《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 108: Excogitation


Messing up had quickly become one of Troy’s main features. No matter what, no matter which situation they were in, something would be done wrong. Something could be said wrong, or maybe the actions were just plain out of place. The point was that he would screw something up.

The consequences of these actions always came back to bite Troy. The timing of these consequences was wildly varied. It could come in the span of an instant, or it would be waiting in hiding for several days. The longer it took to show itself, the harsher it would usually be. This time, there was a definite outlier. The consequences had shown up instantly, yet Troy felt as if it was the most awkward moment of his life.

"Are you so far inside your own ass that you can't answer today? Or is that stench something else?"

A voice not heard before came from his left. Instinct told him to turn his head. Troy did not, instead of looking downwards silently. He didn't dare make a single movement. His eyelids were not kept out of this rule, being kept as open as ever. Tears were felt coming up, giving more than a slight incentive to get things moving.

From the obscured sight, Troy had obviously gotten himself into a car. Not the most unlikely scenario. Cars were common on roads. What wasn't common though, was the fact that he teleported inside it. One moment he was sitting down in the weirdly shaped chair, and the next he was adjusting himself in the car-seat.

The positioning of his hand did not let much be seen. Still, he could make out a few things. Troy was currently sitting on the front seat, right next to whoever was driving. The driver was likely also the source of the voice.

Colouring schemes were left out of his thoughts. They weren't important. The size of the car was, however. Using what was commonly known as common sense, the front of the vehicle was one normally found on the discount branch of cars, sold to the people without wallets thick. With the need for a driver, the car was obviously older. It had been a long time since Troy had seen anything but automatic vehicles. The manual ones had been outlawed in most larger cities. Caused many accidental deaths.

When the government wanted somebody dead, they could handle it internally. No need for useful people to go with them.

Okay. Troy was about to take a deep breath, but yet again held his composure. Time was running out for him, and he desperately needs to get things moving. Whoever was beside was shifting in their seat. This was not going as it was supposed to.

Who was that bastard anyway? Troy certainly hadn't heard him before. Not surprising, seeing as he was a figment of Dr Fidelis’ imagination. A shame, really. If he’d known something before, there would have been a lesser chance of him screwing it all up. Once was fine, but it became a problem when it reached the double digits. Troy wasn't going for any records today.

Without knowing anything about anyone, other than obscure comments about his behind, there was only one real option to go.

Troy loudly sighed, slagging his shoulders down. No pressure was put on keeping his upper body straight, with it hitting the side with a good thunk.


"I was trying to think of nothing. I hear it is very fashionable this time of year. It cant be much worse than whatever we’re supposed to be doing right now," Nico answered in an absent tone.

A chuckle was heard from behind him. A twist of the head revealed the source yet again, letting Troy count the body count up and away. And it wasn't even everybody saying anything back there, only half having the taste to laugh at his sarcasm.

Three people, other than him, were currently in the car. That was a lot when put in comparison with earlier tests. What the heck was Dr Fidelis thinking.

"You're the one who wanted to do this, to begin with, Nico. Don't want to be the hypocrite of the group, right?" the origin of bright spirits stated, a smile along the man’s lips. Or… would it be better to call him a boy? An old teenager.

Being nineteen at most, the kid was probably the youngest person in the car. Troy wasn't sure how old he was supposed to currently be, but the age difference in the group had to be high. The other two were looking to be in their late twenties in the least, matching his own age by more than enough.

With blonde hair, an easy smile, and a record-laying expression of carefreeness, it could set any person in a relaxed state. Troy even forgot for a moment the amount of shit he was sitting in. It was another difference from the others, where they matched the expression of his own.

No smiles were on their faces, staring forward on the road. A glance was given to it, just to see if anything was interesting. There weren't the same looking trees and roads appearing to nearly fly by. Knowing that doctor, Troy wouldn't have been surprised if those assets really just had been copied.

"If I’d known it would have taken so long to get there, I wouldn't have suggested it," Nico got out, stretching his arms upwards in the meanwhile. Thinking had put stress on the man, best expressed to physical tension.

That comment of his got Troy a slight glance from the driver. A knowing one surprisingly. He had thought it should have been more along the lines of annoyance. Agreement in the statement to be sure, but there was more in those eyes than Troy could ever dream of grasping. Even with his lack of rightful perception, absences were still noticed. Something was wrong, and he wasn't being told.

'New information has been relayed to me,` Adam sent in his usual timing, just as Troy had been feeling about giving conversation another go.

The right hand which laid beside the car-door fell to the beginnings of his seat. A natural motion, for those without the want to have it prepared for activities. Accompanying this normal relaxation of his digits, a few even stretched of their own accord. Even more curious, was the pattern they showed. If one looked at it at just the right angle, one could discover the sign it showed. Shame that it was hidden from everybody's gaze or questions would likely have come forth.


