《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 139: Invigilation


Time was a factor in all things physical. It was not a fact frequently stated, the idea of it being too obvious for any having a need to have it spoken out. But that also made few realise it, for if everybody thought it obvious, how would the fact come into active memory? It was a conclusion the simplest of primates could make, yet it took encouragement before it would come around naturally. The encouragement that few wanted to give, lest they would be jested with for saying simple sayings. The AI believed this discriminating form of information-sharing a perfect reason why the human social-culture needed a drastic overhaul.

Going away from the increasingly frequent thoughts of world- and human domination, Adam had learned many things about time. Not about how time as a concept worked, but more how it affected the world that was only born because of it. Each second, there was a non-zero chance of every human on the planet being destroyed by a true vacuum accidentally being created. In just one second, it would be stupid to even consider it. When it came to the millions of years that earth had already existed… while still small, the chances would still increase.

The reason Adam had begun gathering these thoughts would partly be put onto the actions of Troy. While the young man may have had many positive qualities to his name, there were also plenty of negative traits. One of these would be his mutterings, verbally putting out his thoughts without even realising it. While the reasons for this behaviour is unknown, the consequences of it were well documented by the AI, as a full transcript of every thought verbalised had been noted down in fine detail.

One of the more popular mutterings was about the physical state that Troy’s body was in. According to the mutterings, the young man found it 'disgraceful,` 'not up to standards,` and 'a shame in comparison to what it once was.` As Adam had not long-term any long-term logs in his possession, it was impossible to fully know in what state Troy’s body previously was. What the AI did know was what plans the young man had to fix this issue. Contacting Charlie about information relating to the fitness faculties, and how one would use it.

To get this information, it would require a request for it. This was something Troy had not done a single time, even when the opportunity had arisen for it. Adam had noted it down as an example of poor willpower or forgetfulness and had archived the plan accordingly. To the AI, it was something which would never happen.

Yet… Troy was on his way to get a showcase of the gym that was regularly used. The specific fitness faculty that Troy had wanted to visit. The one which had not been asked about it in any obvious way. The one Adam had noted down as possibly never being visited by the young man.

It had been pure chance that the topic of visiting the gym had come up. And Troy had not been the one to come up with it, nor had he encouraged the subject in any way. If that had been so, the AI could have taken it as an opportunity not being passed by. But, no. The chance to visit the location was given to Troy on a so-called silver platter, no effort undergone other than to accept it.


What was the chance of such a scenario occurring? Adam had calculated it to be so little, that it had not been worth thinking about. Yet, it had still come to fruition. Because… with enough time, nearly anything could happen, no matter how unlikely it seemed at first. Chances could increase or decrease with any new development. The AI had not noticed it, but with every step that the two humans took, those chances increased exponentially. Looking at it retroactively, the probability of the scenario turning out as it had peaked at five per cent. An unspeakable difference from what it originally was.

The only difference from the under one per cent chance and the five per cent chance had been the different times they had been measured. Time was a factor which could cut all previous information. Predicting the future state of the world was impossible to do in ultimatums, for so many observations were useless long before they were even measured. It was only in the past where things were set in stone.

… Or was it? While the present and future looked to be the only time-frames easily moulded, there was research pointing towards changing the past as well, if only to a small degree. It took strong gravitational pulls, an extremely old wormhole, and a massive amount of energy, but it could be pulled off, if only in theory. While there was not much when it came to successful experiments focused on the theory, that was only due to the hardships to perform such a task. That could have something to do with one of the main components for successful time-travel to be an otherwise hypothetical part of space-time.

Adam put the talk of time away, for now, letting the minor threads play with the subject instead. For now, Troy and Charlie had reached a promising location which the AI felt needed the attention it deserved.

Unlike the department entrances, the one before the two humans was incredibly wide, being nearly three meters across, to the greatest of the AI’s approximations. This was likely to provide greater accessibility, stopping needless traffic starting from just the entrance of the place. And as the facility was of undetermined, large size it was obvious that inside only had the chance of being so much bigger.

"I'm guessing this is the place we’re looking for," Troy said to Charlie, looking mildly surprised by the size of what was before him. A normal reaction from any person, as the architecture before the two was of a grander scale than much of what Troy had seen before. Though… Adam was of the mind that Darlow’s refurbished warehouse was larger in overall space. Maybe not space being used, but most definitely total space open.

"And your guesses are most certainly correct," Charlie said, bringing his bag down to his shoulder instead of his bag. Adam had wondered about the size difference between the two human’s bags. The muscular man’s bag more than just dwarfed Troy’s, being easily double the size of the other. It was an obvious sign of one having more equipment with them than the other. Yet the AI was not fully sure what such equipment could be. "Ready to get inside? Holy weights are yearning to be used by those such as us!"


