《Chimes》Chapter 8. Running from lost love


I always wanted to get married. So I did. You listen to the fairy tales your parents read you and you want to live them. You want to find your special one. Why does everyone have to be so bitter about it? I'll tell you why. People ruin everything.

~ Audris

“Your name again sir?”

“Audris. I don't have an unusual name.”

In Editta they have an inn I used to stay at with my dad. Before he died we used to take a trip there to get away. I never liked trapping Shasis for their fur or shooting them. You can never quite be sure which ones aren't the evil ones. As as boy it made me feel bad, but as I grew older I realized that survival is even less merciful. It's better to keep the fire burning with a few pelts.

“We don't have you on our list. Wait here.”


“Excuse me, sir?”

“Can you put me in first available room then?”

“I can do that for you, sir.”

I'm not a fool or an idiot. I know when someone tampers with my business and this was just one of those cases. The police were already speaking with the lady at the front desk in private. I was sure of it. She kept going back to the room with the phone. My new room was a trap. It was time to go outside and the worst part was, I was short of a good meal. The inns always had great meals. It was part of the reason I used to go with my dad on his trips.

I head outside for a smoke break, leaving my bag in me. It would give a me moments and make it look like I was coming back. A huge loss, but I knew I needed the extra time. Sometimes your intuition is the best bag to carry. I was already nothing when I started my journey. I wasn't going to end up that way.


Outside I passed several snow mobiles and Shasis. The smell of hot food lured me to the side of room and I eyed each place hoping it was safe to eat. I found the shortest line possible and walked up to it. It was full of locals, huddling to gather warmth from each other's presence. The vendors were serving a kind of warm broth with stuffed vegetables. It was hot and that is what I wanted. The steam blurs our the neon signs as I take a sip and burn my tongue. I was upset, but not entirely. Just a little too eager to blend in.

Several police run by, followed by the lights of two Mastal ships in the distance. Whoever they were after was hot on their list. I tug my collar around my neck for more warmth and start talking with those near me. It reminded me of my chats with Sally. We would talk about everything from time to time. Mostly we would talk about the Snowfell Palace. It's where the few nobles that remained hid themselves. They were called Nylanis. Even the Shasis knew that in their fairy tale stories.

I watch as screen near me plays some sort of commercial. I wasn't interested. At least I was close to where I needed to be. There was an old snow-mobile rental near me and at least cash could fit nicely on the inside of my coat. I didn't need a bag for that.

“Let me have another one for the road. The snow will fall again.”

I make a vow to the vendor for an extra cup of soup. My word was good. The vendor knew my father and me as a boy. His name was Alex.

“All grown up Audris and you're still coming here. I always knew you just came for the food.”

“You spoiled me,” I manage to say.

Alex nods. He knew something was wrong and it wasn't bigger than he thought. It had been a while since I came to Editta and walked among its frozen streets. He could tell I was fleeing for good. I was sure of it. I never brought my revolver with me to town.


“Listen Audris. I heard about your wife....”

I try not to pay attention. I try not to listen to fairy tales. My wife had to be alive somehow. The police were lying. Alex was wrong. Everyone was a liar and that meant everything was possible. Life was merely the fantasy.

“I saw her body” Alex manages to say. “It's not a lie. It's real.”

“Maybe you're the killer,” I retort.

“No. She was killed by something else. Pretty sure it was a Shasi. I saw the Mastals come when they took her body. They were looking for something. Thought it may help you on.... whatever it is you're running from.”

I bite on my tongue, My hands tremble and some soup spills over my cup. My health was returning with every bit of food I ate. Which each sip and bite, came my sorrow. You can't wish away reality. It grows inside you until you acknowledge it. I make eye contact with Alex and look away. At least he cared enough to give me the truth. That's how it is on Elissa Moon. A small bit of truth breaks the warmth in your mouth. The neon sign above the booth hurts my eyes. It lights Alex's face adding shades of orange, red, and pink.

“You're as cold as the snow Alex,” I say angrily.

I get ready to walk away in silence, but Alex stops me.

“You find peace, Audris.” he says with the cloud of his breath.

“Thank you. I'll try.”

I give Alex a hug. When I was younger he used to give me free soup. My dad would always pay for me anyways out of kindness. He didn't want Alex or his family to starve either. That's why I always remembered him. When you're little everything is free. The illusion always tastes better. It's why I had to stop and say goodbye. You see, I never truly believed I would make it to the Snowfell Palace. Part of me wanted to get caught and die. Part of me truly thought it would happen. I was ready for it. I am ready for it. I even left my bag behind with a note that said it was property of Sally Deton at the inn. Don't believe everything you see and hear. Life isn't a fairy tale. I never thought I would make it this far you know. The police should have had me at the inn, but now they're a little late.

“Get out of here and find your neon love again. No loitering,” smiles Alex.

I would find peace, especially if I died. It wouldn't be a tragedy. My fairy tale would be over. I would get the lady in the end and be re-united with my wife on the other side. Maybe I would even get to find her murderer and push them into an endless frozen ocean. It's more frightening than you think, My eternal entertainment. A Mastal sniper team passes me and my nervousness rises. Police were already walking around offering rewards for information on the Shingles killer. I thought about helping them. The reward seemed pretty nice. It was legally mine, if I lived through the interrogation.

“Watch yourself, Audris!,” gasps Alex.

Alex covers for me again by spinning me around. He hands me a spoon and more soup as if I bought it. About part way through I cut him off and say goodbye for real. It was time to rent a snow-mobile and leave it all behind.

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