《Truck-kun Gets Sacrificed》Chapter 10 ♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪
Chapter 10
♪ Beauty and the Beast ♪
As we neared the wall of what I can only describe as redwoods, the trees entered the scope of [Analyze].
[name: Red Eryn. The tallest naturally occurring tree. Though its wood is soft, it's mostly inflammable. Regenerative properties have given this tree species the earned [Title] of [Unfellable].]
Now that's interesting. If it's the tallest naturally occurring tree, there must be unnaturally occurring ones too. That aside, earned [Titles] are a thing? Reminded of the painstaking efforts I went through to get the fishing title [Salty] in the MMO I used to play brought back a feeling of nostalgia. It could be fun to earn some titles, I muse. Standing hundreds of feet tall and at least fifty feet wide, I can only imagine how effective this wall is. The tree's red bark looks soft, but there aren't any scars from battle to be found. What's even more amazing is that these are all growing on top of [Abascan Tree]s. How is it possible that they can be so much bigger than the trees they're growing on?
“It's always a privilege to see the unfellable wall of Kulkne,” Malady expressed in admiration. So you can see the title too? I wanted to ask. Before I go giving away my abilities, I should get more information about Kulkne and the dark elves. I think to myself, wary of the potential, unnecessary danger inherent with others knowing about my skills. No, instead I simply reply, “It looks pretty daunting, that's for sure.”
“Kuru?~,” Masada asked, unsure of why a tree would look intimidating. “Ah, mainly because they would easily deter an attack.”
“Kuuuu,~” Masada confirmed in understanding.
Still, nearly a quarter-mile away, happy chime noises resound. They sound beautiful, but Malady's face gets pale with anxiety. Flustered, she exclaims, “We've lost track of time! Those are the midnight bells. The gates will close any minute and don't open for anyone until sunrise!” Lyra concurred with Malady's statement and said, “We must make haste or be left outside! There are unspeakable horrors that roam the outer walls in the late night!” Ah, now I understand that stressed-out look. Looking at Masada while wearing a shady grin, I brownnose him a bit, “Heeeey buddy. I know you have so much mana, you're basically legendary!” To which Masada looks at me with a canted brow, unsure of whether the compliment is sincere or mere flattery. “I'm suuure we could make it if you spammed [Shadow Step] to get us there.” Though it's kinda creepy to see a single large eye be rolled, I continue to smile until he responds.
“Kuru ku kururu~,” Masada hums, emanating the words 'Just ask normal next time.'
With a salute, I say “Aye sir,” with enthusiasm similar to how the Marines under my dad's command would say when I was a kid. Though he's a retired farmer now, he used to be a Major in the U.S Marine Corps.
I give orders to the young women to step out of the carriage knowing that Masada can only [Shadow Step] with what he's touching. As they climbed out of their comfortable situation, the yoke from the horses vanished into my ring along with the carriage. “Since there could be a major misunderstanding when we get there, cover that collar with these,” I firmly suggest while gesturing the [Robe of the Scholar] and my suit jacket towards them. “I agree. Thank you,” Lyra said. She and Malady accepted my cloak and jacket quickly before wrapping themselves. The collars were mostly covered, but the sinister green and blue magic could be seen glowing beneath the clothes. That should be good enough, right? “Okay now that we're all set, hold onto Masada,” I direct the ladies while tying the reigns of the horses around Masada's staff. I really hope this works, I think to myself, nervous about whether the horses will be teleported with us or not.
“Alright, we're all set, Masada.” The next thing we knew, we had appeared in an area much closer to the wall, but that was just the start. Masada repeatedly transported us, instantaneously, until the [Red Eryn] trees completely enveloped my vision. Small specs of light flashed in front of me with each [Shadow Step], my sight going awry, simply not able to keep up with the continuous teleports.
I don't normally get motion sick, but I'm feeling nauseous, I think before we come to a halt. Thank God that's over. Several sentries were alarmed by our sudden appearance and went to defensive positions reflexively before the [Red Guard Captain] said, “Stand down! This is lady Lyra!” At which time, he rushed out of the gate and started to usher the two women inside. “He is with us too! Don't let him get locked out!” Lyra demanded, to which the [Red Guard Captain] acknowledged, “Yes, milady!”
