《Truck-kun Gets Sacrificed》Chapter 5 ♪ I'm Lost in the Woods ♪
Chapter 5
♪ I'm Lost in the Woods ♪
Tru decided to put all 10 of his general stat points into intellect since it was the lowest stat.
[Health: 275/275]
[Mana: 226/226]
[Energy: 1320/1320]
[~General Stats~]
[Strength: 25 +1]
[Agility: 70 +170]
[Stamina: 50]
[Intellect: 25]
[Spirit: 40 +1]
I wonder if God is just making fun of me, giving me such a low intellect stat to start with, the apathetic face being made at his thought making Masada uneasy again. “I don't even know what all the stats do. Stamina, I would think, is related to energy, but gaining points in agility and spirit increased energy and mana. Spirit, and possibly intellect, affected my mana pool. I can only assume agility is what increased my energy,” Tru said aloud with a silent GSS listening.
“Whatever, I'll figure more out as I go. Back on the topic of what's out there, I have a couple of potential plans for our escape. Some options I can think of off the top of my head are: One, we set an ambush for the rabbit and kill it when It jumps down from the tree. Then, try to use the [Abascan Rope] to climb up the tree and check our options from there. Hopefully, we can just run over the top of the trees. Two, we try to literally cut a path through the forest like Paul Bunyan and hopefully avoid the rabbit/any other monsters. Three, we climb down the cliff to get on the top of the trees at the bottom of the cliff.” Tru's first suggestion was based on the thought that the [Hungry Rabbit] had only been so strong because of the innumerable [Red Moon Berry]s it had eaten, and if they caught it before it could eat any, they could have a chance to overpower it. Escaping over the top of the trees stemmed from the fact that the top of the trees looked like a solid platform, and the rabbit jumped down from atop the forest. His second idea came from the notice for the [Abascan Rope] saying “...easily cut,” leading him to think the trees might be easily cut too. And the third plan followed the assumption that the forest below the cliff was also made from [Abascan Tree]s, with the same properties.
Masada knew they'd find a way with Tru at the helm and decided to stay quiet. “There's always the [Bracelet of Hearth] too, but that'll be the last option after we try out every other possibility.”
Tru recognized that with any of the plans, the [Hungry Rabbit] either had to go or be avoided. “First things first, do we leave the bunny alone or remove it from the equation?” he questioned. “It doesn't seem to come out at night, at least not when I got the berries to summon you, and now that I've calmed down to think, it didn't actively chase me. Bugs Bunny prob just eats whatever is in front of it. It wouldn't really be fair to just off it for my own mistake of getting too close without understanding the creature. I believe it won't come out at night, which would make that a good time to avoid it. On the other hand, I would think all the most dangerous monsters roam the forest at night. Anything you'd like to add?” Masada actually had some notifications after becoming Tru's [~Eidolon~] as well, and thought now would be a good time to bring it up, “Kururu. Kuru Kurururu?”
Truck replied, somewhat surprised that Masada had also gotten a class and was asking his opinion on which to choose, “Let's see 'em then.”
1 'bling'
[Requirements met to obtain the class [-Summoned Saboteur-].]
[requirements: Be summoned by a master with a Synergist subclass.]
[description: An [~Eidolon~] with close ties to the [~Summoner~]. Debuffs enemies from the shadows while the [~Summoner~] buffs the [~Eidolon~].]
2 'bling'
[Requirements met to obtain the class [-Summoned Defender-].]
[requirements: Be summoned by a [~Summoner~] with significantly less defensive power than you.]
[description: An [~Eidolon~] with close ties to the [~Summoner~]. Blocks all damage from the [~Summoner~].]
“Kururu, kuru ku.” Tru understood that he already made a potentially devastating blunder in his haste to choose a class. Masada notified Tru that he had more class options to choose from before Tru chose his class. Placing his hand over his forehead to combat the growing headache, Tru shrugged off the mistake and said, “What's done is done. It makes the most sense for you to choose the saboteur class now though.”
[You have selected the class [-Summoned Saboteur-].]
[Do you accept?]
Yes / No
[You have accepted the class [-Summoned Saboteur-].]
[Summoned Saboteur lvl 1]
[Class Type: [~Rogue~]]
[Class Skill Learned: Imbibe(minor)]
[Imbibe(minor) lvl 1: Temporarily absorb general stats from a magical being touched by you.]
[Duration: 10 seconds]
[Cooldown timer: 10 minutes.]
[Mana Cost: 50]
[Class Skill Learned: Shadow Step]
[Shadow Step lvl 1: Move instantly to a shadow in your line of sight.]
[Range: 20 feet]
[Mana Cost: 20]
[Passive Class Skill Learned: Subservience]
[Passive - Subservience lvl 1: You are an extension of the [~Summoner~] and created by their mana. All abilities may be used freely by the [~Summoner~].]
[All general stats are maxed out. Cannot gain additional general stats.]
