《Chimes》Chapter 2. Stumbling in the Snow


I used to go sledding down the big hill. The kids with their Shasis were there and they'd poke fun at me. Their Shasis would pull them down the hill faster than me and I didn't have one. I decided to lag behind in life too. As an adult, it made the journey feel more complete.


I stumble out into the snow outside.

The deathly air. The sting of cold on my hands. I take one last look back at Shingles. I can imagine Sally crying, but I'm too shocked at myself to take another look. You see, things haven't been the same since my wife died. I don't really want revenge on her killer at the moment. I just want to find my place in the world again. Life has forced me to start from scratch.

It will be a while before the police come. They always come late on Elissa Moon.

I never liked where I grew up. A snowy planet, with neon everywhere. Imagine neon packed between the houses and run down shops. The loneliness of an icicle that never melts, missed by the street shovel. The crunch of your feet follow you. The cold and open sky isn't as refreshing as you would think. It bites at you, like your mind. A lonely bite that can only fade to numbness.

I make my way in the direction of my home. My tracks blend into the other footsteps as if I was walking home. I change direction toward a nearby snow town. The passing of sleds and brief stares give a sense of normality to me. I regain consciousness and try my best to pull my jacket tight. I trudge along and try to make sense of everything.

“Elissa Moon,” I whisper. Elissa Moon is really known as Nylanis or more commonly “Neon Love”, but you wouldn't know that. You're not a local like me. I know all about what goes on. I read the news and laugh. What can reading give you when you experience something else? Something real. That's what I want to experience. Everything is dark and fake. Not all the people. Just in general, ever since the Mastals took control.


I pause and take a look up at the night sky. The stars glisten and among them like old city lights - the many added lights of the Mastals and their space stations. They own this place, but not by default. It's more like they want to own this planet, or whatever it is. It's kind of like the armor they wear. It cuts and divides across their bodies in layers and somewhere underneath you hope to find a human.

The outskirts of the town pass behind me. I can only wonder why time has passed so quickly. I'm scared for my life, but even my fear is finally freezing. The outline of a several trees poke through the deep blue above them. The home world shines like a moon over us, seemingly small against the darkness - two lonely inhabited planets in the universe. It's likes it's watching over us too, only not so oppressively.

My rub my numb hands and try to reach for a cigarette. I'm out and toss the empty pack into the snow. I lift my heavy legs and make my way to a nearby building. It's still lit like I left it. I hope to stay there the night. No one comes out by the woods here. There wilds things out there. Among them the Shasis.

What is a Shasi? I will try to tell you the best way I can. Everyone gets a Shasi unless you're a loser like me. Either one chooses you or they don't. They are like wolves maybe an over-sized dog, only they know more than us. I know this for a fact. I've used the communicators before. They attach them to our eyes, like contacts, that make a connection. The technology that came with the Mastal's arrival is in full swing. I'm not sure if they stole it from us. We can talk with the Shasis and know their thoughts. It's funny. Even the Shasis aren't immune to the neon of this forsaken planet. The communicators we tagged them with shine with their glances. You'll see soon enough. Grab one of them and stare into its eyes. You'll know everything and you'll hear their thoughts like your own ears.


I curse at a loud crack and cover my head. The wind stops chilling my spine as I step inside the building. It bang the door a few times and kick the snow back. The lousy door wouldn't close all the way. I'm surprised the fireplace is still burning, but at least it's warm. I sit myself in my old chair and choke on the dust. It's been a while since I walked this far. The nearby window pulls me in and I take a look out across the blanket of snow. It's like the planet is fast asleep. It fell asleep too quickly. I see several lights land not to far off like shooting stars. Mastal soldiers headed to the city in their space ships. It will be a while before they make it to the town I call home. Poor Sally. Shingles won't be the same when the manhunts start. I'm sure they'll find out I killed the fat man and pursue me. He was one of their paid idiots. There's too many of them these days. Too bad they don't care about finding a true killer. The police don't care about finding my wife. They serve the Mastals now. My dead wife serves no purpose to them.

My wrist aches as I grab the poker and drag it across the floor. The fire hisses as I jab at it and look around for more wood. “I know I put it somewhere,” I think. It doesn't matter. This place is dirty and I hate it. At least I'll be safe here for the night. I hope I'm safe. Although, I don't care anymore. If I die, God help me. Help me see her one last time before you send me to hell. Let me see my wife as Audris not the murderer that I know I am.

My revolver falls to the ground as I lean against the chair. I don't care.... I'm glad I have it.

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