《Cyber Clash Online - Synchronization》Chapter 5 : Revolver-X


"Breaking News : This is a breaking news alert brought to you by your very own Eyewitness Report, my name is Rebecca and tonight we bring you a scene straight out of a science fiction novel!"

The camera pans and focuses on a city just beneath them, a city of darkness.

"As you can see, the once bustling metropolis of Boston, a commonly debated location for a future CCO server, now appears to be abandoned! We here at Eyewitness Report are dedicated to bringing you the most up to date and valuable news, so we drove out here ourselves to verify the reports that were broadcasted earlier, by Dr. Alexander Richmond. They appear to be accurate!"

"We've tried to get in touch with any local authorities and nobody will answer. I think now we can see why..."

"Rebecca! Look!" The cameraman points towards something in the distance and the reporter turns, squinting.

"What the... zoom in, zoom in!"

The camera moves and focuses on a suburb-looking area then zooms in.

They both gasp as a patrol of robots comes into focus, red eyes scanning the streets as they marched.

"And over there!"

The camera adjusts again and suddenly a group of orcs, riding motorcycles and wearing biker-gang attire, zooms down a street and out of view.

"You're seeing this here first, ladies and gentlemen, there appear to be monsters of some sort in the abandoned cities and towns! Stay tuned, as we continue to bring you more of the latest news as this situation unfolds!"


I couldn't believe it. Not only was there a possibility of saving my family, but also some mad man was forcing us to kill each other in order to accomplish it. It was like all of my favorite TV shows, Video Games, and Novels were coming true at the same time. It wasn't as cool, however, when the weight of death was on your own shoulders.

I would have to take the lives of others in order to save those I loved and I wasn't sure I was ready for it or ever would be.

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked, looking between Ben and Rio, neither of them having any ideas. I found another sorry excuse for a computer chair and sat down, resting my head in my palms, rubbing my eyes. I hadn't realized how exhausted I was.

"I suppose," Ben said, "We should check your email and figure out what the tournament is even about. Once we get more details we can begin planning."

"You mean we're going to go along with it?"

"What choice do we have? It's us or them, and besides what's done is done. You used that orb."

He was right. It was participate and fight or be disqualified and just disappear. And I had used the orb. I had caused this.

Before guilt could consume me, I remembered something.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, rounding on Rio, trying to keep my composure amidst all of the confusion and sudden life-change. "Why did you give us that quest!?"

Rio took a deep breath, obviously waiting for this to be brought up. "Imagine for a moment, If you will, YenNet controlling not only half of the worlds companies and internet providers, but also the digital world as well. We're talking about a legit monopoly here."

"What does that have to do with anything Rio!?"

"Everything! We had to make sure that one of us used it before them, someone we could trust. We had to give the control to a person who wouldn't use it to take over the world and hold people hostage."


"Yeah a lot of good that did." I ran my fingers through my hair, my regular-old brown hair.

"Yeah, obviously it didn't work as we expected but hey, at least there is still a chance."

"A chance?"

"If the orb succeeded and all of the clans will be converging on this tournament then that means YenNet has to win. Rather than them figuring out how the orb works and simply taking what it offered, they are bound by the same rules as all of us."

"About those rules..." Ben looked up at us with an expression that said, "Let's save it for later."

"Fine." I turned away from them and pulled my chair up to an old computer, turning it on and the monitor after. I navigated to my email client and checked my inbox.

There it was, right at the top, marked as important. It also would trigger a read receipt once I clicked on it.

FROM : Anonymous Sender - SUBJECT : Revolver-X, Congratulations!

I took a deep breath and clicked.

The email appeared on the screen and Ben and Rio huddled around to read.



You have been cordially invited to participate in the greatest event in the history of the world, the Cyber Clash Online - Clan Battle Royale!

As it currently stands, you are ranked 25 out of 25 clans.

Please gather your comrades, up to a maximum of five clan members (including you), and get to Tokyo, where the Battle Royale will be hosted. Getting there safely is but the first part of the challenge! Arrive by the 1st of next month or be disqualified! Location will be programmed into your CCO interactive map by way of quest marker.

Rules are as follows:

No equipment can be brought into the tournament. All equipment must be found within the boundaries.

Deaths are permanent. Only if your clan wins will any members be revived and restored to the server.

Last clan with any members alive will be declared winner!



My eyes flashed blue and a notification appeared in the upper corner of my vision.

"Quest Received : Battle Royale"

I hovered over the Decline option, letting out a deep sigh before clicking accept.

