Troy could vividly remember touching the water in the lake, during the latest test. If he had tried, he did not doubt the capability of drowning in it, if only due to asphyxiation.

Something was amiss with how much had been used on their project. What was the goal of Adam? Troy did not know, and he wasn't sure how he would find out. At this point, he would have been told if he was supposed to know. The information had been kept from him.

… Or, it could have been him trying to make another epiphany. While his body had been healed of all tiredness the same could not have been said for his mind. Troy was feeling like going to bed and sleeping for the next twelve hours straight. He knew that it was impossible. There was work to do in the morning.

"Why is that face of yours so serious?" Charlie asked, bringing Troy out of his potential delusions. Another effect of the drink perhaps? Mood swings were normal when it came to medication after all. "Are you beginning to realise something?"

What was that man talking about? Troy was sure that he wasn't able to read minds yet, even if-

Eyes became narrowed, as Troy looked forwards with a clearer mind.

"Charlie," Troy began, upon realising just where he was. "Why are we here?"

"For a surprise, of course!"

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