《The Fairy Squad Princesses: A Magical Awakening (Book 1)》Chapter 3: Trip to the Magic Dimension


Mrs. Wings had successfully transported Serena, Max, and their friends to Spells. The teens were speechless the moment they stepped out of the portal, and into the World of Magic. Spells was strikingly different compared to Planet Earth. There wasn’t a single car in sight, only hovercrafts, and tricked-out flying hoverboards. These flying mobiles were environmentally friendly and solar-powered. Thus, conserving the fresh air, rather than how on Earth gas-powered vehicles polluted the atmosphere. There weren’t any utility poles in sight because even the lights were solar-powered.

Serena and her friends could even feel the difference of how the sun beamed down upon their skin than it did back on Earth. It was if the sun was giving them a welcoming hug. On Earth, the teens wanted to avoid the sun in fear of getting a sunburn or perspiring a lot. But here the sun made them smile and for a moment made them forget about their worries of having to learn how to adapt to this new world. The reason the sun made them feel this way was that the sun in the Magic Dimension was the coffee for magical beings. It was like giving them an energy boost, but without having to eat anything. The moon also has this effect, but mainly for those who tend to study the Dark Arts instead of those who use god magic.

Spells is also known as the center of Magic Dimension where the four schools meet and the place where all the shopping centers are located. Unlike Earth, in the Magic Dimension, there are only four types of high schools. The fairies attend Fairy High Academy, the school for young, pure-hearted fairies. A school where they will spend four years learning how to master their powers for the greater good and eventually become Guardian Fairies. FHA is led by Headmistress Valery Olivia Wings. Some say she has been around for at least two centuries; well, however old she is, she looks amazing.

As for the school down the lane, residing in the Black Forest, is Dark Spells High Academy, the school for witches. Dark Spells is led by Headmistress Gertrude Broomstick Ganondorf-Green. Green teaches her witches how to use their magic for the greater good of evil. Since when is their “good evil?” Dark Spells is also the school where the four evil, power-hungry, senior witches, the Vortex attend.

Meanwhile, back on the sunny side of the Magic Dimension, is the school for heroes: Bravery Arts High Academy. There are two types of heroes that attend BAHA; those who use magical weapons known as knights and those who can freely use magic from the palm of their hands called wizards. The school’s headmaster is Headmaster Kenneth Gregory Marcellus. The goal for the academy is for young heroes, also known as Conquerors, to learn survival techniques and how to use their enchanted weapons or magic.

The last high school in the magic dimension is another mischievous one known as Warlock High Academy. Warlock High Academy is a school for young men who study the Dark Arts; this is why they’re referred to as warlocks instead of wizards. The headmaster of WHA is Headmaster Nigel Kroger Nicholas. His methods are strict and he does not accept anything lower than perfection from his students. Mectrics attends WHA and is accompanied by his long-time buddy, Bruce. Ogres do not have their own school because most of them are unteachable, but Bruce, believe it or not, is an exception to the rule. He isn’t smart, but he isn’t too dumb.

Thus, before the fairies headed off to FHA, Mrs. Wings took them to the Crispy Supreme Spells donut shop. Inside the shop indulging on his delicious donut was Headmaster Marcellus. He was there waiting to meet his new students.


“Well, what happened to you watching your weight old man?” Mrs. Wings laughed, as she slapped the back of the man scarfing down the donut.

“Oh, hush up, Val. You know I couldn’t pass up getting a Crispy Supreme Spells donut since I had to come down here to pick up the boys.” He then took another bite of his cream-filled donut.

“Hey, it’s Headmaster Marcellus!” said the guys.

“Yes, it is! But I would prefer you boys to call me Professor Marcellus instead. The name Headmaster doesn’t really fit me, but enough of the introductions. It’s now time to get down to business.”

“Yes, while you’re all here, we must warn you that there are four magic schools in the Magic Dimension. Girls, you’ll be attending FHA: Fairy High Academy, the school for young fairies that are learning to master their powers and become Guardian Fairies,” Mrs. Wings explained.

“Boys, you’ll be coming with me to BAHA: Bravery Arts High Academy, where we’ll whip you weaklings into strong, powerful men.” Professor Marcellus grunted while showing off his muscles.