"Quest Accepted : Battle Royale"

"No equipment eh, that's going to be interesting." Ben said, reading over the email again. Rio was already to work on his laptop mapping the area around Tokyo, checking if any flights were still active, doing research on forums to see if any other clans were posting, or invited. I could see why Ben liked having him around.

"It looks like most airlines are down, considering this a high-alert security threat," he said, mindlessly playing with his beard. "Also, nice luck on being ranked 25 there."

"Yeah luck..." I said, leaning back on my chair. What would have happened if Revolver-X was rank 26? Would I even be alive right now? "I suppose we will have to use Belias." I looked over at Ben who nodded.

"Probably the only way. Though I'm not sure how long it will take to fly to Japan from here."

"Yeah the sooner we leave the better."

I was trying to just let the situation envelop me and focus on the task at hand, not on the deaths or disappearance of my family and friends, not on the fact that this was no longer a game but real lives were at stake. I had to focus on the elements that I could control.

And I would. I was going to win this tournament and figure out how to save everyone possible along the way.


"Holy shit Phoenix, is that you?" A voice suddenly blasted over my clan chat, which only I was connected to. A very recognizable voice. I shot out of my chair, much to the surprise of Rio and Ben.


"Who else would it be!? I just saw the news broadcast. Damn. This is fucked up."

"Right?" It was such a relief to hear a familiar voice. Sure being in the same party as Graz Black was fantastic, but in the whirlwind of change I found myself in, familiarity was so very welcome. "I just accepted the quest, inviting you officially to the party... now."

"Alright! Didn't expect to be doing anything today other than finals, but I guess... Ummm Phoenix."


"Your real name is Valys? Also, who's this Ben guy?"

Now that Jumba was in our party, he could see the other members, though since neither of them were connected, it must be showing our real names. I opened the party menu.

"Wait a minute, your name is Karl? I thought it was Max. Also how are you level 14!?"

"Nice to meet you... officially I guess. Oh! Check your messages!"

I opened my messages and was overwhelmed with notifications.

Character : Phoenix - Level Up x3

+ 325 Max HP

+ 33 Max AP

+ 12 Stat Points for distribution

Passive Skill : Long Range Accuracy - Level Up x2

Current Level : 5

+ 12% to Long Range Accuracy

+ 12% Hit when firing a Long Range Weapon

Mount Proficiency : Dragon - Learned!

- Dragons can now be mounted

+ 25% Speed while mounted on a Dragon

Weapon Proficiency : Sniper Rifle - Level Up x1

Current Level : 4

+ 11% Damage with Sniper Rifles

+ 8 Sniper Ammo Capacity

Skill : Paint in Red - Level Up x1

Current Level : 3

+4 seconds to skill duration

+1 smoke grenade available


Character : Valys - Level Up x28

-No skill points available.

-5% to APDR (Ability Point Decay Rate) when Connected.

+8% Synchronization.

Skill : Connect - Learned!

- When two worlds become one. Connect to your alter-ego.

Passive Skill : Calm and Collected - Learned!

- Keep calm under pressure and use your focus to overcome your enemies!

Passive Skill : Escapism - Learned!

- You're always one step ahead of those who seek you.

"Woah!" I shouted in surprise, trying to read through all of the skills and abilities that had increased. Apparently not only could my character Phoenix level up, but I could too, as Valys.

What did that even mean?

I checked my config and sure enough there was a setting to hide all level-up notifications. I turned it off, hoping that it wouldn't distract me in the future and get me killed or something.

"You mean we level up as well?" I noticed Ben's eyes were glowing blue, him also looking at his notifications. "That's... pretty cool actually."

"Yeah but no skill points. It seems like mostly mental and connection-based abilities." I scrolled through them, reading and trying to understand.

"We really know nothing and there definitely isn't a guide or rule-book. Looks like we're going to have to figure this out as we go."

I nodded, opening up my status menu to see my new self.

"What is synchronization?" I asked.

"Probably something to do with our connected selves." Ben had a grin on his face and I knew he was loving this. Aside from everything happening, we sure were nerds for statistics and video games.

"It looks like we need to be connected to see our other stats."

"Woah! You doubled my level!" Jumba, or I guess Karl, said. "What have you guys been doing!?"

"Just trying to survive. I think it was YenNet who sent people after me."

"Hold on, people were after you?"

"Are after me," I corrected him. "I'll give you more details when we meet, but for now we're going to have to get the clan together. Have you heard from anyone else? Sixes? Graph?"

"Neither. They are still showing offline in the clan menu, hopefully that isn't a bad sign. They must be freaked out right now. Everyone saw the broadcast."

"Well keep trying. I'm going to send them an email through the clan channel and hopefully everyone shows... otherwise."

