《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 110: Risrepresentation


"Did you enjoy yourself, Nico?" Troy was asked by Evon, the younger kid looking at him with a wistful grin. "No insecurities from your lack of catches. It happens to anyone, you know. Lack of technique isn't the cause for most cases. Some men are just doomed to have no ability."

Was this boy being empathetic or was he just an asshole? It was a fine line to tread, especially for such an annoying example of the living. Why did the Nico persona like him again? That was likely one of the largest mysteries Troy had for the character. The kid had been nothing but snarky comments, snide expressions, and generally apathetic behaviour.

All of it could have been endured in small doses. Troy had known people just like Evon. Energetic, always ready for anything, and the first to lay a comment on the situation. Not friends per se. That would include regular interaction. Not something any person would be able to take.

Was he the mascot? The only reason for the tolerance was that the kid was the symbol of the group. That, without him, the other three would just be three empty people, lacking anything that could set each other apart. Evon was their rainbow in the greyish texture of reality.

But, that was just a theory. A bad theory.

"Expecting results with every try is a sad man’s dream. My lack of conquest today is just another stepping stone for my eventual gain," Nico said, counting the walk upwards. They had already gotten the boat out of the water, letting it dry for a bit before they put it on the car again. Not that they would be going home again any time soon, of course. Affairs had apparently been preplanned. Nico had even helped arrange most of it. Troy just hadn't been present during this planning.

Adam had stayed quiet throughout the fishing trip. No negativity had come from this silence. Troy had been entirely fine with the AI’s switch over to observation mode. It wasn't as if he could help the man stay in character. Both had access to the same information about Nico. Each had their own idea of what it all meant. Neither would be right until proven wrong, so just picking which to use randomly had no negatives in store. There had been a choice to use Troy’s though, seeing as it would allow responses to occur faster. That's the reasoning Adam gave at least. The man didn't understand it too much, seeing as the AI could make up a response quicker than Troy could grasp what words were said, but there presumably were some minute time differences. He wasn't going to investigate it.

What he was going to question was his lack of catches. The other three had gotten themselves a minimum of one each. Naadim had catched seven. And there was he, that poor little Nico, not having felt a single tug of his fishing rod. Well.. calling it a fishing rod was putting it lightly.

It was closer to just being a rod with some fancy stringed getup attached. Home-built by the looks of it. Very homebuilt… it certainly had not copied any earlier designs. Hundred per cent self-invented. Originality could have some obvious plusses, but the fishing rod he got to use didn't get any of them. Maybe he should have been happy that no fish had come to tug on it. Could have caused the whole thing to fall apart.

At least there were no more chances of portraying that character flaw. Troy wasn't entirely sure how good Nico had been supposed to be at it, but his own abilities in fishing had certainly carried over. Any experience about the sport was entirely contained to game simulators. And, even at that, not much time had been put into that kind of simulator. Like, really, who would want to try fishing?


With that part of the trip over, much to a certain person’s happiness, the next scene had begun. Most of the catched fish had been re-released into the wild. Those left behind were designated to be their dinner of the day. Troy had been afraid of having the task of deboning the fish. It wasn't something he had done before and was ghastly afraid of doing. Messing around with slimy guts was not on his list of favourite activities.

Luckily, Algie had turned to that task. It was apparently his speciality. With his job, his skills with sharp tools were on an extreme scale. Troy had half a mind to ask what his job was, but Nico already knew it, so there wasn't any good reason for the inquiry. Didn't stop the man from wondering.

Naadim had likewise separated himself from Nico and Evon. Instead of bringing a gas burner, a natural fire was planned to be used. For such a thing, wood was needed. Naadim had gone out to find sticks and various other things to prepare the location of the fire. Now, Troy wasn't an expert on that subject, but wasn't wood used for such purposes meant to be dried? They may have looked utterly dry, but the liquid was still inside them, making them hard to use. This flaw in logic was felt by Troy to be mentioned, but Nico had not felt the same. At least, no messages about it had come from Adam.

With the other two preoccupied in their little tasks, Troy and Evon had been left alone. They had prepared the location for human use, bringing out smaller travelling chairs to sit on, while also gathering stones to make a ring around the fire. It was a quiet time, for a while.

Time had gone by quickly. The fishing trip had taken more than a few hours. Drinks had been had during their break upon the boat. How long had Troy been on that thing, before those cans had been brought forth? More than four hours in the very least.

Dr Fidelis’ warning about liquid had been well-placed. Before getting a taste, Troy had been utterly unable to find anything wrong with it. The texture of it was just as it always was. The taste was non-existent, but so had everything else in that place also been. The carbonated bubbles could be heard popping away from the opening, just putting that final nail in the bed. There truly had been no way to find the difference.

Then Nico had taken a large gulp of the stuff, before abruptly having a coughing fit. The excuse of it going down the wrong pipe had been given. It had not done so, of course. Hadn't gotten that far.

Ever had a limb gone asleep? The feeling of spastic movement upon one’s attempts. A weird feeling to be sure, but it was the one that came after which was not fondly remembered.

Absolute pins and needles had filled Troy’s mouth when he had taken that large sip of the drink. It had stopped him from drinking anything entirely. Those needs were being taken care of by that pill the doctor had given him. The other people had not questioned his lack of drinking, which was more than likely a kind gesture.

