《Chimes》Chapter 15. Find me tomorrow


There first time I was caught stealing? Let me see. I don't know. Do I want to tell you? I never thought I'd grow up to be like this. I wanted to be a Shasi breeder at first. You hear that Kaloas? You could have had it good.

~Lenoa, poking fun at Kaloas

“We have a nice cold room just for you, Lenoa. It's called prison cell fourteen.”

I feel my arm jerk as I'm pushed into a different small room. A metal door and I hear an electronic latch close. The blunt sounds of glassy material, as the soldier who arrested me knocks on the window. He waves and I wave back with a smile. Passive aggressive.

“This is the waiting room....”

At least that is what I call it. I've been to jail a few times and it's not what I have going for me. I used to go there as a visitor. I'm pathetically smooth around my edges. Jail would crush me.

I stand and take one calm look around my cell. My breath isn't too bad in here. It's not so cold. I take a seat on the floor. I huddle up in my coat and pull my arms into the sleeves. I let them flop on the ground and I take another look around me. I'm used to a camera looking down on me. At least there's a screen on the wall so I'm not bored. I tap the screen and try to see what's on. Is there a market connect? Maybe a random chat? It's supposed to keep you docile and entertained while you wait for your verdict. It doesn't really work on me. Most my entertainment comes from Kaloas.

I try to kill some more time. It doesn't work. Earlier, I took a snoop around and one the places I found was the jail. You would think the Snowfell Palace had something bigger. Maybe prisoners just get processed and banished. I look around me. That would be interesting to find out. I also found some storage rooms and a place to train your Shasi. They can kill naturally, but turning them into trained killers is on the agenda for many. I'm not sure how it works though. I still didn't like it. Shasis were too smart for that. Resistance had to be overcome by devious means. The Snowfell Palace is definitely huge. There is a noticeable difference the further down you go.


I stomp the floor beneath me. It's solid and made well. I must be on one of the lower floors. Even if this is a prison, they saved best for the worst. It was well built. I laugh to myself.

Just so you know, I didn't exactly fail at being a con-artist earlier. I meant to get caught. I'm not going to say what I did. A good magician never shares her secrets. All you need to know is that I got to see the duchess. I didn't expect her to lock me up, but I almost succeeded. Kaloas told me it would work out once I met her and I argued with him a while about it. My back hits the wall. I sigh. I slap the cold floor. It's pretty boring in here.

Kaloas is in another cell made for Shasis. I saw his cell when he separated. There were lots of guards. It's funny. I trusted him and now he trusted me not to fail at this. I got us both locked up. I'm happy he is doing his time too. Compared to the torture ship, this a fun place. Should I be concerned for him? I am a little. We have a long history.

Once in a while, I pester Kaloas with questions. He enjoys sharing some of his secrets with me. He was raised in the forest with his many siblings. His mom used to wash his face next to brother and sister. They were his closest ones. When Kaloas is really happy, he closes his eyes and never opens them. He wants me to wash him with the wet cloth and remember with his eyes closed. Technology is changing that. Kaloas usually keeps his eyes available in case he needs to tell me something. Kaloas grew up a happy pup. Then, the changes happened and he became aware of his chosen companion. The scents became vivid he said. This doesn't happen for the evil Shasis. They don't need anyone but themselves.

I didn't know it at the time, but Kaloas took his time finding me. He wanted to enjoy life in the forest, where humans don't know what's going on. He liked eating and watching the children play from a distance at the edge of the forest. The snow castles and snowball fights amused him and peaked his curiosity. Sometimes he would chase the snow-mobiles at the forest edge just to figure out how they worked. He was afraid of people as a pup, but not me. I wish he was afraid of me from time to time. Then, he would give me a better explanation when I asked.


The electronic latch sounds and the metal door opens. Audris is back. He was being questioned and broken down. He didn't look happy.

“I thought you didn't trust me, Audris?”

Audris tries to ignore me. He looks over a few times.

“You've rubbed off on me. I thought I'd better join you and your plan. The guards even thought I was running away when they found me. Don't get me wrong, Lenoa. I seriously thought about leaving,” Audris adds sarcastically. He leans up against the wall opposite of me and waits. I try not to laugh and force a frown.

“So when is this plan of yours going to work?” demands Audris.

“It's not working?” I say facetiously.

“No. Do you even know what they do to you in the interrogation room?” glares Audris.

I shrug. “When it was my first time and I enjoyed it....”

Oh boy. Audris seemed pretty angry. I try to look away. He was pissed and I already convinced him to go along with my plan. It was too late now. Whenever I got caught he was supposed to part paths with me to make it look more realistic. Being caught as a spy was better. That way, the punishment would land us directly at the duchess. Based on the rules, she had a vested interest in who her enemies were using. We were supposed to end up together with the duchess, but not in jail. Kaloas never said that. More time passes and Audris stares at me. He had a look on his face. He was beginning to doubt me and started to think I had genuinely messed things up. He thought I was blaming Kaloas as an excuse.

“You screwed this up didn't you? I know it. Be honest,” glares Audris.

“No... Kaloas just said it would work. We're suppose to be with the duchess,” I exhale.

“Is that what the fur coat said? Do I look like I'm with the duchess?” Audris stares coldly at me.

“Well I like it in here. We won't be here long. Maybe a few days? Or week at most? Soon we will be kicked out of Snowfell together. I need someone to travel with.”

“Together?....” Audris's stare increases in intensity and anger. The silence between us fills the room. I chuckle and it was making it worse. This must be how Kaloas feels when I'm all bent out of shape. It's more fun when your hopes aren't on the line.

I form a calm face. It was completely passable, but there was no switching emotions and getting away with it. Audris knew I was enjoying the moment and laughing inside. The interrogation must have went horribly for him. It's very psychological, and not exactly free of pain. At least one of us was enjoying it. Having fun helps pass the unwanted time. Sometimes in life, you have to wait for the right moment. The problem is you need to pass the time. That's when you socialize.

“It will work out, Audris. I've been hoping through worse..,”

Audris just looks away and shakes his head in disbelief. He rubs his fingers together and tries to ignore me by nibbling his knuckles. I close my lips tight. I stare down at my legs and fix my snow boots. Then, I speak. I had to say it,

“Listen, if things don't work out, you know where to find me tomorrow.”

“Perfect,” he whispers vehemently back at me.

Hours later, the mechanical latch sounds. The cell door opens.

“Oh great a newcomer,” I hear Audris mumble. “Better than Lenoa!” he shouts for all to hear.

The newcomer enters the room. I was nervous. We both were.

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