《The Timebender》4. Weapons


“Let me get this right,” Said Dale, who was sitting on the sofa. “Except for my sister and me, all of us are a different type of human?” He started confidently but every word he spoke, more doubts glanced.

“That’s what it seems like.” Answered Aby.

“I got an idea,” Said Kayle, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Why don’t we do a brief introduction to our world and history? I’ll start, my brother and I are from planet Earth-“

“That won’t work” Interrupted Adrian. “I think everyone in this room is from Earth.” As he told, people nod their heads.

“Okay, what about history?” She said.

Kayle and Dale’s world history was pretty similar to Adrian’s, if not the same. Roman Empire, Charlemagne, Mongols, Ottomans, etcetera. History didn’t just look the same but felt the same. Until one date changed it all.

“We had this thing called moon landing, I don’t if you had it,” Kayle continued. “well, the USA landed in the moon at 1969-“

“That’s not right.” Said not one, but three people at the same time.

“Huh?” Kayle jumped in surprise. “What do you mean?”

Aby started talking. “The first moon landing to be successful was in 1970 by the Soviets.”

“Not mine.” Told Mike. “Japan achieved the first moon landing in 1968.”

“In my world, Spain achieved the first moon landing in 1972!” Said Axel.

Three of them tilted their heads in doubt.

“Wasn’t Spain under a dictatorship back then?” Called out Adrian.

“Yes” Confirmed Axel. “But the dictator got something like dementia and was really enthusiastic about a space program.”

“Huh. One of the least likely countries to have a space program managed to have one. That’s alternate history for you, folks.” Dale joked, but he was listening closely to everybody’s history. “And you, Adrian?”


“In my case, it would be a stalemate.” Adrian said at Dale. “The USA and the USSR managed to land at the moon on the same day. I remember hearing about the arguments of who really made it first in a documentary.”

“I think we have lost the point of the conversation,” said Aby. “We still don’t know the guys [Titles]” She told while looking at Kayle.

“Mine’s [Whim of Fate], “Said Dale. “boosted growth rate as the others and a note: ‘Fate shall give you a hand, maybe.’” Dale shrugged and pointed to Mike. “Your turn.”

Mike sighed. “My [Title] is [Unwavering Will], it doesn’t grant the growth boost you are talking about, but it says I am totally immune to mind control and soul attacks.”

“First anomaly,” Said Aby. “If we ignore the [Title] changes of [Procesa]. Axel, could you tell us your title?”

“Sure,” Axel told. “[Efficient Body], [Constituta] growth is increased, and my body uses less stamina to all actions.”

“That’s why you didn’t break a sweat at our fight.” Adrian said.

He was crying inside, hearing all those cool [Title] names and his being a bad word game. He used [A-celeratioed] to see what time was now. 10:35 A.M at Mundompio. A foreign knowledge whispered to him.

“We should get out of the house,” Adrian said. “We need to explore the surroundings.”

“Agree.” Said Aby. “We don’t know anything about this world, we need to explore, but most importantly, we need to stay together.”

Everyone nodded to Aby’s words.

“What are we waiting for then?” Said Axel while rushing to the door. “Eh, guys. The door doesn’t open.”

“Try twisting the knob.” Told Kayle between laughs.


“Nah-nah. It won’t move” Said Axel after shaking the hell out of the knob.


Please select your starting weapon.

Suddenly another blue box appeared in front of Adrian. This one contained drawings of basic melee and ranged weapons like swords, spears, bows, blowpipes. The choices seemed limitless.

“Did anyone else see the message?” Said Mike, who fell on his butt.

“I think we all did.” Answered Adrian.

“So, what are you gonna pick?” Said Dale. “I think I will pick the blowpipe; it looks dope.”

“Really? A blowpipe?” Said his sister. “Shouldn’t you pick a more useful weapon? Something like a spear?”

“I have a gut that this weapon could synergize with my [Fortuna]” Dale said, even though he didn’t have a clue about what he was talking.

“I will pick a two-handed sword!” Axel said with enthusiasm.

“Then I’ll have a bow.” Said Mike. Then he talked to the two women that were whispering at the background. “What about you two?”

“Aby and I” started Kayle “decided that we will pick the staff. We believe that it could be the path to magic!”

“Makes sense.” Said Adrian. “If the Arcane Record has a game-like system, you could unlock magic thanks to your [Procesa]” He told to Kayle and Aby, while he was still looking at the weapon menu. “I will go with dual daggers. The faster I strike, the more damage I’ll make.”

Once everyone selected their weapons, they got another Record’s message.

Congratulations! For choosing the way of the daggers and maxing [Celeratio] you have obtained a [Rare] skill.

[Fast Stab]: Consume low stamina to make your stabbing with daggers faster and more precise.

‘Nice’ Thought Adrian, he now had two battle skills. He didn’t know exactly what was the mental power that used [Battle Timing], but it sounded like a resource. Adrian now had two skills that used different types of resources.

When all of them obtained their weapon skill, the door automatically opened.

They now were at a dense forest, an emerald green canopy and a dark green undergrowth prevented them from seeing the sky or the ground. Although the woods were pretty thick, there was an open path, clearly crying ‘this way’.

“A briefing before we go?” Said Adrian to the rest of the group, he saw as everyone else looked at nothing, they also probably got a [Sklil]. “Got deadlier stabs.”

“I have a chance to poison with my blowpipe.” Told Dale.

“I do extra damage to weak spots.” Said Mike while checking the string of the bow.

“Heavier hits.” Told Axel, bluntly.

“I have an aura that boosts people’s accuracy.” Explained Aby. Now they got their first support skill.

“Also got an aura. It’s a speed boost.” Kayle was the last one to talk.

Adrian had several questions about how it works the skill system, and also if all of them got a Rare Skill, but he just said, “Are you ready?” And the group took their first step at Mundompio.

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