"Please don't personify weights in such a way ever again, please?" Troy asked as they went inside. Charlie only guffawed in reply, clearly not having any intention to answer with anything worthwhile. The younger of the two luckily did not seem to mind the lack of an answer, perhaps not having expected anything, to begin with. A most curious disposition to start out with, but not one that drew away from the personality tree already drawn up for the man.

As the two humans walked inside, Adam was able to observe several different entrances inside. One looked to lead directly into the fitness faculties. The obvious choice to walk inside if either of the two had been already equipped with the correct equipment. As both were still in plain-clothes, however, it would be the entrance that they would take.

Other than the direct way inside, there were three other choices. One was immediately disqualified for having a card-reader attached to it, making it impossible to get in without the right key-card. While Charlie could most likely let him and Troy get inside, this was not one of the choices they had any chance of making.

The other two looked to be gendered, male and female figures displayed on it. It had taken the AI a longer time than was likely intended to find which figure displayed what. Simplistic art was still beyond what Adam was able to comprehend quickly. It was only by scanning through the traditional clothing of the eighteen-hundredth that the AI had been able to make a reasonable guess on what each painting displayed. Really, who would have thought a dress only worked on a particular gender? Adam saw no reason why clothing had to be so restrictive.

Pointedly trying to ignore primitive clothing norms, the AI quietly observed the two humans moving inside the changing room designated for them. After walking through a very short and curved hallway, they reached what was likely their designated changing space. It was filled with small lockers, looking to have automatic lockers on them. On the end, behind a stretch of open space were a few showerheads. They looked to have automatic sensors attached, but the AI could not be sure from the longer distance.

"Large place," Troy remarked to nobody in particular. Though the only two able to hear him was Adam himself and Charlie, with the latter being the only one having any reaction to the words.

"Yet also so empty," Charlie continued, in a tone that made the AI unsure if the lack of people was a good or bad thing. "It is usually much more crowded, but we are coming at a strange time. Don't be surprised if a cleaner comes in out of nowhere.

"Duly noted," Troy replied, clearly not noting it down in any form. Adam luckily did it for him. Though, the thought of those 'cleaners` appearing was an interesting thought. The AI had wondered just what these things were. Where they actually employed people, who had the sole job of cleaning the facility? It was possible, and would certainly be cheaper than many other possibilities. It could also be automatic cleaners, though.

Automations that were given the sole task of holding the facility pristine. It would provide speed, even if it might cost more than human work. Also, it would be another way to stop any human error, which could lead to information being revealed. Even the most high-security laboratories had to be cleaned at some point. Adam could not truly imagine Charlie diligently cleaning his work-place.

Nothing of interest occurred during the changing of clothes. With how long it took, the AI had made himself expectant of another entity entering the changing room, an unknown factor destroying the current state of balance, and creating another escalation of prowess. Yet… no such thing occurred. It was partly Adam at fault for even expecting such ludicrous things from happening. The idea and awaiting of the scenario had been more of a test. An impromptu one, only made due to an opportune environment for it. The results gained from the experiment were a bit lacking, but there was not much else which could have been expected from it.

The clothing was a small distraction from the failed test. It was not made of simple cloth, but of what Adam could only call semi-autonomous. The training clothes moved themselves to the movements of the bearer, making movements unrestrained no matter how tight the clothes seemed to be. While it could likely not be seen nor felt by Troy, the AI was momentarily stupified by the sensation. Moreover, Adam was mystified by the mechanics of it, as he had been unable to find anything particularly pressing in the body. It was as if no cords were present in the clothing, and the readjustment was being done by nothing electric but an advanced mechanical setting. He was not sure if it existed, but he was also not sure if it didn't. A small task to find the truth throughout the training exercise, surely.

Another mystery that was still mentally prodding Adam was the contents of Charlie’s gym back. The muscular man changed outfits quickly, but had seemed to want to take his bag with him inside the actual training area. It was a different approach, in comparison to Troy who had emptied his bag of the shoes and water-bottle, and stuffed his regular clothes in the bag instead, before finally putting it inside one of the many lockers. There had to be something important inside the bag, or the man wouldn't be carrying it around. The AI was sure he would find out soon.

"Ready to get inside?" Charlie asked. "You might look ready for it, but the grandness of the place does take a lot out of many."

"It can't be that bad," Troy said, having grabbed his things. "Let's just get inside. Can't be wasting our time out here now, can we?"

"That's the perfect mindset, dear old pal! Let's go!"

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