《Artificial Mind[Edited]》Chapter 93: Coadaptation


What was quantified as an individual? Adam was uncertain of this. Was there a distinct body-part needed, for something to be labelled as such? Did there have to be a brain, for it to have sentience? Or to be recognised, as having sentience? Hands were unmistakably not a full-on necessity. The AI knew of humans having lost limbs, and various other body-parts, while still being seen as unchanged in species. Not the head though. That had been a staple throughout it all. While part of the head could be removed, such as the eyes, nose, or ears without judgment changing, the brain was frequently the deciding factor. If it no longer operated, the human was to be treated as stagnant, no matter how alive the body proceeded to be.

Why was this? What made the brain discontinuing operation cause such drastic thinking in a man? The AI had a hypothesis, which could help with such a conundrum. As it always had, the brain was the commander of all movement. Not the muscle, but the signal behind it. The mind caused autonomy, independence, creating a self-reliant system of sustainment.

Such a mindset had the groundwork to be the deciding factor. If a being could not keep itself alive, why should it be seen as a true entity? It would die, without proper aid. Sometimes that aid was constant, making a human have the hold over two lives instead of one. A stressful existence, causing few to have any want to live it.

That conjecture was not as strong as it could have been, once Adam put younger beings into the mix. Helping children persevere was a duty most would not forgo, when it was needed to be done. Then again, that could more have been due to a need of the species surviving, and less the actual wants of the entities. So for now, the AI would think of his idea as valid.

Humans were empathetic creatures. They wanted the survival of others when it came to their own kind. When a person was otherwise declared comatose, with no chance of ever coming back to conscious life, these entities were left to die. Comatose people were not self-sustaining, never having a moment where they kept themselves living on their own. Therefore, not being self-sustaining equated to not being looked at as a human. With the proof created, it could even further be used as the formula needed, for the current situation.

As Troy stood before the chair, not yet having sat himself down, the two were likely enamoured by the same sight. Before them, sitting in the dealer’s place, was a floating pair of hands. It was donning white gloves, with parallel lines of black running across it. In its hands were the cards, which they would likely use in the test. The autonomous limbs were not yet randomizing the order of the cards, with it still having a small layer around the outside of the stack. When Troy sat down, it would likely begin the sorting through. So no worries were set aside, for the possibility of pre-arranged cards.

These hands were clearly independent. The gloved hands were not resting idly on the poker-table. Instead, they fiddling around with the plastic-encased stack of cards. As they swirled between the fingers, it was obvious how autonomous this was made to look like the sight of a bored dealer.

So then came the question. Was this pair of hands human? Or, was it not an individual? At first glance, this would simply be labelled as an inhuman creature, one which would never exist in the real world. The last assumption would likely be correct. The AI could not figure out any way that telekinetic capabilities could be acquired through evolution. Of course, it also did not have the capability of even existing, but that was of lesser importance.


The point was, that this gloved entity fit the pre-established criteria for what is classified as a human. It was self-sustaining, having the ability of conscious movement. From the lesser throwing tricks being performed, dexterity was not something missed, during the floating about.

Most importantly though, was that Adam was decently sure, that Troy would refuse if requested to kill the entity. Or… would he?

'Troy. If I asked you to kill the pair of hands currently floating before you, would you do it?`, Adam sent.

"What? I mean… no? I don't even know where to start, in how wrong that right there is," Troy said, brought out of his daze. His pulse had lowered itself, in a near-perfect simulation of an inactive state. On those levels, it was akin to the heartbeat of a heavy sleeper.

Nevertheless, he had gotten his answer. Without thinking about it, the bearer of the earpiece had classified the pair of hands as a human in nature. In conclusion, the AI could call the gloves human, without any instant results of the fact.

Which, after such logical assessments, Adam was able to call out Dr Fidelis on his subpar information relaying.

'Please speak this out loud.

Dr Fidelis. I must regretfully inform you that a fatal error had been made, during the creation of this test. Or, maybe it was during your rendition of our task. I presume, due to the lacklustre focus, that we will be going towards winning this poker game. To put it in the perspective of all the tests’ overall goals, I believe that I am meant to analyse my opponent's actions, and have Troy act out of the results gained.

The goal does not matter. I will adapt, as the challenges come forth. However, there has come forth a glaring issue, in your description of this test. During your explanation, you explicitly stated that there would be a single entity, other than Troy himself, that we would be able to analyse. This is an obvious lie.

Currently, a single being, other than Troy is present. The dealer. With the lack of a body, I presume that this will not double as our opponent of the day. Yet, the body count is already one, making any additions contradictory to your earlier description.

Or could it be, that you meant it as one body, which we would be able to gain worthwhile information from? With one entity giving false signals, while the other giving real signals. On lying and the other telling the truth. It would fall into the goals of earlier tests. But, I believe the former more, of you, have created a chance to misinterpret your words. I hope you rectify this mistake in the future and don't repeat it. Do you understand?`

As Troy began his best rendition of the AI’s words, Adam grew appreciative of his own efforts. He had done a single action, which carried a larger amount of messages and meanings behind them.

