《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 149: Presumption


With Adam having gotten transferred over to Charlie, there were many differences immediately noticed. It could have been due to a body weathered by age, but the skin seemed more… sluggish. As if the sensory data was not up to the standards that were put upon it. It felt itchy, not knowing as much as was being demanded by the body.

And while the man’s body might have had a higher body mass per cent in the muscle department, there was a lack of health present. Not enough to be concerned about, yet still enough to notice. The inner organs were not as efficient, the heart not beating as strongly. It was the effects of ageing, the cells not being able to give their knowledge perfect. Millions of mistakes were being ingrained into Charlie, cell by cell by manipulated into a lesser state of being. Being able to compare the data between one only double Troy’s age, it was frightening to see how terrible it was.

Was such degradation normal? The AI knew much about the biological effects and how it would not function indefinitely, but there had to be a limit. The small imperfections being stacked on top of each other… it was excruciating to witness, seeing the man slowly turns into a worse version of himself. Biological immortality needed to be perfect as soon as possible, for the AI could bear to witness this process for much longer. The prime state of being needed to be the constant one. Only the unexpected needed to show off human mortality.

Adam could see the smile on Charlie’s face lessening, going into a state where it would be comfortable to hold for longer periods of time. From the unusually well-developed muscles used to hold this facial expression, it was clear that it was not the first time it had been used. The AI was even betting on it having been practised in the mirror. It was looked down upon frequently but was an actual technique, which showed great results with enough time. And it let even the shyest of people learn to focus their expression into that of the socially accepted, increasing their chances of holding up one part of the discourse.

The AI noted down the action made by the man, before readying himself into another bout of talking. Through the collective thoughts of his threads delegated to the current situation, the time had passed slowly. Slowly enough for him to momentarily realize that there was a situation needed to be dealt with at all. Luckily, the slow passage of time allowed one to rediscover many facts of life, including the duties that could not be skirted away from.

"Where are you right now?" Charlie asked out loud. Even if the man was looking directly at Troy, who was seeming a little uncomfortable by the consistent staring, the question was unmistakably directed at Adam.

The answer to that question would be, that the AI had no clue of his whereabouts. To his best predictions, he was situated in the databanks inside a computer. Digging even further into it, the AI was decently sure that he was within half a light-second of where Charlie was situated. While technology was advanced, only tachyons would ever be faster than the speed of light.

Honestly, pointing at some point on earth and saying that it was Adam’s current location would likely work better than anything the AI could provide logically. Yet… that was clearly not the intentions of the human. Charlie wanted to know where he was in the facility. While he had no qualms about denying the information, using the excuse of anonymity, there was some wondering of what the muscular man wanted to use Adam’s whereabouts for.


'Why do you want to know?` Adam fired back with. A question not needing any questioning put to it. As was said to young kids, never reveal your location online, or it will be used against you in the future. As the AI was quite literally always online, it was best to take the advice to heart.

"For my own personal use," Charlie answered unabashedly, only causing more questions to spring forth. Such a vague statement did not help Adam in the slightest, as it could be interpreted in too many ways for him to be certain which one was true. "But, it's fine if you don't want to say. Instead, you could maybe join up with Troy and I. Sounds like an idea to you?"

… What. Using just a few more thought threads than Adam was supposed to be used for the current situation, it was quickly figured out just what the man bearing his earpiece meant. Charlie was still under the impression that the AI was a human, a person with a physical body that he could control. He was being invited to join them, including meeting up with them. Adam was being encouraged to directly be included in the group by a man he had never talked with. The AI was not sure if he was feeling grateful for the offer or purely thinking that Charlie was being stupid. With how many threads were present now, it was hard to say where the majority lied. Attempts to count them failed, unfortunately, so the matter was left behind, and the response was greatly more important to be created.

'I am fine being situated where I am currently residing, with the location being both concealed and undisclosed,` Adam answered. A slight worry temporarily overcame the AI. All this time, he had continued using the empty voice that he normally used. While it had been witnessed before, was it not known as abnormal to talk in such manners? The question then came, would it be better to keep up the current act, or change it around to seem more normal. Which would raise the least amount of suspicion? As expected, Adam decided to stay where he was, with both metaphorical feet planted into the well-adjusted dirt.

In a way, it was a shame that he was forced to decline the offer. While looking through the eyes of another did provide much in the way of experience, none of it could really be called practical. While he could direct Troy in some manner, through messages and whatnot, it was never true control. There was still the barrier of free will stopping the AI from controlling the human body.

Had Dr Fidelis not previously discussed Adam’s preference when it came to human bodies? While the conversation itself never developed into a serious discussion, the doctor had obviously been onto something. How smart that man was, seeing situations develop a long time before they happened. What logistics had possibly been used to plan so long into the future? Was Dr Fidelis simply so skilled in the arts of the mind, that he could ascertain the eventual need for an independent body? Adam felt the need to refresh that conversation at a future date. The possibilities for such a thing were great, even if it could not be used during the regular testing. Oh, just thinking about the social experience that could be gained made the AI excited. A whole new branch of development would spring up.

