《The Fairy Squad Princesses: A Magical Awakening (Book 1)》Chapter 5: Runway Disaster


Today was the annual Miss Fairy Teen Fashion Contest. Anybody who claimed to be a fashionista knew about the MFTFC. Every year a selected number of gifted fairies get chosen to participate in a chance to win a spread in the Miss Fairy Teen fashion magazine. The day Crystal heard about the contest, she automatically knew she had to enter. Crystal found out about the contest during the first week of school. Despite evil trying to get rid of her and her friends, she still managed to put her homework on hold to focus on getting a design profile ready.

“OMG girls!” Crystal squealed in overjoy.

“What is it, Cee?” asked her besties.

“The head honchos of Miss Fairy Teen have chosen moi as one of their contestants for a chance to get published in their magazine!”

“It’s amazing how even in another dimension Crystal is always up to the latest fashion trends.” Ivy started laughing.

“Cee, I’ve always told you that your clothes were muy magnifique since we were in diapers,” Serena said jokingly.

“Alright, I need you three to be my models,” said Crystal.

“Umm! I hate to be a Debby Downer, but we have a huge midterm coming up and we need to study… some more than others,” said Kristy, while staring at Crystal.

“Fine, okay. I promise we can all study after this; come on girls.”

“I don’t know, Cee,” said Serena.

“Please, please, please, pleeeeeease,” Crystal begged.

“Okay fine! Girls, let’s help her.”

“Yay! I already called Josh. He and the guys are on their way here.”


“Ugh! Professor Helga’s class was totally lame.” Storm yawned loudly.

“Yeah, talk about a major snore fest.” Jewels yawned too.

“Hey, did anyone else notice Zoe wasn’t in class today?” said Ices.

“Yeah, I can’t believe she ditched without us; the nerve. I’m usually the one not showing up to class,” said Storm.

“Hello ladies,” said a man’s voice standing behind them.

“AHHHHHHHH!” Ices, Jewels, and Storm screamed.

“Hey, what were you trying to do? Give us a heart attack!” Ices whispered.

“And what if one of the witch advisors were in here checking on us?” Jewels asked.

“Or even worse, we could have been getting dressed!” Storm shouted.

“Oh, hush! I thought I would come visit and bring you four some news about the meddlers,” said King Darwin.

“Go on,” Ices insisted.

“Blondie and her friends are entering the annual Miss Fairy Teen Fashion Contest.”

“Ugh! That magazine with all the cutesy rainbows, heart-shaped everything! Gag me,” said Storm, as she held her stomach and gagged.

“Why are you telling us this?” Ices asked.

“Because, I figured, what better way to ruin a fairy than by crushing her dreams?” King Darwin smirked scarily.

“Hmm, this is going to be fun.”

“By the way, Zoe and her conceited boyfriend and the ogre are at the Jinx Café.”

“Well, time to go interrupt their date,” said Jewels.


“Zoe, your best witches are here,” said Ices, as she walked through the café entrance.

“Oh, hey girls,” said Zoe, as she waved.


“Whatever! Zoe, a dark crow told us you were here,” said Jewels.

“And it looks like we weren’t invited.” Storm stated, as she folded her arms.

Zoe continues, “Girls, it was a last-minute thing. I would have brought you ladies something back.” However, from the look on Zoe’s face it was clear she was lying.

“Anyway, we have a sprite’s dream to smash, so let’s get going. But first, you can treat us to the highest thing on the menu,” said Ices.

“Oh, would you look at that; I didn’t bring my purse.”

“No problem! Why don’t you just use a spell and bring it here?”

“Hey, where’s Bruce?” Jewels asked.

“Blowing up the restroom,” Mectrics replied.

“Okay, that is just way too much information,” said Storm.

“Here, give him this pill. It will ease his stomach and when you’re done, meet us in front of the Gala in Downtown Spells,” said Ices.


After hours of sketching and clothes designing, Crystal and her team were ready to head to the Gala where the contest was taking place. Meanwhile, the Vortex and their nitwits were busy putting another diabolical plan into action.