“However, there are two more schools that you must stay away from. The first is WHA: Warlock High Academy. It’s the school for dark wizards who refer to themselves as warlocks; and lastly, the school for witches DSHA: Dark Spells High Academy,” Mrs. Wings warned.

“Something tells me our four favorite witches go there.” Serena sarcastically stated.

“I wonder if their Headmistress knows what they’re up to?” Crystal asked.

“We don’t know for sure; but until then, you eight need to stay clear from their schools regardless,” said Professor Marcellus.

“Yes, even if their teachers have no clue what they’re doing, the rivalry between the schools of the light and the schools of darkness still feud against each other,” said Mrs. Wings.

Now that the pre-introduction was over, it was time for the fairies and heroes to part until it was time to meet again. With evil afoot, the quicker the teens' training began, the better. When the girls arrived at their new school, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The FHA campus looked like a life-sized Barbie doll dream house, but way cooler and not too much pink.

“Wow! Is this our high school!” Crystal exclaimed, as her eyes lit up like she was at a buy one, get two pairs free shoe sale.

“It looks way better than our school on Earth,” said Serena.

“Girl yes, by far!” Kristy laughed loudly.

“And check out all this beautiful nature intertwined with the school. I can feel the essence surrounding the entire campus with nothing, but positive energy.” Ivy stated with a smile, as she closed her eyes, inhaled, and then exhaled.

Meanwhile, as the fairies and heroes were getting situated in their new schools, the Vortex were attending their first day back at DSHA. The four were officially senior witches and ready to start bossing around and installing fear in the underclass witches. However, they still needed to keep a low profile because they were not about to let anyone find out about their plans to take over the universe. Also, their plan to overthrow their Headmistress and make Dark Spells their own personal headquarters.

“Hello to the returning and new witches of Dark Spells High Academy. For those that don’t know, my name is Headmistress Ganondorf-Green, Green for short. Like every year, may it be filled with mischief,” spoke Headmistress Ganondorf-Green.

“I swear she does the same old speech every year.” Storm stated as she began to get aggravated while sitting in the hard, wooden auditorium seats.


“Ugh! I can’t wait until we take over this school,” said Jewels.

“Along with the rest of the universe.” Ices grinned ominously.

“Witches,” King Darwin called the girls telepathically.

“Ladies, it seems like KD is calling us,” said Zoe, as she held her index and middle finger to her right temple.

“Well, we can’t just get up and leave while the HWIC is talking,” said Jewels.

“She may be the Head Witch in Charge right at this moment, but soon enough we won’t be just in charge here, but everywhere as the Queens of Darkness,” said Ices, as she let out a wicked laugh.

The assembly led by Headmistress Green was finally over and classes were postponed until tomorrow. Ices and her girls rushed to see what King Darwin wanted to tell them. They knew they were going to be in for an ear full because King Darwin had as much patience as a grain of rice.

The Vortex had finally arrived back to the Dark Planet.

“What took you witches so long to get here?” King Darwin asked.

“Seems like you don’t remember that we’re still in high school,” said Storm.

“Plus, we need to continue to keep a low profile,” Ices said.

“Yeah, if those meddling kids don’t ruin your cover,” King Darwin assumed.

“What do you mean?” Ices asked.

“The sprites and their life-sized, dress-up Ken dolls are here.”

“Grrrrrrrrr!” growled the witches.

“Ugh! You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Ices, as she rolled her eyes.

“How hard is it to get rid of a bunch of freshies?” Storm asked.

“I don’t know; you tell me?” responded King Darwin.

“Well, I’m not about to just waste my time talking. The sooner we get more energy, the closer we’ll be to freeing Queenie and ruling the universe,” Ices stated.

“And how are we supposed to do that? We’re seniors now. I don’t think Green is just going to let us ditch classes without a valid reason,” said Storm.

“Yeah, we can’t just be like, ‘Oh, Ms. G! We’re working with King Darwin, and we’re going to enslave you and everyone else once we unleash the evilest and powerful, Queen Vidal, from the abyss that she was sealed away in',” Jewels spoke sarcastically.