I was being guided in not before some guards deflected me with crossed spears, with Masada over my shoulder. That was when I realized the horses were nowhere to be seen. The only remaining trace of them was the reigns wrapped around the staff, now hanging loosely instead of attached to the steeds. “Dang it!” I speak in a hushed tone. I was afraid this would happen. So it only transfers what's touching it. Well, along with whatever items they are touching, but not in the reverse.
The next thing I knew, the 'gate', decorated with crown molding and intricate carvings done by a superb artisan, started to change shape. It was more like there was a huge hole in the tree that grew shut in an instant. Maybe that's why It can't be opened once it's shut; the trees themselves close after a certain time. I'll have to ask about that and the possibility of nature magic, I speculated.
My quiet outburst did not go unnoticed. The [Red Guard Captain] gave me a suspicious look when Lyra shifted her gaze up to me and back to the captain. Lyra introduced me with authority, “This is our savior, Sir Truck Coon. Show him respect as you would show mineself,” which relieved the captain's suspicions. Mineself? That's an interesting type of speech, I think to mineself. The [Red Guard Captain] lowered his head slightly in respect and introduced himself stingily, “Welcome home, lady Lyra, and welcome to Kulkne, Sir Coon.” It just felt awkward, so to lighten the air a bit, I request, “Please call me Tru.” A nod of the head was his response. After a brief air of awkward silence, Masada makes a hum in amazement of the forest we just entered, “Kuuruu~.” Malady briefly glanced at Masada as though he were a cute puppy before informing the captain, “A report must be given to lord Avacyn directly from lady Lyra. We mustn't delay.”
“Yes, ma'am,” the captain responded as my companions took off.
I never even heard the [Red Guard Captain]'s name. Well, whatever. Lyra and Malady sped along, power walking like the women in their mid-forties I would see daily back in college. It was a brisk, elegant walk. If done in a slightly different posture, it could be considered a jog. I'd imagine they have to keep up appearances, even if they're in a hurry. The moss that made up the road was densely compact, giving it the feeling of solid pavement, but was clearly labeled by [Analyze].
[name: Abascan Moss. Moss growing at the top of [Abascan Tree]s, most abundant on the [Abascan Upper Shelf].]
It had even been shaped into rectangles. Ha! moss bricks? I laugh in my head. What's next? A reverse waterfall?
Kulkne is big. We kept walking for twenty minutes before I propose the idea of [Shadow Stepping]. Just the thought makes me nauseous actually, so I am relieved to hear Lyra's response, “Lord Avacyn's estate normally takes a half-hour walk to get there from the entrance. There is not but another ten minutes left and I am truly grateful that you could get us here before the gate closed, however, repeat forced teleportation is rather unpleasant for Malady and myself. I also have an appearance to uphold. That means showing the people that I am mostly unnerved. Our recent situation will most certainly become common knowledge in Kulkne, I'm sure.”
I was speechless and stopped for a second to regain my composure. I do NOT want to be a household name here. That sounds like way too much of a hassle...
“Tru?” Lyra tried to get my attention again after I stood frozen in space. Stalled, not unlike my old Geo was in the habit of doing, I remained still on the road, not surrounded by buildings or homes, but a forest of [Red Eryn] trees. I took a deep breath and looked up saying, “As a wanderer, I do not want my name to be made known to the public.” at which Lyra's response started with a wry chuckle, “Though I respect you, Sir Tru, I cannot withhold the truth in a situation such as this.” I was afraid of that... Well, whatever. I'll figure it out. I thought in response while silently looking at Lyra with a straight face. After I let out a sigh, I motion with my right hand, the one missing a finger, to continue on the road.