Evon sighed from the side, causing Troy to look over at the kid. The sky had been darkening for a while now. The sun couldn't be seen anymore. It was still up in the sky, obscured by the clouds and trees. It would be a while before the moon came along, but tiredness had already begun to touch his mind.


It couldn't have been that long. Troy could vividly wake up not that long ago. How could he already feel the need to sleep? His body was being manipulated! This place before him was too realistic. Really, had they not thought about Troy falling asleep inside the puzzle room? It could happen if he wasn't careful!

"At least I am not being left out in all this," Evon said, making Troy’s eyes focus once more. The younger man was looking sheepish, as he stared right back. "When saying yes to this trip, I had been under the expectation of hard labour. Real, bone-wrenching work. And, what do we have? The chance to enjoy another drink, while our dear friends are doing everything for us! I didn't ask for that, and I am certain you don't have the gall to ask for it either. Those two are acting weird today."

"It is a special occasion," Nico answered. Troy had absolutely no idea, on how to settle Evon down. Would it too far, if he simply asked him to calm down?

"It's always a special occasion, isn't it? What is so special about today? Can't say I read anything fancy on the calendar this morning. Or this week. Or this month. Nothing special ever really happens to us anymore." It was ended off with but another sip of his drink.

The rant was not said perfectly. Pauses had been made a bit more than any person would do normally. Troy could see the reason here. It was obvious. Drowning sorrows, no matter how small, was to easy a fix.

'Another message has been received,` Adam sent, in the now customary manner.

Troy only wished that the AI would detail the message fully in the first message. Hadn't he been at the other end of that criticism before? A bit hypocritical for an entity with perfect memory. But, then again, there likely was just another perfectly reasoned grounds for this change in dynamic.

The man couldn't bring himself to make yet another bit of sign language. A lazy hand movement was all that was given, giving a very strong implication of the AI just needing to hurry things along.

'Please use already agreed upon communication methods. The message gotten is another one, being very short in nature. As such, with a long time on our hands, I feel it possible to read it, with no personal input.

Time is cutting short. The action is growing closer. Nico does not want to wait, but he knows he must. The ticking clock inside his mind is growing louder by the second. Was he scared? Was he happy? Was he sad? Or was he angry? Maybe it was every emotion at once. Maybe it was none of them at all. Nico did not want to know. The knowledge would make him falter. The belief needed to be kept tight, or he would stray from the path he needed to take.

That was the message. Make of it what you want.`

Those messages were getting less and less positive. Were they ever anything but what they were now, Troy wondered? Maybe it was the lack of quantity twisting his view. Maybe it was something else.

"You should try to limit your intake," Nico said, seeing Evon continuing his long sip of the drink. Give it a few more seconds, and Troy might even have witnessed the younger man emptying the can completely. Had he not had enough? That was, what, the eight? Maybe the tenth. He hadn't been paying too much attention to it.

"I'm building up immunity," Evon replied. "If I drink enough of the stuff, I won't be able to feel it in the end."

"I am sure that there are other ways to get the same result."

"Not at the speed that I need."

Troy could only give Evon another long glance, before retreating into his thoughts. He knew that it was all simulated. He knew it was all fake. Yet… that kid was not doing anything close to a healthy mindset. And the kid certainly knew it, but just didn't care.

The minutes passed in more silence. One Troy felt the need to be broken, but it couldn't be done by him. No matter how much he wanted to, he was still an employee. This was his job. Following orders. And, his orders were to sit there and look thoughtful about life.

How would his past self be looking at him? Would Troy be surprised at his destiny? Or, would he be relieved? It wasn't every day that the promise of a job came into one’s ears. He had been preparing to live on the streets for a while. The savings hadn't lasted forever after all. There was always the knowledge that they would expire, but the day had never seemed so real. Troy had been saved at the finish line, and he knew it clearly.

If only-

"Thank you," Evon stated, his tone low.

"What?" Troy blurted out unintentionally. His tone was not calm, far from it, being closer to his usual surprised tones. The face was quickly placed back together in the needed mask, but the voice had already slipped out.

Fortunately, Evon did not seem to have paid that much mind. The kid looked so deep into his own mind, that any inconsistencies outside would not be paid any thoughts.

"Thank you for being here. It means a lot," Evon continued bit by bit. The can, formerly residing in his hand, had fallen to the ground. No contents spilt out.

"Don't worry about it. Being there is what your friends are for," Nico answered calmly. A calming nature was meant to be portrayed, but Troy felt it had failed.

"Friends… That is precisely what they do. We help each other, we talk to each other, we tell each other exactly what we deserve to be told. We deserve everything from each other, and that is exactly what we are supposed to give.

You are the perfect example of a friend, Nico. You may not realise it, but you have done more for me than nearly any other person has done in my entire life. It makes me sad, just how much I need to repay. I haven't done anything close to your actions. Karma may be fake, but I want to respect it fully.

Again. Thank you. I do not deserve your kindness."

Troy could only stare back, not knowing what to say. Such a thing to be said so early. It would take most by surprise.

But… it wouldn't surprise Nico. Nico wouldn't even blink. Nico would be unfazed by the confession. He would only stare forward, enjoying the quietness of the forest.

The stars had begun appearing. Troy spent the next long while trying to recognize the patterns, while Evon tried to hide his crying right beside him. It took more than he was expecting, for Troy not to try comforting him.

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