《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 138: Intersection


Troy had wanted to visit the fitness center for some time now. While it did go avoided, there was an undeniable fact that he had been going without proper muscle activation. And without proper medication to counter this fact, degradation was likely to have already begun. His only strenuous activity of the day was to walk between different places in the facility. While being an okay-ish action for cardio, his upper body was slipping into standards that were unacceptable.

But, if there was one thing which had triumphed the need for long-term fitness, it was the need for short-term sustenance. The stomach had begun having nothing to digest and had proclaimed such problems through some minor convulsions of the abs. As Troy wanted to train of his own accord, a proposal of delaying the tour had been made in favour of sating their hunger. Charlie had not been opposed.

"Sounds fine with me," the muscular man had said, as they had walked out of the Augmentation department. "It should give delivery enough time to get some needed equipment over to your room. What is your room number, by the way?"

As had been easily forgotten by the mind, Troy had not possessed in training clothes at all, nor did he have any dedicated shoes. While the first was an obvious problem, there had been an idea of the younger man being able to use those he already had. Apparently, that was against many safety rules, including basic human decency of not smelling terrible around co-workers, and that there were mandated indoor shoes for the weight area. Cross-contamination was a serious issue that needed at least some minimal safety-precautions. At any other place, the lack of these items would have spelt the end for Troy’s short-lived dream of ideal body-work. However, the facility itself had many online features which would allow certain amenities to be provided by purchase. Another example of nobody ever getting to leave the place, but that was ignored pointedly.

While Troy did not have easy access to such services, due to a deficiency of him using his brain-implant, Charlie had luckily decided to get him the needed products as a gift. There had been objections to this action, but these objections had been requested to be stuck up the objector's rectum. As the muscular man had more than enough saved up, and that Troy needed to get himself a savings account of all things, it was better for Charlie to cover the already-minor expenses, with no need to be paid back in the future. Troy did plan to pay it back in the future but expressly did not inform the other of such.

With deliveries having been purchased, along with Charlie now knowing exactly where Troy lived, it was time for lunch. While certainly brief as they had much better things to do after the fact, there was nothing bad to be said about the food itself. It was a pasta-looking green vegetable paired together with what could only be called fish-soup. The taste was perfect, but Troy could not for the life of him understand just what it was supposed to be. Charlie tried multiple times in vain to explain the name and its source, but there was nothing going through the young man's brain. In the background, Adam had even attempted to explain the dish, having seemingly seen the understanding-barrier as a challenge to be taken. With how little communication had occurred after the failed attempt, Troy surmised that the AI must have been sulking after the defeat. Or it was just letting him eat in peace, and stopping any other 'talking with the voice in his head` situations to happen. Either option was possible.


The conversation of insanity had made Troy take a definite hit. It was ultra-effective in driving a hard to swallow pill down his throat. He needed to keep his act up better, or even more, people would be made aware of something being wrong. Even with the few times that he had noticed himself responding to the AI’s messages, there was likely double the number of actual occurrences. The body reacted naturally to social input, making the stance show emotion. It was a large series of actions, built up by years upon years of a constant climate of sociality. One had to show more than one told, and Troy’s body remembered that more he did himself, the muscle memory working flawlessly in its goals. But it was also in those actions that the failure to the young man’s own goals was brought forth.

Nothing was supposed to leak the fact that he was talking to Adam. He was supposed to be the wall that heard nothing else than what others could hear just as well. Laughing, crying, or otherwise reacting to stimuli others could not sense would be thought-provoking at the least. For a long time, Troy had tried to make himself as passive as possible, making nothing about Adam’s presence be shown. While obvious set-backs had happened, they only showed themselves infrequently. The young man had thought himself making progress, but the only thing progressing was that of his own ability to ignore the faults that he constantly made. Something needed to be done about this, and it needed to be done quickly. If it had progressed to the point where Charlie was directly warning him of the ability to hear his comments to Adam, it was clear that it had developed to an full-on early warning-sign. If it was not dealt with quickly… Troy did not want to think about it.

As lunch was supposed to be a quick affair, nearly no talking happened along with the eating. Forkful after forkful was shovelled in, with only slight respect for public images being upheld. If Dr Hale had been there, some meaningful comments would undoubtedly have been made about their eating-methods, but there were no such words flown around. The only real words exchanged throughout lunch had been a quick exchange of food. Or, it would be better to say that Troy got a load of black beans put on his plate.

"Why are you giving me bloody beans?" Troy remembered asking Charlie, the giver of beans. A weirdly accurate title to give, but one that he was just as weirdly happy being able to give.

"It's good for the stomach, good for the body, and more than perfect for what you will be doing for the next few hours. Eat up, now. You will need the energy," had been the response for the muscular, who had summarily gone back to wolfing down his own slightly reduced portion. Troy had idly wondered where the beans had been procured from, as they had not been present at the buffet. The thought had been extinguished upon the realisation, that he was not eating as quickly as before.

In a matter of mere minutes, they had entered and left the cafeteria without anything or anybody standing in their way. While their quickness in eating might have played a vítal role in this minor time taken, Troy amounted the largest time-saver to be their lateness in getting the food. Upon having looked at the clock, the young man had realised that they had gotten lunch nearly an hour later than the normal. While it most certainly explained the pain that Troy had experienced from his lack of eating, he was not too sure on where the time had disappeared. While he and Charlie had spent much time visiting the various departments, he had thought it only just matched the time spent on a single test. This mind-set had been proven wrong. Troy wondered if Adam had noticed.


