《Truck-kun Gets Sacrificed》Chapter 19 ♪ Zip a Dee Doo Dah ♪
Chapter 19
♪ Zip a Dee Doo Dah ♪
After finishing our stratagem, the small group left the guildhall. Our team consists of me, Malady, Rellen, Tsai, Elaine, Braska, a man named Avelian, and his wife, Maki. Avelian holds the class [name: Pioneer Pugalist] and Maki, [name: Abascan Salamander]. I know what you’re thinking, ‘she must be from the [Abascan College]!’ but just like me, you’ll be disappointed. In fact, as a fire beast summoner, she was treasure hunting when she got stuck in an old ruin. That same ruin just happened to be an old Abascan temple where she drank some purple glowing water to avoid dying of dehydration. That water, which she thought was gonna kill her, unlocked a requirement for the Abascan class tree. She’s already gotten the class above level 40, or Tr 4, but it hasn’t ever offered a transformation option. Regardless, it turned into a healer-type class with the skills she gradually built. Salamander is also the only fire-type summon that can use fire to heal, so she stuck with the archetype. A cool back story for an NPC, but sucks that she doesn’t know where the Abascans are and has nothing to do with them.
Anyway, we got a general strategy down. Nothing fancy, Malady, Avelian, and I will dive in and wreak havoc while Braska channels his ‘big boy’ spell. Rellen and Maki stay back to guard Braska and provide support while Tsai and Elaine provide long-range fire; pretty standard, I think.
What they don’t know, is that I still have around 1k [Red Moon Berry]s. I, honestly, have no clue how strong I’ll be with close to max stats. I’ll just eat 10 though. Doing the math, I’ll have close to 3 million 500 thousand Mana along with all the other stats being massively increased. Comfortably away from puking but still stupidly busted numbers. Maybe I can kill the whole army alone that way. I’ll definitely get some insane gains.
Just turning around the corner towards the [Valleyport Lower District]’s front gate stole my concentration from the approaching battle. Pivoting on a smooth stone brick that made up the gate’s road, the vision of humans and some big demon-looking thing, hanging from their hands and being forced onto their tiptoes made me freeze in place. What’s worse, a person with the head of a pig stood behind the stage, whipping each of them across their bare backs. Even women and children weren’t spared from his sadistic enjoyment.
[name: Slave Trader. Buys and sells other sentient beings.]
No [H], just like the Kobolds huh? That would make him an illegal slave trader and those people, his victims? I mean, I don't know the exact circumstances in this world, but this is unacceptable, whatever the reason. My blood began to boil as I pulled on the cloth around Masada, letting it unravel to the ground. Fury began to consume me before I was reminded by Yahweh’s voice in my mind, “Keep a cool head and act.” I took a deep breath and [Shadow Step]ed to the shadow behind the building next to the swine. Before the next fell of the whip, Masada was launched like a javelin at Mr. Piggy. Needless to say, Masada was in on my sneaky plan. No later than when the tip of my trusty greatswordstaff exploded out the other side of our target, he appeared back in my hands along with the pig.
No, go away.
After storing the creature into my ring and flicking the vile gore dripping off the [Hone]d edge, I [Shadow Step]ed under the entryway of a pub near the spot I dropped the blade covering. I casually strode back with Masada on my shoulder and picked up the cloth.
[Name: Truck Coon]
[Health: 297/297]
[Mana: 3136/3196]
[Energy: 957/990]
Why are slaves being sold right by the front gate during an emergency request? This makes no sense at all. Malady was a bit shocked when I suddenly disappeared before her eyes, only to see me walking out the overhang of a tavern a few seconds later, “S-Sir Tru! What happened?”
As I finished wrapping up Masada, I gave her a look of determination and said, “Justice.” I continued in a whisper, “Psst, hey Malady.”
In an equally hushed tone, she responded, “Um, yes, Sir Tru?”
Me: “Any way that we could free those slaves?”
Still whispering, Malady frantically asked, “You… You’re the reason for the slaver's sudden disappearance?? He looked like he was about to lash the slaves on the stage, but then poof! He just vanished!”
Me: “Well, yeah. That was me. Now, how do we free them? Should I just [Shadow Step] each of them away from the stage?”
Malady: “That would be unwise. The slave owner would be able to see where they are since their collars are still activated… Are we postponing the emergency request, Sir Tru?”
Me: “Yup. Just until we get them somewhere safe. Slavery is abhorrent and I can’t overlook it. I don’t think it’ll take all that long either. But what should we do? If I only touch the collar, then use [Shadow Step], I think it’ll [Shadow Step] the collars with me, but not the slaves themselves. Is there like, some kind of possibility that an explosion’ll happen when a collar is removed without a key?”
The beautiful dark elf took a pose of deep thought. After a few seconds, she said, “There’s a possibility, but it is very unlikely. Such enchantments are very expensive and typically only used for capturing important people. I believe in you, Sir Tru.”