“Hello, we’re here for the contest,” said Ices, disguised as a fairy.

“Okay, what fairy school do you girls go to?” asked the magic security officer.

“Umm! Fluttery Wings.”

“Hmm, I’ve never heard of that school.”

“It’s because it’s located on the much farther side of the MD.”

“Cool. Let me just check and make sure you lovely girls are on the list.”

“Oh, we’re on it; Jewels do your thing,” Ices told Jewels telepathically.

“Dark Deception,” Jewels whispered, as she cast the spell on the magic security officer.

“Alright, I see Fluttery Wings check. Now do you lovely fairies need any assistance to the hair and makeup room?”

“Umm, no thanks; we have our own assistants. Marco! Bruno! Hurry up with those bags!” shouted Ices.

The Gala was packed from every corner and inch of the room: all except for the runway. A few of the most talked about gossipers and fashion icons around the Magic Dimension were in the audience. Backstage, there were different designers that were getting their models ready for the runway.


“Wow! Look at the competition we’re going up against; all these other talented fairies,” said Crystal.

“Don’t worry Crystal, you’ll do fine,” said Serena.

“I’m not worried about me; I’m worried about how you guys will look on the runway.”

“Chill, chica everything is going to be fine,” Ivy replied assuredly.

It was finally time for the contest to begin. The judges and audience members had their scoring cards ready. The CEOs of Miss Fairy Teen’s fashion magazine and modeling company, Patrice Wingsworth, and her twin brother, Calvin Wingsworth, strolled on stage to make an announcement.

“Hello! Welcome everyone to this year’s Miss Fairy Teen Contest!” Patrice Wingsworth smiled.

“¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a todos al concurso Miss Fairy Teen de este año!” Calvin Wingsworth translated.

“Like always, this year’s winner and their models will walk away with a grand prize of being featured in our summer’s collection spread magazine that releases this summer in the month of July.”


“Como siempre, el ganador de este año y sus modelos saldrán con un gran premio al ser presentados en la revista de colección de nuestro verano que se estrenará este verano en el mes de Julio.”

“Alright, hope everyone is ready because we are! Let the competition begin!”

"Bien, ¡espero que todos estén listos porque lo estamos! Deje que comience la competencia!"

#RunwayMusic #StrutYourStuff

So far, nothing strange or terrible had happened and everyone walking the runway was walking on and off it with no problems. Well, a few girls almost fell off the stage because they obviously needed some training from Beyoncé to walk in heels. Finally, there were only two groups left to hit the runway: Crystal and her friends, as well as the so-called fairies from Fluttery Wings Academy. Ices and her girls, in disguise, decided to rip the runway before Crystal and her friends. They needed to walk the runway first to set their trap into effect.

“Now that’s how you rip the runway,” said Ices, still in disguise, as her and her girls walked off it.

“Wow! Listen to the sound of the crowd’s cheers,” said Ivy.

“Those fairies definitely knew how to strut their stuff,” Serena applauded.

“Hmm, maybe too much if you ask me,” said Crystal.

“Oh Cee, stop hating. It’s now our turn and we’re going to kill it, trust me,” said Josh.

Crystal walked onto the runway and gave a small speech before her girls and the guys hit the runway.

“Umm, hey. My name is Crystal, and this is how fashion speaks to me. Oh, and the models are my three BFFs, Josh, and his friends. I hope you all enjoy!”

Earth sensation Adam Lambert’s song Strut played as Serena, Ivy, Kristy, Max, Josh, Brock, and Roux hit the runway. Crystal watched from behind the stage and then she noticed the fairies that said they were from Fluttery Fairy High Academy were nowhere to be found nor was their humongous chauffeur or hairstylist. That is when Crystal put two and two together; well actual six because it was the witches in disguise and their two tagalongs. Crystal tried to warn her friends, but it was too late; they all were on the runway. Suddenly, a beam of dark energy shot out of the runway floor.