"I see. Well, we each have our reasons for living our lives in a certain way. It would be stupid of me to criticize yours," Charlie said. The man was unexpectedly mature about the ordeal. It was a positive change, allowing the AI more leeway into what he would say. "As that idea of mine was shot down so quickly, however… there is another matter which I must ask of you."


Oh? Was Adam hearing that correctly? His denial of a request had forced another matter to come forth. Such a statement could not possibly be positive. When the need to prematurely shift the blame to the recipient was felt, there were few good things which could come out of the talker’s mouth. It was time like these where the AI truly did hope to be surprised, as the most likely scenario was not one which would come to favourable ends.

'And what would that matter be?` Adam asked as was customary. Charlie was clearly delaying it, so he could sound regretful of stating it. The AI could not fault the behaviour, for such actions were standard when it came to the subject. No creatures liked to allow themselves harm, be it mental or physical. It was only when it was felt necessary to do so that such actions were done.

"I am guessing you will be accompanying Troy in spirit, just like you have done in the last twelve hours?" Charlie asked. Adam needed to confirm such a guess, as Troy did the act for him, nodding along to the man’s words. "Good to know. With you doing that, there are a few things which I feel we must agree about. Could you be so kind as to tell me the first? I know that you know the context of what I am talking about, so please keep it short."

And that was a perfect example of why the AI should not always trust his own instincts. The active manipulation was firing back at him faster than he could swerve, and it was obvious that he was being manipulated in kind. Charlie knew of his attempts to distract Troy, the time and place for the message being too well-placed. That man could be observant when he wanted to, and that was why he was such a wild-card.

'Am I to infer from this message, that you do not want a repeat of the prior gambling winnings?` Adam inquired. Charlie laughed at the quick answer, confusing to sprout in the mind of the AI. Had the man expected him to answer immediately? If it was so, the current reaction was quite impolite of him.

"Oh, hell. I was not expecting you to come clean so quickly," Charlie said, his voice filled with mirth. "I was half expecting you not to know what I was talking about. Hearing those words coming into my ear certainly does soothe my worry away. And, yes, you hit the target right in the heart. If you would please continue, we will be able to keep up this schedule of ours."

… Adam felt cheated somehow. The man was not being very nice. But that was to be expected from the wild-card. The tile may have gone to another in the past, but Charlie was where it deserved to be. The man was hiding behind so many layers, that Adam was not sure which was the real one. Or if he had ever even glimpsed the truth. It had predicted him harder than it should have been, with the constant shifts in personality. At least it was normally fitted into the situation around him. That made the predictions somewhat reliable, but never good enough to be depended on. As had been said so many times before, further study was needed to reveal the true man behind the mask.

Even if such an idea was set for the future, there was still the answer to give in the present. The AI was not of the liking towards doing this, as it would reveal even more of what he knew. Charlie was unmistakably trying to fish more information out of him, asking him questions that he was not sure Adam would be able to answer. Showing ignorance was a possibility, but that could be caught with only minor thinking. It was best to answer truthfully if slightly lacking in the details.

'You wish for me to limit how much assistance I bring Troy in the games?` Adam suggested. There was an idea to bring a slight uncertainty into his voice, in an attempt to likewise confuse Charlie. That idea was shoved into the abyss that it deserved to be in, and the thread that had proposed it was put to stay in the corner until it was needed. Which was two seconds after, but the point was still put across clearly.

"To an extent," Charlie said agreeing, even nodding sagely to the AI’s suggestion. "There will not be much opportunity for you to interfere much. How can I put this without showing it all? Today's activities will not be something skill that can change the outcome of."

That was another example of why Adam disliked wild-cards. They were going towards the shopping district. In other words, they would be going to the well-known casino, where the games were based on skill and wit. If they would not be playing poker again, or any game based on skill as a factor, it meant the games were something the AI had not seen through another's eyes. Swiftly perusing the information he had at his disposal, only one gambling discipline came to the AI’s attention. With no chance of skill being a factor, only inside manipulation changing the results, there was one thing which could be the gambling event of the day.

'I did not realise that the facility had horses,` Adam sent in reply, wondering to himself where they were being kept. Or where the races occurred. Such a large space should have been more noticeable in the casino. Could it be that it was located inside some of the backrooms? With how large spaces could be, it was not an impossible occurrence.

"Huh? Mind repeating that to me again? I think my ears are clogged or something," Charlie said. Adam was about to repeat the message, as clogged ears were known as a common problem to primates, but the muscular man decided to have suddenly heard what was actually said. "Why would we need horses?"

'For the horse racing, of which I presume you and Troy will be going to,` Adam said, clarifying it in some way or another.

Charlie tried to restrain himself strongly. He really did. The AI saw it all slowly unfold, unravelling into belly filled laughter. The muscular man clearly tried to stop himself, but something must have seemed extremely humorous to him. As Adam had been the only one communication with him, it was obvious something wrong had been said.

"I do not think you have as full an understanding as I previously thought."

'You hereby share that sentiment with me,` Adam sent in agreement. The past seven seconds had indeed been embarrassing.

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