“Kuru!~” Masada emitted a feeling of contentedness, mostly at how well he thinks his class compliments Tru's. “All the possibilities... We [Shadow Step] behind an enemy, I slash them, and you steal their general stats to weaken their defense to the attack while you 'touch' them. I increase your weight, giving you more momentum during the slash... this could be pretty busted, but there are quite a few drawbacks we need to be wary of. Fighting in bright places being the most obvious, but also spiritual or even void creatures, if that's a thing in this world. We can't just assume we're overpowered compared to whatever else is out there. And who's to say I'd even [Shadow Step] with you? It could only be you who's affected by it.” On that note, Tru held Masada before himself and called out, "Shadow Step," while looking at the ground only a few feet away from himself. With zero special effects being set off such as sound or lights, all of his vision completely changed instantaneously. Standing briefly with his mouth agape was all Tru could manage to do as the excitement over his partner's new instant teleportation skill hit him.
Shortly after some questionable dancing brought on by his overwhelming excitement, Tru and Masada calmed down enough to discuss the details of their possible plans. They gave some thought to the presumably perpetual hunger that the rabbit lived with, deciding to avoid the traumatizing rodent.
Only a short while later, the “sun,” which really didn't look or feel like a sun thanks to its much smaller size, started to go down. The star cluster in which the planet seemed to be was a mystery to Tru. He had asked himself several times previously, Wouldn't the gravitational pull from all the close stars tear the planet apart? How does the planet produce life if there is no yellow sun to give warmth? Why is it light in the sky but not on the ground at night? Does that kinda big, far-off star really produce all the light of day on Driscoll's surface? None of these questions could be answered yet, but Tru made a mental note to ask Yahweh the next time they meet.
Thanks to the abundant rest Tru experienced after creating Masada, he hadn't felt any need to sleep that night. Throughout this time, the two scrutinized the area above the cave for potential ways to the top of the trees. That included even going into the forest again to see how far he had to go before Tru started feeling the effects of oxygen poisoning. No noticeable effect took place just touching the [Abascan Tree], however going behind it initiated the unwanted effect after only a few seconds.
“Since going down the cliff would put us on a northward path, it looks like we're gonna have to find a way up the trees,” Tru motioned, deciding not to climb down the cliff. “I'd rather get out of the cold air.” One thing that went unnoticed by the pair, was that the [Orichalcum Golum] was nowhere near where it had been lazily sitting in the ground. Nevertheless, their plan was slowly being shaped with their decision to attempt to cut down a tree on the opposite side of the forest clearing. They'd then use it to assist in their endeavor. Walking over to the thinnest tree, which was still nearly 6 feet in diameter, Tru raised Masada with his hands at each end of the staff, and took a wide stance. Starting the slash with his torso slightly twisted to gain propulsion from twisting his hips, he swung the greatswordstaff with all his 26 strength and the speed of his 240 agility.
*Shiiiiing* went the monstrous weapon. Having burnt 39 energy from one swing, reaching 96mph, the blade cut through the tree like butter. Having a 1,200lb blade, enhanced by [Hone], and being swung with the same speed as if Tru had nothing in his hands, had been too much for the tree considered weak to cuts. The loud crash alarmed Tru, who's vigilance was set off. They were ready for anything that might come as a result of their decision. Thankfully enough, nothing in the vicinity showed any movement.
“Whew... that was probably stupid, but I really didn't expect to fell the tree in one swing. At least now we have a potential way to get closer to the top,” Tru pointed out. Having been cut so cleanly, the tree simply bumped upwards and displaced itself by falling on the edge of the stump it had just been severed from. Off balance, the [Abascan Tree] fell slowly towards other [Abascan Tree]s. It was caught perfectly between two others, giving the adventuring party a path half way up to the platform of leaves above the trees. The problem they now faced, was how to get up the felled tree without sustaining damage from [Oxygen Poisoning]. [Abascan Tree]s had no branches on the trunk except at the very top, where all the trees seemed to combine their branches and leaves into one boundless landscape. Their immense size made them impossible to climb with just a rope. Not to mention that the leaves seemed to make a solid disk at the top, which looked like it wouldn't allow anything through. They'd have to climb upside down to get around the disks.
Frustrated at the current situation, Tru started to pace around in circles, carrying Masada over the shoulder. Steam could probably be seen coming from his ears, had it been daytime, thanks to the aforementioned frustration. Masada tried to comfort Tru with the warm glow from his gem as well as creating a soothing hum. “Jurururu~,” Tru could feel the effects immediately, but as a last reaction to his irritation, kicked the ground where he stood and felt a familiar quake beneath his feet. [Orichalcum Golum] was identified again when Tru experienced a flash of inspiration. “Hold on now, buddy. I think we found our ticket out of here!” Tru exclaimed excitedly, withdrawing the [Abascan Rope] from his [Ring of Space]. Since the [Orichalcum Golum] is similar in height to the trees, Tru theorized that, with the bonus height, he could throw Masada over the top. Remembering something his father taught him when Tru was young, he began to fasten the rope with a series of knots to Masada and then himself. As the two of them gradually progressed higher and higher Tru became more and more confident his plan could work. The only remaining uncertainty was whether or not the top of the trees could hold the two of them. What Tru hadn't planned for at all, was the sapient mind he was now standing on.
