《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 105: Nugation


"Wait," Troy got out, as he went by the curtain, skin suit in hand. "If that pill right there stops any need for food, why exactly did I eat something before this? I mean, I am not complaining about getting breakfast. I'm just wondering why you didn't want to start earlier if there wouldn't be any need to eat."

With the curtain drawn, he stripped down to the bare essentials. Putting the clothes in a neat pile in the corner, the process of putting on the skin-suit began. While it may be easier to get on than most suits sharing the same main characters, that didn't stop it from being a hassle. At least it wasn't as sweaty as the night before. Maybe it really was sweat-clearing. Just, like, very long-term.

From out of view, Troy could hear a reminiscent chuckle. One filled with beloved memories of the past. One which he felt envious of.

"Trust me, buddy. You do not want one of those, on an empty stomach. The body does need something to process, or it will rebel furiously. While you might not feel it instantly, the effects will hit you like one of those antique diesel trucks. I remember taking one of the more advanced versions of those pills. Back then, I hadn't eaten anything in nearly twelve hours. It took about ten minutes before I began vomiting… something. Lost more than a few kilos, and never touched those things again. They get the job done, but they need some serious preparation time to work fully. During that time, it is best to have a good, full stomach."

Another chuckle came, accompanied by a few mutterings about consumption safety. Then something about Gastroesophageal reflux, which Troy did not have any chance of understanding.

At that point, the suit was finally adjusted. It had not taken anything more than a quick hey, for the button to be pressed and the suit compressed. A few thoughts were put onto where the extra fabric went before he figured that he wouldn't get the answer to it. Elasticity was not measured in standard units, after all.

Stepping out of the curtained off area, Troy saw Dr Fidelis standing ready to wave him goodbye. Or, something else.

"Just wondering," Troy began. "Where exactly did you have a need for these pills? Can't see them being used recreationally."

Dr Fidelis only smiled at him.

"I’ll tell you one day, buddy. Until that day comes, though, there are a few things which we should go over. You know, just stuff that Adam probably shouldn't be told right away," Dr Fidelis said.

"Yeah, sure. That sounds fine," Troy answered.

"As long as you understand," Dr Fidelis stated, before clearing his throat. Here, it was likely a needed thing. The doctor’s voice had been sounding more than a little raspy. Did he smoke? It wasn't the easiest habit to get nowadays, but the rich could afford it. Apparently, it did help with stress. "The first thing you should know is that I will lie multiple times to the two of you. Do not trust everything I say, when giving you the description of the test. Some truth will be laid in, but most will be lies. Do with this information what you want. Just… try to wait for a little, before you put it to use, okay? Good. There are a few other things, which you would be best of knowledge. But, most of it will also be told to Adam, so there's no reason to do it individually.


So, get on that earpiece and get inside! We may have all day, but that is no reason to be slow about it!"

The last part was rightfully energetic. The older doctor had trouble restraining himself, from the look of it. Not too out of the expected. Dr Fidelis had been talking about the upcoming test so much. The excitement was just something that came with the package.

While walking up the small, metallic staircase, Troy took a good look at the received earpiece. There really was no difference between the one in his hand and the one in his normal pants. If not for knowing for a fact that they were two different objects, he would likely have accused Dr Fidelis of having supernatural abilities in pure speed.

Now that he thought about it…

Something for another time. As Troy stepped into the puzzle-room, the earpiece was put on. As always, he could barely feel the contact, as if it had just melted into the skin, becoming a piece of him.

'Taking yesterday's datasets out of the equation, your vitals are much higher than they normally are in the mornings. This is a larger difference from the early morning, so it cannot have been from past incidents. Has something happened in the past hour, that has caused this?` Adam immediately sent. Troy doubted a full second had even passed before he heard that voice from him.

That Artificial Mind really was too perceptive. How long had it been since Troy could deceive it? Three days? Maybe four. No one would complain about somebody learning quick, but was this not more than just a fast learner? It would have taken months for a regular person to learn all those nifty tricks. It took well into the teenage years for the average person to differentiate human body language well.

Thirteen years at a minimum, with near-constant training. How fast did Adam think? No matter how fast, it couldn't have been quick enough to simulate that right? That would be impossible. No, there had to be some easy answer to this. One couldn't possibly learn-

Oh, there Troy went again, misjudging somebody. Being the one challenging an entity barely a week old should not have been in the day’s schedule. There weren't any lies. Adam had not tricked Troy since the start, making them all play into his hand. He just wasn't human, making their differences in learning speeds differently. They thought different ways, giving them different hurls to get through. Easy.

"Yeah, it wasn't the greatest breakfast today, Adam," Troy answered plainly, hoping to get the topic right over the shoulders. "Ready for testing today? Heard it's going to be a big one."

Revealing details which the AI likely didn't know. Not too dumb a method, if anybody was kind enough to say so. New information instantly had to be better than information later.

