《Black God of Lightning.》65. Another bet?


Lucas couldn't help but think today was a waste of time. He came here to learn and this was cutting it. The only class he found interesting was projectile accuracy. He knew he had to change this and quickly. So once class was over he took out his student card. Then he tapped the Reckwerth logo. Suddenly a hologram was projected into the air. He swiped to the rightmost side where you could make calls. Then he typed in Silvya Rouge. Then he clicked "call Silvya Rouge." Once he clicked the option Lucas's student card's AI said, " This student hasn't turned on friends only as such your call will go through. But please hold. The student is currently busy with a call. Please hold the student is still busy with a call... Please hold the student is still busy with a call..."

This repeated itself over and over again. So Lucas put it on silence. He would be able to tell if it connected because then the hologram would turn green. At least that was what he was told by a student during the lecture with Rachel Vinnay. After 5 minutes the hologram turned green. So Lucas turn silent mode off. It was then when he heard.


The voice was loud and it resounded across the area Lucas was standing. Many people looked at him like he was a creep. Like he was a stalker. Other guys looked at him with sympathy. To them, it looked like he had a crush on some girl and clearly it wasn't mutual. Others laughed as it is often seen as comical to laugh at others misfortune.

Lucas, on the other hand, was quite puzzled. If anything he had told her yesterday. That she wasn't his type. Was this revenge? Was she trying to kill his reputation? Nonetheless, Lucas just said, " I know. And I already told you. That I am not interested in you either. You are not my type."

In a voice filled with shock, Silvay Rouge said, " Lucas?"

" Yes! Who else!?"

" Ah haha. Sorry man. My phone has been blowing up with phone calls from guys asking me out on dates. There is this one pesky guy who keeps phoning. He doesn't give up no matter how many times I say no."

" Haha. No worries. I'm not one of those guys. But you know you can go to settings and turn off calls from strangers. That way people you haven't added yourself can't call you. So after this send me a friend request then we can call each other. And you won't greet me by making me look like a stalker in front of the entire academy."

" Haha. I'm so sorry. I was just so annoyed. But I'm guessing you didn't call me just for chit-chat. Do you want me and Jastin to meet you somewhere? Cause I can come if you want? "

" No, None of that today. I actually just want some information. Since you're from a Royal family I'm sure you have a lot of genius siblings who have skipped a year ahead. How did they do that?"


" Ooh, is this what you wanted to ask me. Well, I don't know if it's the same in this Kingdom. But you need to go to each and every lecturer and tell them that you want to skip a year ahead. They will then test you on the year's work. If you can pass the written and practical test with 90% and above. You will then be allowed to skip this year's work. In my country, you have a week to complete it. And if you don't you have to stay in the class for the whole year. Don't know if it's the same here. But rather safe than sorry right."

" Okay, I understand. Thank you very much."

" Wait! Before you go. What are going to do now?"

" I am going to the library to go over next semesters work because I already memorised everything for this semester."

" Ha! Don't lie! You don't need to act cool with me. I get that from other guys. Like there is no way you could remember all that information so quickly. Plus you have two extra elements. That means two extra classes than me and two extra books. Just one book is 1000 pages you know. There is no way you have memorized more than 4000 words already."

" I did though. You will just see."

" No, I won't. How about this. Let's make a bet."

" Are you serious. You know you are in the predicament you are in because you made a bet. "

" This is this. That is that."

" Pride is a silent death that sneaks up on all of us..."

" What, you want to talk about pride. You are the quintessence of vain. Mr I can memorise the entire semester in a day. Uh, I'm so cool. So let's have another bet. What are you scared? Are you a man or not?"

" Sorry. I am not your run of the mill guy. I don't feel threatened when you challenge my manhood. Plus. What do I gain from this bet? You are my lackey. There is nothing from you I can't take. If I wanted too."

" Well true. You can take anything from me. But can you take it in good conscience? So what if I offered you 200 pieces of gold if you win, would you accept then? "

" Mmm, that is enticing. Okay, I'm interested. What do you want from me?''

" If I win then we cancel the Lackey contract."

" Deal... How long do I have?"