Kulkne can only be described as a maze of aerial trails. We walked up a long flight of stairs first, then made our way through what felt like an obstacle course. My two beautiful companions gracefully strode through the fragmented bridges made from rope and wood connecting the trees. Each [Red Eryn] tree had windows and an oval-shaped door with a platform protruding from the tree like a patio. These obstacles just go on and on, I thought to myself. Thankfully, only a couple more Tarzan swings with rope and we reached a platform manned by a dark elf with slicked-back white hair, dressed in a butler's outfit. “Feno, this is Tru and his beast greatswordstaff, Masada. They are my guests and need to be present for an urgent report to father. If you would be so kind,” Lyra said to the amethyst-skinned elf. Without speaking a word, he bowed elegantly, stepping back with his left foot and placing his right forearm across his waist. Before he even resumed his normal posture, the platform we were on started to rise. This is a familiar feeling, I think while we are swiftly elevated up the trunk of a tree.
Several minutes of Masada's playful humming later, the floating contraption slowed gently to a stop. “We have arrived, milady,” Feno informed graciously, interrupted by a fleeting Lyra rushing into a meadow atop the [Red Eryn]. While Malady politely curtsied, I stood shocked with wide eyes. There is a huge flat space on this tree? There wasn't even any kind of visible platform from what I could see below. This could be another illusion like my cave of security. Then again, the laws of physics seem to have different properties here. Wracking my brain provided no tangible answer, so I shook my head and followed my beautiful companions off the platform with a now silent Masada.
A dark elf who held the title of [Lord Avacyn] quickly approached us with fury on his face at the sight of the greenish-blue aura pouring from a collar around his daughter's neck. “Abba!” Lyra cried out, unable to preserve her dignified appearance from just a moment ago. Tears fell from her eyes, mid-run, and were soon wiped away by her father's mantle. To my dismay, her cloak had fallen off from around the collar, uncovering the mark of a slave. Nevertheless, I sat and watched the heartwarming scene before the air around [Lord Avacyn] turned to a deep green with blue sparks flaring. “You! You would dare perform [Bind] on my Lyriath Breit Avacyn?!” he threatened with both word and action intertwined. Just as his form began to take the shape of a pure white werewolf, Lyra threw herself between us, arms stretched wide, exclaiming, “No! He saved our lives!”
[Lord Avacyn]'s rage was not so easily quenched after being released. Upon his transformation into the white werewolf, pouring out lightning from its fur, he howled. “Grrroowwwww!!!” At the same time, a warning notice appeared.
'You have heard Zinogr Avacyn's [Fury].'
'You are paralyzed until deactivated.'
'You have lost all skills until deactivated.'
Lightning continued to gather on his fur, focusing into a ball that grew larger, then became condensed and repeated the process for what felt like an eternity. The blue became lighter and lighter until it was an undiluted white. It looked like he had condensed so much lightning into one spot, that it couldn't be contained anymore. A crack split through the sphere and all I could think is,
I'm dead. There's no way I'm not gonna die, right?
I had accepted it. I'm going to experience the infinite [Wrath of God] today, I told myself, trying to mentally prepare for something that is unpreparable. But nothing came. Time went on and I didn't feel anything. In fact, I really couldn't feel anything at all. This death doesn't feel like the first time I died, I consider. When I came to, I awoke in a lavish room. Every breath I took felt as though it was a long, deep breath taken while laying in the sun on a summer afternoon, nothing but wilderness surrounding me. When I opened my eyes, there sat a butler reading through a book. Too bad it isn't Malady or at least another gorgeous elf maid. Oh well, I mentally shrug.
“Wha happn~,” I slur out my question.
“Kururu!~” Masada cheers, excited that I am awake.
“Sir Tru!” The new butler jumped to his feet, surprised at my words. He must have been absorbed by that book, I think to myself before witnessing him walk towards me. Awkwardly he strode, swinging his left arm forward at the same time as stepping with his left foot and vise versa. I tried to hold in a laugh, the man clearly feeling pressured. His professional bow redeemed his hilarious movements from a moment ago. An introduction was given along with a brief explanation of the situation, “I-it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. M-my name is Sanev. I recently started serving the Avacyn family as a butler in training. I have been given the task of attending to you until you are fully recovered.”
“Kukuru~” Masada laughed, his smiling eye showing amusement for the butler's performance.
