《Bloodborne》28: Reunion


His body moved before he could know what was happening. His hand was inside the beast’s skull, he had used the wounds caused by the bullet to insert his right hand inside. He watched with horror and surprise as his hand changed its shape. He had a long right arm and claws protruding from what used to be his fingers. He felt himself squashing the beast’s brain as its body wriggled and struggled. His claws had penetrated the squishy organ and ripped it apart. The monster stopped moving and as he pulled his hand back, he felt a surge of energy going through his entire body. “Yes, satiate us, bless us with blood” he looked at his hand, which went back to being normal and wondered at what happened. Blood was rushing out of the beast’s head and he started drinking from it immediately. He had no time to lose. He had already lost too much blood. As he drank to his fill, his wounds closed and he regained his vitality. He finally managed to get rid of this monstrosity, no thanks to Paul who shamelessly ran away.

“Are you a hunter?” a voice said behind him. Surgit turned around, ready for another fight. It was a woman, holding his pistol. “I think that belongs to you” she went on, handing the gun back to him: “I wonder what kind of bullets these things have.” As he looked at the woman, he realized that she seemed familiar. It was Karla, Francis’s bodyguard. “You’re an excellent markswoman, thanks for your help back there” he said containing his shock at seeing another familiar face. “It’s the least we could do, that thing was standing on our way too” another voice said from behind Karla. “By the gods, it’s you isn’t it Surgit? I almost didn’t recognize you.” Francis had a sharp mind and recognized Surgit from first sight. “I must say, seeing you drinking blood from that beast frightened the living hell out of me” continued Francis.


“How did you get that strong? I swear I saw you smash against a wall and fall unconscious on our arrival to the city” Asked Francis “For a sharp man, you still lack in Yharnam knowledge.” Replied Karla, “He is definitely a hunter, I’m shocked that he could be Surgit, that weakling couldn’t even lift a finger against a fly” “The woman is right, I am a hunter.” Said Surgit, he tried to sound dignified and confident. “As for you Sir Francis, I’m glad to see that you’re still alive too, what happened to the other bodyguards?” “Didn’t I tell you?” Exclaimed Francis looking at Karla again. Her eyes had widened and he enjoyed patronizing her. “Did you get a blood ministration?” He asked as he turned towards Surgit. “A mysterious old man had indeed accepted to give me blood ministration. I haven’t been able to find him since” He replied as Francis’s face saddened. “Well with the beast out of the way, we can at least access the Healing Church Quarters. Someone at the Cathedral might be of help.” Replied Francis, he was exasperated, yet full of hope.

Surgit looked at Karla, that woman had always underestimated him. He hated that, and his pride had spoken too fast earlier when he revealed his identity. In retrospect, he regretted admitting going through blood ministration. “Catch!” Karla had thrown something towards him. She was searching the beast’s body and had found something. He caught the item and while looking at it, a sharp pain shot through his brain. He held his head with both hands let out a painful cry.

He opened his eyes and found Karla and Francis looking at him. “Are you alright weakling?” said Karla in a sarcastic tone. He got up, fighting the headache he had. “What was that thing you threw at me? Were you trying to kill me?” He was shouting angrily at Karla. She had her hand on her sword’s pommel and he was ready to strike with his own cleaver at any time. It was high time he taught this arrogant woman a lesson. “You’re still holding onto whatever she threw at you” said Francis in a calm voice. He was indeed holding it in his left arm. He looked at the bizarre item. It was a pendant of some sort. His head was still throbbing and he felt like he could faint at any moment. “It looks like a miniature sword” said Surgit as he inspected the item. He gave it to Francis. The man had more knowledge about artifacts as he was an avid collector. “This is a healing church relic” he started, “I’ve seen an illustration somewhere on the books I had on the ship. I remember it had something to do with the church.” He was definitely puzzled as he looked at the item. “What was it doing with a beast then?” asked Karla, she was as intrigued as the others. “I don’t think we’ll find out by standing idly here” said Francis as he handed the pendant back to Surgit, albeit with reluctance.

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