《Dragon Sword God》Prologue!!


Book 1 > Mortal World > Arc 1 > Arrival



****Vlad POV****


All I could see was darkness!

My body was trembling because of the cold. I opened my eyes and the first light I saw was the yellow cat-like eyes looking down on me. Every hair on my body stood up and my soul shook out of fear.

‘Monster!’ Was the only thought in my head.

I closed my eyes and I tried to move backward, but there was a wall behind me.

I opened my eyes to see that the yellow eyes were still looking at me.

I tried to understand the situation by finding the body belonging to those eyes, but it was completely dark in here and all I could see was the cat-like eyes staring at me.

I looked up towards the yellow eyes "Who are you?"

"That's my question!" I heard a deep and old voice echoing in the place where I was

"How did I get here?"

"How should I know!"

I knew that this thing doesn’t know how I got here and even if it does it might not tell me. I closed my eyes and started to search my memory.

The last thing I remember doing was going out to buy milk from the store across of where I lived.

[Past Memory]

After I got the milk and was about to cross the road, I saw a kid running after a ball in the road. I looked to my left and saw a car speeding towards the boy.


I let go of the milk I was holding and ran towards the boy who was staring at the coming car. I grabbed him in time and moved him out of the way.


I looked towards the boy in my hands. "Are you okay?" He nodded his head

"Thank you, mister!" He said before I released him and he went in the arms of his crying mother. I looked up and saw many people surrounded us and the stopped the cars

*Clap* *Clap*

They started cheering and clapping towards me and I went back to get the milk I dropped, but there was a hole in the carton of the milk. I picked it up, but all the milk was gone.

*Sigh* I went back to the store to get more milk.

After I got the milk again and as I was about to cross the road, I looked towards the left and saw an old man crossing it. I looked to the right and saw a truck coming towards the old man. I dropped my milk again and ran towards him. Unfortunately, this time, the truck was too close so I could only push the old man out of the way. I looked towards the truck and closed my eyes.


I heard the truck hit something, but I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes and checked my own body, but it was fine. I looked towards where I pushed the old man and saw that the truck changed its direction at the last minute towards the place where I pushed him.

I looked around and saw the old man who was run over by the truck, blood was everywhere. I turned my head around because I could not look at the man I just killed and when I turned my head, my nose touched another truck.


I felt a pain I have never felt before and everything turned dark. The next thing I knew, I woke up with these yellow eyes looking down on me.


I opened my eyes and looked towards the yellow eyes looking at me "Am I dead?"

"No, you appear to be pretty alive to me!" The deep voice said

"Then, where am I?"

"You are at my home!"

"How did I get here?"

"You appeared out of nowhere"

"What are you?"

"You would not believe me even if I told you. Now, get out of my house!" The deep voice said with a cold tone which made me shiver.

"How do I get out?" I said in a low voice

"Use the way you came from!"

"Where did I come from?"

"You are really helpless. Okay, this time, I will send you off, but the next time you come here, I will kill you!" The deep voice said before I felt something sharp touch my chest.


The darkness was gone and I was in the middle of a forest. The light was too bright, so I covered my eyes with my hands and that's when I realized that my hands have gotten smaller and whiter. I looked down at my body and saw that I was naked.

"What is this!?"

Before I could check out what happened to my body, I felt a huge amount of tiredness take over me and I could barely hold my eyes open, but it was of no use because my body started to fall asleep and I closed my eyes and went to a deep slumber on the ground I was sitting on.

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