'I am as ready as always. Near to nothing has proven to slow down processing speed without my exact permission. What exactly happened during breakfast? It has to be something out of the ordinary. Even yesterday's spectacle did not raise your resting heart rate to this level,` Adam sent. The AI was not budging, much to Troy’s displeasure. More subversion was thought about, but it was given up on near-instantly. Adam wanted to know, and Adam would get to know. His opinion of the matter was not important.


With the head slightly turned down, the words began flowing out of him.

"It was Dr Hale. She was not looking too- no, wait. Just scratch that. She was looking fucking awful. As in, she couldn't walk, she had trouble saying the shortest of words, and she would have probably cracked her skull open, if not for the help of a co-worker. So you know, not the greatest of mornings. The coffee was great though, so I guess I can't complain too much about it," Troy said. A shrug came with it after a while, mostly due to the man not knowing what else to do. The silence was deafening.

Adam didn't answer too quickly. For a multitude of reasons, if Troy wasn't too far off.

'I am sorry to hear that. I do hope that she can return to her work swiftly, with no future complications.`

It's always the work. That was always a priority. No mention of her being safe, of her being of good spirits. Work was above all. He just couldn't understand it.

The screech of a connection being established came about. A flinch was given, as the white static penetrated Troy’s right eardrum. In such an advanced age, such inconveniences really should have been filtered out of public view. It was the small things, which could set on-off. That damned noise was a perfect example, grating on just the wrong set of nerves.

*And. We… are through! Can you hear me Troy?* Dr Fidelis positively blasted into the ears. That man had to take some lessons about technology at some point. The microphone was close to him. There was no need to shout.

"I most certainly can, sir," Troy answered.

*Is it the same as you, Adam? I have to make sure, so I don't have to- oh, that was a quick reply. Didn't even let me finish speaking that time, did you? No matter. With everything in order, we should be ready to begin the test of the day. On test mind you. I'm blaming you, Troy, for revealing that secret. I would have enjoyed the surprised faces. Or well, I would have loved the imagined faces.*

"Sorry, sir."

*You should be. Let's get on with this.*

Troy put a good stretch into his back. From the doctor's words alone, he knew this would be a long one.

*As you both have likely guessed already, this will be a long test. The longest test you will likely ever have. From my calculations, the estimated time for completion is a minimum of seven hours. I repeat. A minimum of seven hours. This is not something that anyone can speed through. Attempting to hurry things along will only prolong it. Cheap tricks will have consequences for all.

Per regulations though, I am forced to inform you of a sixteen-hour restriction on the time used. I am not legally able to hold Troy inside my beautiful creations for so long. Workers rights, basic human standards, you know. That stuff simply hinders my perfect experiments. So much could be done if I could just stick both of you in there for a week. The results would be so… beautiful.

Nevertheless, it is not as if I have any test-taking so long on the schedule. The planning would likely take more time than I have to spare. So, let us restrict ourselves to the test before us.

This can be rightfully called the last experiment for the current genre. Body language, the human mind, being analytical in stressful situations, and even knowledge about the minds of other creatures will be critical for this task.

Oh, yeah. Adam. For the sake of following my prepared speech, I will not be telling you what the task will be. This and all things said before this sentence has been carefully planned. Nothing has been left up to improvisation. Halting the test for anything other than a lethal emergency will not come out in your favour. It will come to a percentage-based reduction on your score. Not something to go after, if you understand this very intentionally-created tone of my voice.

… Good to hear, buddy. As this test takes after the most recent of tests, I believe that there are a few, quick notes, which need to be addressed clearly. During this test, there will be projections of other creatures. This will include but is not restricted to, humans, passerines, spiders of all types, very pretty ducklings, and varyingly sized guard-dogs. If the correct path is followed, you will encounter each at specified times. Take that hint as you will.

All creatures, no matter how realistic they may be, are not alive. They do not have feelings, they do not feel pain, and they cannot die for they have never lived. No larger thoughts should be put to them. The safety of you two is the most important thing, and I need both of you to understand that.

That should be the quick hints. What do I have more on this little script?

Of course! Adam. This is directed at you, but Troy should also listen carefully to this. During this test, Troy shall not be known as himself. He will be playing a persona of sorts. More details about this persona will be relayed to you directly after the test has begun. This will necessitate for you to further relay it to Troy.

There is an obvious exception of this persona being utilized fully. The personality shall not be swayed from too much. While accidents can be accepted, any meaningful movements from staying true to the character will be looked at critically. This can further cause reductions in points. Here, it will be a fixed rate. And yes, this does allow it to go into the negatives, impacting the scores of your other tests.

Okay, that is character warnings. Which should lead right into… Yes! The last thing, before this test of ours, can begin.

Troy! Do you remember our conversation about a very important topic which occurred not five minutes ago?*

"Yes, I do," Troy confirmed.

*Good. I want you to completely disregard that conversation. Anything done or said which reveals the truth of what was said during it will cause a lowering of the scores. Absolutely no mention of it will occur during this test. Got it?*

"Of course, sir!"

*Perfect! With everything said, we can hereby begin this test of ours. Best of luck. You're gonna need it!*

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