Wincing as I regained my senses, I shook my head and replied, “Thanks for taking care of me.” Sanev maintained his bow for a minute before I got the queue. “Sanev, please stand up. What happened? I could have sworn I was about to die.” The young dark elven butler quickly stood up and approached the side of the bed. He had an excited expression when he suddenly cleared his throat and replied professionally, “*Ahem* Forgive me, but I should not be the one telling you of such events. When Sir Tru is back to full health, the Avacyn family would like to explain and formally apologize. Until then, I have been ordered to tend to your health.”
Masada rolled his eye, amazed at, what I could tell he considered to be, disrespectful treatment by the Avacyns for not telling me about what happened immediately.
I shook my head at Masada, exuding a sense of 'You're overthinking.' But tend to my health you say? “I really appreciate it. I think I'll try to get some sleep for a while. Would you mind giving me some privacy?”
While performing another gracious bow he said, “By all means, Sir Tru.”
I can finally relax, I think to myself as the door latches shut. I've been in one stressful situation after another the entire time I've been in this world, I think to myself while opening up the [Menu] and selecting [Notifications].
'You have defeated [Slaver, Lacky Lvl 3]'
'You have defeated [Slaver, Lacky Lvl 10]'
'You have defeated [Slaver, Apprentice Tr 1 Lvl 2.'
'Defeating a monster with 1 or more class transformations above your own grants 1 level for each transformation.'
'Beast-Master, Synergist has increased to level 4.'
'5 General Stat points have been awarded.'
'[Weight Up(minor)] has increased to level 2.'
[Weight Up(minor) Lvl 2: Your target becomes heavier, increasing weight by 16%. Does not stack with skills similar to this effect.]
'Summoned Saboteur has increased to level 4.'
'No General Stat points have been awarded.'
'You have defeated [Slaver, Master Tr 2 Lvl 9.'
'Defeating a monster with 1 or more class transformations above your own grants 1 level for each transformation.'
'Beast-Master, Synergist has increased to level 5.'
'5 General Stat points have been awarded.'
'Beast-Master, Synergist has increased to level 6.'
'5 General Stat points have been awarded.'
'[Amalgamate] has increased to level 2.'
[Passive - Amalgamate Lvl 2: The eidolon is an extension of the summoner and created by their mana. All damage to the eidolon is subtracted from the Summoner's mana, energy then HP(1hp to 0.75mp/ep/hp) in that order. Uses the summoner's mana and/or energy for its own abilities. All exp gains attained by either the summoner or the eidolon are also given to the other.]
'[Amalgamate] has increased to level 3.'
[Passive - Amalgamate Lvl 3: The eidolon is an extension of the summoner and created by their mana. All damage to the eidolon is subtracted from the Summoner's mana, energy then HP(1hp to 0.75mp/ep/hp) in that order. Uses the summoner's mana and/or energy(1 to 0.75mp/ep) for its own abilities. All exp gains attained by either the summoner or the eidolon are also given to the other.]
'[Hone] has increased to level 2.'
[Passive - Hone Lvl 2: Living blades held by you are coated with mana, increasing sharpness.]
'Summoned Saboteur has increased to level 5.'
'No General Stat points have been awarded.'
'Summoned Saboteur has increased to level 6.'
'No General Stat points have been awarded.'
'[Shadow Step] has increased to level 3.'
'You have defeated [Slaver, Lacky Lvl 5]'
'You have defeated [Slaver, Lacky Lvl 8]'
'You have defeated [Slaver, Lacky Lvl 3]'
'You have successfully saved the lives of two others at the risk of your own.'
'+6 SP is granted to Spirit, Agility, Intellect, and Strength.'
'You have successfully resisted lustful temptation for the sake of two others.'
'+8 SP is granted to Spirit.'
'You have successfully endured a painful journey to give two others protection and peace of mind.'
'+3 SP is granted to Spirit and +2 SP is granted to Stamina.'
'You have heard Zinogr Avacyn's [Fury].'
'You are paralyzed until deactivated.'
'You have lost all skills until deactivated.'
'You have successfully endured the [Fury] of an Ancient Avacyn [Lord] consumed by [Ferocity] to get two others home safely.'