"Yeah... I saw. Disqualified and dead."

"Yep. But I believe in them. Once it all settles, they'll show."

"Agreed. I'll talk to you soon, Pho-err... Valys."

"Wait, you can get to Tokyo okay?" I asked him, wondering how many people we could fit on Belias and how many detours we could take and still make it.

"Don't worry about me," Karl replied. "I'll see you in Japan! Always wanted to go there."

Karl has left the party.

I sighed. I could do this. WE could do this.

Revolver-X had gotten through everything together and we wouldn't stop now. No matter what my parents or fellow students might say, my friendships with my fellow clan-mates were as real and dependable as any other relationship. With everything else going on, I had to rely on that. I had to trust that.

"Well I'm glad you two are having fun over there," Rio said, still mashing away on his laptop at incredible speed. "meanwhile Dr. Richmond was nice enough to book you all reservations at a 5-star hotel, though I wasn't able to pull it up on any internet search. I think... I think it's new."

"New as in newly constructed?" Ben asked, eyes back to their normal color.

"In a sense. I think it was constructed on the server and brought to life in the physical realm, similar to the enemy soldiers that attacked us. I think it's a part of CCO. Look."

Rio opened up an image of the hotel on the TV screen, along with a chat feed that was scrolling next to it. Apparently someone had already arrived in Tokyo and was live-streaming it.

"Is that..."

Ben suddenly stood from his chair and moved closer to the TV.


The streamer stood in front of a glass window, his reflection clearly visible in the night light.

Hell_Reaper wore a long black jacket, with golden bullets wrapped around the cuffs. Skulls replaced the buttons and his skinny black pants were wrapped in athletic tape that gave his legs an almost skeletal appearance. His hood was up, so I couldn't see his hair, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways. Because Hell_Reaper wore the mask of a demon.

Where Graz Black was the most famous and well respected player in CCO, Hell_Reaper was the most infamous. Being the only player capable of fighting Graz, Hell_Reaper was a PKer (Player Killer). Since nobody but Graz could stop him, he killed with reckless abandon, most of the time while live-streaming for his sadistic followers' enjoyment. Eventually he gathered a large fan-base and founded a clan called the Dead Jokers. They were ranked number two, last time I had checked.

"Can't wait until everyone gets here," Hell_Reaper said, his voice dripping like poison. "It's gonna be fun!"

The chat swarmed with laughing emojis and even though he wore his mask, I knew he was smiling.

The screen suddenly went dark, Ben having turned it off in frustration. He slammed his fist down onto the desk.

"Those bastard PKers. Don't they realize that it's not just fake anymore!? They're going to be killing real people and his fans are just eating it up!"

I knew right away that Ben had a history with that man. For some reason it seemed to be more personal and deeper than just a CCO feud. I didn't bother asking about it though, especially not with him so worked up. I knew it wouldn't help. Instead I made him a proposition.

"Then let's stop him." I stood and walked over to Ben, reaching a hand out rather than placing it on him for comfort. I breathed out, knowing that I needed to be strong continually throughout all of this. My clan's lives were at stake. Everybody's lives were at stake.

"Join us."

He tilted his head and looked up at me, anger, frustration, and fear all painted on his face.

"You know I play solo..."

"Yeah well times change, in case you weren't paying attention. Now I hadn't brought this up, because I didn't want to assume anything, but you are only here due to the pure luck of living in a CCO server city. My clan only has 4 members and unless we find a 5th, we will be disqualified by default. We need you and you need this."


"Listen Ben, you are the most powerful character in all of CCO. People need you. If not for me, then do it for them." I sent him the clan invite, my eyes flashing blue briefly.

Ben looked up at me, eyes misty. It felt as though he was reading my soul. Eventually he stood. His eyes turned blue and he swiped right in the air, accepting my invite.

"I would have done it just for you," he said, as he left the room.


I tried to sleep, but couldn't. The allure was too tempting. I tried to play it cool and pretend like it didn't matter. I was the clan leader, after all. I had to be professional.

But hey, I also was only 18. I just had to.

Laying on a makeshift bed that Rio had set up for me, I opened my menu and highlighted Connect, speaking the words to activate the command. I felt myself change and where Valys once was, Phoenix now lay. The strength and power that I held felt so good, it almost could be mistaken for a drug. After I soaked the feeling in, I navigated to the Clan option, waiting for a moment and taking a deep breath before selecting it.

Now that Graz was a clan member, I had access to his stats.

I would finally know.

I nearly fell out of the bed onto the cold cement floor. I had expected a powerful character, but not this.

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