" Well according to your statistics. It took you a day to learn a full semester. Then it should take another day to learn the rest. As such, I'll give you until tomorrow to study. Then you must request the tests from your teachers. And then you need to pass them well and then be promoted. So if I see you in Water 1A on Thursday you lose the bet and I win. Deal?"

" Sounds good to me."


" Great then. I'll be taking my leave. Looking forward to being free."

" Haha as much as I sympathize. You will lose. Hopefully when I win. You'll have learnt your lesson. Because I don't bet unless I'm 100% sure. But see you soon."

With that Lucas cancelled the call and then made his way to the Library. He knew where it was because the day the gave the tour. The Library was one of the first places they showcased. Lucas remembered the Iconic building. With its olden day architecture. Once Lucas arrived he walked into the Library. There were many people inside. It was truly a busy place. Then Lucas spotted a librarian so he walked up to her. She was sitting in her chair. Behind an office. Once Lucas got there he asked her if he could read the books he needed to.

" Yes, you can. But I see you are a first year. Classes have just begun. Why do you already want to read the seconds semesters work? You shouldn't get ahead of yourself. Yes, I know you are number one. But there is an order to these type of things. If you get the order wrong. You will do more harm than good."

" I already know all the work in the first semester. And I want to check if it's the same for the second semester. If so I want to take the skip test. So that's why I need the new books."

" Aaah, I see. You really are a genius. Please come this way. I will show you where you can find your books. But please show me your student card so that I can make sure you are reading the write books and versions of them."

Lucas handed his student card to her. Once she saw it she gasped. As Lucas was registered for all the elements. This meant he could control all the elements. Making him a rare occurrence. Amongst the people that had to take test 3.

Once she confirmed which books Lucas needed she led him around the library and then she took them out.

" Now that you have all your books. And that you know where they are. Please study diligently. As these books aren't yours. Since it's the incorrect semester. You cannot take them out of the library. When you want to study please come and find them where you found them."

" I understand."

Then the librarian walked away. Now that she was gone Lucas needed to find a place to sit so that he could begin his studies. Once he found a seat he put all his books down. It was a total of 8 books. Each book had about 1000 to 1200 pages. Once Lucas was settled in his seat he looked at the books and was took a deep breath. If this was in his previous life. Learning all this would take months. But now he could do it in seconds. So Lucas touched all the books and then asked Thea to do her part. As such Thea duplicated the books. Now Lucas knew everything. He did not assimilate it into knowledge as the work was flawed. He just needed to know the information. Once he was done he returned all the books and walked out the Library. He greeted the librarian on the way out with a smile and a wave.

The librarian was shocked to see Lucas leave the library minutes after he walked in. Did he not want to take the skip test. If so why is he leaving so early? She saw how much work Lucas had to go through. And she knew that it would take a long time to memorise all that information. As such Lucas had no time to be playing around. He should be studying every second he had a chance. But here he is walking out the Library with a smile. Was he not serious about the tests? Was this all a joke to him. She sighed, " He will regret not using his time efficiently."

Once Lucas left the library. He knew he knew everything. Now he just needed to practice the practical part of the test. There were a few new things that Lucas needed to learn. It was mainly to do with Projectile Accuracy and Mage combat. There were application and things he had yet to learn there. That was required to pass the year. So once he got the training area he would practice them to ensure he passes the test. Lucas got to the E rank, Training Area. Once he did walked inside and found the simulation booth that was reserved for him. In this booth, he had all the time in the world. There was no timer. Once Lucas got into the blue room Lucas selected a grassy plain again. Once he did the door disappeared and the room was constructed. Lucas was now standing on an open field. With the wind blowing through his hair, lifting his coat ever so slightly.

After enjoying the serene winds. Lucas got down to business. The first order of business was being able to infuse mana into your eyes. This would allow you to see what the human eye couldn't see. This was called " Mana eyes". This was how Rachel Vinnay was able to shoot targets at the speed she did. By infusing mana into her eyes. What seemed like a blur to the human eye. Was nothing to her. Once you reached a high enough level. You could see the flow of mana around you too. With this, you could see when traps where being set up. The higher your control the more your eyes could see through the traps of others. Because people with a high skill level could hide their traps too. So an eye of an equal level was needed to see through the skill. This was one of the keys Lucas needed to know. He wanted to know how and know he knew.

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