'+500 SP is granted to Spirit.'
'You have learned the general skill [Wood Cutting]'
'Slicing through trees has become a hobby. When using wood that is cut down by yourself, it is easier to carve.'
'[Wood Cutting Lvl 1: Wood that is cut down by you requires 10 less Strength to carve]
“Ahahaha!!!” I laugh emphatically with a volume that alarmed Sanev, who rushed in. I could not stop laughing and eventually, my eyes began to water. He had been standing at the bedside, concerned as to whether or not I was crying out from pain until he realized the reality. “I'm sorry, Sanev. I was just reading and something hilarious caught my eye.” looking down at my hands, he could see that there was no book and became confused, “Ha-ha-ha.” Forced laughs wryly left his mouth before he said, “I see. I r-request that you remain calm so as to allow the healing process to finish successfully.”
“Ah, sorry about that,” I said with a slightly crooked smile. After he left, I thought more seriously about what I read after addressing a small annoyance. “Okay, go to [Menu], then [Settings], then [Volume], Ah-ha! [Notification Volume]”
---------| 100%
-----|---- 60%
---|------ 40%
-|-------- 20%
Much better. Those ringing sounds were a bit obnoxious... ”And now for the analyses. Plus 517 SP to Spirit, 6 to Agility, Intellect, and Strength, and 2 to Stamina... I also got three levels, which means 15 SP to put anywhere.” Without thinking about the remaining SP any further, I drop all 15 into Agility. “I mean, Spirit and Agility are the only stats I needed in that last fight. No brainer right there. Maybe stamina could be useful in the future, but since Masada is an invincible shield, why be redundant? Let's just cover our combined weaknesses.”
[Health: 297/297]
[Mana: 3124/3124]
[Energy: 990/990]
[~General Stats~]
[Strength: 27 +15]
[Agility: 87 +93]
[Stamina: 52 +2]
[Intellect: 27 +6]
[Spirit: 42 +526]
“When I use [Shadow Step], it should cost fewer mana thanks to the [Amalgamate] level-ups, and since my mana is at 1415 now, I can use it however much I want!” Thinking just a bit more about why he was excited reminded him of the severe motion sickness he got from [Shadow Step]ing too quickly before getting to Kulkne. “That must be why there's no cooldown. The limit is however much your brain can handle. I mean let's be honest, all those stories about people teleporting ten times in one minute clearly didn't consider the shock that would cause to a person's brain, needing to process 100% new visual information in multiple instances.”
Now for my favorite part of the notifications, I chuckle to myself with a grin that cannot be contained.
'You have learned the general skill [Wood Cutting]'
'Slicing through trees has become a hobby. When using wood that is cut down by yourself, it is easier to carve.'
'[Wood Cutting Lvl 1: Wood that is cut down by you requires 10 less Strength to carve]
“Pfffff,” Fighting with all my might to not burst into laughter, I am reminded of another MMO, one of my first MMO's as a matter of fact, which had [Wood Cutting] as a stat. Back in the day, I would sit there for hours on end chopping down the Willow Trees. “I really, REALLY hope that lumberjack is a title here in Driscoll.”
Now that all the notifications are out of the way, I think I'll actually take a nap. This bed is just too comfy, I think to myself before drifting away into the dreamscape.
After waking up, I stood out of bed and yawned. “Oh wow, these are actually pretty dang comfortable clothes... wait... How'd I get into a different set of clothes?!” Now that I think about it, wasn't I already in these earlier too? I took a deep breath and told myself, “Whatever. It's not like it matters. Ooh Sanev!” I call out for my attendant.
“Yes, Sir Tru?” He responded diligently. “I'm feeling wonderful. How long did I sleep for?” I ask, curious about this incredibly restful sleep. “Ah, You slept for three hours. If you are already feeling right as rain, shall I inform [Lord Avacyn] that you would like to meet soon?” Such a wonderfully responsible dude. And three hours?! Something else must have helped with the rest. I think to myself at his question. “Yes. We should not waste any more time,” I respond, trying to resemble the tasteful demeanor of aristocrats.
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