From the perspective of the [Orichalcum Golum]:
'This is the second time I've been awakened without warning. Leave me in peace!' Rather than killing the two, which would take far too much effort, the ancient golum would rather just throw them out of its resting spot. Such is the life of ancient beings; to sleep away whole centuries until harassed upon by calamitous events, such as being kicked by a human.
'Yes, please stay still. You'll be on your way in but a moment.' Gathering a large amount of the orichalcum located in the clearing was a simple task. Building up the necessary tension to launch the two, tiny creatures on its back was another story. As it gathered mana to push magic power into the projectile, the bipedal one appeared as if it were going to throw the strange, one-eyed creature with a green gemstone. No, you DON'T! thought the golum, launching the gathered orichalcum boulder, creatures aboard, over the top of the [Abascan Trees]
From the perspective of Tru:
Tensed up and shaking from excitement and fear, Tru and Masada soared over what was now labeled the [Abascan Upper Floor]. “If we stay on this orichalcum when we land, it'll probably crush us!” Tru yelled, attempting to raise his voice above the sound of the wind rushing past them. But in an instant, Tru remembered his newly acquired skills. “Weight Up(minor),” he cast on Masada, wrapping the [Abascan Rope] around himself while simultaneously throwing Masada straight down. The momentum carried Tru downwards and out of the destined path of the oversized rubble, towards what looked like a vast expanse of moss.
Masada flew straight and used the gem in his staff to stay that way, piercing into the ground, acting as an anchor for Tru. Soft and slightly squishy, the moss helped to absorb Tru's jet-like forward moving propulsion as well as safely breaking his fall, however, his back was fractured at his sudden stop. With such a short time atop the golum, Tru had only managed to wrap the [Abascan Rope] around his waist. Halting so abruptly by the rope around his waist forced his body to fold forward at a canted angle, placing terrifying strain on both his stomach and lower spine. He couldn't move his legs.
Tru knew he had been badly damaged, but now understood how close he came to death just by looking at his status in the corner of his vision.
[Health: 4/275]
[Mana: 206/226]
[Energy: 121/1320]
“Re... juv... enation... Powder...” Tru said weakly, barely able to get the words out. In the same way, he took out the [Leather Water-Skin]. He drank the last bit of water after mixing it with a good portion of the rejuvenation powder. He could feel the powder start to work immediately, his spine and ribs snapping back into place. His internal organs also began to reform, giving Truck Coon a sense of warmth. At the onset of the extensive recovery his body underwent, Tru, yet again, passed out.
Upon waking, he found that Masada was still stuck in the ground and Tru looked around from the floor. It had changed to daytime and Tru could feel the warmth of the, now visible, four smaller suns. He didn't even want to know at this point how this weird world could exist. When he sat up, Masada cried out with his mana, brought to tears at the sight of his creator alive and well. “Kurururururur!!~” but Tru couldn't respond just yet, because the first thing that he witnessed when he sat up was several, much smaller [Hungry Baby Rabbit]s eating his shoes. His happiness that Masada was also perfectly fine was eclipsed by a flashback of his finger being viciously eaten. Innocent and adorable as they may be, Tru couldn't see anything except his previous assailant for a millisecond. Not even enough time to react to his vision had passed before he came back to reality, to the pleasant sight of such adorable bunnies nibbling on his shoes. Though he was upset for an instant at the loss of his shoes, his ability to adapt took over and he slowly moved back. “What's done is done,” he said, unable to stay upset at the cuddly-wuddly fluff-balls.
Tru walked over to Masada, who was still crying, and pulled the greatswordstaff from the mossy ground. “Kururururur!” Masada cried. “I'm fine, I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about,” Tru said, stroking the GSS that had been overcome with emotion. Masada stopped crying as it basked in the affection Tru was giving him. Masada really acts like a baby. Which I guess makes sense, since he was just born a day ago... I think, Truck Coon thought to himself, petting Masada's fur to soothe him.
The surrounding was unlike anything Tru expected, and after slinging the gargantuan weapon over his shoulder, he couldn't help but whistle. Surrounding them was, bewilderingly enough, a forest on top of the [Abascan Forest]. Much smaller trees, spaced out quite a bit more than the [Abascan Tree]s and sporting bright pink petals rather than leaves, dotted the upper level. Only after Tru used [Analyze] on them could he see that they weren't Abascan at all.
[name: Guavo Sapps]
[description: Saplings of the lightweight [Guavo Tree]. Produces fruit considered delicious by most creatures.]
Tru's eye's widened. He was back in a state of vigilance, understanding that if most creatures find this delicious, certainly some dangerous monsters must call this their home. “The question is, where do I fall in the food chain?” he said when suddenly, he heard a ferocious roar, freezing him in place.
'You have been challenged by [Guavgrog Bear]'
'You are paralyzed by fear for 2 seconds.'
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