《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 103: Balkanization


Troy was not one of the wisest people in the world. Entirely his own fault, rally. When one had the opportunity to slack, one would do so immediately. Another interpretation of Murphy’s law, if you thought about it.

Knowing about Murphy’s law was not in contradiction to the earlier statement. Troy was not certain in his ability to pass highschool-level tests. Or, any tests for that matter. The focus of the studying had been dislodged most of the time, with the research being pointed towards other subjects. Occasionally some subjects which would assist anyone to cheat in their exams.

The point was… Troy was not the most experienced in pretty much everything. Deeper studies had been done out of obligation instead of any desire. The great Tudor age had been deeply instilled into his brain until the need for it disappeared. Nearly his entire schooling vanished with it.

Nowadays, the only things remaining were the superficial stuff. Scarce details about random subjects. Troy wasn't able to explain, why he remembered those specific things. Only that he did.

By themselves, they were nothing. What could one really do with intermediate number theorems? Not a lot. Nor did the truth-conditional intuitions bring any noteworthy accomplishment with it.

Individually, they were small. Not worth thinking about, not pulling any weight. Together? That was a whole other matter entirely. Ideas could be stapled together, to get a level of understanding rarely seen.

Knowing exactly what part of Dr Hale’s clenched fist hit was one such example. From the impact alone, it was obvious that damage had not been intended. With the hasty opening of the door, taking less than a single second, there was a good chance of her simply attempting to knock on it, meeting his face unintentionally.

Still, it was a weird angle to get hit by. Troy certainly hasn't felt any punch to the face, with anything other than bare knuckles before. But, with much time surfing random anatomy sites, he was able to discern that he had been with the middle phalanx. Fortunately for him, It was not the optimal placement to hit somebody with, most of the force being turned into pure sound.

One thing did not make too much sense though.

As Troy recoiled slightly from the hit, making an unmentioned type of sound, Dr Hale stood by silently. Watching over him, with no signs of an apology coming, was the greatest part of the day.

"You certainly are unique in your good mornings, Dr Hale. And good morning to you as well, however, needed it may be," Troy got out while rubbing his upper cheek. It didn't really hurt, the sensation being more shock-based. Even so, Adrenaline worked in mysterious ways, showing up at the worst of times.

With a way too accurate depiction of a dead fish, Dr Hale continued her dull stare-down. On any day other than this, Troy would have buckled. There was no discussing when that look came about. It was either the belt or it was the curb. That's how it worked in Troy’s head.

Today, with it being such a happy day, he would be having none of that. The denounced message present in her eyes was met with the cheerful smile of an innocent idiot. Not the nicest of descriptors but the most accurate.

"... You're up early," Dr Hale surmised. She broke down first. The first-time notice for Troy. Oh, if Adam only knew what was happening. A verbal beatdown would be the first thing on the AI’s mind when he- No. That little bugger was a good fellow. Not a sociopath manic who did not care for anything answered. Thinking the wrong thing about somebody, based on a very biased point of views, was not very nice. Troy should know better.


"I most certainly am!" Troy proclaimed. A mental apology was given to the people living beside him. Not all were awake at this hour. Even fewer had a reason to be. "And, you are early as well. I didn't expect to see your happy face until breakfast… please don't tell me that we are skipping breakfast today. Even my current positive disposition will not stop the consequences. I haven't had coffee in too long. I need that drink, Dr Hale."

"We are not skipping breakfast," Dr Hale bluntly stated. "I am here to escort you to the cafeteria. While Dr Fidelis does want to start as early as possible, it was decided that letting you eat before would be for the best."

Happy with the answer, and not wanting to delay their departure anymore, Troy happily nodded. The news was great, and asking for more would only make it worse.

Closing the door behind him, then the walk to the cafeteria began. And it was even him starting it off, leaving Dr Hale. A quiet voice in his head had hoped for her to request that he wait up, but that dream did not come to fruition.

That lady could walk fast when she wanted to.

With their feet moving faster than anybody had the right to do so early in the morning, the two of them reached the cafeteria in no time. The greater emptiness of the large room adequately showed off the laziness of mankind. Everybody knew that the earlier they came, the less fight there would be for being first in line. Yet, everybody also thought that others thought the same thing, and would come at the latest possible moment and just snag some of the last remaining things. Everybody also had the thoughts of the latter part. Oh, the genius of man. Troy would never stop being amazed by it.

There was one human who never did disappear from the usual cafeteria. Some theories had even suggested that bugs were in use, making sure that he was always there before them.

Sitting on the usual seat, Charlie was there, waving his hand to get the two over to him.

"You just have to understand that some misunderstandings have some truth in them. The first is a coincidence, but the second shows promise. Now, will there be a third time, where the two of you come early together? Its almost as if you are… " Charlie put in a fake gasp. "Hiding something! I have always known, but, Troy, you really need to put your standards up a little-"

It was always nice to know that Troy was not the only one who could yelp in very manly tones. Just took a little persuasion, and a nasty-looking pinch on the neck. It had hardly taken two seconds before Dr Hale had succeeded in bringing down a certain foul-mouthed talker. Charlie was giving her wrist two quick claps in no time, signalling his surrender. Troy did note that no actual resistance had been put on.

"If you will excuse us, we will be getting ourselves something to eat," Dr Hale professionally put it. Charlie dumbly nodded, a small bit in mock and a small bit in fear. Troy gave the man a slightly sadistic grin, feeling up the atmosphere all that match, before following the very dangerous woman. Food was to be gotten, and drinks were to be had.

