《Black God of Lightning.》69. The demon dagger returns.


A white light flashed and from it, a dark-skinned man appeared. Once the light subsided the dark-skinned man looked around. Eyeing and checking where he had teleported to. This man was none other than Lucas Lightningstorm. When Lucas looked at his location, he saw that he was in the middle of a forest. But it had a different vibe than the one he was at before. So he knew he wasn't back in the forest of Talem. After scoping his surroundings, Lucas asked, ' Thea, I'm not seeing any monsters what am I supposed to be doing? Burning down the trees?'

[ Ha, ha! Very funny. But for your information, if you walk up ahead you will see a village of orcs. Go and decimate them. They will provide you with a lot of EXP. Oh, and stop complaining otherwise next time I'll teleport you into the enemies base.]

Laughing at Thea getting triggered,' You'll die too, stupid'

[Mxm, just get on with your training.]

So Lucas began walking and just as Thea had said. Up ahead was a village even though he couldn't see it all too well yet. The trees were making it hard to see but also because he was still a distance away. Lucas kept walking until he was 50 meters away. Then he prepped his mana and activated mana-eyes. Now that his vision was a lot better he could see into the village. After counting, he counted there to be at least 50 orcs. Some were clad in light armour others were dressed in heavy armour. But one thing that was for sure, is that they were all of the warrior class.

The next order of business was to see how strong they were. Lucas was level 18 and boasted a strength stat of 40 points and Intelligence of 62, so he was no ordinary pleb. But that did not make him reckless. He wanted to know what he was getting himself into before he went in. Activating mana-eyes again he scanned over the orcs that were the biggest. Then he said, "Attribute check."

Race: Orc

Level: 25

Bloodline: None


Strength – 50

Dexterity – 37

Intelligence – 9

Wisdom – 11


Lucas gasped at the strength and the levels of the orcs. Of these high-level orcs, luckily there were only 5 of them. Then there were the ones who are medium in size. He looked at them and checked their attributes. Of the 45 left, 20 of them were mid-level.

Race: Orc

Level: 22

Bloodline: None


Strength – 38

Dexterity – 29

Intelligence – 8

Wisdom – 9

The rest were the smaller ones. They amounted to 25.

Race: Orc

Level: 19

Bloodline: None


Strength –32

Dexterity – 21

Intelligence – 8

Wisdom – 7

Now that Lucas had seen what he was up against, he began thinking of a way to deal with them all. He couldn't snipe all the high-level ones from far away as they were not together in a group. They were scattered around the entire premises. Lucas wondered if he was going to go in as a Warrior or a Mage? Maybe both. Maybe even resort to guerilla tactics if he had to. While he thought he ate some of the fruit that was still in Thea's storage. Once he came to a conclusion he began his plan. Truthfully, it wasn't much of a plan.


Lucas activated combat mode then he equipped the demon dagger. Because Lucas hadn't used it in a while the dagger emitted an impressive amount of bloodlust. It would have corroded Lucas's mind if it wasn't for combat mode. Once he had a hold of the urge to kill, he activated Wind's affection. Then he activated the invisibility ring.

When the preparations were complete Lucas ran towards the village. This village was made out of wood. It didn't have walls, the trees around it served as a wall. Where the village was there were no trees. It had all been cut down. There were about 5 meters of empty space from the trees to the village. It was as if this village was temporary. The only thing it had going for it was its size but because orcs are big creatures. Naturally, the environment in which they live has to be big too.

Lucas prepped his mana, then with wind's affection active, he dashed down to the village. He did not use: as that would alert the orcs of his position. He simply ran using his own pace. Which was quite fast too. Lucas could run 100 meters in 5 seconds. That was his top speed. Of course, he did not run that fast here but he ran fast enough.

Lucas planned to enter from the rear part of the village. There they had 1 high-level guard and a few low-level orcs. Out of all the sides to enter from this was by far the easiest. While being invisible Lucas walked forward. There were no trees to cover him. He ran slowly for 3 meters and then he dashed forward with all his strength. Gripping his demon dagger tightly and prepping his mana. He appeared in front of the troop of orcs. He headed for the high-level orc first. The rest could be taken care of easily. Grasping his demon dagger, Lucas appeared on the right side of the orc. Then he swiftly stabbed the dagger in the throat of the orc cutting through the tough meat of the orc. There was no resistance it was as easy as jumping in a pool of water. The sharpness of the blade was unparalleled because of the runes on it.