Her words paired with that incomparable smile gave me a sense of strength that I’d never felt before, giving me unshakeable confidence in the plan. Confused about the sensation, I thought, this is the second time she’s given a major boost to one of my feelings. It’s not like last time when I just blurted out a confession. More like I’m way too pumped up compared to normal, but I’ll have to ask about her skills at some point.
Thankfully, the dizziness hadn’t set in yet. I may need to rely on Masada to get the collars off without me… Eh, that wouldn't work. Here goes nothing. [Shadow Step] is just too convenient. The building's shadow where I killed Mr. Piggy was my first destination, preceded by a rush onto the stage where I cut all the ropes tying their hands to a wooden beam overhead. The poor slaves all looked terrified before I quietly reassured, “Shhh. I’m here to rescue you. Everyone, stand close together.”
The slaves all followed my order with no hesitation, a few getting pushed out of the way, and one small boy nearly fell off the platform. A huge, red, and black arm reached down to catch the boy and all the slaves were ready. Without a second to waste, I touched the collars and used [Shadow Step] to appear at the small shadow being cast by the one-meter-tall stage. All the collars I had been touching were teleported with me exactly like the reins of the horses were before we arrived at Kulkne a few days ago. Should I just store the collars? I think I'll leave them here. It'd be bad if the detection spell could be used through spatial enchantments. I need to move fast before that guard turns around, I thought, looking over at a guard labeled,
[name: Sword Guard. Guards and protects a certain area at the command of his superiors.].
Since he was posted at the gate looking outwards, he hadn’t noticed my plot yet, but it’s only a matter of time. I had to set the collars down quietly or it might’ve alerted the guard. Similarly, though, he may notice the absent sounds of whipping and pig grunts. When the collars were on the ground, I ran back onto the stage exposed to the suns. Now that the next batch of collars is off, all that’s left is to get the slaves to safety.
I urgently told the group in a faint voice, “Everyone, touch this staff.” The second the last little girl snuck under all the adults and grabbed hold, we appeared in a distant building’s shadow much further along the wall. One issue that needs to be tackled is how to get them to safety now. It’s difficult to think clearly with so many naked people standing in front of me with sparkling eyes, obviously happy to have been saved.
Ugh, not now. We aren’t in the clear yet. The notification was swiped away when I started to say, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” Each of the slaves nodded with still excited expressions as I left the scene to include Malady. I guess I'm just not used to having a party yet.
Throwing up the food I had eaten during our guild strategy meeting, I thought, I need to hold back on the [Shadow Step]s more, while mourning the loss of mutton. But quickly enough, I was back on my feet and decided to run to the street where Malady is probably confused. “*Sigh* Heeey! Maladyyy!” I briefly sighed before yelling once I could see her.
She turned around with a start and proclaimed with a face of both worry and confusion, “Sir Tru! Where did you…”
Interrupting her, I said, “There’s no time to explain. Follow me.” The two of us ran back through the streets and stopped in front of some shop before I looked around. Nobody could be seen on the streets, so I pull my captivatingly good-looking companion into the alley leading to the slaves. When I turned to look at her, a chill of foreboding crept up my spine. Uh-oh. She looks pissed.
Only after clearing my throat in an attempt to diffuse her obvious irritation, I ask, “*Ahem* Have any suggestions about what to do now?”
Malady's expression softened to my relief. Eyes that had reflected annoyance turned to a look full of pity directed at the bare and bleeding slaves, “First of all, we need to get them a disguise, then bathe them and take them to our inn. Will each of you comply?”
A very large beast with horns and a forked tail approached us and said, “We are at your service, Ma’am.” He looks like a very Hollywood-style demon, but I know better. Satan masquerades as an angel of light, so how can I tell if it’s a demon just by appearance?
[name: Stone Carpenter. A craftsman sufficient in both Carpentry and Stone crafting.]
Hmm. He has a class, so [Analyze] doesn’t give me his race. Have classes only gone out of style with the dark elves or something? “What’s your name?” I ask the big monster-looking guy.
“Peelz, my name is Peelz.” He answered while still in a slight bow.
[name: Peelz. A basic Stone crafter with a well-mannered temperament.]
[race: Reim [~Select~].]
[class: Stone Carpenter [~Select~].]
Hahaha, well that was easy. Malady had been talking while I was getting distracted, “Sir Tru? Shall I go or would you like to handle it?” Shoot, I wasn’t paying attention at all! What are we doing? Distracted as I was, I shouldn’t risk a plan out of pride by pretending like I was listening, “Could you say all that again?”
Malady looked at me with a blank stare, “Should I go and buy the clothes for the group while you stay and guard, or would you like to purchase them?”
I decided to stay with the group, receiving a nod from my partner in crime before she took off without a sound. Maybe I can get more information about the state of the world. At least, maybe from their perspective. “I’m fairly new to this land. What happened that made all of you slaves?”
It took quite some time for each person to describe their situations to me, and several ended up not having the time to share. Of the former slaves I actually got to hear from, two kids were sold by their father to pay off a debt that was delinquent.
One woman was tricked by a man, using a false name, into marrying him after her father passed away. During the honeymoon, he sold her to the Kobolds to pay his debt as well.