As their personal rooms were in opposite directions, Troy and Charlie had momentarily found themselves at an impasse. The idea of them simply meeting up at the gym was quickly removed from possible solutions, since one of them had no bloody idea where it was. Instead of making dumb choices that would do nothing but delay them greatly, it was decided that Charlie would simply meet up with Troy in Troy’s own personal room, after getting his equipment ready. A quick task to do, since changing would be done in the changing rooms over at the gym. Since Troy had nothing to argue with, the solution had been accepted, and the two of them had parted ways.

The walk back to the personal room was uneventful. No other researches were found, as they were likely doing their job, or relaxing in one of the intended parts of the facility.

Troy had wondered if there were any other places than the shopping district being used for recreational purposes. It was not something that had been readily discussed, but with the number of people present in the facility, there had to be some other place with a similar design. Though, such locations could have certain restrictions, making them only open to people of certain levels. It would make sense from a hierarchical standpoint, being able to give more privileges as they progressed through the ranks. And that would also make the shopping district a more neutral ground, where those of all levels would be able to mix in, also being where most groups would meet up because of it. If there were any other places Charlie had access to, Troy had likely not been told due to their just not being any need to. Maybe the young man even had some places that the others were not allowed to be in. Something to check on a boring day. Or just when he got the opportunity.

With his thoughts occupied, it had taken no time at all before he had gotten to his room. Upon entering, he found the entrance blocked by a small multitude of boxes. Three of them to be exact. With the door behind him already closed, he went down on his knee to inspect them.

"Now, what could this be?" Troy muttered, trying to find any label on the cardboard. At least it looked like cardboard. Most likely wasn't, as its uses in packaging had all but been halted completely. It was more than likely some extremely biodegradable product made of rotten food. The industry was never one to waste old products after all. Such acts cost more than most were willing to pay.

'Without any labelling on the package, it is impossible to concretely say. But if I had to guess, I would predict it to be the equipment Charlie has bought for us,` Adam sent in his usual monotone fashion.

"'Us?`" Troy questioned, giving up on finding any form of labelling. Not even a small engraving of numbers was present on the corners. A peculiar form of packaging indeed. "I don't think you're able to wear any clothes, and I don't really think you want to either."

The young found this wording used strangely in a way. While he had no problems sharing what really was not his, it was weird that the AI wanted a part of it at all.

'It is as you say. I have no inclination towards wearing it, as that role is one that I trust you will fill perfectly. The equipment was made to fit you after all. I simply believe that, as we both will be gaining something from this, we should be both seen as so-called co-owners of the equipment. Otherwise, it would be assumed to be me profiting from something which I am not in the ownership of. Such a conclusion is not that I wish to be drawn,` Adam sent in response. Troy was beginning to open the various packages, starting with the biggest of them first. As the packaging material was quick to tear when pressure was put on it, the equipment inside was quick to reveal itself. The first of the goodies was… not the most exciting thing to get, but didn't he already knows what he would be getting?

A gym bag was one of the things Charlie said he would be getting him, and he had even answered which colours he would like on it. Though… he could not remember asking for any bright pink lines on it. That colouring decision had likely been made by the buyer, which Troy was not holding the title of.

"... isn't that just you skirting around how it would get me a favour from you?" Troy asked back, knowing precisely what the AI was trying to do.

'Yes. That is exactly why,` Adam sent back near instantly. With the bluntness of his words, the young man was not able to see if it was sarcastic enough.

The second package was open with a quick pull. Inside was a refillable water-bottle. It was big enough to hold about half a litre, more than enough for what it needed to be. Troy did not really need it. Or maybe he did, not being too sure how long Charlie was planning on being there. Troy would find out soon enough.

"As long as you're honest about it," Troy finally answered, deciding on something neutral. Though, that method did also require a smooth transition over to something completely different. "I am actually surprised that you are annoyed by my answering you right now. Wasn't there a big focus on me not reacting to anything?"

'You are inside your own room currently. While I would prefer that you use sign-language only, for the purpose of you getting used to it, verbal communication can be excused in your quarters,` Adam sent. Troy opened the final package, finding a full set of gym clothes inside. That was quickly stuffed inside the bag. Grabbing the mound of packaging left over, it was brought further inside to be put into the garbage can. While walking, an idea struck Troy.

"Wait. You don't know that many hand signs, right?" Troy asked.

'No, I do not.`

"Then, as we have some time before Charlie comes, why don't we go over a few more?" Troy proposed to the AI.

'That is… amenable,` Adam sent in agreement. Troy certainly took that as one, as he instantly began the process of learning after putting the garbage into its rightful place. This continued for a whole five minutes, where enough words for basic sentences were put up. Worrying about signing words not able to be understood was certainly removed.

It was a knock on the door that brought Troy to a stop. However, it was a very distinct shouting from the other side, that made it obvious who the person was.

"Lets fucking go!" was heard shouted by Charlie, with the 'go' part being proclaimed for way too long a time.

"I‘ll talk to you soon, again," Troy said, bidding the AI goodbye. But also not really a goodbye, seeing as he would continue wearing the earpiece.

'I believe the last five minutes have been for the express purpose of you not doing that.`

That was a fair point.

Walking the brief distance needed, Troy entered the hallway where a certain person stood at the ready.

"What took you so long?" Charlie asked, looking as happy as ever. Maybe even more than usual. Troy would not fault the thinking. With the musculature present on the man, going to the gym was highly likely to be a regular inclusion in the daily schedule. Honestly, there almost had to be some form of steroids ingested to get those arms. There just had to.

"I just spent a moment or two looking over what was in the equipment," Troy answered, not being entirely honest. "I can't seem to remember requesting any of them to be pink."

In the very least, the shoes had been the standard black and white style. If Troy had let the other man decide on the colouring fully for himself, he did not doubt that it would have all turned out so much worse.

"Well, you can't expect me not to have some fun. Happiness is good for the heart," Charlie answered unabashedly. "Come on then! We have a place to be, and we will never have enough time being there."

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