“Hmm! I have an excellent idea and we’ll be bound to get a lot of positive energy with this attack,” Ices smirked intimidatingly.

“And what plan may that be?” King Darwin asked.

“Green hates those brownies as much as we do. So, if we convince her that our attack is a prank; it’ll be just fine.”


“You four wanted to see me?” Green asked.

“Hello Headmistress,” said the Vortex.

“Yes, we were wondering if you may grant us permission to leave campus tonight with a little extended curfew?” Ices requested.

“For what reason?”

“You do know the brownies and lame heroes are having their annual school get-together. And like always we weren’t invited. Not saying we want to go party with those losers, we just want to cause a little havoc.”

“Hmm! Sounds wicked, alright girls, but don’t get caught or else.”

“Oh, you can count on us! Ha-ha.”

Meanwhile, at FHA, Serena and her girls had just finished meeting their professors. Now they were being led to their dorm room by Mrs. Wings’ best friend, Hilda Sinclair Garnet. Garnet isn’t just Headmistress Wings’ best friend, but she’s also the Co-Headmistress. Many of the fairies that were already attending FHA referred to her as the Queen of Discipline. Her authoritative tone of voice and her appearance screamed mean librarian mixed with a nun.

“Here ladies, this is your room. This will be your home for the next four years. Please don’t make it look like a hurricane struck or pigs running amuck. Also, here are your school uniforms,” said Ms. Garnet.

She snapped her fingers and made Serena and her besties' uniforms appear in their hands.

“Uniforms!” Crystal exclaimed, as her heart started racing.

“I know they’re not… what’s the word you young fairies call it, couture or high-fashioned, but you are allowed to modify your uniforms.”

“Oh, thank God!”

“But not too much now, as it still has to look like an appropriate Fairy High Academy uniform. Also, you’ll be pleased to know that Saturday, Sunday, and holidays are free dress days where you don’t have to wear your uniforms.”

“See Cee, now you can put that fashion eye to work and we get free dress days on the weekends and holidays,” said Serena.

“I feel much better now.” Crystal exhaled with relief.

“Another thing, there’s a rumor that has been going around for years that I’m a witch. I assure you that I am not, but you don’t want to get on my bad side,” said Garnet.

“Oh, we won’t,” said Serena.

“Alright, I’m going to let you young ladies get situated, but please be punctual. The ceremony starts at 8 PM sharp in the school’s ballroom.”

Garnet left Serena and her girls to get settled and escorted the other fairies to their rooms.

“Wow, I can’t believe we get to lavage out in all of this!” Crystal said excitedly.

“Ugh, remember Cee, we’re here to learn. We aren’t on vacation,” said Serena.

“Yeah, Rena is right Cee can you imagine if we get kicked out of this school? What will our parents think of us?” said Ivy.

“Well, I don’t need my time powers to tell me that we’re going to be just fine; now let’s hurry up and get ready for the ceremony,” said Kristy, as she smiled.

“And I know exactly what we’re going to wear. Time for some magic!” said Crystal.

“Umm, but you don’t know any fashion spells,” noted Serena.

“It’s alright because this spell won’t need any words. It’s coming straight from my fashionista heart.”

Crystal snapped her fingers and in a blink of an eye, she and her girls were majorly fierce H2T (head to toe) hot. Thanks to Crystal’s fashion spell and her outstanding fashionable knowledge, the outfits she created for her and her girls fit their personalities perfectly. Now it was time to go to the ceremony and mingle with the guys. As the fairies were getting ready for the ceremony, the guys were getting ready to head to FHA.

“Alright men, remember that this ceremony isn’t for making fools of yourselves by trying to get all the hot fairies numbers,” explained Professor Marcellus.

“Then what’s the point of going?” asked a young man in the crowd.

“You can stay and clean out the Dragon’s Stable instead if you like,” said Marcellus

“Ha-ha! Looks like he told you!” The boys laughed.


The heroes finally arrived at FHA and standing in the courtyard awaited the lovely fairies waiting to be attended by the lavish young men. Max and his guys approached their long-time childhood friends. However, they weren’t suited in normal ceremony attire, they were dressed as warriors. Max’s armor was turquoise and light blue, Josh’s was orange and red, Brock’s was a mixture of dark and peppermint green, and Roux’s was purple and light blue.

