《Dragon Sword God》Ch 13 Allan!


Hello guys here is your chapter Enjoy!

This is chapter is not the daily chapter, this a chapter I was writing last night but due to being sleepy I didn't finish it, so I did it this morning.

Chapters today = 1/3

Make sure you comment thanks :D I enjoy reading the comments the most!


***Estra, Tosa****


The leader's body fell to the ground while blood gushed out from the big wound in his chest. The sword destroyed both of his lungs and split the backbone in two.

His body landed in front of a white-robed youth stood in the middle of all of these bodies.

He was indifferent as he looked towards the sun.

The entire area fell into silence.


You could see the shocked faces of everyone who was watching this.

The bandits didn't dare to move because they were afraid to lose their lives like their comrades.

On the other side, you could see the shocked faces of the guards and Aaron as they couldn't make out what happened. Since they were all at the mortal rank, they could only follow the movements made by the youth, but when he threw the sword at the bandit, the sword seemed invisible to their eyes.

Even the silver haired young lady didn't know what to think as she watched this scene unfold after she got out of the carriage.

It was as if the entire world fell into a deep silence.

****Vlad POV****

'FUCK ME IN THE ASS!!' I yelled in my head.

'Calm down!’ Dyton said.

'What do you mean calm down!? Every single muscle in my body is so weak that I can't move them. At this rate, if those bandits attack, I can be easily killed!'

'This is your fault!’ Dyton said.


'How is this my fault?'

'I warned you by telling you not use the Sword Energy so recklessly'

'In which planet!? I don't remember you telling me that!'

Dyton became quiet.

'Forget it. I need to get out of this situation. The fact that they haven't made a move on me yet shows me that I still have the chance to get rid of them without a fight. If I knew that using this strange energy would do this to me, I would have killed them all without using it'


I looked at the bandits "This is your last chance, leave or die!"

The bandits looked at each other then they turned their horses away and ran off.

I gave out a low sigh and the pain in my body made me growl a little.

'I knew it!' I heard Dyton's excited voice in my head.

'Knew what?' I asked as I didn't know what he was talking about.

'Look around you!'

I looked around me and I saw that everything was the same.

I raised an eyebrow and looked carefully and saw that everything came to a sudden halt. I looked at the direction the bandits ran towards and saw that they have also come to a sudden halt.

'What is going on? This doesn't make any sense! Did I get so fast that everything is moving too slowly for me or what?'

I couldn't make out what was happing here at all. This went far beyond the line of what I could believe. There was no way for me to explain this using science.

'This is time stop!' Dyton said in an excited voice.

Time stop!? Fuck your dead nanny!

There is no way for me to believe that! This is going against the law of physics! how can time just come to a sudden halt!? This world is making me doubt everything I have been studying in my entire life.


I am a very open-minded person and that's why I know that there has to be a rational explanation for all of this, but now this is going far over the line.

What was time? It is the thing that lets us move. Without time, we wouldn't be here and now there’s someone who can time stop? Then, how can I move?

Bullshit! That's what this is.


I look at my right and see a youth looking at me from head to toe.

He had a short black hair and deep blue eyes which made sweat run down my back. He was about the same height as me but a little taller, maybe 178 cm. He was wearing a black gown.

'Dyton, who is this?' I asked him over 3 times, but he didn't reply to me at all. I was only replied with silence.

I looked at the youth in front of me "Who are you?"

The youth looked at me and smiled "I am Allan" he extended his hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand "I am Vlad"

He let my hand go and looked at me. He was thinking about something, but right now my entire world was on the brink of being destroyed. There is no way I would believe this is time stop. I mean, me and the youth are not affected at all, so what is the matter with the others? There has to be a reason.

The youth seemed to have gotten an answer. He looked at me with a sly grin.

This made my backbone shiver 'What is he thinking about?'

The youth made a book appear out of thin air and threw it at me.

I leaned forward to grab it.

"Get stronger!"

I got the book and looked up to where the youth was standing.

The youth vanished.

I looked around to see where the youth has gone but, I didn't see him. Though, everyone was back to normal again.

I was only left with the youth's last words 'Get stronger!'

'What the fuck is this!? Stopping time and vanishing into thin air, this is stepping over the line!’

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