'Information about the three people sharing the current vehicle. The younger one, with the notable trait of blonde hair, is called Evon. He is known to Nico as a good kid, if not for his lack of caution. He can make as many good decisions as he makes bad decisions.


The driver is called Algie, commonly known for his lack of shaving equipment. The excuse for this behaviour is budgeting problems, but Nico believes that it has grown on him. The pun is likely intended. Behaviour wise, this man is known as friendly and calm. A clear contradiction from the current performance. This needs to be put into decision making.

The last passenger is called Naadim. Like Nico, he believes in a single purpose. It drives him forward in life. Or, so he says at least. Here, Nico has found him wavering in the drive. Decisions have not been made according to his values. A loose trigger, for better or worse. Trust is not put kindly here. Show adherence to this person, but don't do it fondly. You are friends through Algie, much like they are friends of Evon through Nico.

I recommend keeping quiet. Nico is not the usual starter of conversation, according to the information given. He is quiet until asked. If it follows his belief, he will follow it accordingly. If it doesn't, no action will be taken. This trip is apparently a following of his beliefs. I am unsure of what this means, but we will likely find out from the others.`

Great. If that wasn't just a simple character sheet, Troy wasn't sure what to call it. The methods used to explain them brought back memories of his early education years. While they may not have been good on average, abnormalities had always appeared. Just like that one invite to the group. It had not been long, it had not been greatly done, but it had been fun for Troy at least. His right hand held up his chin, as he rested his head.

Maybe this test could reproduce that mood for him. Bring back those so-called memories.


If that wasn't wishful thinking, Troy didn't know what it was.

The car ride was not long, yet the atmosphere inside had been close to suffocating. Troy had followed the character as ordered, sitting in his still silence. No glances were given to the other passengers. There would have been no valid reason to. Nico was silent, contemplating his goals in life. Why? Troy could not figure that out. What reason had any person for sitting still for so long? It was boring.

That Evon kid was the saviour though. Or, he had been supposed to be. Two more attempts at small-talk had been made by him. Each time, in the customary response, Troy had readily tried to continue. Small jabs, nothing even implying a need to be quiet.

Yet that little guy just didn't continue! The first sentence had been said with such vigour. By the second it had become muted. The third never happened. With each lack of a reply, Troy had oh so wanted to restart the conversation, bringing up some unrelated topic. Just something to talk about, without anything truly personal coming in. But… each time he even began thinking of it, Adam came along with his words of caution. No reason to come out of the persona. That would make them lose their score.

That score could go have some fun with a moulded broom handle. That could have been more entertaining than whatever the current situation had been supposed to be.

Luckily, both his mental and physical health was restored. As the car slowly began accelerating, Troy was able to see a sign come into a view. It wasn't the largest, looking like those governments mandated things.

"Lake ahead?" Nico quietly muttered. A muttering not meant to come out.

Troy nearly swore out loud as well but was able to contain it within himself. However, as surprising as once may have found it, Adam did not come forth to increase this berating. Nothing came from the AI actually. Had he mistaken his own actions? Heard voices that were his own? Was that bad? Hearing voices that others couldn't hear was universally known as a bad thing, but if it was your own it couldn't be too bad right?

"Good eye. Five minutes more of waiting, and we can finally be out of this pile of scraps," Algie the driver said as his first words. The voice was as gruff as he expected. If that man didn't have a smoking addiction, Troy would eat his hat. Or well, he would buy a hat and then eat it.

Finally having a good reason to move around, a good glance was given to the other people. Naadim had not moved from his position. If that man had to take another role, Troy would definitely give him the character of Nico. No reason to have two silent types, when you can cram it into one.

Evon looked more than ready to get out of the car. Without too much space for the legs, the kid was obviously giving it his all to stretch them out fully. If not for his silent attitude, Troy would have asked him to stop it. Those knees could be felt through the seat.

And as the last person in the car, there was Algie. Having just pointed out the need for getting out of the decent looking vehicle, Troy was expecting something along the lines of Evon’s reaction. A need for fresh air, that those clear windows weren't open enough to provide. Yet… looking at that expression, he wasn't sure that the bearded man wanted to take a single step away from the wheels. The hands were more clenched than any situation should have allowed, the stare forward was steadfast, and the back was abnormally straight.

It was weird that they had started slowing down so early. Maybe… maybe the man had just been hoping to prolong their little ride. That was understandable. The silence could be calming for some.

The knowing of what needed to be done, how it needed to be done, and when it needed to be done. The knowledge of prior experience guiding along the body, knowing just what to do. A zen state of calm. They could feel like forever, no matter how long they were. But, each second counted for a year and no man wanted to get out of it.

As they turned off the asphalted road, into a much more dirt-filled track, Troy thought of his past. How great it could have been. In the far distance, the ground shined brightly as the light from the sun reflected off it.

This was turning out to be more fun than he expected. If only Nico had been feeling the same, he would have been able to show it.

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