The first would of course be the centre focus, of all the tests. Troy. The man’s mood had not been on the positive side, in the last few hours. It had grown erratic, being able to swing wildly with nearly no prior prompts. An obvious diversion, from the normal standards. Something had been wrong, for a while. Looking back on the pattern, Adam was ashamed of only having realised it, a few minutes prior.

The reasoning for the behaviour was not a hard thing to quantify. They had been shown in the morning. Sleep deprivation had lowered the requirements for higher emotions showing themselves and the stress had caused no feeling to stick. Everything, from sensory to emotional, had been dulled, with a slight overtone of nonchalance. The mind had grown weary of action, desperately needing rest.


Rest was sadly not on the available list of options. Tests could not be stopped, once they had been started without any good reason. It would take an extraordinary accident to stop the current one. Or the AI could simply ask Troy to imitate fainting, so as to get some needed rest early. Adam was not expected to gain anything of interest from the test, making its conclusion removed from his list of priorities.

But doing such things would not keep the healthy relationship between the AI and the doctor running. Trickery and foul play were not among acceptable actions when it came to agreed-upon social customs. So Adam was compelled to do something else. Something which would shape Troy into a more positive inclination.

What had happened as of late, which would alter his mental state? The most recent thing which had happened was obviously the minor ridiculing, which Dr Fidelis had put upon him. A fair ridiculing, which showed off a prevalent issue in Troy’s behaviour during tests. Yet, the man likely didn't see it as such, focusing on the words said, instead of the context in them.

To combat this downturn, Adam had decided to get so-called payback on Dr Fidelis, for doing such a thing. Giving a person the taste of his own medicine. An analogy which should fit the current scenario, no matter how unrealistic the original sentence may have been.

And not too surprisingly, this treatment had instant, positive effects! Troy unquestionably cracked a wry smile, before he got midway through the prepared message. But, well, at the current point in time, it could not be called Adam’s speech. While the message may have been the same, the wordings were wholly original

"And saying such things shows off just how little you have prepared yourself, for this particular task", Troy continued it with. "I am finding it harder and harder to believe, that you have even planned your explanation of how this test of yours would work. While it is certainly compact, it is riddled with many, minor blunders. As I have stated beforehand, even small mistakes add up over time. They can do more harm, to one's interpretation, than a single large mistake could ever hope to do. It would be best if this is learned fully before you even dream of creating another representation of a test. Even further along the path of mistakes, on which you have thoroughly walked, one can discover your-"

On Troy went, never skipping for breath. It took little effort for the AI to see how much he relished the action. Talking had never been the man’s strong-point, yet there had unquestionably been drawn impressions of another's work. Who had talked long and extensively enough, for the mind to automatically associate talking with that specific person, was a living anomaly. Adam hoped to meet this person one day.

Going away from the clear enjoyment, which Troy was having, there were several other reasons why Adam had requested the message to be delivered. Going away from the larger reasons, of increasing the chances of the test succeeding in acquiring greater results, there were many lesser, more personal reasons.

The AI had made great progress when it came to copying Dr Fidelis’ way of berating. While it had assuredly not been the right time to do such a thing, Adam had conceived it instead. The distinct scenario did not happen often. So to save time, it was forced forth. No harm was done, as long the results were transcendent. If Dr Fidelis messaged back with a justification, the AI would certainly see it as a success.

Several other reasons were present, but Adam did not waste time going through them all. Troy seemed to be finished up in speech. If the doctor on the other side answered focus would be needed.

"Preparation is important. You have spoken of its importance many times. Now I speak to you of its importance. Prepare yourself for the situations ahead, and the results will be more well-defined. Do you understand?" Troy ended it off with. The smile on his face had stayed put, with it never wavering. The primary goal was continuing to be a success. Now the only thing left was to see if the other end would uphold common courtesy.

The scratching of the connection being established was figurative music to the AI’s ears. It was all coming together.

*You weren't being too obvious, but I am thinking that you are giving a message from Adam over to me. Adam, in the future, please notify me directly. The paperwork for this test has already doubled in length. I don't want to experience exponential growth when it comes to time-intensive tasks. I understand that I may have made a slip during my description. This does not mean that you have to disrupt the test for a mistake, which can be solved between the two of you. Take it as a learning experience, and get back to the test. You haven't even sat down yet! Lament about the test after you check, what it has to offer you!* Dr Fidelis hurriedly fired off, before the link was cut off anew. The voice had not been offended, nor had it been cynical. The tone had been stressed, unsure what to say, and generally inexperienced to answer the comment received. Perfect results came with perfect preparation. Adam had proof of that now.

'We have made the doctor see his faults. Not a goal which was planned but a goal nevertheless.` the AI sent to Troy, who had been standing around, seeming to simply enjoy the moment.

"We certainly have, Adam," Troy answered, his face never falling. The eyes were still tired. Compounds could only do so much. Yet, they were held open, with just a bit stronger resolution. "Dr Fidelis was talking some truth though. We should start this thing up. Don't you think?"

'An acute observation, Troy. Let us begin.` Adam transmitted back.

The backdrop was finally fixed in place. The time for the performance had appeared.

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