Once Lucas saw that the knife had entered he twisted the knife cutting the orc's carotid artery in two. Lucas also severed its oesophagus. When Lucas pulled out his dagger blood poured out ceaselessly. Trying to stop the bleeding but also choking on its own blood the orc died. Then Lucas focused his attention on all of the underlings around the high-level orc. With his mana still prepped, he released 10 arcane arrows. They split into 10 different angles while Lucas ran forward, towards a low-level orc that the arcane arrows weren't heading to. The arcane arrows splitting looked like decoy flares a plan fires out. Once they moved, the arcane arrows instantly pierced all the orcs in the head. They fell to the ground with a thump. They didn't even have time to react before their brains got pierced. Brain matter and blood littered the floor. This was the effect of activating mana-eyes with combat mode. Predictive analysis, plus being able to see things in slow motion allowed Lucas to fight like this. He only needed to look at you for a fraction of a second and then he had a mental picture of where you are standing in his brain (unless you move shortly afterwards. But even then predictive analysis would give an estimate as to where you could be. Wasn't always accurate but it was dependable). So then he could concentrate on the person who warranted the attention.


Still moving forward Lucas appeared in front of a low-level orc. Grasping his dagger, he cut the head off the orc in one motion. Thump, the head fell on the ground. After the feast of blood, Lucas felt the daggers bloodlust decrease. But its greed was still there. So holding the hilt Lucas stabbed the dagger into the dead bodies of all the orcs. The knife sucked out every morsel of blood in the bodies of the orcs. Once everything was absorbed the daggers size increased. It was originally 8 inches. But by using the rune of blood it transformed the blood into the necessary material to increase the size.

Now holding a 25cm ( 10 inch) dagger Lucas moved to the west side. Its difficulty was one level above the south side. With swift movements and surgical-like cuts, Lucas killed another High-level orc, 6 medium orcs and 8 low-level orcs. However, unlike before, this wasn't down in complete stealth. The last orc he had to kill had enough time to let out a shout of distress before his head was cut off cleanly.


" Shit!" Lucas thought. Stabbing his knife into the corpses of all of the dead orcs around him. But then suddenly he thought of a play that could turn this situation into a favourable one. Lucas quickly prepped his mana and then he initiated . Breaking the ground he ran in a rectangle formation of 10 meters by 5. Once he was done he ran into the forest. Removing himself from the scene.

" What was that sound?"

" It sounded like it came from the Westside."

" Are the ogres attacking again?"

" I don't know? I'll get a detail. And then we will check."

" Be quick."

" Yes, sir."

After much scattering about the High- level orc took 19 other orcs to where they heard the disturbance. They were looking for ogres but found nothing. Ogres are big creatures so you can see them from far yet they couldn't find the ogres... When they reached the west gate they saw all of the bodies on the floor. They saw severed heads on the ground too.

" Wait here. I'll go check the situation myself."

" Yes, sir." The rest replied in unison.

Going by himself the orc looked around for activity. But there was none. This was odd because ogres don't attack like this. They more of the brute force type. ' Humans' the orc thought. Then he examined the body of a fallen orc. But to his surprise, there was no blood inside the corpse. When he first saw the severed heads he assumed it had to be the work of humans. But now that there was no blood inside the bodies. The orc shivered and thought, 'Demons.' But before he was going to let fear take over him. He called his brethren to take a look. Maybe they would come to a different conclusion.

One by one the rest came and checked the bodies of the dead orcs. After observation droplets of cold sweat could be seen on the foreheads of all the orcs.

Gulping at the unpleasant atmosphere the high-level orc asked, " Well, what do you think? Who could have done this?"

Silence was the only answer he got. Even though words were not said. Their eyes were communicating expressively. Not one orc was free of the grip of fear.

When the high-level orc saw the expressions of his fellow orcs, he gulped again, " You don't think it's them do you?" Truthfully, that's exactly what he thought. That's why he called them in the first place.

But again he got silence as an answer. Which in fact was the perfect answer. As it summed up the fear they were feeling.

'It can't be. It's way too early. I had heard they were on the move. But is it already happening? The Purge.'

The Purge was what all monsters named the event. It's when all the demons go around killing monsters and absorbing their blood. This, in turn, makes the demons stronger. The demons usually go on a massive killing spree. Before they go to war. The orcs had heard the demons were making movements. That insinuated that they were preparing for war. Because of that, all monsters across the Land of Zul'ras were preparing food and then planning to go and migrate somewhere else. They just needed to leave this land before The Purge. But by the looks of it. They were already too late. As the drained corpses signified that it had already started.

" Quick! Go call the capt-"

Before the orc could complete those words it was burnt to a crisp. A 3-meter tall rectangle of fire erupted from the ground. Burning everything in its wake. Yes, this was Lucas's four-point hell's formation. Which he had set up before. Looking at the 3-meter tall wall of flames Lucas knew that there was no way the rest of them wouldn't see that. But judging by his calculations there were only a few left so it didn't matter. Looking at the flames the dagger cried. As now it couldn't absorb the blood of those orcs. You can't absorb blood from a charred corpse. Even if you could, you couldn't absorb it from dust. Because after the fire subsided there was nothing left. Every corpse had returned to the ground they came from. The smell of burnt corpses rippled through the village. It was a foul smell. Orcs never smelt good, to begin with. Burning them made the smell ten times worse.

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