“This is a party, right? Well, why isn’t anyone dancing?” Roux asked.

“Roux, you actually said something I can agree with this time! Come on girls, let’s show these boys how to work the dance floor!” screamed Crystal, while grabbing Josh’s arm.

“Whoa! Slow down Crystal!” Josh yelled while getting dragged away.

“Well, you mentioned dancing. Are you going to ask me to dance or not?” Kristy glared at Roux.

“Oh, I don’t think you’re ready for these moves,” said Roux.

“Oh really? Well, show me what you got, Mr. Big Shot,” said Kristy, as she smiled.

While the others were out on the dance floor, Serena and Max decided to enjoy the scenery. Also, they wanted to talk about how they were transitioning from attending a normal high school to ones they thought only existed in fairytales. Besides, Max secretly wanted to just spend time talking to Serena alone and without any of their friends around to tease him every time he got lost for words. It was no secret they both had a crush on each other, but when was someone going to break the ice?

“Hey, Serena, you look, look,” Max began to stutter while trying to hold in his cold sweat.

“It’s okay Max! I know what you’re trying to say and thank you. You look good yourself in your, what is that, your school uniform?” said Serena, as she laughed.

“Ha-ha! Anyway, your highness, for your information this isn’t our school uniform. Professor Marcellus wanted us to wear our armor to this get-together.”

“Ha-ha! Okay, so how are you and the guys doing at Bravery Arts?”

“We’re adjusting, but Josh took it the hardest when he found out that we would be attending a school with only guys.”

“Well, at least you guys will be paying attention in class now instead of staring at the girls.”

As the students from Fairy High and Bravery Arts were having a good time at the dance, the four evil witches from Dark Spells were getting ready to wreak some major havoc. For them not to get caught, Ices ordered Jewels to create a cloaking spell to hide their magical presence. The reason is that when in a close enough range, fairies and witches can sense their opposites’ magical presence.

“Alright, ladies. Thanks to Jewels, no one knows we’re here; now let’s see,” said Ices.

“Hey, did I miss anything?” questioned a blond, spiky-haired fellow in the shadows.

“Jewels, I thought you said the spell was going to work!”

“Chill Ices,” said Mectrics, as he came out of the dark.

“How about instead I turn you into a block of ice?”

“Mec, babe, you’ve made it! But how did you escape? You know Nicholas is strict on letting his students roam free?” said Zoe

“I used a spell to duplicate myself; and since I don’t know how long the spell is going to last, Bruce is watching me, so to speak.”

“Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff! We have a mission to handle!” Ices reminded.

“Hey Ices, are those freshies who we think they are?” asked Storm.

“Ugh! It’s those Earth losers. They may have foiled our plans when we attacked Earth, but this is our realm. Time to summon an energy stealing creature and ruin this lame gathering,” said Ices.

“May the beast awaken to wreak havoc on these young fairies, lame wannabe heroes, and ancient teachers, and steal their energy!” said the four witches.

The witches’ newest creature was on the loose and all the witches and Mectrics had to do was sit back and enjoy the show. A loud sound had momentarily emerged on the other side of the campus followed by a bunch of screams. Mrs. Wings had a feeling that this was another attack from the Dark Planet, but she and the other magic administrators needed to ensure that the other students on the courtyard were kept under control. Therefore, she let Serena, Max, and their friends go check out what travesty was going on. When they finally arrived at the location of where the screams came from, they noticed an ugly creature standing over some unconscious fairies and heroes whose life energy was clearly stripped from them.

“Hey! Leave them alone!” shouted Serena.

“Yeah, whatever you are!” yelled Crystal.

“Hello, Hello! I’m The Ballroom Ghoul! Madame Swan and I’m here to steal your energy!” Madame Swan announced.

“You won’t be stealing anything! Girls, it’s time for some butt-kicking, fairy action!” shouted Serena.

“FAIRY POWER TRANSFORM!” shouted Serena and her girls.

