《Dragon Sword God》Ch 18 So it Starts!


I am sorry I haven't posted anything in the past week, I thought I would be there for few days but it took longer than expected.

Thank you for your comments and understanding of my situation.

I have now come to terms with my grandpa's death and will continue with my life

Here is your chapter for the day.


****Royal Capital, Blare****

*Vlad POV:*

"What is going on?" Aaron asked me confused, he was still dazed by the numbers he saw, he could not believe it.

"I am not sure, let's forget about it, it's properly nothing" I said looking at him

"What do you mean nothing, how could your soul be that strong, your not even at the king rank!" He said putting his hands over his chest.

"Forget it, I am sure it was some sort of mistake"

I look away from him and look at the sky.


'Didn't you tell me to stay away from the spotlight?'

'I had nothing to do with that'

'Then how come you stopped it at 100,000 you could have stopped it at 100 or 40?'

'That was the doing of another spirit inside of your dantian'


I have another spirit, what the fuck is this!

'Don't worry, he won't come out right now'

'How come he came out now then?'

'I don't know, but he used all his strength so he won't come out for now'

I started to chat with Dyton and Saria for a while and sometimes ask Aaron about this exam.

2 hours passed!


Aaron and I looked towards the place the voice come from.

The old man who was here earlier has come back.

Everyone stopped their mumbling and looked away from me and looked at the old man.


Behind was a huge mirror, but instead of there being a reflection in the mirror, there was a dark cloud inside of it.

'What is that?' I asked Dyton

'That is a pocket dimension'

'A pocket dimension?'

'That's right, it's a small world'

My lips curved up into a smile.

"Let's go!" Aaron said as he moved towards the old man.

I followed him and we both stood in front of the mirror next to everyone else who also looked at the mirror.

You could hear the gasp and amassment coming from the people who were looking at the mirror.

'What is wrong with time?'

'This is something only an immortal can create, of course, they would admire it' Saria said

An immortal huh.

"Okay, everyone before you enter I would like to inform you of the rules!" The old man said and started to tell use about the rules.

1.You are not allowed to kill, or else you would be disqualified!

2.You need to collect 150 marks in order to pass!

3.Anything is allowed as long as it doesn't kill the person!

After telling us all about the rules he told us to enter the mirror according to the number in our marks.

I was last, so I used the time they were going inside to check if I have everything I need.


I looked at the old man and walked forward and stepped inside the mirror.

****The Trial Forest*****

After entering the pocket dimension, to my belief, the place I went to was not as dark as I thought it was.

I looked at the forest in front of me, there was nothing special about how it looked like, it was just like a normal forest but the feeling it gave off was very different from the outside world.


I felt something was off, I looked around but didn't find anything that could be the reason why my body was screaming danger.


My ears picked up the sound of the something heading my way, at a fast speed.

I jumped forward in order to dodge the thing heading my way.


I looked at the arrow in the ground where I was standing.




I quickly got my sword out and looked at the direction the arrows were coming from.




I took a step back as I deflected the arrows with my sword, the arrows were really powerful.

After getting back my balance I ran forward towards the place the arrows came from.





The person was sending one arrow after another while he was running backwards.

whoever this was he definitely knew that how to use the bow, every single arrow he sent aimed for my vitals, if it wasn't for my sharp senses and tough body I would have been full of holes by now.

'Damn it, I am not getting closer!'

I was running after this guy with my highest speed but every time I took on one of his arrows, I lost my balance for second and he used this second to get away.

'If he wants to run away so be it, let's see what he does now'

I stopped in my tracks and turned around and ran the way I came from, the guy with the arrow also stopped and looked at me with a confused expression, before continuing to run the way he was going.

I stopped in my tracks and looked back at the black back of the man who was shooting arrows at me, his back slowly disappeared between the trees.

'He ran away?'

I thought that he would come after me, but who knew he would run away.


I heard a scream so I looked to my right and saw the sword which was swinging in an arc shape towards my head.

The blade was not very fast so I gripped my sword tighter


I swung my sword so fast, the man could not see it at all.


The clash between our swords caused a small explosion which made the man fly through the air like a ball and hit a tree.


I looked at the man in the tree, he was badly injured and the sword in his hand was broken into pieces.

I didn't feel that much taking on the explosion, but my ears were ringing.

I moved closer towards the man in the tree, but before I got there his body turned into a mist and disappeared.

"What the fuck!"

All that was left from where the man was sitting was the mark he was wearing.

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