《Chimes》Chapter 12. You can have it all for free


I remember giving my wife her revolver. I had it all planned out. She was sad and I wanted to cheer her up and didn't know how to. I took her to the frozen lake when no one was around. The one I proposed to her at. The sky was clear, the home world was bright and beautiful. You could still see the lines in the ice from all the ice skaters. There was a figure in the distance and I punched him in the face. The snowman died and I took his gun. I made him myself. Who needs a Shasi to protect you when you have a revolver?


Stupid girl.

I must tell you how I feel. I was still angry about what happened, but even that was the past now. I couldn't go around chasing stupid dogs and Lenoas. I had my drink and I still had few packs of cigarettes tucked away. To me, that was heaven enough.

The Mastals would do something drastic soon. I was sure of it. My cold exhale rises into the night sky. I could make out more lights that usual. Another battle was coming and it would be bigger than the last. The home world was on the move and the Mastals were facing a war of attrition if no one acted - everyone was. Hopefully they would attempt to invade the home world and just wear us down like they had been. No battles here. They had more to gain quickly that way and it would gives us time to be left alone. That wouldn't win the war for them though. Short-term gains are just a fantasy. The Mastals had to kill our fleet and the home world's, if they wanted to be uncontested. It was within their grasp. They were lucky the home world was divided and refused to come to our aid en masse. The whole situation was more complex than we all realized. No one could stop the Mastal's fleets all alone. It was too much.


I needed time alone to collect my thoughts. I open up my last bit of soup. I had bought it on the way here and I was glad I saved it for now. I wasn't my plan originally.

I take a sip of beer and wash it down with my salty soup to kill the taste. I thought about the whole bar ordeal. Lots of people I didn't trust, but I was looking for a friend. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy getting free things too, but I'm not naive about it. How can I put this? The Mastals and the duchess are in a pissing match to see who has the bigger icicle. It's about control.

The stars twinkle above me. I listen to the wind blow through some nearby trees among some small flurries of snow. I let out a sigh. Another sigh follows mine. That Lenoa was back!

“You can have your gun back...”

“I don't want it anymore. It reminds me of her.”

“Of who?”

“My dead wife.”

I didn't need protection. I never carried it around for protection in the first place. I carried it around because it belonged to my wife. It reminded me of her. I bought it for her when her Shasi died. He died keeping her safe just like me. I tried. Life has a funny way of telling you to move on. I just wanted to find my place in this fairy tale we call life. I think it found me. I take another look at Lenoa. She was pretty in the eyes that worked well with her smile when she wasn't faking it. I could see why her Shasi chose her. She still had a heart. There was still some kid left deep inside her – like she believed in the fairy tales. An empty air flows between us. Briefly, I forget about Lenoa.


I watch Lenoa's eyes flicker. That meant her Shasi was near me too. She called him Kaloas. What a strange name for a fur coat. Lenoa taps my shoulder.

“Hello? You can have your gun back!”

“I don't want it.”

“What if I just left it here?”

“I don't want it. You'd better not get too close. I have a punch coming and it's built on a promise.” I stare at Lenoa and she tries to smile. I don't smile back and she plays around with my revolver awkwardly.


“Well what?”

“Take it.”


“Take it!”


Lenoa's eyes widen. Some other newcomers had arrived. I turn around. One had a blade out. He didn't look too friendly. The fur on Kaloas's back was raised, but he remained calm. There was eight of them. A foolish fight if they chose to attack. It was too dark to make out if they had guns. It would tilt the odds in their favor though. Maybe not so foolish.

“What are you two doing out here?” smiles the lead man. He looked well fed. He didn't get that way by being a friend of the forest. I look back at Lenoa.

“I will gladly take that back now.”

Crack! Crack!

Two shots later two of the newcomers land dead. I didn't hesitate. My shots were direct and quick, just like my dad taught me. The remaining six gangsters look up in shock. They realized they bit off more than they could chew. Kaloas would easily take care of the rest with me. Bite and wound. Let the blood flow until weak. Fast movements to disorient continually. I knew how Shasis worked when outnumbered and couldn't make a successful leap for the neck.

“Don't think we don't have guns of our own. We'll come back newcomer! We'll do it!” The lead henchman seethes as he motions the others away. They gangsters were looking for an easy pick. I guess they never expected Lenoa to have my revolver.

“You have good aim.”

Lenoa was still shocked. You could tell she was scared. She was hiding behind the log I was sitting on and whispering with Kaloas. She relied on him to do most of the fighting. It seemed that way. I didn't want to punch Lenoa in the face anymore. I never really did. Her Shasi would have bit through my neck by the time it came close to landing. I pause as Kaloas comes up to me. He seemed to like me and I could tell he wished I had some contacts on too.

“What's he saying?” I ask Lenoa.

“Hold on. He's saying we need to get underground. He wants you to meet the duchess. It's part of my story, or so he says. He says you'll protect me for now. That's why he did it.”

Lenoa shrugs. She didn't always agree with Kaloas. Maybe it was the new contacts she was using that translated what he said. They couldn't be her originals. Whoever she stole them from must have been glad to get rid of them. I'm not being serious. They looked expensive. It was a huge loss for them.

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