“Well let’s see if you fairies can dance and sing. DANCING PIROUETTE! SPIRAL VOCAL BLAST! LA, LA, LA, LAAAA!” screeched the ghoul.

“Hey, cut that out!” screamed the girls.

“Looks like the girls need our help,” said Max.

“Hey ugly, why don’t you leave those girls alone and come dance with us?” asked Josh.

“It’ll be my pleasure,” said the tone-deaf ghoul.

As Madame Swan charged towards the guys, Serena and her girls were coming up with a way to get rid of the tone-deaf creature. That was when Ivy sparked an idea that just might work.

“Hey girls, remember the Herbology class we were enrolled in?” Ivy asked.

“Yeah, why?” Serena asked.

“Didn’t the teacher mention we were going to have a lesson on how to combine sunlight to strengthen plant growth?”

“Oh yeah! I remember, but we haven’t even learned any of those spells yet,” said Crystal.

“Well, it is time to improvise then. Hey swan, over here!” yelled Kristy.

“On my way, little fairies!” shouted Madame Swan.

“Girls hurry, here she comes!” screamed Serena.

“Well, here it goes! SEEDS OF ROSES!” Ivy shouted.

“BEAM OF SUNLIGHT!” Crystal hollered.

“SPEED US!” yelled Kristy.

Suddenly, with the fairies’ combined magic to Ivy’s planted rose seeds, the plants vastly wrapped around Madame Swan. The vines began squeezing her tighter and tighter until she couldn’t move anymore. However, the witches watching were not about to let her go down that easily.

“That tone-deaf ghoul isn’t going down that easily; at least not on my watch! May those vines catch frostbite.” Ices cast her spell turning the plant vines to ashes.

“Oh no! What happened!” Ivy wondered with shock.

“She’s breaking free!” Crystal cried.

“Serena, look out!” Max yelled.

“Oh no!” screamed Serena.

Right before Madame Swan tried to strike Serena, a bright light appeared and out of nowhere stopped everything in time. A heart-shaped scepter then appeared in front of Serena and she heard a young woman’s voice telling her to grab the scepter, and shout Hearts Helix Spasm. Once time unfroze Serena shouted, “HEARTS HELIX SPASM!”

“What the? AHHHHHHHH!” Madame Swan screamed at the top of her lungs before she turned into dust.

The blast from the scepter was so unexpected and powerful that Serena lost her balance and collapsed to the ground.

“Ugh! Those losers ruined our plans again!” Ices screamed.

“Ugh, KD isn’t going to like this.” Jewels disappointingly stated as she hung her head down in shame.

The Vortex and Mectrics vanished within seconds because they weren’t about to take any more chances tonight.

“Serena, are you alright?” Max asked as he reached out his hand to lift her off the ground.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I just wasn’t expecting this new attack to be that powerful,” Serena said, as she regained her balance.

“Speaking of that new attack and power, where did you get that scepter?” asked Crystal.

“Strange thing is I don’t know! All I know is right as the monster charged it was as if time paused and a voice told me to take this scepter and shout Hearts Helix Spasm,” Serena explained.

“Well, whoever the new person that is helping us is, we thank the heavens that they pitched in right on time,” said Ivy.

“Alright, well we should head back to the courtyard and let everyone know that the danger has been disposed of,” said Roux.


“I’m surprised KD hasn’t contacted us and talked about how we failed again,” said Storm.

Next thing you know; Ices’ cellphone began to ring.

“Speak of the devil himself.” Ices sighed, as she picked up the phone.

“By the way, I heard that; thanks for the compliment, but I’m much eviler. Anyway, so what’s your excuse for failing this time, ladies?” King Darwin asked as he shook his head.

“Oh, hush up. Out of nowhere the leading brownie got a magical scepter and turned our little ugly to ash,” explained Ices.

“You said scepter; what did this scepter look like?”

“It was pink and blue, roughly 12-inches long, and screamed girly fairy princess with a heart-shaped gemstone on top.”

“Hmm ladies, it’s time to lie low for a couple of weeks.”

“For what?”

“What did I say about questioning me? Put it this way: you four need to keep a low profile while I do some studying about this magical scepter.”

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