《The Timebender》ɣ. Providence


They call me the Traveler, he who travels. Actually, the call me in many ways, the vast majority of them are insults, but this name is the most the one that stood the most at The Existence.

To me, space is not an obstacle, but a medium. This world made of planets, stars, stellar systems, galaxies, galaxy clusters, universes, multiverses, multiverses superclusters, and then seven Creations that shape The Existence, traveling is not a journey, but an instantaneous fact.

Obviously, these facts, or realities, did not matter to the actors that were part of this spectacle of mine. Elsthenia, the world of the worlds' desire, at the sixth creation. That little rock in the totality of The Existence was the cradle of two Great Ones as myself. Trillions of stories habituated that planet, those which were common or those which exudate power and myth. But those tales were already told, so once again I went to another world, for this, I am The Traveler.

Seventh Creation, the most recent one, still without a name as this moment of now no Great One was born to name its natal Creation. This could change anytime soon, to be fair. This was a place of sword and magic mostly, as the humans of the first Creation, Terra Nova, would say. This reality was not born of sheer causality, because the seventh Creation was nothing but a playground of the Great Ones until the moment would be right.

But I would not inquire in matters that are yet to be seen if you understand me. Things will be far more interesting once the spark of the cradle ignites in that Creation.

“And why would you tell me this?” The human that was sat in front of me finally spoke.

“I am bored, of course.” I mangled my arms as space ripped itself apart and instantly restructured.

“Can gods get bored?” He asked. The restlessness was present, he was out of his world and now talking to superior beings. That disconcerted a lot of everything.

“O, please. Don’t call me a god.” I told him. “We, the Great Ones, prefer to be called Divinities. It rolls better of the tongue, you see.”

“Right…” He responded. “But that doesn’t answer my question.”

Oh, I loved this manling. I carefully selected someone who would dare speak me without dying thrice while his soul is ripped apart. But this one. This one even ignores me! Genius!

“Think about us as an evolved entity.” I explained to him, making his seat of the fabric of the cosmos just a bit more comfortable. “We did not escape mundane matters, to be honest, we worsened them.”

“And why did you kidnap me? I can’t understand where this is going?” Superb. Talking me like an equal. This manling is made of a great solid wood. A lot of time has passed since someone talked to me this way.


“If truth were to be told, your lives do not matter to us.” I said without even moving lips, just moving the cosmic background closer to that supernova. “You are nothing more than a show at best. Sure, Ybisel would defend you all as the Goddess of Life, but I am not her.” I gave him more information. “She even calls herself ‘goddess’. That’s lowering her status.”

“I still don’t see a problem in the God/Divinity discussion.” He spoke blasphemy, but then, he was he.

“You would not see it at your level, but it does not matter. You were not even born under the influence of the System. Accompany me.”

The cosmos fold itself when I gave the order. Time hadn’t passed but we were already in another place. He did not question, because deep beneath him, he knew that was only a small tap of my power. Green hills and a metropolis were in front of us. Thousands of skyscrapers populated the city, showing the great perseverance of humanity.

“Welcome at Earth!” I said raising my arms in exclamation. “Not Earth Aleph, nor Earth Alpha, nor Earth Zero, plainly Earth.” His face contorted as I gave that bit of information. He could not know any Earth as he came from my own Creation, the one that does not exist at this time. “Do you remember about the Creations I talked about?”

“Yes.” He responded taciturnly. “Those places made of whole multiverses?”

“Superclusters of multiverses, but right.” I specified. “Earth is a special place, you see. It does not belong to any Creation, but exists alone, separated from the cradles of the Great Ones. We call this place the Nexus.” I liked how he could follow the lecture even though he shouldn’t acknowledge this knowledge. “The perimeter surrounding Earth is small. Infinitely small compared to The Existence. We are talking of just one universe in radius.”

“Isn’t a universe enormous?” My newly found student asked.

“Maybe for you. But it is just a spec of an atom to all that exists.” That was a statement. All arrived at one point that size did not matter anymore. “The Nexus is a fantastical place. It is covered behind a wall of space-time crystals that distort space-time continuum. That difficulted anything that wanted to get through that barrier. Only I and the Lord of Time achieve it. And the reward was incredible!”

Once again, I show this manling this planet. Its beauty was founded thanks to the similarity to all that has existed as if the Earth was the foundation of everything.