With them arriving early, the line to the coffee machine was surprisingly short, only being about ten people. Nearly half the total people in the room, when Troy counted it. Seemed that everybody up at the current hour had some affixation to the wake-up juice. How curious.


A good old bowl of oatmeal accompanied the acquired liquid of peace. The smell of both made his lips shiver, but Troy restrained himself. He had tried eating standing up before. The burns had remained for several days.

He had been the slowest of the two, Dr Hale having already started eating upon his return. Charlie was doing the same, halfway through his own meal. Seeing as the muscular man had not finished yet, it was obvious that he had only arrived recently.

Silence prevailed at the table. None seemed ready to start any kind of conversation. Troy was fine with it, grasping the cup within his grasp. With a small movement, he could see the liquid within swirl around. It was hypnotizing. If he was one who ruined it with milk, it almost fit the Fraser spiral model. With a deep inhale, the aromas could be felt. Even being in its presence was enough to feel the effects. Yet, Troy knew that the feeling would be infinitely better when his lips touched it.

When the coffee came inside, he had to grimace.

"Too damn hot," Troy muttered, putting the coffee aside from now. What was this, a fast-food chain? There was no reason to heat coffee up to undrinkable levels. He would get more than just burns if that stuff touched his skin. Even the small bit of tongue impacted upon was burnt. He would be feeling that for a few hours at least.

"That's what you get, for drinking that dreadful stuff," Charlie rebutted from the opposite side of the table. The man likely thought he looked smug, with that terrible cup of leaf water at his side. "It isn't any good for you, you know."

"Can't be much worse than drinking mildly flavoured water," Troy shot right back. It was hypocritical, criticizing his drink when one’s own was so much worse.

"Oh, don't criticize perfection. You just have to drink it a few times, and then you will enjoy it. Trust me." Charlie had lost it. His traditions had blinded him. Troy truly did feel sorry for him.

"If you have to force yourself to enjoy it, I think there's a problem with it fundamentally."

"Is it any different for coffee? Can't say that I've heard of anybody liking it at first," Charlie challenged. While Troy did want to immediately answer, the third participant showed up just before him.

"While there may be many differences, there are also many similarities. A fine example would be the pain you will feel, having your respective liquids poured on you if you continue this useless discussion. Feel free to discuss these matters of importance, when I am not around. Seeing as that is not up for discussion currently, it would be best if you change the topic."

Dr Hale certainly wasn't skirting around the point. Even Charlie seemed mildly shocked by the word-choices. Her threats of imminent doom were usually more nuanced, with one having to think a little before the fact of soon-to-be death was noticed.

"Do you have any preference for a topic, mademoiselle?" Charlie asked. He was never one to falter for too long. Even Troy in all his chippy attitude couldn't keep up with him. A marvel to see in person.

The person asked slowly turned her head to look at them both. Had Troy not been paying enough attention, or was she looking more tired than before? Those dark bags under her eyes had been before, but her cheeks were a bit paler than before.

And, this might have been his mind-twisting reality about, but she looked slightly out of breath. No, not out of breath. Like… she was simply having trouble getting air. What was going on?

"Oh, Mara, you absolute idiot," Charlie said to himself. At least, it wasn't directed at Dr Hale, who didn't seem to be paying too much attention to anything around her.

"Are you okay?" Troy asked hesitantly. He was ready to get himself up, and see closer on the signs, but a certain voice to his side.

"Don't bother, Troy. Get yourself ready for work. Eat your greens, drink your coffee, and all that other meditation of yours. I think it would be best if I got Dr Hale here along to somewhere else," Charlie said. He got up in a hurry and went over to their side. It was right in time, as a certain doctor suddenly didn't feel the need to have an intact skull, falling backwards. The wishes would have come to fruition, if not for Charlie holding her up. With slight shuffling, the two were up to a standing position.

"Wait.. no. I have-", Dr Hale said in a near mutter. Troy could see that she wanted to protest more, but Charlie simply shushed her.

"Mara, you would fall to the ground, if I were to let go of you. We both know that you aren't going to work today. This is what happens when somebody ignores my notice to get yourself checked over. You should have known this would happen."

Troy wasn't sure if the tone was accusing or empathetic.

"No… I have my duties," Dr Hale protested yet again. Even if she had trouble working her mouth, she still saw herself in need of working.

"Your duties can be done at another time. You have more paid sick leave saved up, than I will ever get. If they aren't used when they are needed, what would the point of them be?" Charlie rebutted, shooting her down instantly. The hold even strengthened, as if to emphasize his point. It was not in an attempt to threaten but to deliver a sign of comfort.

"I have messages to deliver."

"Troy can do that for you."

"But, he can't-"

"Sure, he can. Just tell him the message, and we will be on our merry way. We do need to hurry, Mara, or we will both be in trouble."

Charlie helped Dr Hale turn. Troy wanted to know what he was supposed to respond with, the unwavering stare of hers being intimidating. He remained sitting, staring up at her.

"Troy", Dr Hale began it off with. Saying the single word seemed to have gotten the wind out of her. She needed several breaths before she could continue. "You can't get in yourself. Knock on the door, and hope that Dr Fidelis will answer. Don't try guessing the code."

The long sentences took a lot out of her. Charlie gave up on the hand under one of the shoulders technique and resorted to a princess carry. They hurried out of the cafeteria, leaving Troy to eat alone. Looking down at his food, it would be a long, boring morning to himself.

At least there was coffee.

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