“Get off the runway!” Crystal shouted.

“AHHHHHHHH!” screamed Crystal’s friends.

“Hahahahaha! Looks like your friends are in a bit of a shocking situation,” said Ices.

“Ugh it’s you witches! I knew it!” shouted Crystal.

“Mectrics, be a dear and clear out the audience,” Zoe ordered.

“With pleasure.” Mectrics grinned.

“This is an outrage! We aren’t about to let you witches ruin our show!” yelled Patrice and Calvin Wingsworth.

“Ooh, a pair of twins! Ladies, let's turn them into monsters.” Ices grinned once more.


“AHHHHHHHH!” the audience yelled as they tried to clear the building.

“Introducing our two new monsters,” said Storm.

“We are the Dark Twin Ninjas, Natsuki and Zukoku” said no longer twins, Patrice and Calvin.

“Looks like I’m going to have to defend myself. It’s time to transform!” Crystal shouted.

“Time to sit back and watch the show,” said Ices, as she smirked.

“Ugh! We have to help Crystal,” said Serena.

“What about using our scepters?” Ivy suggested.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Storm warned.

“Yeah, the only way you all will be able to get out of here is if blondie defeats the ninjas,” said Jewels.

“But it looks like that’s not going to happen.” Bruce chuckled.

“Hahahaha,” the evil ones laughed.

“SUNBEAM!” Crystal shouted.

“Disappear,” whispered Zukoku.

“What?” Crystal looked puzzled.

“Crystal behind you!” shouted Josh.

“Gotcha!” shouted Zukoku as he grabbed Crystal.

“Let me go!” Crystal screamed.

“KICK PUNCH!” Natsuki yelled as she kicked Crystal in the stomach.

“AHHHHHHHH!” screamed Crystal as she crash-landed into the chairs.


Things were not looking too great for Crystal. It seemed like the creatures the Vortex summoned were getting stronger each time.

“Oh no! Crystal!” Serena could not bear to watch anymore.

“Ha-ha! She’s finished,” Ices chuckled as she grinned.

“Crystal, don’t give up!” Josh shouted.

“Quiet! ELECTRIC BLAST!” shouted Storm.

“AHHHHHHH!” Crystal’s friends yelled as they got blasted.

“No! I must save them! Please someone help us!” Crystal cried.

The same light that mystically appeared when Serena and Ivy achieved their scepters had come and now it was Crystal’s time.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Crystal was ready to test out her scepter.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Ices’ mouth dropped.

“Hey, hope you all wore sunscreen! RISING SUPREME SUNBURST!” yelled Crystal.

“Uh-oh!” Jewels gasped.

“Let’s get…” said Storm.

“Out of…” Ices said.

“Here!” shouted Zoe.

“Wait! Don’t forget about us!” yelled Mectrics and Bruce.

“What is going on?” asked Natsuki.

“This heat is unbearable,” whined Zukoku.

“And it’s about to get hotter; DISINTEGRATE!”

“NOOOOOOOO!” screamed both Dark Ninjas.

“Looks like another win for the fairies and heroes!” shouted Crystal.

“You go Crystal!” shouted her friends.

“Ah, don’t mention it! Now Serena, go ahead and use some of your healing power. These two are going to need it.” Crystal started laughing.

After Serena used her powers to awaken the Wingsworth twins, they decided to resume the fashion contest in about an hour. An hour had flown by and everyone returned in time to cash in their votes. The Wingsworth twins tallied all the votes from the audience, along with the three fashion guru judges, Perez Mago, Kelly Starborn, and Tyra Stellar. They were finally ready to announce the leading designer and her team.

“The winner of this year’s Miss Fairy Teen’s summer and modeling contest is none other than Miss Crystal and her friends!” announced the twins.

“OMG I-I mean… we won!” Crystal jumped up and down in excitement.

“We knew you could do it girl!” said Ivy.

“Now let’s enjoy this time because next week we must get ready for our huge midterm before Spring Break,” said Kristy.

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