“You are now one of the only beings of the Creations that have visited the Earth.” I congratulated his impossible achievement.

“Why did you take me here?” He asked once again.

“The truth? Because I wanted. The reality? I wanted someone to look at this world.” I walked into the city; one step was enough to be in the middle of an ordinary street. People flowed across the sidewalk. We were not detected, of course. “This world,” I told the manling. “is ruled by strict universal laws that are unbreakable. This makes it difficult to the existence of some beings and practically nullifies magic. Even though magic is a core part of a lot of cultures from Earth.”


“And why this is great?” He asked as he followed me. Dodging the insane amount of people at the street.

“You cannot really know what means to nullify the powers of a Great One. We are constants. We are incarnations of aspects itself. This world irradiates power, and yet, the inhabitants don’t use it. They did not even try to colonize the space yet!”

One more step and space wrinkled as we moved into a neighborhood that was filled with lights, games, books, and strangely, maids with cat ears.

“Welcome to Akihabara, Tokyo. One of the weirdest places of all The Existence.” I told him with a smile on my face. “I love these Japanese people. They went from being fearless warmongers to experts in pornography.” I laughed out loud and yet people were walking without looking at us. Damm myself, I love this place.

“You are nothing but chaos.” He stated as we arrived at a stop, a place called Shibuya Train Station, before the statue of a dog.

“You are not the first one to tell me that.” I said as I sat on the air at the top of Mount Fuji. “Fun anecdote. I once saved a man that wanted to kill himself. An irrational impulse. But I did it just because I could. I decided to transport this man to another world, and after he killed a ruler that called itself the Demon King, I brought him back to Earth. He now had a will to life, but then I noticed that I created a monster. He created this novel genre called Isekai. It looked inoffensive but it rapidly degenerated into a pornographic weapon under the skin of a good story. I love that I created that monster.”

“It’s just me or are you obsessed with pornography?” He asked for a funny matter.

“Perhaps.” I told him with a laugh, and we were back to Akihabara. “The Lord of Time did something similar once. To put you in context. We are now in the year 2020, following the Anno Domini. The Lord of Time picked a random human from the year 2030 and moved him back to the start of the millennium, at 2000. If I recall well that human was called John Titor. But then, I am not known for having a good memory. Well. What happened is that the man shouted at the forums, on the internet. Do you know what the internet is?” The manling nodded. I loved this spell of translation. He probably had a different terminology in his world, yet he understood me. “This mad lad said that he had a time machine. O, the humanity. You gave them a bit of power and they become delusional.”

“I am starting to see a pattern here.” The manling told, maybe he found out my intentions. “You are going to leave me here.”

“Right on the nail.” I confirmed him. “I want to see how a stranger in a pure world can affect its course. Call me an idealist or crazy, but I like my chaos spicy.”

“You talked to me like this planet was exotic.” The manling started, he looked down on Earth from our lunar watchpoint. “But to be honest, I see no difference between this planet and mine.”

I laughed as we descended the terrestrial atmosphere. “Maybe that is the point. But there is one little difference between your earth and this one.” I said, putting emphasis on ‘earth’.

“And what’s that?” The manling was getting used to the change of scenery, pressure, gravity, light, and countless factors that could kill him instantly.

“That this planet exists.” And then I vanished.

I gave him the tools, the information. I showed him the environment and the truth. I wonder what he could do to this place. Could he be the first Great One born out of the Creations? Will he be able to change the world even if his power consists only of inapprehensible knowledge? Ah, so many questions that only can be answered as the show goes on.

I rested my mortal carcass at a beach of some world in the seventh Creation. Mundompio was its name. Weird looking elephants ran above the water while fighting a kraken. The mammoth creatures humidified the air, my skin absorbing the saltwater that splashed every time those creatures collided. They wouldn’t even know that the real enemy was beside them. The system that manipulated their actions subconsciously, slowly alternating their thoughts. And even then. They had true power before them and yet ignore it.

I sighed; my breath fed the star of the planet. I could feel my skin get that tan while I slide across the stellar plasma.

“Wish immortality and you will want to die. Wish power and you will never be able to use it.” I remembered wise words as I went back to the sixth Creation. Maybe I was never wise because those words didn’t apply to me.

The story, or history for that matter, of these worlds would end; and then I would be already traveling across the Creation to find new tales. Well, for this I am The Traveler.

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