Peelz, being called a demon by the church of Baalze, was hunted and captured for manual labor while his wife and daughters were burned alive to prevent ‘demonic power’ from resurrecting them.
Two men had taken out a loan to start their own tavern but lost it all in a raid by Orcs. Their tavern was burnt to the ground, making them unable to pay the debt, but since their families were either killed or taken by the Orcs, they were the only ones who could be taken as slaves.
This is when I realized why Yahweh said Driscoll needs saving. It’s in even worse shape than Earth… Thankfully, Malady came back, but I instantly felt like a terrible person, seeing her carrying way too many clothes for her small arms. I could have at least lent her the [Ring of Space]. I mentally facepalmed myself, but at least she doesn’t seem to be struggling.
All the slaves got dressed in clothes that were either a bit too big or too small and we decided to forego the bath before taking them to the inn. We stepped inside to see the clerk distracted when we darted in, every person successfully making it to our connected rooms.
With a turn to Malady, I whisper, “Don’t leave anything here. I can fit anything you need in my ring.” She replied with a simple nod, saying, "Yes, I stored all of my belongings with you previously, Sir Tru."
I gave her a thumbs up before addressing the large group, “Alright, we are about to go out on an emergency request. It'd be best if all of you stayed here until we get back without getting noticed. It’ll probably be two or three days.”
???: "Why do we need to stay here?"
Me: "I really want to help all of you get back on your feet and not be hunted by some slavers, but this request is urgent. You're welcome to leave, I guess. Things would just be better for you if you wait for us to return."
Most of them nodded but a few of the slaves looked either annoyed or downright angry. I mean, I did just free them, but I guess I can understand why they wouldn't trust me...
Peelz: “We thank you for your kind heart, Master Tru. I shall await your return and look after the others who do as well.” Why do I get the feeling that most of them aren't gonna be waiting here when we get back? Eh, whatever. They’re free now anyway.
On our way out, Malady and I stopped at the front desk to pay for 2 more nights when I realized I had more silver from the materials I sold to Kimrul back in Kulkne. With the extra money I decided to keep our rooms for a week. With that settled, at least the newly freed peeps won't just get kicked out. With that out of the way, we made our way back to the front gate as fast as we could, which took us way too long despite our efforts. I blame that elevator… WAY too slow. But it got me thinking, this rescue mission was... rushed. Very rushed. So many things could have been done better.
Much to our surprise, the adventurers waited for us, “Oy! What happens when ya let some newbies sign up for an emergency request? THEY GET LOST!!! That’s what!” Braska admonished us, believing we were late purely out of incompetence. Well, at least now we don’t need to find an excuse.
Me: “You got us. Ha. Ha. Ha.”
Malady: “Yes, yes. This is why we should ask for directions next time you need food, Sir Tru.”
Jeez, thanks for throwing me under the… truck. “Pfft.”
Braska: “You ate even more after the guild meeting? Meh, ‘nuff of yer shenanigans. Let’s get a move on already!” Belting out commands like he already knows us, Braska urges the group out the city gate. As we stepped out, two familiar voices call out our names, causing Malady and me to turn around.
Captain Slain: “Good luck on the mission, may Baalze be with you. We owe you one!” That just gives me a bad feeling. But I guess he just doesn’t know that Yahweh is the only God there is.
I mentally shrug before waving back, getting interrupted by a smaller guard next to him, “Don’t you go dyin’ on us now, ya hear? I want more a that mutton!” Uh, sure.
Still waving back to them, I’m able to get out a response this time, “Thanks, y’all! Get some sleep, Jeff. Oh, and Slain’s buying,” before I turn around and ignore Slain’s repudiatory remarks.
Aaaand I knew it. The city guards are really just gonna sit on the wall while we go get 'em.
Climbing over a hill overlooking the vast landscape, the beauty of Driscoll is once again promulgated, amplified tenfold as the background to Malady’s thin strands of golden hair being caressed by the wind. The luscious field was speckled with patches of purple and yellow flowers, all being overshadowed by the sheen of the three suns currently reflecting off her [Meteoric Steel] armor. A light green view was contrasted by her lilac skin, causing her eyes to shine like rolling waves of tall grass on a spring day. I can’t help but freeze to take in such a rare view.
Braska just had to ruin it with his crass voice though, “Oy! Don’t just sit there starin’ at the lady! Take ‘er to yer bed chambers already!”
Me: “Man, can’t you at least let her retain some of her dignity?” I shot back, starting to get a bit too irritated.
Thank Yahweh Rellen shouted as Braska turned around with aggression written in his eyes, “Quit your bickering! A field isn’t supposed to look like that, right?” He lifted his armored hand up to point in the direction we had been walking.
Far off in the distance, nearly out of the sight of human eyes, something that looks like waves from an ocean of grass glint in the light. Not just wavy grass, I mean actual liquid grass stretching to the furthest limit of my vision. First, there are way too many suns, then I get thrown by a rock only to find a forest growing on top of a forest, now grass can be a liquid… I may as well just unlearn everything I knew about natural science.
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